Wednesday 11 May 2011

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 101

Actually, not my desk, so much as a fraction of worktop and desk.... it's the corner that shows my die cutting area and how the desk joins the worktop. Desk is on big old wheels for ease of access to the stable door, if we need it. That's why my desk looked tidier last week. It was the worktop to the left. With careful scrutiny, you can see my whole system is untidy. But when I'm working, it works for me. And the reason I can't show you my desk is that I have managed to roll out a couple cards for the Midsummer Madness Card Marathon and they need to be secret. Oooooeeeer that makes me feel so important! This is afternooon taken on Tuesday...the back of the house is in its own shadow until after lunch. But believe me, working at my desk with the top half of the door open doubles as sunbathing. Glorious spot. How lucky am I.

We're only (insert panic stricken voice) 3 weeks from week 104 and that's our second anniversary! (OK, I've stopped screeching). I must remind you please that the idea for the celebratory PiF (detailed HERE) is to have your gift ready to that momentum is not lost and disappointment is not at home. I thank you.

Come on then, take five and show us your desk..we wanna see what you're working on and what you've got. Load a photo onto your blog, link and comment here. We'll visit. At some stage. There's a WOYWW button in the margin if you'd like to add one to your blog, just copy and paste the html code as a widget. Annie LaLa made thebutton for us, yonks ago. Ain't she great.


voodoo vixen said...

I love the idea of a stable door which you can open the top half and still work away on your desk with the sun streaming in and feeling like you are outside in it!!

Sarpreet said...

hi Julia, morning. like this part of your room. like your shelf units with the 3d gloss, and are those cosmic shimmer powders? great part of your craft room, love it. Thank you for sharing. Happy WOYWW 101, not long to WOYWW 104 - the 2nd anniversary, #2 - Sarpreet

Cathy said...

Love your die cutting area .. my CB lives on the floor, as my space is being encroached up!!!
I need a room to myself LOL!
Cathy xx

oneoff said...

I love the thought of crafting by an open stable door. Glad to see another busy desk, and lots going on as always. Great to be back - I've missed the past few weeks, and it's been strange to have Wednesdays without Workdesks...


Create With Joy said...

I'm definitely feeling the panic - but loving how the light filters thru your room. Happy WOYWW!


Carola Bartz said...

I love how bright your room is - that makes good mood!! I'm done with my PiF, so no panic in my voice!!!

jude said...

I craft also with my patio doors open it's fab best both worlds .As my craft room is downstairs lucky enough to have the light and the air!Love your layout from your crop day.What a fab idea to do crop receipes!
Have creative wednesday
hugs judex 8

The Crafty Elf said...

I can't imagine working at a desk and having the top half of a door open and the sun shining in. You're so lucky...enjoy! Actually my work area is very similar except for the sunbathing part. Thanks for the snoop ;)

Ciara said...

That's quite a pile you have there lady! I do like the idea of sunbathing whilst crafting but does that mean you sit there in your shades like some celebrity? Now that I'd like to see ;-)

Elaine Harding said...

What I wouldn't give to have a huge room to craft in and let the weather in! Happy WOYWW!

Morti said...

Morning Julia!

Am feeling virtuous because I've started my PIF and am well on the road to completing it. Wish I was immediately after myself week 104!!!! LOL

Yvonne said...

Oh Julia , it's been such a while since I have joined in.. seems I have totaly lost whats a going on here now .. I will have to play catch up I think...
Loving your clean tidy area ( what ever you may think).

Nicky said...

Great shot off your desk - need to get on with the pif - panic setting in but I have an idea now :)

Dragon said...

Lovely idea to have a stable door to open... my room is bathed in light, especially when it's sunny, as the house faces north/south and my desk is south facing... I am lovin your cutting area and I don't believe you are panicing really!! Have a good week, all will be well

sandra de said...

No PIF panic here!!! A stable door to let in the sun how gorgeous and I like the idea of a specific cutting area.

Sarpreet said...

the link to PIF is not working for me. I am panicked - but i have some time

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

love the stand back and take it photo! gives us moreof aperspective of where youwork, and ooh sunbathing too! luxury!! lol
PIF is far from ready, but it will be!!
Happy Woywwing!
Jennie #7

Helen said...

I really envy you your room with it's stable door. How fantastic to be able to work with fresh air and the bright sunlight hides some of the clutter (sorry, much needed crafting supplies) out ready on your desk.... lol.

Mummylade said...

oooh the joy of being able to craft in sunlight... you lucky girl

Annie said...

Hi Julia.
You know me....'Miss have to be organised' that you will know that I have now finished my PIF gift :-) I've had fun making it so hope someone enjoys receiving it.
The last 2 years have been great so here is to the next two eh? :-)
Lots of hugs,
A x

Sunshine Girl said...

Lovely crafty space there - I always craft surrounded by clutter saves the bother of getting up mid way through a project (mind you I usually end up doing that a few times too as there is always something else I need!!) Have a great week :) Sunshine Girl No. 24

Joanne said...

I've wondered for weeks how you could possible block a door which leads to the garden, now I know you don't 'cos your desk is on wheels. What a fab idea. Love the wheelie bin by the way LOL.
Hugs Joanne xx

Virginia said...

Good Morning

Just managed to put on a quick post this morning after dashing around with the camera! Hope you are having a great day - still thinking about whether to join in the PIF thing!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Julia forgot to comment when ducked home earlier to link up but things are settled now and so can comment in peace! Used to work better when we were on daylight saving and you weren't, now it is in reverse the time is trickier during term time as do a calligraphy class on Wed. arvo.
Wow - do i love your sunny desk on wheels what a great idea.. and me? I always craft in mess too.. demolition area off camera!! things all over the floor! Happy WOYWW101 and think I have finished almost my PiF unless I change my mind again! love Shaz in oz.x a bit unsure what a gift means .. hard to know what an unknown person might like!

Di said...

Hiya! Like Virginia above I'm still dithering about the PIF. My range of skills ain't that broad....think Di, think!!!!! Have a super WOYWW. Di x

misteejay said...

How lucky to be able to take such advantage of the sunshine.

Toni :o)

Spyder said...

Morning Julia, I've always wished for a stable door, probably because I'd wish for a pony as soon as I knew about wishes, pony(ies) wish came true but so far not the door. Crafty space does look great and how fab to be able to open top of door of 'sunbathe'!! Have a good crafty week
ps, I now have a few items for pif, none are finished as I'm sure no one will want them! Hey!! Another idea, A door hanger with Madison on it! ....blood font and all!

donnalouiserodgers said...

I am prepped, wrapped and waiting for the address...

I have not been this organised since I did my A levels two decades ago...

sunbathing and crafting combo - excellent concept.

If ever you get to Giverney go see Monet's studio - light like you would not believe....


donnalouiserodgers said...

oh that sound like someone gets me as the PIF - nope, the `GIFT' is wrapped and ready...

Electra said...

I love to see that someone else loves to create in a messy workspace! Thanks for showing this, Julia!

Anonymous said...

Ooh a stable door and sunbathing whilst crafting - pass the suntan cream please - lots of lovely light - thanks for the reminder of the pif

karen said...

Your space always looks so inviting! You have such lovely light coming in and the fresh air is a bonus! One of these days I will have to take my picture in daylight hours being in Canada, I take the picture close to midnight so I can get linked up to your blog, lol!
xoxo Karen #50

Elaine aka Quixotic said...

Sounds like the perfect spot to work in!

Minxy said...

Hay Julia, Your making me a tad jealous with this shot, could do with a little extra desk space myself, love the thought of having a proper die cutting area, just had to plonk vinny {my vagabond} on the end of my desk hence why i need more room lol
I have a bit of eekkk here as not made my PIF yet but I will, so help me i'll get it done in time!
Have a fab rest of week x
hugs Minxy

Neil said...

Sounds like a fab thing to be able to craft and sunbathe simultaneously! Great little peek at your cutting space. My PIF is finished, ready and waiting! (No, that is NOT a smug tone, honestly!)

Cardarian said...

Oh what a lovely space you have! I wish I had a window with sun coming on my desk! I do have sun in the room but not on my desk - also I must say you are lucky to have a "die cutting area" - would like to have that!
I am pannicking about the PiF but at least I have an idea what to make! Haven't made it yet but this weekend has a few hours reserved for it!

NormaJean said...

Hi Julia, Just stopping by to say Hi its been awhile..

Hugs Norma jean

Angela Toucan said...

you have a fabulous work station area. Wish I was able to leave my stuff out like that.

something rather different from me this week. in at 55 I think.

for the PIF - would designer digi-paper do? So much on right now, not sure I'll manage printing it out and making something with it on time. Got 6 family birthdays this month plus other events...

April said...

Love the idea of sundbathing AND crafting at the same time!! my little crafty corner is tucked well away from sunlight :o( but I love it all the same! Thanks for sharing.

Kate said...

There are some intriguing tins on the left there. I like the look of the union jack one.

** Kate **

Sandie said...

Love your die cutting area - my Big Shot gets moved all over the place.... urgh! Love the idea of a table on wheels too.
I am thinking of buying a wood cabin to set up my crafting. Does anyone have one they already use? I'd love some tips on what to buy as I don't want my lovely papers getting damp and spoiled.
Something a bit different from me this time - just one item shown - a new toy that I am very excited about!! Hope you'll pop by and see it!
AND I'm offering 2 give-aways!

Alicia.R. said...

Hi Julia
I have to credit you for the idea of a die-cutting area, and your post has reminded me to thank you. I created one when I moved into my new studio and it is a blessing indeed.
So thank you until next week

Ohhh Snap said...

Barring any mishaps, my PIF is almost completed :D. Very excited about that lol. Sounds like you have a wonderful system! Happy 101 :D.

Sarah said...

After a long time away from the land of blogger I have returned! Have to say you are braver than me, no shots of anything other than my desk in close up until I rediscover the carpet. Am planning my own specific diecutting area when I have some work done in my craft room, hopefully very soon

Sue Althouse said...

A glorious spot, indeed! Love all that light and sunshine! Sue #77

Polly Polkadot said...

I love the phrase 'ease of access', it looks like it would be a balancing act to move the table! We have a porch that goes nowhere, because I filled it with table for tomato seedlings!

KanataNewf said...

No PIF panic on my side - did my project this past weekend at the crop I attended! Looking forward to it. Now if I could just get my stuff from the crop put away!

Happy WOYWW!
Sheena B #79

Scrapcollectr said...

Oooh boy... gotta start working on the PiF gift then! I agree with you: a chaotic desk is the only way to go.... hee hee.

RosA said...

Lovely to have sunlight streaming through your window. Coldest May day here for years! Happy WOYWW Julia!

Lisa-Jane said...

I love your busy desk Julia! I have patio windows but every time I try to craft with them open the wind blows my stuff everywhere!

Diane said...

I have missed a sorry! PIF link not working for me either so no idea what that is...will try to find the old post manually.

Nicks said...

nah its not untidy its creative - looking forward to the PiF - better go and make sommat though. My post today is not strictly a WOYWW cos I did a WOYWLS (last saturday) - sure you will let me off!(please!!)

DottyA Cards & Things said...

Oh that's not so bad lookin..... you know where everything is Right? Will pretend anyway!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!

mckinkle said...

Enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and crafting at the same time just couldnt get any better Julia!
Keryn x

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Just wanted to say "hello" - this is my first time at WOYWW ;))) Big hugs, Joanna x

Kathryn said...

Ahhhh, the sun is shining (thankfully!) here too! There are some song birds outside my studio window that are singing the most lovely songs! All is right with the world again!! I'm sure you're smiling while creating too. No worries today my friend!

Theresa Plas said...

Light, Doors & wheels on desks - PerFECT! Happy WoYWW Julia:)

yoursartfully said...

Julia, your workspace is always a hive of activity, it always looks so interesting and a stable door're right that is lucky!!


Kathy said...

ooooh I love the corner shot! we get to see so much more of your crafting space.

I'm still busy trying to organise my new shelving/desk area, but there;s the "story so far" on my blog today, plus a close-up of a little shelving thing I'm quite pleased with

Louise said...

I wish I could sunbathe whilst writing but if I take my laptop outside, I can't see the screen!Cue pen and paper.
I wasn't going to take part in the pif (I'm not very paper crafty-wouldn't want to disappoint) but I have had an idea so need to get cracking on it :)
Thanks for stopping by my post today :)

Tertia said...

Wouls you PLEEEEASE stop doing that! Every time you start screeching, my heart skips a beat. I have made at least 4 things and decided they were not good enough! The amount of talent out there scares me!
I wish I had a sunny spot to craft, but at the moment everywhere here is just bleak and very cold.
Happy WOYWW 101

fairyrocks said...

Thanks Julia, always fun to come to your house and play!!!

Pam said...

Ran out of time this morning to leave a comment,pc was playing up! Can't believe its only 3 weeks to PiF got a feeling thats the kids half term week and we are going to be away will have to schedule my desk on the monday; all these things we have to think about these days. Hugs Pam x

Pam said...

It's like you are in a sunlight spotlight. Even nature's elements know what a star you are ;) Good luck with all the stealth stuff, maybe you should work under cover of darkness?

shazsilverwolf said...

Stable doors are great- My DIL has one on the back of her house- fab for being able to see out/ get the sun without the kids escaping when they were little!.

Kim said...

Whew, the muse is back--sorta! I've noticed that a die cutting area is a must!

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Great workdesk! Specially when it's on the right place. Thanks for visiting my blog and happy WOYWW.
Bye, Franka

Linda said...

Hi Julia, This is the first time I have linked to your blog. I had seen WOWW lots but didn't realise they all linked back to you! Well done for keeping it going for 2 years:)

Kyla said...

Its so funny that people queue up to post at 6am!! Scanning desks to see if I can spot a PIF is becoming a new hobby!!
Great cutting area.

Sarpreet said...

believe me i am trying to use as many of those wild rose studio paper packs as i can! i have made lots of cards using wild rose studio paper and their products. not getting anywhere very fast.

Bubbles said...

Everyone has a system - and for most crafters it's just a matter of piles of stuff that we may vaguely know, roughly, in some way, what it contains. Hubby will say to me "What's in that box there?" pointing to a messy pile spilling out of a cardboard box... and I'll often say "Oh, it's just stuff". But I'll know roughly what stuff it is - a woe betide anyone who moves my stuff too *lol*

fairyrocks said...

Okay slow day today....I miss posted my linky the first time...does that make me a missing link...thanks for everyone who stopped by. I took me a while to figure out what you were commenting on...that being an older WOYWW post.
Is my face red....

lisa said...

How lucky are you being able to craft and sunbathe at the same time. How I wish I had a stable door!!!
Must get my PIF done and dusted, time is slipping by far too fast.
hugs Lisax #114

Hettie said...

As long as you are happy working at your desk then why worry how it looks? I am lucky too to have a lovely set of doors that open out to a fantastic view. I love my hubby for building me my room! I am stable door envious of you though - my front door was a stable door until my MIL had a yukky PVC thing put in! On our list for changing one of these days!! If you peep on my posting you will see what we are doing at the moment!

Unknown said...

My desk is the side of our French Doors, which unfortunately only open onto a yard, but it is still glorious working here when it is warm enough to have them open and just feel the outside flooding in.

Anne said...

Love the idea of the stable doors and being able to be part of the outdoors. Sadly my craft space is at the end of a spare room - it can be a bit dark as well. Window the other end and it is quite high up - am contemplating changing it around but not sure it will work and not sure I have the energy. Anne x

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for visiting my desk, great idea about using the tags for a mini album, only thing is by the time I am finished with the tags, there is no space for the photos...but you have started an idea forming...

Glenda said...

I love the light you have where you work! Just wonderful1

rach said...

Exciting that you have some cards that you can't show us! Can't wait to see them

Sandie said...

Hi Julia - thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog. I didn't know that you can find dies for the vintage press that I bought - so a big big thank you! I will have to do a search and see what I can find :)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Wow..WOYWW comes so quick. A little late today, we are having 86 degrees and farm work is well into being started FINALLY. I am a Taxi service, for my DH when he moves equipment from farm to farm. Sounds like you are busy having your desk occupied. But sounds glorious to have the door open. Do you have bugs there? Now We have flies and no see ems and they bite. Enjoy.

Darcy Marshall said...

my 'thing' is done and ready to post...just need to remember to link up now. i have been at hospital every wed for weeks, hope to get back to blogging and woyww soonly.

Sally Morgan said...

Fabby photy Julia! Tis nearly the witching hour...but I managed to get it in before Thursday!
*hugs* Sal x

Chrissy said...

I linked up in the wee hours here, 230am. LOL Feeding the baby. I can finally come and comment. Thanks for stopping by. Can't wait for Week 104! how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're so lucky to have natural light right on your work desk.
My desk faces a wall and my own back blocks any light coming in from the window.
Of course I do most of my art journaling at night, so there's no daylight to speak of in the first place, lol.

Angela said...

Late to the party today. Been a busy day. Looking forward to visiting others tomorrow!

The light in your room is gorgeous! The stable door sounds studio is not bathed in light in such a lovely way...sniff. It's a good thing that I can stop by and visit the WOYWWers and revel in their light! :)

Sarah said...

There's nothing like scrapbooking in the Sunshine :-)

Sarah x x x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, truly bringing up the rear this week but better late than never perhaps. Your desk looks exactly as mine doesn't this week - plenty for me to snoop at. Still envying your separate shelf for your Cuttlebug - sigh. Elizabeth x

Scrapcollectr said...

Oooops! If you go to #81, it's my post from last week.....if you go to #135, it's my post from this week. Thanks, Faeiryrocks, for pointing that error out to me! Enjoy your day, friends.... *smile*

Becky said...

It is a glorious spot in the sunshine. And by the way, thanks for ordering up the gorgeous weather for the week i was in the UK! i just know you did that! :)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Thank you for hosting this blog hop!

I am your newest blog follower. :)
Looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts!
I welcome you to check out my art blog, too!
Mary C. Nasser