Monday, 30 April 2012
Lemme take your picture?
I hit on this brilliant idea, at a crop. I would photograph my crop friends one by one and do a LO about them. After all, they feature large in my life, I see most of them at least that once a month and when I tragically and years too early shuffle off this mortal coil, my daughter will be able to look back in awe at these women; they will doubtless have been significant role models. Or horrible warnings. I know which I'd rather be.
Thing is, of the 12 or 13 regular croppers, this lovely Laura LO is only the second. I can't easily get my modest crop friends to pose for me. Actually, first problem is that originally I wanted candid, scrap-in-motion shots. But I felt furtive and couldn't keep quiet about my brilliant idea. So I came clean. The Enthusiastic Educator was my first target and I love the photos I have of her. For some reason, I have no photo of the LO. And I can't show you without her permission. Or without getting off the chair and crossing the room. I do understand any reluctance. I arrive at crop having packed (you've heard masses about the angst of packing), sorted out my contribution to lunch and staggered around too early on a Saturday morning than is generally good for me. All this adds up to a fat forty-blah woman with no make up. Now I can't say I'd want you to take a picture of me like that really. And certainly not a candid one. This would involve glasses balanced so that I can look down and see through them and look up without seeing through them - if you know the action, you'll picture the look. And then there's the persistent chatting. It means my mouth is always open. Unless I'm eating. I do have one or two manners intact. My Sissy Stephanie who lives in California has developed a 'pause' type pose for cameras - whenever one is pointed at her: Eyes open, mouth shut. It's ingrained in her now and I can't remember the last time she was caught out. And I can't remember the last time I wasn't. Laura has youth on her side, hasn't when I pointed my phone at her (yes, packing skills just cannot accommodate a real camera as well), she simply leaned toward me and smiled. Confident, huh. I wonder who will display such confidence this Saturday? Luckily, this isn't a group project or a circle journal, so it remains that I'll be safely behind the phone. Camera. And my crop friends will as always, be v e r y tolerant of my self assumed brilliance.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
What's The Word, Bird?
Well, I haven't quite finished visiting WOYWWers, but I'm beginning to think the most common word is ARGH! and it's about Blogger! I changed to the new 'Interface' some months ago. Because I was scared that if they forced me to take it and I didn't know what I was doing, I'd be all over the place. So far, not so bad. I've become used to the fact that you have to click on words that are no longer designed to look like buttons to navigate. I've become used to the teeny icon of a cog for letting me in to make changes. I even got used to the fact that certain things were clearly going to change and not be 'get round-able'...I mean, word verification for example, could only be turned off by switching back to the old 'Dashboard' first. This may have been an oversight and not carried forward to the new style, I don't know.
I gather from comments and visits this week that the new 'Interface' has been forced on to people now, and of course, in the switch over, loads of stuff has been omitted or not moved or however it works. So thanks all, for the advice about how to schedule a post, that part of it I can do. It would seem that blogger isn't yet able to recognise time zones and changes, so I'll have to be patient.
What I really want to know now is this - if Google have deemed the 'Dashboard' to now be an 'Interface'...are the car manufacturers going to go all 21st Centruy on us and follow suit? Do we need a campaign to save the humble Dashboard?
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 151
Is there any one can help with why my scheduled posts suddenly don't post? It says BST in scheduling time zone, but there's no BST listed in format time zones.....and using GMT plus one doesn't work.....any ideas?
It's not getting any better, huh! Button jar, by some miracle is closed. So instead, the lid isn't on the gesso. Actually, this is on purpose...Elizabeth suggests that allowing some of the water in the mix to evaporate will make the gesso more opaque. She's right. I'm being uncharacteristically patient about it too. Because it allows genuine procrastination! You can just see my glasses, not safely stowed; my open glasses case is currently home to an ink pad. Does it make ya wince? Does it, does it? The red basket contains stamps, die cuts and other schtuff for a workshop on Thursday morning. There's the plastic ziplock envelope containing a set of keys that have been bubble wrapped for postal purposes. It looks a lot more interesting than the reality, huh. Of course there's the finished ink cartridge from the printer - I could have sworn I had a recycling envelope....somewhere. There's my phone and a can of's staged to add to the casual ambience I'm aiming for in this photo. The best thing about my desk on Tuesday afternoon.....SUNSHINE. Can't argue with that, huh! One last thing..THIS POST talks about WOYWWer Sarah's Mum who has had a nasty accident....if you'd like to send her a get well card, Sarah thinks she'd love it - check the post for details please!
So Week 156 will be the third anniversary of WOYWW and we're going to do a one on one on one on one ATC swap. For ATC explanation and swap details, read the previous post. CLICK THIS it will take you there without the need to scroll.... I know how busy you are. If you read it yesterday, please re-read it...there was a typo and wouldn't you just know was an IMPORTANT detail type mistake....only the size of the ATC!!
So meantime, please show us your desk. Frankly, if I can show mine, you've no excuse.
Post to your blog, PLEASE put WOYWW in the title. Then, link here and visit others to your heART's content. If you comment anywhere, please add your Link list number to your comment..makes visiting you a lot easier.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
ATC: Artist' Trading Card. 3.5" x 2.5" and traditionally made of card stamped, coloured, collaged, blah embellished to suit the maker. Recently, 'chunky' ATCs have become popular, these are the same dimension but thicker - often pieces of wood, sometime up to a couple of inches thick and decorated on all surfaces. And fabric/felt ATCs are increasingly popular, and why not, it's meant to showcase your creativity after all. The idea was born in Switzerland; to make other artist's work accessible, which is why the purists agree that you should meet to trade the cards. Obviously, for WOYWW, that is't going to work..but it matters not..your ATC will be a nice greeting to a fellow WOYWWer. Nice and simple as that.
Here's a link to some frighteningly arty ATCs from an e-zine , and here's a picture of some of the ATCs that I've collected by taking part in postal swaps etc...sorry that I haven't taken them from their plastic sleeves. I couldn't be bothered.
You can see that the reverse is must sign and date your mini work of art!
Now, here's how simple it needs to be for the WOYWW anniversary ATC swap.
1. Make an ATC . (BEFORE THE's no fun to keep your recipient waiting)
2. On the day (week 156) when you add your name to Mr Linky, add an * asterisk to the end of your name if you're participating.
3. Contact the next participating person on the list - they'll be showing * with their name too. Leave a comment or email them via their blog to get their postal address.
4. When you've got an address, trot out and post your ATC to them.
And here are the 'what if's'
1. If you want to make a load of ATCs and share them with your regular WOYWW friends, then please addition to honouring the commitment to send to whomever turns out to be your sendee on the link list.
2. Postage costs are an issue for some. It is up to you how bumpy/layered your ATC is.
3. Participation is entirely up to you - there is no obligation to be involved; if you can't or don't want to, that's just fine. It's a bit of fun; not a rule, not necessary to cement your WOYWW 'membership' or anything at all, actually.
4. If you want to participate but can't because the day/date is all wrong for you, send an ATC to me..Ill swap out others in the same situation or trade directly with you.
Here's a link to some frighteningly arty ATCs from an e-zine , and here's a picture of some of the ATCs that I've collected by taking part in postal swaps etc...sorry that I haven't taken them from their plastic sleeves. I couldn't be bothered.
You can see that the reverse is must sign and date your mini work of art!
Now, here's how simple it needs to be for the WOYWW anniversary ATC swap.
1. Make an ATC . (BEFORE THE's no fun to keep your recipient waiting)
2. On the day (week 156) when you add your name to Mr Linky, add an * asterisk to the end of your name if you're participating.
3. Contact the next participating person on the list - they'll be showing * with their name too. Leave a comment or email them via their blog to get their postal address.
4. When you've got an address, trot out and post your ATC to them.
And here are the 'what if's'
1. If you want to make a load of ATCs and share them with your regular WOYWW friends, then please addition to honouring the commitment to send to whomever turns out to be your sendee on the link list.
2. Postage costs are an issue for some. It is up to you how bumpy/layered your ATC is.
3. Participation is entirely up to you - there is no obligation to be involved; if you can't or don't want to, that's just fine. It's a bit of fun; not a rule, not necessary to cement your WOYWW 'membership' or anything at all, actually.
4. If you want to participate but can't because the day/date is all wrong for you, send an ATC to me..Ill swap out others in the same situation or trade directly with you.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Here's another LO from this month's crop. And I mean that in both was a Crop, and I made five,which I think is a good crop - smug and clever...but maybe not so funny when in print?! I slay myself. These photos were taken back in 1982. They've been in my drawer of photos 'to do' since I became a scrapbooker, and finally, because I got sick of seeing them in there, I did something with them. Not the best motivation huh? The first thing I did really was to square the hideously old fashioned rounded corners...that made them feel more useable, I must say. And now I've said that about rounded corners, you want to know why I have a WRMK corner chomper which I often use with abandon
and of course, the answer is - I have no idea. Vanity? Maybe. To me, it looks OK on everything except photos that fairly accurately give away my age. Not sure. Enigma? I'd like to think so. Hormone-ity? Certainly. (or as Mr Dunnit would say...typical woman-ness, but as so many of you understand, I'm not going to allow that...).
Actually, here's something that's typical woman-ness in a good way...would you help cheer up a bruised and injured WOYWWers Mum? I was nearly finished visitng WOYWWers when I got to Sarah Cooper's entry which was late and rushed...she'd been at the hospital all day with her dear Mum who had been knocked over by a car; the driver had missed the pedestrian crossing light...horrible. Read about Sarah's account here and see Sarah's jagged and hopeful Journal page here. I offered to send her a 'feel better' card; there's nothing more cheering than knowing other people are thinking of you, huh. If you'd like to do the same, contact Sarah via her blog or Facebook and she'll give you an address.
Meanwhile, have a great weekend!
Thursday, 19 April 2012
A card, for stamping's sake
As you know from yesterday's WOYWW, I spent much time at my desk on Tuesday afternoon making a mess. After I'd finished with the Union flag stuff and bits that had to be done, I was still in the mood to play. (And not to tidy up!). The thing about 'play' for me is that it has to be productive. I am hopeless at sitting at my desk for three valuable hours and coming away knowing a bit more about a product but nothing in the way of any sort of completed project. It's a skill, this sort of impatient patience! So I cast around the web a bit, looking for something to spark my interest and sort of match what I had on the desk....lazy, huh!
I found a challenge at Woodware that suited my criteria and excited me enough to make me stand up, take the necessary one pace to my stamp shelves and pull out just what I needed. Funny when things come together in your head so fast, huh! Anyway, the challenge is to make a card using Turquoise and Brown. So I did. It features stamps by Stampendous and Magenta (and an Ippity gingham background) and a bit of MR bling and a wooden button. So I think it qualifies for the challenge. Either way, win win for me. Broke in a new stamp, played a bit and produced something viable!
We have two WOYWWers who live in the path of those terrifying tornadoes that we've seen on TV news this week - Elizabeth and Vickie. I know both are safe, but there's scarey beating hearts and clearing up to be dealt with.....sending you love girlfriends, and coping and calm and safety vibes.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 150
This photo was taken on Tuesday at about 5pm. It looks much, much worse now. I've finished the card I was working on and without even attempting to tidy up, I started another, completely different, not even for the same workshop! You can see a little easel with WOYWW calligraphed on the canvas...a gift all the way from Shaz in Oz. The Union flag scrapbook papers are for...something. I know not what. Yet. One sheet is in pieces after I made one card. But I know myself well enough to buy two pieces at a time, so it's OK! The pile of red boxes right in the centre front are refill tapes for my ATG gun. I like the 6mm width and they are currently 3 for 2 at, which is a bargain. Meanwhile you can see I was listening to BBC iPlayer - Henning, a German comedian who has a show on Radio 2 on Saturday it.
And if you're still are my stamp shelves...built into the corner for reasons of space and badly in need of sorting. The sheets of clear stamps on the bottom shelf are looking precarious because I was leafing through them when I suddenly had the thought to take the photo and there was nowhere and nothing to do but dump them! We're six weeks away from the third anniversary of WOYWW. (It will be week 156). Can you believe that? Well, I wanna know if you'd like to mark the occasion; we did last year and overall it was a great success and some fun. How about this year we trade WOYWW ATC's? On the day, send an ATC to the name below you on the list. The last on the list sends to the first on the list so there's a good old loop, and if you don't wanna participate, but still wanna show off your desk, that will be easy too....if you like the idea, mention it in your comment and I'll do a proper 'how to do it' post nearer the time. Meantime...
Show us this week's desk, work surface...upload a photo to your blog and link here. Please put WOYWW in your title and when you visit anyone, leave a quick comment that includes your link list number....makes it easier for your visitee to erm, visit thee. I thank you.
Friday, 13 April 2012
A cheap frill for the weekend
Here's another of the 'bumpy cards' from yesterday's workshop, coincidentally posted on the same day that Mary Anne posts this on her blog: - a great edumactionial post about multi layered rosettes....
This frilly card is very sugary sweet huh, and not really me at all, but I quite like it anyway!
And here's a quick review for the weekend. The big pot of glue. You WOYWWers don't miss much, it is nearly a litre pot and I calculate that I've had it about 14 years. I bought it when I had a craft shop, from the UK distributor of US ArtQuest products (Woodware). It's done very well hasn't it? I don't favour wet glue at all, so only use it as a last resort. This I think, really is better than PVA - not least because it's already the perfect consistency..and if you're into mixing other stuff into your glues, mica and such 'strates, it's really consistent. In fact, it's everything it says on the side of the jar. You can buy it in way smaller quantities, and even's expensive. But worth it. If you want to know more, visit US ArtQuest's web site, or befriend Susan Pickering Rothamel on Facebook. She's the genius artistic founder. Amazing.

Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 149
Considering I've been working at my desk, it's pretty tidy! You can see any number of different glues and mediums for paper crafting - the small bottle with the pink tip is a notepad cement that I er, liberated from stores when I worked in print. That of course, was back in the day, before Post Its were invented and people used nicely glued together notepads! I've been working on my altered book (courtesy of Elizabeth and Bleubeard's free course). Which is why the bookchair/deckchair thing is empty..I didn't want Elizabeth to be caused concern about me sloshing glue and gesso about in the proximity of the old computer thingy. The book is away drying in the conservatory which was the warmest place today. And the noisiest; hail storms of the variety that makes a polycarbonate roof sound like the ride of the Valkyries! Not a great view really - the white paper pad is actually an Insurance policy that's expired. It's only printed one side of each sheet - shocking huh. The lid is not yet on the gesso on purpose, Elizabeth gave me such a good tip for thin gesso that I'm trying it out. At back of the shot you can see my Stampa Rosa (remember them!) stamp repositioner, a pile of mounted clear stamps on the bottom shelf of my stamp unit that Mr Dunnit made for me, when he built the room. Yep, really. Can you see my new packaging tape behind the glues? What is it with all the moustaches!
So, there's no shame, bare all for us and share your doubt the fascination is seeing what everyone's making, and where you do the making. Join us do - photo your desk, upload to your blog and link here. We'll visit. Slowly probably, but hey, it's what the days between Wednesdays are for! Oh and just to shake things up a bit, this will be the last 1230am BST post..., I'll make 'em later, gives the overseas cohort an advantage- but just for a while!
So, there's no shame, bare all for us and share your doubt the fascination is seeing what everyone's making, and where you do the making. Join us do - photo your desk, upload to your blog and link here. We'll visit. Slowly probably, but hey, it's what the days between Wednesdays are for! Oh and just to shake things up a bit, this will be the last 1230am BST post..., I'll make 'em later, gives the overseas cohort an advantage- but just for a while!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
So there was a Crop
Now y'all know that I'm a grumpy old woman of a certain age and hormone-ity. (I don't CARE if it isn't a word, it should be.) See? And most of you know that I have the same vexing duties as billions of other women - what to have for supper, the housework dilemma, the parental guilt, the...oh my...I can't keep going. Seeing it all in writing makes me want to lie down and dribble. Suffice to say that I know that I'm a grown up now, and now and then, I even believe myself.
So what's this got to do with Saturday's fun Crop? Well, I made five Layouts. FIVE. 12345! Oh, yeah baby, I was productive.
So I'm pretty sure that makes me the WINNER! And no, I don't doubt that any of my friends even knew that it was a competition, but secretly, it was.
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Having told Mary Anne that the original position of the title (all ON the doily) wasn't an issue for me, Miss Dunnit complained about its legibility, so I graciously moved it. Nice, aren't I. |
Now, because I'm the winner, I want you to promise me something. When I die (tragically, dramatically and noisily, I imagine), will you hold a retrospective of my winning scrapbook pages? And will you stand and gaze at them, and in reverential tones will you please discuss my complete inability to apparently stick things on straight? Good grief.
Friday, 6 April 2012
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From the 'Bumpy cards' workshop..(next week actually, panic over!) |
My to do list for today is looking a bit miserable. Who knew that Mr Dunnit would decide that today would be a day off for him too! I didn't, for sure, so I brought forward a couple of 'we' plans. We had to go to the mobile phone shop. Safer to go in a pair; the young-impatient-and-bloody-bored 'assistants' aren't so intimidating when you go with your life mate...instead of wanting to run away and weep, we get giggly and silly. It makes the young even more bored. And unable to hide it. But really, this phone stuff - it makes me lose the will to live. Are me and Mr Dunnit the only people in the world who don't know how many free minutes, talk- time and data our phone deals provide? It's not information we spout at dinner parties - although I do know people who are intimate with such figures. I'm so *YAWN*, sorry to be rude, *YAWN*, but it's not *YAWN* interesting. We can't be the only people who really want it all to be streamlined and simplified. Honestly, it's as complicated as learning to use the damn things. Although of course, I have been blinded by the convenience of a mobile phone and don't want to give mine up any time. I plan to use it till it falls apart though, I'm not about about to 'upgrade', 'switch', 'play my contract' or anything else. I can't be bothered. I don't want the re-learning humiliation. Or the cost, frankly. Mr Dunnit needs a new one because the creeping dust generated by his joinery work is starting to play havoc with his buttons. No, really. But we didn't get one. What we did get was a MAGAZINE full of tariffs and choices and Ohh em gee, stuff that I am so not getting involved with. Although of course, I will have to. Because in order to make an informed decision, Mr Dunnit will need to see previous bills and history for his current phone. And if I don't get'll be strewn across two tables and NEVER PUT AWAY. There. See. I knew this complicated stuff would make me grumpy! Argh.
Meanwhile, have a lovely lovely long weekend. Take a chance to have a break, you deserve it. ENJOY!
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 148
I did it clean it and tidy it. And now it looks like this again. Really, even I don't know how I do it! I'm working on 'bumpy cards' in a feverish and late state. And naturally, because they're late, I'm finding them difficult. The envelopes propped on the ipad's deckchair are badges waiting for despatch. The button jar has a new ingredient - a fab tag by Kezzy, which I'm enjoying; I probably should find it a proper home...the button jar is very inappropriate really! You can make out the gessoed 'A' on top of the see through drawers? A partner to the 'P' you could see last week. Therefore still unfinished, but hey, obviously they've been moved in a week! Stripey diary, habndle of ATG gun and altered book in progress. Behind with that now. Although I do know that I prefer PVA to glue pages together. Colour me sticky, I thought I hated wet glue! The yellow and pink boxes are alphabets by Penny Black in really wonderful handwriting style fonts. Maybe I'll show you some day. I see two other alpha stamp sets on my desk too. I made two very quick monthly calendar pages on Saturday, they are remnants from that. I may put them away soon.
So. How goes it for your working surface? Show and tell, why not indeed. I failed in a big epic way to get to more than a handful of desks last week, but things have improved this week, so I'll see ya. If you upload a pic to your blog and link it here, of course. If you don't, we'll never know! Put WOYWW in your title and when you visit, tell people what your list link number is. It helps.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Its a racket...
Hey look, I spend a lot of time not being political or inflammatory on this blog, but I have to vent a little ....and here's a bit of back story for American readers who understandably, have no idea what happened.
The Union that represents fuel tanker drivers threatened a strike. The law requires 7 days notice of an actual strike. The threat was enough, the GOVERNMENT advised us all to keep our vehicles topped up. They gain 83 million in extra tax through the panic buying and queueing at petrol stations up and down the country. There were scenes that make you realise that it wouldn't take much to chuck us all into the post-apocalypse type world you see on films when resources run out. It was shocking, embarrassing and entirely avoidable.
I really hope that those of you that needed petrol managed to get some. There is still no official word of a strike. They haven't had the meeting yet.
I use an independent retailer when I buy fuel. Or rather, I did. I've lived here for 27 years and rarely bought fuel elsewhere. I like that a local family is in business, and has been through local support, for many years. I'm probably going to work less hard about buying my fuel there from now on. Because they've been profiteering. Diesel and Unleaded have both gone up by 10 pence per litre. That's £1.54 per litre. (There's 4.5 litres to the gallon, and today, there's $2.54 to the that's over $11 dollars per gallon.) I realise there's a tiny profit margin on fact I believe it's less than 2p per litre for the independents. So I understand that they're dependant on business turning over. But it won't will it, if I'm representative of the loyal customer that feels the need to go elsewhere. You will be unsurprised to know that I've expressed my opinion in the garage....politely and quietly...but it was to an employee at the till, because magically, the manager types that I usually see about the place are tucked safely away. Shame on them, huh.
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