Wednesday, 22 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 816

I took this pic last night; I thought I was going to schedule this post and then things changed. You would be correct if you assume that nothing on the desk has changed; just my plan for this morning! Actually, go me...I did remove the coffee mug for washing and refilling! I've been playing with birds and scraps. A continuation of what I was doing last week really, in ten minute snatches. It's not ideal but it does ensure that I get something done, excluding tidying up of course!
You can see the collection of scissors...the smaller ones discarded in rage because they are all in various stages of dull or blunt. I've got a Fiskars sharpener but it doesn't seem long before the blades are dull I get Mr Dunnit to labour over them with a Japanese wet stone. Of course he's too busy and of course I could do it myself, but he is a lovely bloke and never ever turns down the job. And he does it on a same day turn-around! 
Here are a couple of blunt cut birdies
There's a handful of postcard type finished articles on the top left. I've been selling a few bits and pieces online and I think it's always nice to add a 'thank you' to the parcel, otherwise it's a totally cold exchange! Today is Mr Dunnit's birthday and the first of a community 'bring your project' craft morning in our small town, so I'm anticipating a fun day and possibly even not having to cook this evening - gotta love a midweek birthday! 
Please join in with sharing your desk, it's easy to do, find the base link and other desks at Sarah's Craft Shed.  Have a good day!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy Birthday Mr Dunnit, hope you have a cracking day 🎉🎂🍾🎁
The craft morning sounds fun, is that something that’s stemmed from the WI? G sharpened all our kitchen knives with a whetstone last week, they’re bloody lethal now!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Annie said...

Happy birthday Mr Dunnit. I hope you enjoy the day.
I miss my dad for sharpening my scissors and knives 😢 I have a sharpener but it never does the same job.
Hugs x #6

Neet said...

Well, hope Mr D has a lovely birthday, give him a hug from me please. Also hope you don't have to make a meal this evening, birthdays can be good excuses to get out of jobs,
Gosh I had forgotten all about whetstones. I don't seem to blunt my knives much unless I cut paper with fabric ones of course!!!
Julia, I just love your little birds.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Helen said...

Hope Mr D has a great birthday and you don't need to cook ! Hope the crafting venture goes well. Happy woyww Helen #3

Kelly said...

Good morning, Miss Julia!
Surprised to see me? LOL
Happy Birthday, Mr. D! I hop you have an awesome day.
How can a crafter collect sooooo many scissors? If you find the answer, please let me know. LOL I have a 'few' myself.
Creative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy Birthday to Mr D. My husband is very good like that although in my case, I am not capable 🤣. Love your little birds. Reminds me of a Woodware stamp I like. My last new scissors I bought from Crafter’s Companion and I don’t like them at all. I find them heavy handed to cut. My husband used my Fiskars to cut matchsticks in the summer and I still haven’t replaced them. Happy WOYWW. Angela#10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like there's a birthday today, hope it's a good one with lots of smiles. I use the Fiskars scissor sharpener which are quite good and handy when you need to sharpen quickly. Wishing you a very happy woyww, hugs Angela x8x

BJ said...

Loving your birdies, blunt cut or otherwise. Might have to include something like them in my fabric book. Hugs BJ#1

Mary Anne said...

Happy Bday to the Mr. He's a treasure beyond measure for sure. Love the birdies! While cleaning I cam across some I stamped at a long ago crop from Helen's TH birdies. Now I have the stamps I feel like I can use them, cause I can stamp more LOL! Happy a-day-late WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope Mr D had a great birthday and that the bring a craft session went well Julia. Love the little birds - always nice to receive something like that in a parcel when you are buying. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Better late than never! Happy Birthday Mr Dunnit! I hope you enjoyed a lovely day together. I've been busy helping Max so I'm a bit slow at visit desks this week. I left vevthose little birds. I've been thinking of doing some little bird fabric collaged- if ever I have a spare hour or two. I hope the gales haven't affected you. It's been wild here but no damage. Have a great weekend.x x Jo 🌈

BJ said...

Thanks for your comment on #818, you make me giggle, I think I surprised myself with the garland memory. Hubby was about to persuade me to spend money on new artificial ivy but I always want to "think" about it first and then I had the eureka moment! I have what's left of the arrangement sans dirty ribbons/paper all washed and up on my screen in my room. I do think the shoulder problem might well be a combination of things, rough dance partner, badminton, (both only back to recently after 2 months off) needle felting, and exercises for my back! It was pretty bad today but hubby massaged it so that helped. Oh and I did make the second mushroom quite quickly, not much to it really. The original workshop was 2 hours but I think I made it quicker than that. Just bought some fabric squares so I can make some more funky birds and the like now, always drooling over Jan's fabrics. Hugs bj