Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 630
Here at chaos towers, there’s been a small change. 
Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
Murphy has come for his holiday. He’s flaked out. We should all be so lucky. To get him into this state, I’ve had to walk about a million steps. Serious scrapbook moments are being recorded. I have to say they aren’t all going to be sweet and butter-wouldn’t-melt memories either. More of that to come. Meanwhile, show us your desk. The fact that I’ve shown you mine proves that we don’t do much in the judgement department here at WOYWW!
Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 629
I’ve talked about knocking a big hole in the wall of the workroom and what it will mean in terms of a grand sort out. It didn’t occur to me, not in any form, that I wouldn’t be given notice of such works. I thought I’d be sorting and moving and getting rid of and generally feeling better about the space long before the actual work started. Oh gentle Desker, I was wrong. On Sunday, because it was raining, Phase 3 began…..
This is the dining room. The dining table in the foreground is covered mostly in stuff that I should have actually put away, but had just dumped on a work surface. The PC and printer are on a low sideboard type unit at the back…these two things have to remain accessible, they are a business tool. My actual desk is in the middle…you can tell from the cream legs. Those MDF rectangular units are actually the modules that fit inside the cupboards. I didn’t have to empty them. He just carried them out. The work surfaces have been refitted and one is slightly shorter, so I need to be tidier than ever. She joked. About being tidier, not worktop length!
So this is me this week, I want, well need, to wade through this lot and be ready to put it all back in good order as soon as the messy brick cutting and lintel work is done. I’m guessing that will be at the weekend. Ugh. The positive in all of this is that now it’s almost impossible to do anything with all of this, I’m really in the mood to do some card making!
Share do, show us your space, what you’re working on. It can’t be worse than this, can it? Put WOYWW in your post title please, it helps. Thank you!
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 628
Well I turn my back to sort out the post decorating mess, and what happens? A whole week skulks past me. Just like that. Good grief.
In a heat haze too….it’s been glorious here, I hope you’ve all had a chance to enjoy some down time in the shade.
We had visitors at the weekend and in order to be able to fold all the doors back and let the summer in, the desk had to be eased out of its sullen torpor. It wasn’t hard. I stacked everything I haven’t used for ages on top of it and Mr Dunnit wheeled into the workroom.
We didn’t even park it, just left it to sulk. In order to take this photo, I had to open the door to the garage (it’s on the left, out of shot) and then open the garage door. It’s a good strong sunlight isn’t it. See the canvas pic of me and him and the baby her? That’s the wall which will accommodate the new door. Loss of cabinets and worktop there then. I predict an unwilling clear out. Not because I don’t want to have the room back to useable and the desk back where it belongs. No, I don’t lack the motivation for that at all. It’s just, well…now it’s nearly time to do it, I’m suddenly getting rather fond of all my stuff. I can’t really refer to it as stash, some of it must be so old it doesn’t qualify as stash!
So that’s where I am today, what about you? Show and tell, do. I promise if I excavate anything interesting, I’ll share it with you!
Have a great day.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 627
It’s been a week of sunshine and smiles, busy and relaxed, and even…GASP…a bit of desk action. That Annie and her devoted came to Wiltshire in their motor home, and we met for lunch in the sun on Saturday. It was so good. We relaxed, and some of us had very large ice creams. Not Annie, she has self control. We sat in the shade of the awning and had post lunch coffee and chatted. All afternoon. Quite a lot of laughing, and even a bit of cricket too. I am happy to report that Annie is looking fine and well, she and her devoted are getting a lot out of life, family and motor home. We could all learn something.
Me and Jan had a video chat last week too, long overdue. She’s a patient woman and didn’t once complain that all I did was rustle and dip in and out of camera whilst I tidied. Yep. Tidied. Well, as I do, tidied enough to reveal the glass mat and therefore consider the desk entirely useable again. See that scrapbook title under the glass mat. It’s not always on show is it, but it’s always there and really, it’s totally applicable to every day. Annie said something that turned the lightbulb on (Of course, I don’t remember what…) and I’ve since spent a couple of happy hours stamping and cutting and am now looking forward to colouring time! It’s more of the same, but it doesn’t matter does it.
Those of you that visited Hublet last week on Shaz’s blogspot will have seen the piece of art that Debbie had made for Doug. A memorial piece for dear Shaz; you can see love in every brush stroke and Shaz in every element and colour. Well, there’s limitless kindness in Debbie, and she has offered to make a version for anyone who would like such a keepsake.
All you have to do is make contact with Debbie; her blog is, or you can message her through Facebook. I can’t think of a better way to remember Shaz than for one of her great friends to make art like this.
And then, as if you’ve got nothing else to do, please show us your desk antics. Blog, link it here and add to the fun please.
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 626
Do you know that Christmas film, Elf? There’s a scene it in where the Elf finds out that Santa is going to visit the store and he gets a bit hysterical with excitement and shouts ‘Santa! Santa is coming! I know him’. I haven’t actually seen the whole film, but I can understand this scene....just replace the name. SUMMER! Summer is coming; it’s been dry, warm and sunny for the last four days! I’m excited. And amazed. It’s going to be marvellous. It’s all very distracting!
I am utterly cross about my desk, and to punish it, there’s no photograph. I haven’t done anything at it, except address a few envelopes and reach across it to steady the piles. Doldrums, I think. It’ll pass.
Ranunculus. On of my favourite ever flowers. Probably because it sounds so ridonculous. Also, do you know how much snails and slugs LOVE them?!
Meanwhile, I’ve dug, weeded and planted my tiny garden. I was beginning to despair that there was going to be any dry enough weather to actually get all the bedding plants out of their pots. I’ve also painted 4 of 5 fences. Remember creosote? Stinky but oh so effective. Found a big drum of it in one of the sheds where Mr Dunnit works. Useful. One last fence to go, and I’m not doing it again for a couple years. Seriously, time me if you like.
So please forgive my doldrums, inspire me with shots of what you’re up to, it will give me a boost. Or a conscience.
Also, can I put in a housekeeping note here please? If you didn’t see a comment from me last week, it’s because I couldn’t get my comment to stick. I cleared caches, turned off and turned on, I re-typed several, several times. I just don’t know why and I apologise. I expect that next time a child visits me and I ask for help, it will be made obvious, I’m sure. And they will try to hide their eye rolling and I will be forced to remind them that I used to be their teacher and it will be fine. Or I’ll get the noody baby photos out. Whichever.
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