Well interweb, I know you won't have noticed, but this is my first post of the week and its success is entirely in the hands of Blogger's technerds...I haven't been able to get into the Dashboard to write anything since Sunday, weird, huh!
It is Tuesday as I write - I'm scared that if I leave this till tomorrow morning, it won't work and then my day will be a little spoiled!
gad, my desk is a sigh - I've taken the photo leaning against the die cutting surface looking right, so you can just see my stamp shelves...if you aren't blinded by the amount of tidying to be done! Lots of admin for the card Marathon and other such nonsense crowding the space. A really beautiful kit that was part of a Birthday Bunny present last night thanks to the New Baby Mummy.
And the traditional aerial shot shows some answers to questions actually. See the two bits of timber across the back of the photo? Farthest one is the ledge of the open stable door. Near one is the 2" deep 'wall' that surrounds my desk on 3 sides...so I can employ the use of the wheels to move it out of the doorway without everything going wobbly and falling off. Man, that man of mine just about thought of everything! Also note please - the Yellow ATG monster in its customary 'ready' position. It has slimmed down! I finally worked out the adaptor for the 6mm narrow tape. Without anyone's help. Until Mr Dunnit came home at lunchtime and he had to do a tricky bit that I thought might break it - of course I can't do that bit, because then there's no-one to blame when I have to get a new one! But naturally, he didn't break it and I managed to put it all back together and it works. Bloomin' go me!! You can also see one of my FAVOURITE most cherished stamps - a scrawly text from A Stamp In the Hand. Every time I use it, it makes me happy. I've had it for about 10 years. Worth the 10 bucks that nearly made me faint at the time!

Read this if you're a PiFing WOYWWer:
So next week is the second anniversary of WOYWW. I can barely believe it. If you asked me, I'd say more than a year, simply because I was there on the first anniversary! Anyway, point is, we're going to attempt the friendly PiF. Make, or get ready, the gift you've made. When you link to WOYWW, if you're taking part in the PiF, add an asterisk * to your name. The next person on the list with an asterisk next to their name will be your recipient. Email or Comment so you can get the address, and post your PiF as soon as you can. Remember - your pressie should be ready - the idea is not to make anyone wait too long and spoil the fun of the anniversary. Remember too, this is about a small gift that you've made to post to a friend you probably haven't met. Your skill, your time and your effort....hugely appreciated. There's no such thing as not good enough - hand made with the intention of pleasing a friend is ALWAYS good enough. So no fretting.
Meanwhile, join us do for this week's WOYWW - show us what is on your Workdesk this Wednesday - upload a pic to your blog and link it here. We'll visit eventually!