Wednesday, 29 September 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (69)
Tuesday, 28 September 2010

I've found the colours on these lovely gaudy horses a great kick off point actually, and am feeling happily autumnal. Isn't funny how you do and don't notice things, and how some things influence you. I pointed a an Acer or Maple (I dunno) to a friend of mine yesterday that is already a stunning red gold. It's young, but been on 'our route' for a few years. She'd never noticed it, but is revelling in her discovery. She pointed out to me that since Autumn arrived, I've been wearing more red. I hadn't noticed. But I like the idea that even subliminally, I'm copying a greater force. Gold and yellow don't suit me, otherwise I'd probably be looking even more like the hedge that I usually drag myself through! I have to examine my winter wardrobe - this work thing means that jeans and sweatshirts won't really cut it - eight years of comfort clothes people - aaagh to that change! One thing for sure though, I'm going to try and build in some other colours - they cheer me and hey - if the horses can look gaudy for autumn....!

Sunday, 26 September 2010
Friday, 24 September 2010
Click heavy!
Thursday, 23 September 2010
The lid goes back on that box
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 68!
I thought Siobhan's idea worked well last week - make a mental note of your Mr Linky number and when you comment on other's desks, add your number to your comment and visits can be reciprocated. And also, a silent three cheers for Mr Linky...amazing the technology that strangers make available for free AND make it so simple that even I can use it. Loving the Linky meister!
So then - show off or confess, whatever your desk style; we'd love you to join this big old blog hop. Not many rules, no membership necessary, dip in and out as and when you can, but know that you'll make some friends; Wednesdays are a very inclusive day in this portion of the ether! Add your pics to your blog, link it here and we'll swing by to rummage and comment over what you've got and what you're doing. Doesn't have to be paper crafting....there's a lot of knitters and sewers out there, and wine makers and oh I don't know, just load up and share please!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Stop Press....Ally Pally tickets...
I think it's as far as Plan C....
A plan is typically any procedure used to achieve an objective. It is a set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal.
Plans can be formal or informal:
In most cases, the absence of a well-laid plan can have adverse effects: for example, a non-robust project plan can cost the organization time and money.[1]
Informal or ad-hoc plans are created by individuals in all of their pursuits.
I've got a kerjillion things to do. My mind fizzes when I think about it all. It's all the fun stuff that happens in between work too, so that makes it a pleasant fizzy, at least. But I cannot deny that it's taking the sort of organisation and planning that I usually only apply to my real life. And that's why I'm already on Plan C. Plan A (last Friday's idea) - get home early from work on Friday, rush around and get a head start on the chores, including clearing up workroom ready for a major 'session' . Pieces started to fall off the plan when I left work late, and then Mr D voted for a movie and a take away and a beer. So you know....I spent Saturday on Plan A. Sunday was for executing the excellent Plan B. Rubbish weather and chores done - Plan B was to sit at desk and create a minimum number of cards towards workshops and Marathon. So you know....the weather wasn't so bad and I was enticed to the Farmer's Market. And then a large bacon butty and a domestic planning meeting that needed internet browsing and costings. That was it then. Monday dawns; so does Plan C - this time a week long plan - to make up for lost time and not panic. Stay focused, stay at home and stay on target. So last night I made ONE (count 1, uno, un, one 1) card and this morning over my muesli, I remade it because it was pants. Colour is such an issue in the dark, even with a daylight bulb or two! So I'm off now, and will create, just as soon as the shopping and tea is sorted. Stand by. I think this whole post may just be a warning. About the danger of making plans. And the possibility of a really shocking desk tomorrow morning. You might want to get some rose tinted glasses.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Picture heavy!

Friday, 17 September 2010
Always time for a quickie
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
67 What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday
Monday, 13 September 2010
Learning something new...

Saturday, 11 September 2010
An explanation.
Friday, 10 September 2010
It's all about proportion!
This is my kinda proportion! Miss Dunnit gets a Diet Coke thinking of a nice long glass with a whole bottle full poured over ice; and indeed, that is how it was. Lovely. But just look at my half finished gin and tonic - it's in a goldfish bowl on a stem! Oh my, the thought of that dry and slightly fizzy concoction is making my mouth water - and it's not even lunchtime! Does the photo look as though Diet Coke comes as a clear drink in southern Europe? Would that in any way help my reputationat this point? Too late, I hear you cry. There's no problem with my planned proportion of crafting this weekend. My old mojo is defintely paper focussed. I'm going to bunk off work early and make a horrendous mess on my desk. While Mr D is at work tomorrow morning, I'll whizz round and do essential housework. This is definately a matter of proportion - free time is not for housekeeping. One thing for sure, this weekend will include a gin and tonic, and its size or number will be considered in reasonable proportion to the sort of day we've had. It won't be in a stemmed goldfish bowl. But only because I haven't got one. Have a nice weekend yourself.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
A Marathon, without running.
*Self promotion post* - look away if you're bored rigid by such stuff!
Me and my good chum Scrap Lady Ally have announced the date and blah for our annual Christmas Card Marathon. It's on Saturday October 30th and will take place in Tidworth, Hampshire, in a very accessible community hall with a large free car park and better yet, a big kitchen for Lunch Lady Jan to create in.
The format remains simple..Scrap Lady Ally and I each make a large number of Christmas cards featuring techniques and products from across this big old craft - styles differ, for sure. You turn up and make the cards from instructions and materials supplied. The day starts at 10am, includes lunch and finishes after lots of tea and cake at 4pm. By which time you will have worked your way through a satisfying number of cards for your Christmas stash. The Librarian was really full of snot and heavy with cold last year, but went away happy with eleven cards. New baby Mummy did well over twenty, even allowing for glue drying.
So there's no pressure and plenty of fun, for sure. See, me and Ally set it all up and then wonder around all day, serving drinks and forcing you to chat. It's tough.
Our official 2 Scrap Ladies blog carries all the official announcements and sneak peeks, but I thought I'd pimp it a bit before the book is closed - we need names and numbers by the end of next week really, see. There's lots of counting and cutting to do in advance, as you can imagine! We have a handful of gals who make a two hour-ish journey - and they come alone, so as daunting as that may sound, honest, you'll only be alone for the time it takes you to get out of the car and into the hall! The day costs £40, includes lunch and teas and the materials. If you're interested, visit 2 Scrap Ladies for more, or email me via the button in the right margin here. And just in case you think I've lost it and posted a sample card - this was from last year's bunch. Aha, I'm wising up!
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 66
Monday, 6 September 2010
Wanna chat about the Stazon?
A lot of notice was paid to my desk a couple of WOYWW's ago - I was using my newest investment - a metallic Stazon ink pad. It was what I would call a 'considered' purchase. I have longed for a metallic fast drying ink and this seemed to be the answer. Of course, the Brilliance ink pad range is well, brilliant, but they don't have the depth of colour that a true metallic pigment ink has, and so the Stazon seemed to be the only way to go. The most considered part of the purchase is the price, it retails at a price that makes you think you can live without it - just under a tenner, which is a lot of money. I don't mind telling you that I've approached the shelf several times and then 'changed' my mind because I wanted more to show for my money. Anyway I realised no-one was going to buy it for me, so I plunged. And I'm glad I did. It comes with an ink bottle as part of the package. This isn't a re-inker per se, the pad is dry and you need to add a couple of drops and use the included spatula to spread it across the sponge. It drags, it is definitely thicker and stickier than a glycerine based pigment ink, and without the plastic guard and some attention, it evaporates fairly quickly. I've been pretty mean and learned quickly when the pad needs re-inking. The bottle needs a really good shake. The stamp becomes 'sticky' and ink doesn't adhere to the card if the pad is allowed to become too dry. I had trouble with a direct to paper technique - in as much as I felt it was a huge waste of ink, specially if I decided to use a 'third party' - the sponge.
Friday, 3 September 2010

See this picture of our hot and swollen pudgies? Well OK, mine were hot and swollen.Taken by Mr Dunnit; he's got a bit snap happy and likes to take the less usual pics for me to work into LOs. It's not pretty, but I love that it's we 3, from yet another angle! I wonder what our shoes say about us? Anyway - we're sitting in the shade of large umbrella, large ice-cream sundaes on order and a view of the sea front. It's busy with people enjoying the Sunday 'paseo' - a nice long leisurely walk in the sea air. You can spot the Spanish in the crowds, even at high summer temperatures, they are immaculately dressed and beautifully groomed. An awful lot of the Senoras are carrying awfully small and very indulged teeny dogs. You can spot the rest of us Europeans too - largely a selection of shorts and football shirts - but also some (sadly) very red skin. Ouch. Now and then, Miss Dunnit remarks on a cute baby or a (ahem) guapo, or the lookie-lookie guys trying to sell you a pair of sunglasses you don't need because you're already wearing a pair. This day, she comments upon a family of 4. Two boys and a Mum and Dad. All three boys are clambering over the rocks and looking for crabs and stinky things like that. Mum is enjoying a fresh coffee at the table nearest them. Miss Dunnit: "how cute that the two boys have chosen the same colour t shirts as their Dad - they must secretly want to be like him." Whilst we're cooing and watching the boys, Mr Dunnit leans towards us and crushes the moment: "More likely that the Mum is a scrap-booker and she wanted them to match her papers". I did not dignify this with a comment.......for once, I knew not what to say - to the man that had just photographed our feet!
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Self expression - make mine aaarrgh!
Where on earth did I get the idea from? And if it wasn't my idea, (I fear it was), why did I speak it - let alone commit to it? Hand me a gun someone, I need to shoot my foot. Learn me a lesson. Perhaps a big gaping hole in my foot will make it more obvious to me when I'm about to shove my foot into my mouth. For goodness sake - you don't have to page far through this blog to see that I'm hopeless at grunge, altered and anything vaguely in the Tim Holtz school. I can't even call him Sir Tim. It's silly. Don't misunderstand - I like the products and love love love the look of the style, but I cannot reproduce it unless I copy copy copy. Not so good!