Wednesday, 22 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 816

I took this pic last night; I thought I was going to schedule this post and then things changed. You would be correct if you assume that nothing on the desk has changed; just my plan for this morning! Actually, go me...I did remove the coffee mug for washing and refilling! I've been playing with birds and scraps. A continuation of what I was doing last week really, in ten minute snatches. It's not ideal but it does ensure that I get something done, excluding tidying up of course!
You can see the collection of scissors...the smaller ones discarded in rage because they are all in various stages of dull or blunt. I've got a Fiskars sharpener but it doesn't seem long before the blades are dull I get Mr Dunnit to labour over them with a Japanese wet stone. Of course he's too busy and of course I could do it myself, but he is a lovely bloke and never ever turns down the job. And he does it on a same day turn-around! 
Here are a couple of blunt cut birdies
There's a handful of postcard type finished articles on the top left. I've been selling a few bits and pieces online and I think it's always nice to add a 'thank you' to the parcel, otherwise it's a totally cold exchange! Today is Mr Dunnit's birthday and the first of a community 'bring your project' craft morning in our small town, so I'm anticipating a fun day and possibly even not having to cook this evening - gotta love a midweek birthday! 
Please join in with sharing your desk, it's easy to do, find the base link and other desks at Sarah's Craft Shed.  Have a good day!

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 815

Well, another week and no sign of any progress in the craft department!
My desk has become a bit of a catch all for the old 'to do' list, and I thought you may like to see this fab poster that I'm about to put into a frame. 'Twas a Christmas gift from a dear friend....hilarious and slightly right...!
Actually, the desk looks worse than it is, but if you haven't been here before, that may be hard to believe! The alphabet covered case at left is full of pens and paint pens. I was using it to colour some images that I then put in the bin...when I came back to them I was very unhappy with my chosen colour combinations! There's a rolled up tshirt next to it, safe to tell you that it's for Mr Dunnit as a gesture towards his birthday which is next week. I'll show you and no doubt tell you the story when he's received it! So those items are on top of the crafty bits I was playing with, my journal and yogurt pot filled with foam sticky pads have been pushed over by the tshirt; just straightening those would create a much less disorganised look. But it's nearly 16 years too late to start worrying about public exposure of an untidy desk! 

Talking of 16 years...the WOYWW Crop is to be on the 10th May this year, a week before the sixteenth anniversary of a WOYWW, and  hosted again by Sarah. Also the host of the link party that is WOYWW. Join us, have a look at ours and show and tell yours. Can't be any worse than this really, can it, and no one minds in the least!  Visit Sarah's craft shed.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 814

Gloomy and cold out there this morning, but in here it's all light and dancing about. Well, I'm up, and I have a plan which is by far the better way for me to face a day! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year. I haven't made any resolutions and I haven't chosen a word for the year and I'm not apparently, going to be changing my modus operandi at the desk....
Whilst chatting to our LLJ on FaceTime I stamped and coloured and I tidied up. Then later in the day, I went back to it and started some more...and didn't tidy up. This is how it looks this morning and that's how I know the new year hasn't changed my mindset! 
In fact this is a slice of desk really, the other half has a birthday present on it which cannot be revealed! Isn't the little wooden tray with my new mug on it an oasis of calm in all the mess. A lovely Christmas present from my sweet sister in law. And it's got a HOME MADE biscuit on it. My word, I'm turning into Suzi Homemaker! 

Join us for desk viewing and general craft nosiness, it costs nothing and is actually a nice way to spend some down time browsing and chatting - link up at Sarah's; if you have questions, please ask!

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday 812

The actual Christmas Day edition! Wow, I hope that your Christmas is full of hope, peace and goodwill.
My Workdesk has actually some used stamps and offcuts sitting on it...Miss Dunnit's current squeeze made something. Have to admit it was fun to throw ideas and lots of choices at him and watch him panic! He did a good job and I don't mind bragging slightly that it was an effortless slide back into full on workshop conductor mode! We're having a day that features just the four of us and will eat the traditional roast at some point. Not soon though, I haven't turned the oven on or peeled a vegetable yet! 
Have a lovely super holiday y'all. As Sarah says on her blog this morning, next Wednesday is next year, so great good wishes to you and yours. See you next year!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

What's On your Workdesk? Wednesday 811

Not my usual desk, but some craft work of a sort at last! You can tell that I've spray painted the tree that is the A. These words form part of a box full that Mr Dunnit has cut for me; different words that I'm sort of experimenting with in terms of painting, leaving naked, adding snow etc etc. The drawback to cans of spray paint is the need to be outside with a large cardboard box as a spray booth. It all gets blown about even on days when you wouldn't consider it windy. Nothing if not rankly amateur I can tell you. Still, so far so good. The box will then be retired to the garage. The intention is to add to it as time permits over the next few months and then have a stall at our town's Christmas Fayre next year. We'll see. I think the box I'm using is big enough not to be one of those that gets swallowed up by the 'special place' problem. Probably it's too big and we'll get sick of falling over it, walking around it, moving it to access other stuff, it will be put in a special place and totally forgotten until a deadline looms again! So here I am a week before Christmas, preparing stuff for next Christmas. That might lead you to the wrong assumption that I'm ready for this Christmas. I am, nearly. Just domestic chores to conquer, golly doesn't having to move furniture and wedge in a tree cause an upset! Hope you can take some time to feel the festivities in the big old run up. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? wednesday 808

There's a lot of the regular GKW/stuff and a whole lot of nothing go on. Gentle desker, I haven't made a single Christmas card. I don't even know if I can legitimately add 'yet' to that sentence. Mojo is missing. At this rate I'll have forgotten how to stamp! The cute Christmas stickers are waiting; I thought they would make fun seals for envelopes so there's a demonstration of intent! You can just see at left, the strings of some Kraft tags that I stamped and decorated in January. Tags are so useful and yet are overlooked in this house, so I made a few. Glad I did, because early wrapping and despatching has occurred. You can also see a background stamp , I had an idea that it would make a nice light plaid background for some of my Christmas images. Since it arrived I haven't tried it, but it's ready and probably more willing than I! 
It will be lovely to catch up with you, I've no doubt that you will be jaw droppingly busy and inspiring. A second picture by way of wanting to share some loveliness....I know it's meant really to accent other flowers, but I love Gypsophilia and this bunch of coloured blooms makes me think of cherry blossom every time I look at it. 
I was trying out Portrait Lighting on my phone which is why the kitchen worktop looks so moody!

Wednesday, 30 October 2024


I had to double check the number, four weeks since I last posted. Good grief, my life is so chaotic. No Workdesk from me, it's actually looking its usual mess but there's no craft working going on. Instead, I offer you the dining table and the hall floor. 

Im clearing out my sweet, late Mother In Law's house and obviously trying really hard to re-home stuff before having to give in and dump it. It's a chore, to be honest. Yesterday I ended up refereeing a fight over an item I'd put up for sale on FB and I start today wondering if anyone of the three scheduled to collect what they wanted will actually turn up. If you've ever done similar, you'll know that it's not about making money, it's about getting rid of whatever! So that's me, in amongst the day to day I have this little voice in the back of my head talking about the things I want to make for Christmas and I'm trying to keep it quiet and low, if it's just another job, there will be no pleasure in it, and at this point, anything I don't have to do isn't being done! I think that makes me a housework rebel! I also know that trotting around your desks will fill me awe and longing so I need to get on with this clearing lark!