You can see that I'm using a magazine to protect my mat from inking and such
and it makes the notebook I'm playing with look quite small! So far I've embossed the front with a Cuttlebug folder and inked it with some fluid chalk. I have in mind to decorate odd pages and write in some fun quotations. The embellishments which are frankly, neatly arranged around my magazine mat are from a Scrapagogo kit that I was gifted - lucky me. You can probably make out the pegs...still got a bit to do to one - more on that later, and the other 3 are awaiting the touch of wrapping paper. As is the white foam stuff poking out at left. It's a ca
nvas print that I ordered from Snapfish. The photo has reproduced onto the canvas beautifully, but OMGee, the finish of the canvas around the frame is pretty shoddy - which is why it's on my desk..I need to do something before I can wrap it up. The alternative - send it back, of course - isn't an option for me now, left it too late, see. Of course, I intend to tell Snapfish of my disappointment, so will let you know if they respond positively, in the interest of balance!
There's nothing Christmassy on my desk - except a handful of unwritten cards which will carry forward to next year - at least in my early panic I got enough cards done!
Come on then, take five and show us your desk..we wanna see what you're working on and what you've got. Post a comment here or eme with a photo to upload for you. There's a WOYWW button in the top left margin if you'd like to add one to your blog.
Blimey, looks like I am first off the mark today! And after all those months dithering whether to show you my stopping me now hun! Sorry to hear you have had probs with Snapfish..not used them before ...hoping you manage to get it looking how you want it anyways....have a great Christmas hun x
Hope you have a creative Christmas! I'd be unhappy looking at the canvas knowing it looked like that on the back! LOL
Thanks for your comment Julia and a very happy Christmas to you too!
fab desk :) cant believe its weds already lol not playing this week cause sooooo busy but i'll be back in the new year :)
thanks for the inspiration have a lovely christmas and new year xxx
I actually thought your desk looked pretty good today Julia! (Maybe I'm just getting immune to the pics lol!)
If I ever get to grips with how my blasted camera works, I may try and join in with all this fun in 2010!
Just wanted to thank you for all the laughs your blog has given me Julia.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry one and a happy and peaceful New Year.
It’s good to see that you’re still beavering away there Julie!
What a shame about the canvas. I hope that you get some positive reaction from Snapfish to make up for the disappointment.
Here’s my WOMWD photo for this week.
Thanks for stopping by.
You could never get on my nerves ... when I say never I probably mean rarely ... when I say rarely ... I probably mean not that often ... when I say not that often I probably mean more often than not ... Ok ... you win! Keep doing what you do Julie and Thank you so much for all the fun Wednesdays this year and the other fun days too ... Have a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year X
No work being done by yours truly today but I have put up what was finished at my desk yesterday :-) Hoping you all have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.
A x
I've played along again,
Merry Christmas Julia.
Hi Julia - guess what?
I've made it on the right day!
Your desk looks busy - I hope you get everything done that needs doing - bad luck with the canvas though - that's an extra job you probably could have done without.
Oh my Julia, your desk looks quite good this week! No nasty skin rash forming or anyfing!! LOL Poop to the canvas... what the heck were they thinking when they did that? I am sure you will be able to tidy it up though.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and Mr Dunnit and all the little Dunnits!!
oh I don't think your desk looks too bad this week, you can see some of the wood of the desk!
here's mine
Hi Julia hope you are well, I tried to click to enlarge your photo this week so I could have a closer look but it wont enlarge for me so I can't get a close up would love to see your book in more detail maybe when its finished you'll show us more
Here's my desktoday full of the usual mess
Merry Christmas darling
Hugs Susie xx
wow that sucks that the finish of the canvas is so dissapointing...I'm curious to see what you do with it to fix it. My space is yet uneventful again this week...if only I had enough time in my day to make a mess of my scrapping...
Sorry to hear about the canvas - hope you get some recompense. Love the busy workspace. Mine is very similar to last week - just different piles of boxes - you can see it here
Wishing you a Happy Christmas x
I think your desk looks very calm today Julia. lots of desk top can be seen and a project is being worked on. LOVELY :)
I'm back from a xmas visit to the cinema with K (child from work) and i can highly recommend avatar. We both enjoyed three hours of CGI and popcorn.
I think most of your workspaces look reasonably tidy! I love WOYWD, makes me feel so much better about my own workspace (a newly acquired ikea desk!). I'm sure I'll join in soon (my excuse this week is that I'm away for the holidays!)
I'm afraid that I've got no WOYWW post today cos I am not at home and it's just been too busy!! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!
It doesn't look messy at all, very, very ordered in fact! Shame about the canvas, hope you get some feedback from them and that you manage to sort it out before you give it as a pressie. Well I can't join in this time as my work desk (the dining table) has now had to be put back to intended use for eating off, you can imagine how long that took! No crafting for me for a few days! Didn't have time to finish my Christmas banner before the clean up which was annoying. Well have a lovely Christmas Julia and happy new year too, I'm already looking forward to the great laughs you'll give me in the new year. Chris :)
Hi, ok missed this week, duue to last minute work, and getting stuick in a traffic jam! ooh wouldn't be hapy with that frame finish either.. off now to cook mince pies! yes even at 6.30AM ! lol
Happy Christmas
Your Desk looks great that canvas on the other hand I'd be TICKED about it looks like they didn't even stretch it proper just a rush job
Hope they do something for you about it and with Xmas here I've really missed Wed ..where did it go :)
hugs Nikki
NO WAY - not only my desk but my entire scraproom is a disaster area to allow the rest of the house to look organized and pretty....
THANKS so much for visiting my blog in December - I enjoyed visiting you too - hope we can keep in touch in 2010. Merry xmas to you and your family too.
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