Wednesday 27 July 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 373

Well now, last week's explanation of the door to the garage being behind and opposite my desk was a classic case of too much description wasn't it!  I don't have panoramic photography skills (even if I have the technology), so here is a shot of one wall of my workroom. You can see the 'office section' (computer and printer!) and my die cutting section on the worktop. At right, you can see my desk. It's on wheels you know, so that we can easily access the barn door against which it resides. At left but out of sight, therefore on the opposite wall and behind my desk, is the door to the garage! - that rounded worktop in front of the computer only extends about another 10" out of shot, see.
I'm so glad we've cleared that up. Nothing else has been cleared up yet, but I've finished clearing and organising my wardrobe now, so this room is next. (I've only been at home for 8 weeks, whaddya expect!)
We had a lovely  the best afternoon and evening with Darnell in Salisbury last Wednesday; I know that Darnell has already blogged about it, and I know Jan will be showing a couple of pics too, so I wont repeat - but my word, if you like a chat, we really should meet! Meanwhile, divulge your summer artworks will ya - lets see those desks in the best light of the year!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 372

Well, WOYWW is back in it's original location having spent a lot of weeks being looked after by my friend and conspirator, Jan. Please hum a three cheers song for her today, it's been a monumnetal thing to take on, amongst all the other stuff she does for me.
To erm, celebrate the return of at least one blog post a week to this address, I thought it would be a good idea to show you what happens when you have no desire to craft. When your mojo goes on holiday and 'can't be bothered' moves in.  This is a drawing of the line. I'm so sick of the state of this room that I'm going in and I'm going to be brutal. I am.
The first thing to go will be the lawn mower! My desk is in front of a barn door that we use to access our back garden; yesterdays exertions to tame the grass resulted in the mower where it is en route to the garage for storage, the door for which is on the wall opposite and behind my dek. I must have been distracted.......
All the mess and detritus that is over exposed by bright sunshine will still be there this afternoon - I'll get to it, but first, I'm off to Salisbury with Jan to meet up with Darnell - excited!
Show and tell about your workspaces will you - inspiration and tidy methods are going to be trending!
One last thing - sorry to go on - we rather fancy a WOYWW Crop. October 8th. New location, details a bit later? Whaddya think?

Wednesday 13 July 2016

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 371

I am completely without the urge to be creative. I've been painting stones (as you can see) in an attempt to coax the 'ideas' and 'enthusiasm' sections of my brain to work together. Even the stones have been there for a few days, untouched. No idea what is planned for them at all! But I figure that playing at anything is better than doing nothing. Or worse, tidying up!

Such is the way our lives move, that my lovely Jan is soon going to find being the WOYWW host a bit of a tie, so despite her undying affection for you all, WOYWW hosting will return to this address next week. That's for and from number 372. You may think she's been an excellent host and absolutely great to have stepped in and kept us all going. I think the same, and a whole lot more. Indeed, the word 'rock' springs to mind, but that might just be brain and desk word association at it's most lame!

Sunday 10 July 2016

Making like a DT member!

Way back before the medics rendered me lazier and less motivated than normal, I had an email convo which ended up with the arrival of some bits and pieces to use in my  crafting from Create and Craft, a cable TV channel and a website: I must say I was surprised by the request, and apart from the attraction of some more stash, I was quite curious as to the nature of their intended promotion.

I was sent a pack of fifty various shaped edge A5 cards and a pad of printed, foiled sentiments (Hunkydory), a bag of alphabet beads, three reels of gorgeous organza ribbon and some stick on pearls. I think that selection is probably a good cross section. Anyway, with freedom to do pretty much anything, inevitably, I had blank page syndrome. Coupled with all the hours I've spent just sitting around these last few weeks, thinking about getting back to my desk,it was a bit embarrassing! When I finally did, it was so nice to sit in a different chair and take an interest!

Overall these were a bit of a challenge for me, which is a good thing I know. I don't stray far from the standard C6 card size, greater mortals are brilliant at the bigger cards and so I stay safe. And then there's the patterned edges. Oh my, I'm still scared of them - I think they dictate style and genre for a card immediately. Of course they don't, but I do think they make a particularly good frame for cards featuring die cut know, the old more is better thing! 

Thursday 7 July 2016

Famous WOYWWer to visit UK...

WOYWW is blessed to have Darnell on the roll. Founder of the NBUS principle, she encourages us to make cards employing 'never before used schtuff' and that's a challenge of genius for someone like me! We discovered by accident of chatting, that she lives in California, a stones throw from my emigrant sister. So of course we've planned to meet for ages and it hasn't happened.
No decoy here; one of Darnell's actual creations.....wonderful
So finally Darnell is taking the upper hand and sorting the situation; she's coming to the UK. Better, she's set aside an afternoon an evening to spend in Salisbury with any Deskers that would like to join us. I say 'us' because I'll be there, I'm really looking forward to meeting her! It's to be 20th July, in Salisbury for tea and/or supper. You could dip in and out or stay over the few hours; if you'd like to join us, you're welcome! 

..and another. I admired this so much and now.. I have it!
I know there are logistics and timings to be considered, and directions and lifts and meeting places to be sorted, but that's just detail. Focus on how much fun we'll have! let me know - then we'll figure details out!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 370

Hello deskers. I'm joining in! Linking over at Jan's lovely place still, I need to get into mthe habit of blogging and recognising weekdays before we swap back! Ain't it great to have a friend like Jan - she's Missus Flexible, I tell ya. So, to the business in hand:
It is a spectacular mess. I've been doing that pottering, trying stuff here and there, and then using my recuperative state as an excuse to leave it in a mess! I've colouring in. I have palsy on the right side of my face and can't close my right eye properly. Of course, I've got eye drops to stop it getting sore, but many many days the drops don't help, so I have to resort to an ointment. This of course, blurs my vision horribly. So the colouring in of various images is a test to see quite how well I can stay in the lines. Not terribly well at this stage! All is good though, thanks to so many of you for cheering me on.