Wednesday 4 May 2011

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 100 !!

Well, I'm pretty blown away by your staying power, frankly. 100 weeks of this! I hope that by the second anniversary on Week 104 that you'll have made your mind up about whether it's a keeper! There's a celebration sort of round robin PiF going on for week 104, please read about it here.
In the broad daylight of Tuesday afternoon, I took a photo of my die cutting area (the one I use, not where my Cricut lies in state). It's at the left of my can just see the elbow of my lamp which is actually poised to light my desk on demand. I do actually get off my chair to use this little area, and unless I'm very intensely involved, I keep it relatively clear. I know, you're in shock. The tins at back hold the embossing folders and my collection of nesties and other flat dies are on magnetic sheets stuck to A4 chipboard and 'filed' in the magazine holder file thingy. It's a bit Heath_Robinson, but it works well for me.

So when I took this picture, it was because my desk is covered in the PiF that I'm making for week 104. And I assumed that it would still be covered this morning. But it's not. I had to pack it up and put it out of sight. Angst, see. Mojo desertion. Fear. Terror, actually....what was I thinking, suggesting making something to send to someone. Aaagh. Share your angst do, it really is time I heard that I'm not alone, please.

And of course, share your work space with us - upload a pic of your desk so that we can see what you've got, what you're's a huge inspiration, believe me. And you may well make a friend or two. Not everyone can visit everyone...we're realistic. Rejoice in your visitors, be they one or one hundred..this is all about the shared experience after all. Oh yeah, and May the 4th be with you.


Helen said...

What I wouldn't give for a 'die-cutting ra'! lol! As you know that just means a different square inch of carpet... hey ho. My mojo deserted me too at the weekend, all that time and - nada! At least the PIF is done.

Cathy said...

I like you die cutting area Julia ... wish I had a place for my CB to be out all the time ... I usually have to shove hubby's bus stuff out of the way to use mine!! Hope you find you mojo soon,
Cathy xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I agree. I have a lot of angst about my PIF. But I like how you have a definite work station for your die cutting machine. And I know whatever you make, everyone will LOVE.

Neet said...

May the 4th be with you - I like it - very clever. Congratulations on reaching 100.

Carola Bartz said...

You even have a designated die-cutting area - wow. I'm really impressed. I have an entire mess-around-here area - if I die cut, i do it on the floor....
Just finished my PiF today!!! I thought I'd get it never done.

A Hovel to Home said...

Lovely idea to have a separate area for die-cutting.

I'm working on my pif this week.



Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well here we go with week 110 Julia and may I offer a hearty congrats to you for all your organisation with 100 WOYWW's! not long till anniversary! good on you this will be my last week up near the top for a while as will be away at 3pm our time when it is time to link over to you, but thought hey! have another go this week at it!
Mmm can so relate to your angst terror, Julia we really are our strongest critics! love Shaz in Oz.x

Nicky said...

Love your die cutting area - hope you find your mojo soon for the PIF - I have a last had an idea now just to sit down and make it - Have a great Wednesday - love the union Jack tin x

akilli melek said...

as long as my mojo is with me the 4th can be wherever it wishes, lol! Hope you get yours back in time for PIF. Well done on 100 WOYWWs!
Like your storage ideas, i just cant seem to bear to take my folders or nesties out of their original packaging - ofcourse that means they are a nightmare to store.
caroline #12

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, impressive die cutting area, Julia! the 4th is surely with you!

Elaine Harding said...

A designated die-cutting area? No such luck for me - it's usually plonking SU's Big Shot on my chair, floor, wherever I clear space I can find to cut/emboss! TFS!

Neil said...

Hiya, great tio have a seperate die cutting area, sounds SO very posh! Clever Idea to store your nesties. Angst, we all have angst at times I think. I just keep telling mine to "sod off, I'm much bigger than you!" Have a fab day....

Cardarian said...

Oh you lucky woman - you actually have a "die cutting area" I don't have any room for that - see todays post! And thinking of Pif I am in panic too....what can a not very artistic crafter send around the world? Yes Julia what were you thinking?????
Lots of hugs,

jude said...

Love your desk this week have been AWOL for couple weeks and have missed you werent the same!
Yes i also have my die cut area seperate from my desk.Mr V(vagabond)has his own wee space now so much better.
Happy creartive Wednesday
hugs judex 28

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

OOh a dedicated die cutting area, actually I have one of those, if it is not covered in other stuff!!! lol
I iwll be busy working on my pif .. next
Have a great day

Dragon said...

I am with you all the way... I made something and then realized it would not do to send round the world!!! So am working on something else and hoping that will be a better fit for the challenge!!! As for an area for Valentine Vagabond, well not in my crafting room, but next door, because I can... in another room, you understand, NOT someone else's house, tee hee... have a great week and don't worry TOO much

Morti said...

Ahh yes, Happy Star Wars Day to you too, Julia! Thanks for the kind comment about the photos last week!!!!

The Crafty Elf said...

A die cutting can only hope for such a space. Happy 100 WOYWW!

okienurse said...

I wish I had a die cutting station...wait I is called a card table I put up. I wish I could leave it up but my room won't hold it! I have some ideas of what I want to do for my PIF and once I get these pages done I will start on that. Hope you have a good week
Vickie aka okienurse #36

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I don't have the luxury of a die cutting station but it's never too far from me so I can just lug it over a few inches, open it out, and Bob's your uncle. Like your folder storage tins - just the right height by the looks of it. And angst over PIF - yep, I've tons of it. I have more than a few ideas but nothing has really concrete, so to speak. And it's only 4 weeks so HELP! Elizabeth x #38

Spyder said...

oh you stole my punch line, I was saving that one (May the .... oh yes I was!) You're not alone. Heath Robinson and Mojo are with you... and now I see so is bob, your uncle! They could all help, where as my camera battery is flat again. (I sat on it) Crafty room is looking spaced out to day. Live long and prosper... V


misteejay said...

Me thinks I'd have problems with trying to keep my embossing folders where my Bigshot is at the moment...on the floor under the desk LOL Been using my design boutique lately as it is living by the sofa in the lounge (note to self - must get organised one of these days).

Toni :o)

HarmonySweetpea said...

100 WOYWW's. Woot woot! Big achievement and going strong!

Di said...

May the 4th indeed - am gonna spring that one on my OH!! Your die cutting area (lucky girl) is frighteningly tidy! Have Wipso and Twiglet been visiting with their feather dusters? Hugs, Di x

Pam said...

I must admit my Pif is done, although i need to do a bit of alteration to make it more clearly linked to woyww. Its great for me considerng last year I failed miserably! Hugs Pam x

Kyla said...

May for the 4th!!!! LOL!! Hubby is wondering why I am laughing whilst getting ready for work!! Love your heath robinson stylee storage also.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting the WOYWW, this is the first time I've submitted a page.

I wanted to get a die cut machine, but always thought that something like a Cricut would be better since I could change the sizes of the same pattern (flexibility and everything), but it's so expensive! And then there's the Tim Holtz machine too...

Annie said...

Happy star wars day Julia. Lovely to see a bit of clear desk to work on today sign of the desk tidy today though so I'm guessing thats where you have tidied it all to :-)
A x

Ali said...

:lol: You had to say it, didn't you! :)

I too technically have a die-cutting area... but somehow that desk also seems to get covered in the detritus of crafting... not to mention the build-up of stuff on the floor can make it hard for me to get close enough to the desk to use the BigShot that resides there! :lol:


Sid said...

100 WOYWW's already !! My die-cutting area is on the room on the desks !!

donnalouiserodgers said...

oh I am with you on every count on this blog (not normal for me to be so agreeable is it???) see that's what WOYWW does - brings people together and tells them (how) to play nice...long may it prosper (let it die a natural death IF EVER) and I can't wait to see Niall tonight to say May the 4th be with you - hee hee hee,

ps. if you worry it means it is a heartfelt hardworked original piece - that also means anyone who is not proud to receive your gift is frankly - spoilt...

Twiglet said...

I think the sunshine has soaked up my mojo too but I did manage a bit of crafty activity on fun day Tuesday! Still not thought what to do for my PiF.

Ciara said...

I haven't a clue what to make for the PIF. There, I said it out loud!

Anyway, happy centenery Mrs D - just look at the monster you have created! It's a pretty damn cool monster and like I've said in my post for today, it's one that has changed Wednesdays forever :-)

Anonymous said...

fantastic WOYWW100 - your die cutting area looks great and heath robinson or not I think your magazine file for the nesties sounds good to me

karen said...

I don't know what came over me but I did my PiF way back when you first announced it. Strange because quite often I wait til the night before something is due, lol! I know you will come up with something wonderful!
xoxo Karen #55

Anonymous said...

Wow - Everyone is posting earlier and earlier! It's only 8.30am and here I am at 52.
I know just what you mean about mojo - just WALK AWAY from the pif Julia. Your Mojo hasn't deserted you; it's just gone for a little wander in the sunshine. Probably with mine! :-)

Joanne said...

I made the mistake of showing my 104th piece when I made it (should read the instructions) but it was so long ago that no-one will remember - I hope. A great big thank you for holding this weekly wonder. I, for one, look forward to Wednesdays and love the fact they come round so quickly.
Hugs Joanne xx

yoursartfully said...

Good morning Julia......long time see!!! It has been yonks since I joined in all the fun and I hop over here to leave my comment and I find we are celebrating 100 cool is that!! And your desk is still as interesting as when I first joined in.


Angie said...

I haven't even got a die cutter ...let alone an area for it lol can dream.
I am not good at making or giving new artistic life to ...'things' and I knew I would worry that it ...what ever it was ...would be rubbish so I am not going to PIF ....BUT I think WOYWW will be seeing week 156 with no problem. xx

Esther said...

How organised! my flat dies are at the stage of needing new storage as they are refusing to stay stuck to their original cards any longer!! Wow...100 weeks...I turned up first just as you were celebrating the first anniversary ! I'm sure whatever you make will be much appreciated just because it's from you! Happy WOYWW

airing cupboard crafts said...

100 weeks!!! It makes me feel old!! love the die cutting area. Can we please have a peak at those shelves above.


April said...

Love the die cutting area! my poor little CB has to live on the floor boo hoo! :o) I like the storage using chipboard and magnetic sheets!

Kathleen said...

Wow a cutting area, I'm sooo envious my work area is the dining table with CB storage on the floor.

Erika said...

A very tidy cutting don't get much of a view of my room as it is a constant mess...even when I tidy doesn't last long. That's probably the only reason I don't post on here more often...note to self must try and keep my room tidier.
Happy crafting! x

Angela Toucan said...

good morning Julia. Love your cutting area - I want one of those machines one day ......

My PIF grew some mojo this morning but I haven't started it yet.

sparklygirl-Tina said...

Hi Julia

Happy 100 WOYWW's!!! Wow! I've never heard of a PiF before so glad you explained it - will have to think of something to make - I know no excuse with that much notice - LOL!

Well I must say I do like your storage tins for your dies - great idea and I also like the A4 magazine thingy too.

Until next time Julia - take care!


Cath said...

Well done on 100 weeks. Great cutting area, don't think you can see mine at the moment!


cardsandacuppa said...

Yup, Mojo is a missing here too, I have been trawling the net trying to get it kick started and decided to start with a couple of challenges good luck in fnding yours :-)
Hugs xx

Gez Butterworth said...

Congratulations on your centenary!
Just wondering if you're having probs leaving comments on my blog?
Have a great day. Gez.xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Your not alone in the PiF thing. I've started 2 decided had to do better as who knows what part of the world it will go to. Now I'm on #3, all sitting on my ironing board, almost ready. Then I too lost the MOJO, so for 2 days we have had the SUN and I'm back at it.
Space..there's never enough, but looks like you have some to store and stack. I see wall shelves peeping slightly in the photo. That helps too.
Enjoy the day and Congrats on #100

KanataNewf said...

A dedicated area for your die-cutting huh? hmmmm, now there's an idea. I always just grab my cuttlebug whenever I need it. Mind you, there is a dedicated spot for all the accessories (spellbinders, folders, etc). And yes, I have a spot where both of my cricuts "lie in state" as you put it. that made me chuckle. I'm sure your mojo will return for the PIF. I'm making mine this weekend at a crop I will be attending!

Happy WOYWW!

Sheena B

~ Ali Robertson ~ said...

Fabby die cutting are Julia. Happy WOYWW

Ali W x

sandra de said...

I started 2nd PIF once Shaz worked out we had more time!!! I got all anxious "OMG 1st PIF is not good enough must do better because I have more time". But then I got distracted by ATC's and then something arrived in the post which distracted me even more and now I can't find 1st PIF and must finish 2nd PIF. Have come to the conclusion I have the attention span of a gnat but always look forward to Wednesday!! May the 4th be with you too.

Jan Hennings said...

It's great to have a diecut station and not have to haul your machine around! I usually leave mine in one spot until today when I had so many cuts to make :)
Congrats on WOYWW 100!

kelly said...

It's my first time sharing, I'm a bit worried that everyone will be horrified at my mess, oh sorry I mean desk.
kelly xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

And May 4th be with you. I believe it is now officially "Star Wars Day". My Pif suddenly took wings and flew this week, so almost finished. I hope the recipient likes it as much as I enjoyed making it. My mojo is working too fast at the moment, it is just the lack of time to try everything out.

JoZart Designs said...

What a wonderful milestone to reach 100 and it will lead us gently into the 2 year celebration in 4 weeks. A good point as with enough time to make our PiF gifts. I think we'll be sat on the computer for days when all this happens and I think we'll have to have a dedicated place to show and thank for all the recipients of the gifts!! tee hee!
Hugs JoZarty x

Glenda said...

Sorry I missed today! Too many other things in the way...Maybe next week! Your area looks just great. I have my cuttlebug on a cart with wheels so I can get to it fast!

Unknown said...

Angst, angst..if I share it does it mean I get rid of some? I still only have a half formed idea for what I want to make and am now looking at the calendar and wondering where I am going to find time to eat or sleep in May!

Sue Althouse said...

So far I've only used my Cuttlebug for embossing, in deference to my Slice, but just a few nesties sure would be handy!

Belinda Basson said...

wow 100, only 4 to go, I am so busy with my PIF...having lots of fun with this. Thanks so much for hosting!

Polly Polkadot said...

100 seemed a good number to start on! Shame you can't see my workbench underneath everything else!

DottyA Cards & Things said...

It's nice to see how you have your dies stored... that's really a very good idea, very handy too...

Susan said...

Hi Julia,
Long time, no WOYWW but I am back this week. Off to bed though as it is nearly midnight here.
Susan xxox #101!! Eeek!

Bubbles said...

"May the 4th be with you"...?!? That's just too funny!
My mojo takes unexpected holidays all the time - trouble is, when it returns I'm like a scrap-fanatic... obsessed with getting all my ideas out!
I am now going to make a little confession... though I love the photographs of your desk, I'm always interested to try and see what's hidden away underneath. I just love those little peeks of the workings and storage of your crafting space :)

Pam said...

Angst? Why it's my middle name. Happy Hundred Julia! Your desk looks just as young and pretty as the day we met.

Jingle said...

I've debated getting one of those. I have a Cricut, though, so I feel like I don't really need it, but I would love to have the embossing plates....hmmmm....

Scrapcollectr said...

I've missed glad revisiting means I've come to the #100 party... funny, my Cricut lies in state also and I just did a crop this weekend and enjoyed using someone else's Cricut so much, I may revive it at home. I'm sure you'll have a great PiF when all is said and done.... *smile*

shazsilverwolf said...

So cool to get to 100, I haven't been here since the start, but am loving every minute of it since I joined in.

Kirsty.A said...

"May the 4th be with you"???!! Aaargh!! Bad. But good, bad. You know what I ean. Congrats on radching 100th WOYWWs

Ohhh Snap said...

Ooooooooo a cuttlebug :D, so whatcha making?? lol. I can't blame mojo abandonment (touch wood), but lots and lots and lots of angst. I mean to make something that will please crafter's of the caliber I see here is just plain intimidating, and I've made about 5 things but I have no idea what I should do as my PIF lol. And I'm cracking up at Kirsty a's comment about may the 4th be with you lol.

Sarpreet said...

I am eager to find about the PIF and how i can participate, congratulations on 100 WOYWW. I am distracted by the new goodies at the glitterpot

Hettie said...

Hi Julia. The first thing I clocked was the wooden file box - love it! Gonna see if hubby can make me one!!
Do you think Hels took your Mojo with her to Ranger U? It may be better than before if she did. I am hoping mine went with her!! I am having a problem with my PiF as I have done the main thing but cannot seem to finish it off!!
Well done on 100 WOYWWs tho I have not been here from the start, it was one of the reasons I started my lickle bloggie!!

Ali said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog:

YOur desk is interesting - I understand the paper clips and the birth certificate - after all, things I need to do are left on my desk...but tell me...did you clean shoes this morning or is the brush part of a technique I haven't stumbled across yet?

Ah now, the brush is actually part of the Imagepac kit and is used for washing the excess gel off the newly-formed stamp! :D

Ali #41

Amanda said...

Well done on 100 weeks and thanks for letting me have a snoop around your die cutting area. I like your collection of tins - especially the Union Jack one.

Thanks for visiting my workdesk this Wednesday.

Amanda #48

Brandi said...

First time posting! So fun! :)

Brandi said...

Love your die cutting area! As for the angst... my mojo just came back after a long, long absence. In the interum doing other creative things and getting outside really helped. Good luck and I hope your mojo comes back straight away!

Craftyangel said...

oooooh this was my first time.

love seeing other peeps desks......i'm very nosey.

Little Miss Crafty *Kerri* said...

Just added my first WOYWW!!! Yay :)

fairy thoughts said...

oh for a die cutting area mine gets done on by balancing on top of everything else,LOL
must check out the pif thingy

HarmonySweetpea said...

Julia, check out this youtube video for what an I-Rock does. Its a blinging gadget. Glad I'm not the only one that has no clue about half the new gadgets out there haha Enjoy

Anne said...

Congratulations on 100 weeks. I wish I had room to leave my Cuttlebug out ready. It's on a bookshelf nearby though and easily accessible. I haven't realy come to grips with storage of folders and dies yet. Have to admit I like things in their original packaging - think I will have to overcome that though. Anne x

Elaine Harding said...

Hi Julia,Tks for stopping by. To answer your question, the class was from 10am - 3.30 pm with 1/2 break for lunch. They bring a packed lunch, I provide tea/coffee and biscuits/cake. I pack each basket with all materials/extra punches they need. Included in the class fee is their own owl punch and a reel of ribbon. All other supplies except adhesives are included. Each attendee has their own set of instructions, I demo project,then the baskets rotate, each person works at their own pace. We have an a.m. session, break for lunch, then they tackle the more complicated projects in the afternoon. Most manage to finish, one or two ran over till 4. Elaine#19

SueH said...

May the 4th be with you too. Lol!

I’m finding it a little hard to believe that you manage to keep your die cutting area so clear Julia, especially having seen your ‘other’ desk over previous weeks…are you sure you’ve not had a clear up especially for the occasion?

Congratulations on week 100!

Happy Crafting

Sarah said...

Thanks for popping by and in response to your ponderings on being finished... A famous choreographer once said this about knowing when you're "there".
"It is no longer a question of adding more...there is nothing else to take away..."
I think that sums it up for me although getting to that point can be a road-trip! Gut feeling, trusting the moment, and ignoring peer pressure from both myself and the outside world.
That was the OU lecture for tonight...

Bye Sarah.

She Who Doodles said...

a very organized space. that must be part of our creative process, we have to be organized if we want to keep adding to our stash.

Sally Morgan said...

Congratulations on 100 Julia, you have created something wonderful! I'm new to blogging and this is my 1st WOYWW but I have to admit that I have been noseying workspaces on WOYWW for a month or so's brilliant, pure genius! I figured that I really should open mine up to all those that I've noseyed at.....guilty face :/.....and I've also started a PiF gift for week 104 too! Like you, I'm in total angst, the thought of making and sending something to one of the amazingly talented crafters that take part, fills me with sheer terror!!!
What are you going to do do for week 156? lol
*hugs* Sal x

Chrissy said...

Thanks for creating this new obsession of mine. :) Happy 100! "May the 4th be with you", made me almost spit out my drink. ;)

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

I'm so envious that you have a designated area for using your die cuts, I think I need a bigger room!
Happy 100th :)

Angela said...

Thanks, Julia! I'll be around as long as you're willing to host WOYWW! I look forward to Wednesdays.

Share my angst...well, I am worried since I've only been around WOYWW for a few months worth. I'm wondering if anyone shared what they did last year, so I have an idea of what to do. I'm worried mostly about not doing enough or doing too much!

"Forward looking am I to post #104!" May the 4th be with you, too!


Joni Nickrent said...

Just found your linky party! WOW! Lots of fun stuff here, there and everywhere. It's gonna take e some time to get around to all of the awesome posts, but looking forward to joining in the weekly fun! Sketching...coloring and creating! Congrats on 100th

Allycat x said...

Congrats for the 100! Here's to the 2 year anniversary :)

Clare said...

Congratulations on 100 WOYWW! It's only my second but I'm loving it. So looking forward to 104, got my PIF planned, and supplies bought!Love your die cutting area, I've just made one in my room, but I would love a die cutting island!!! Love, Clare x

HeARTworks said...

I'm sorry Julia, can't say that my mojo left me! I had a nice time trying to finish my canvas last night and I think I did a pretty good job. I'm sure yours just took an extended vacation! Patsy from

voodoo vixen said...

I am sure when you first came up with woyww you never thought it would still be about at week 100... which shows how wrong you can be!! We just keep coming back for more, so congrats to you!!
I have no idea why the PIF is giving you angst but then I do... we all doubt ourselves and are our own worst critics. I was anxious about the PIF and then just hoped that your inate politeness would over ride everything else!!! LOL