Friday, 26 February 2010
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Decisions Decisions
Text is a weakness of mine; one of the reasons I got into scrapbooking was the journalling potential. Leaving all my blether for future generations is an irresistible idea! Of course, that would imply that I have a sense of self-importance that may be slightly exaggerated. Moi? Bit like blogging really, it's all about affirmation innit. I'm sure I've mentioned before that a friend once accused me of being unable to make a card without text on the front. She was probably right; my collection of text, word and alphabet stamps is probably the one 'section' of my craft room that I would have to immediately replace after a fire; I would be lost without them. Of course, even as I type, I realise I'd need a new glass mat, guillotine, heat gun and a fairly long list of 'basic tool kit' things - which raises a whole other question. Just what is a basic tool kit? Do you include inks and stamps? How many pairs of scissors? Glue and foam pads? What do you include for colouring - or is that a luxurious extra? Is my difficulty in collating a basic tool kit list because I have so much stuff that I've lost sight of what I actually need, or is the reason I have to drag a super sized tote bag to a crop something to do with indecision? I mean, often in a restaurant I can't decide what to order before I know what everyone else is having. Is that the same? Is it indecision or nosiness? I dunno. You tell me what you think and then I'll decide.
Me and The Colonial are going to the Make It! show in Farnborough tomorrow. Anyone else? In the interest of good taste: Make It! is a paper crafts show. There may be other stuff. But I'm incredibly confident that none of the exhibitors will be of the variety that could justify the smirk on the male youth's face when I called the show by its name this afternoon. I mean, would I really put myself out for a day of smirk inducing Make It! I know this answer, so maybe I'm not so indecisive after all!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
What's On Your Work desk Wednesday?
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Storage Junk
I never met a box I didn't like. The whole take-the-lid-off-and-look-inside-even-though-you-know-it's-empty thing, the potential of an empty thing to become a full thing, full of anything, something, but certainly interesting - and usually mine. Boxes are exciting. Baskets too, but the lid-less-ness can be a bit of a betrayal, non?
Anyway. Look. The Slipper Lady bought me this. I can confidently say that it was her gift of choice for several reasons. Most of those reasons are connected to the frequency and volume at which I express my opinions. Shall I break it down a bit? Might as well, you've read this far.
First: It's from Paperchase. So eventually, as a gift or not, I would have to have it. It's enshrined in the laws of Julia World.
Second: It's a useful box to put things in. And I have things. As discussed yesterday!
Third: Slipper Lady knew that the first thing I'd do was take the lid off for a l
See I don't know if you know my opinion about altering, but it's become a bit of a joke (well, OK, I'm the joke, my opinion is the punchline if you like.) I cannot get my head around 'altering' as a description of what goes on in loads of creative hands. Tim's 12 Tags for Christmas for example, - they aren't altered, they are certainly painted, decorated, embellished and beautified, but they are still tags. See - if you took a baked bean tin, coloured it with some alcohol inks and added some pretties and the process turned it into a small family car - I would happily acknowledge that 'altering' had taken place! Anyway, my near friends have learned that the easiest way to deal with my opinionated arrogance is to ignore it, challenge it or take the mick. Happy about that.
So dear Slipper Lady, even though Mr Dunnit was moved to remark that my lovely box was just going to be 'junk within junk', you should know that I'm pleased with the box. Storage is, after all, the second hobby of every crafter I've ever met. And I shall probably opt for your get out clause...although the desire to doodle is quite strong..! Now, I have to go teach Mr Dunnit the difference between 'embellishment' and 'junk'. Really, it's getting offensive. If he knew how much of our joint income was invested in my stash, I'm fairly sure he'd change his mind about calling it junk!
Monday, 22 February 2010
How come then, despite building me this lovely work room, painting it my favourite colour, fitting it with cupboards that were made around stash and basket sizes, making the work desk and putting it on massive casters so I can work anywhere (in theory), how come he doesn't even begin to get it? What I do in here, that is. We genuinely have very little in common. But all is OK everyone, this isn't an announcement of marital breakdown or anything like that..I just wanna explain it and see if we're the same as any others....
This card, for example, is all wrong for Mr Dunnit. Let's break it down a bit; there's the gorgeous and I-can't-own-enough-and-indeed-am-actually-using-it-it's-so-nice flocked ledger paper from Making Memories. The presence of any sort of prettied up office supplies serve only to improve my life. Mr Dunnit feels that it sort of loses its point once you pretty it up. And he goes deaf when I explain that's partly the point. Huh? Then there's the use of a staple. For me it goes hand in hand with the echo of the ledger paper and is perfectly fine for anchoring down one of the two flowers I've used in the last quarter. For him it's utilitarian mixed with pretty and doesn't work. This may well be the case for a lot of people, I can see that. The pale stamped ticket image (Inkadinkado), scrumpled up and added behind the main image doesn't, as I intended, talk to him about the potential for journeys and travels and romantic, as yet unknown far flung destinations. Nor does the torn book page and lace speak of the romance and mystery that go with such things. I must say in fairness to him, that I wasn't exactly in that zone myself when I made the card, I just liked the stuff and the way I added it! But hey, I can reach deep inside my creative being and fathom a reason; if an unmade bed sits in a national gallery with a deep meaning, you can rely on me to find one for a handmade card! The main image, (again, Inkadinkado) he agreed was a great one, iconic. But why didn't I cut it out square, stick it on straight and just leave it like that? Well, the answer to that is really easy - I can't cut straight to save my life and if I stick it at a jaunty angle, it will draw the eye from any other horrid design mistakes...... but of course, I told him it was simply more artsy my way. Mr Dunnit, gazing around my workspace, more in shock and awe than wonder and admiration, simply said that if those 'bits of junk' were the biggest bits I ever put on a card, it would take a while to work through all my erm, 'big junk'. By which of course, he means stash. I get it. He doesn't. That's OK. It means I don't have to share, and as a middle child, that is a lifetime's reward!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Three IS a magic number!
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
IIWA? What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?
Remember on Monday I went to see The Colonial? Here's her desk.
And mine is here..over exposed and not very exciting! The magazine has been pushed back to let me work on the glass mat - I must have been cutting with a scalpel..I use the magazine when I'm inking papers etc..saves me having to clean the mat. The faithful bottle of Primas is still there, just behind the buttons; neither have been used this week at all, but if they're in my line of vision, you never know! I've been adding some more stuff to the the 12 of 16 album; I actually cut into the A3 polka dot acrylic sheet I bought from Paperchase to make a page. I've had it 3 months, and it's getting in the way now! No doubt you'll see the pages when done - I do hate a blog post without a picture
And here's the left hand swing again...a bit further left this time, you can still see the ribbon jar which was the edge of last week's 'swing', and I've opened the other two cupboards so you can see my papers and, on the bottom right shelf, terrible punch storage! So now you can also see where I'm sitting as I type this rubbish. It's a terrible photo, but, I guess as its not exactly the most interesting of subjects, it won't matter too much!
So, come on then - show us your workdesk/lap tray/sofa/floor - whatever surface you work on; we want to see what you've got , what you're doing and to a certain extent, where you store it all! Put a photo on your blog and then leave a comment here to tell us where to find you. Be warned, we'll come and look! There's a badge on the top left of this blog if you want to erm, go public as a WOYWWer.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
This digi image came as a gift from Nikki and I love it.
Although I have to get some decent paper to print it on, this regular copier paper makes the Copics bleed horribly! Anyway, I couldn't resist using her, bleeding or not! I have a handful of stamps that perfectly match Madison's expression too, so there'll be more of her!
That wide-eyed, slightly wild look is appropriate too as I thank you for all your comments and input yesterday. Steph and Dori are really grateful; but in total overload and it's my guess that it'll take a couple more committee meetings before they can announce!
Here's me alpha inchies too - stuck to the cover of yet another notebook..I'll probably get round to using this in about 2015 - if I use them up in order of acquisition! Lots of us started as stationery junkies I know - a way to be in touch with that whole paper/colour/create thing that lurks within before you stumble across what it is that makes your mojo tick. I started with stitching, but rarely do any now. Since I aged and have to wear glasses (especially at night) for the close work, I doubt if I'll hurry back to any sort of stitching in front of the telly. Of course, if I'd persevered, I could by now be knitting up a storm - there are a few evenings when I don't want to sit at my desk in pretend light, but sitting in front of the tv with nothing else to do makes me fidget and get cross! I can knit (badly) but not without looking (much like my typing!) and so I'm at a bit of a loss....what do you do? What would you recommend for me? A nap, and get over it, probably!
Monday, 15 February 2010
Opinions, please

Thursday, 11 February 2010
The card: Making Memories heart paper, and folio paper, Basic Grey Sugar Rush paper (heart), Hero Arts alpha stamps, SU! binder edge punch
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
This is my desk..I'm working rather tidily - for me. Don't worry, it'll change! I'm working on cards for a Workshop entitled 'Trees'. Had a bit of a block about it because when I last visited the shop for a coffee morning, Mrs Precision was using the same stamps (you can just see them, from Kanban). And she was using them to brilliant effect. Mental block, crisis of it what you like, it was definitely a hump to get over!
Those little tubes at bottom right (caught in the flash, so not true colours) are fantastically fine glitters - dust, almost. I'm about to start mixing them up a bit. You may or may not see results at some stage.
So then, face my desk and swing left, camera please. This was taken at the same time as the desk shot, but the lack of window makes the light change dramatically! SO you can see..I have cupboards to hide all the stash in..cuttlebug, dies and folders always to hand, and erm, a small ribbon jar. When I planned the cupboard space, I had saved up a shed load of money and was going to use the white draw/shelf storage system you can see on the right. Mr Dunnit suggested just buying a few bits to test run (which you can see). It didn't work out as satisfactorily as I hoped, so that right hand set is all I've got. Mr D then made slide out shelves which are perfect. The cupboard you can see is home to embossing powders (top shelf) and each basket is a different variety of ink pads. I know! The white drawers hold small tools, sticky stuff, metal embellishments, blah blah. I'll close up next week if you like. All the crap under my desk on the right is stuff I should use but don't and can't quite part with. Oh, and some demo tools, waiting for the day!

Stephanie Dunnit has been working digitally this week..this 'Man in Prayer' image is the first and last layers of a sketch design she's doing for her course. OMG. I can't pretend to know about digi - I know lots of you do. But I recognise that overwhelming feeling of how awesome an artist my Sissy is. Amazing, huh. I like to think it might be diet Coke man, praying for a lift to break down at my house.

So that's us. Show us what you're working on - upload a pic to your blog, leave a message here and we'll trot round for a visit. SWING, if you us another space in your room so we can look at what you've got! If you aren't too embarrassed by joining in, snaffle the button from top left to wear on your blog. Why not, it's totally harmless and as close to a membership card as you, or I, can get!
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
How Do You Shop?
Monday, 8 February 2010
To rent: Sunshine

Edited to Add : the rental cost is for the villa, not per person. There is a seperate weekly fee for cleaning, payable in Euros, on site. Otherwsie I think that's the only thing I didn't make clear!
Saturday, 6 February 2010
On a Saturday? Don't I ever shut up?
So whilst I'm in the inflated head mode, I need to acknowledge and thank Wipso and Chrissie and Paula, for generously passing on this award. They all got the money and so said some incredible untruths about me. There are strict rules with this and as I seem to be all about shirking, I thought really I ought for once to step up and prove my gratitude.

I must:
Thank the person who gave you the award
Place the logo on your blog
Link to the person who nominated you
Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
Nominate 7 bloggers for this award and post links to their blogs
Send a message to let them know they've been nominated
1. I am a naive idealist.
2. And I've learned to be a horrible realist.
3. On the inside, I'm a neat size 12.
4. My favourite colour is yellow, it cheers me. I don't wear it though, it kills me.
5. I was a child bride. Yes I was.
6. It took me 3 goes to get a Driving Licence, but now I'm the best driver I know, naturally.
7. I read 'relocation' type travel biographies to satisfy a wanderlust.
Man, I'm so interesting. So now, I'm obliged to pass this award on: this is hard, because most of the people who have blogs that I read are more creative in their daily lives than I am in a week... but hey, am happy to share a good blog!
Anne: neat, honest, busy; probably the blog of the person I intended to be
Helen: because I'm big and ugly enough to be publicly jealous of her talent
Deanne: neat, chatty, inspiring; probably the blog of the person I intended to be
Kathy: because I'm big and ugly enough to be publicly jealous of her talent
Charlie: detail packed cards, always an idea or colour combo to erm, borrow
Helen: the most sharing of crafters, probably the blog of the person I intended to be
Jane: detail packed cards, always an idea or colour combo to erm, borrow....
Friday, 5 February 2010
Let me talk this into a logical reason...
That's the thing about going to a Crop....everything I work so hard (I do, too!) to keep in check, tidy, reachable - indeed, findable, has to be reduced and decanted into something smaller than my car so I can go and do the LOs elsewhere. Honestly, by the time I've packed, remembered the beverage bag, lunch, goodies and a warm layer, it would be so much easier and logistically more sensible to stay at home and scrap alone. Not to mention probably more productive. I mean, I truly hate the packing part....put it off too long though, and you end up taking twice as much because you're in a hurry. The need for speed really impairs your judgement in packing anything , believe me!
So why bother going to a Crop? Especially the grandly, eloquently and imaginatively named 'Ludgershall Crop'? Company. And a chance to let a conversation finish instead of cutting it short because one or other of us has to be elsewhere. Ludgershall Crop is small. Some months it's difficult to guarantee the five people that are needed to cover the hire of the hall. But that's OK. We relish the space. It means we can welcome other people without needing to worry about venue size! Call it what you will - cropping/scrapping/crafting in company is one of the greatest pleasures - even if you have nothing else in common, there's this paper-scissors-glue bond that instantly makes you part of a community, and for a day, you can immerse yourself in it : talk about it, admire other's stash, browse other's albums, borrow other's ideas, eat home-made and possibly even construct a LO or two for yourself. Why wouldn't you, if you could?
There's no need to assume you aren't living in or near a craft community of one size or sort - if you want to, you can find it, get involved, immerse yourself. You'll love it.
This lecture came because I was in WH Smith last week trying to bring myself to part with £6 for the February Scrapbook Trends mag. Squatting, as if to worship at the rack of hobby magazines - you get the picture. A woman behind me picked up the copy I had just put back (see, I do have will power). We were strangers. She asked if I was considering it as a purchase for me. I was. 'So you know what scrap booking is then'? She was quite surprised. Thought she was on her own in this small market town. I told her about the large community on her doorstep. Gave her details of what and where that I know about. She was amazed, thankful and we parted - she with magazine. It's up to her now though. And that's the other thing about this craft sits and waits and it's entirely up to you. So why do I crop? It may be because its empowering!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Here is a non traditional Christmas card - it is, really - see it has a snowman's face and 'Cool' and 'Yule' written on it as's for Susie and Vikki's challenge again, another one for my box - oh my, I'm so organised I might start writing in them as well!
I had done some catching up and was sort of patting myself on the back about the state of my desk, but then it was WOYWW and good grief, so much to look at! Two things come to mind about 'the swing'; lots of us are making cards and a lot of us have a box to put them in, unused. We need an outlet!
Secondly, it strikes me that (with the odd exception) our stash is stored in a fairly ordered and tidy manner. I get the impression that you could 'go to' any particular item on demand. And that's a good thing! The desk/surface then, is the epicentre of creativity, where you can sort of 'let it all hang'. Ruthie said that she felt 'cleansed' after posting her WOYWW with swing.....I kinda get that - if affirmation is the subliminal reason for blogging, then WOYWW exposure is perhaps a bit of the old shared guilt thing! Works for me.
And talking of guilt - these inchies..A to D in alphabetical order (OK, ignore the 'let's) are for the weekly challenge over at Fiona's - I had and have every intention of playing but somehow the first 4 (weeks) got away from me! Huh? One inch square and you can't do 'em? I know! Problem here is that I need to have a use for them, I can't have them just sitting about - they'll end up in the bin out of frustration. So now I have (another) manilla notebook begging for decoration, ergo, suddenly I need to catch up with the challenge!
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Housekeeping and that RoS