Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 630
Here at chaos towers, there’s been a small change. 
Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
Murphy has come for his holiday. He’s flaked out. We should all be so lucky. To get him into this state, I’ve had to walk about a million steps. Serious scrapbook moments are being recorded. I have to say they aren’t all going to be sweet and butter-wouldn’t-melt memories either. More of that to come. Meanwhile, show us your desk. The fact that I’ve shown you mine proves that we don’t do much in the judgement department here at WOYWW!
Prompted by absolute need, I moved stuff off my desk onto another pile of stuff on the dining table. Then I did some push left, and created slightly less than a 12” square space in which to create a bit, address a couple of envelopes and well, sit amongst my stuff and make it all feel loved. The door cutting is in the offing…inside is down to the bricks, re-routing of sockets, taking off plasterboard and insulation…all done. Neatly and without too much mess. The lintel has arrived and it feels to me as if it’s going to be at the weekend. But he might surprise me and take an afternoon off - cutting a door shape out of a brick wall is not the sort of noise you want to be making in the early evening, after all! So although my actual desk surface is horrendously untidy, the rest of the view doesn’t look nearly so bad. Smoke and mirrors gentle desker, I do assure you. The roll top bin lid is a mystery placement…I will just assume that like me and my stuff, it’s about just putting it somewhere where it won’t fall or cause something else to topple! Got a few July birthday cards to make, so am hoping for desk time, however cluttered! Look at my latest distraction…
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Well just look at Murphy.. i'll overlook the desk as it looks very much like mine full of things that really shouldn't be there but may I say I an envious of that 12" space.. It's all going to be worth it Julia you just enjoy the cuddles and hopefully rain free walks you'll be having. I'll be thinking of you as I'm walking Freya, she'd to have a run around with him.
Happy WoywW, sorry I was awol last week MIL has been unwell again :(
Hugs Tracey (?) x
P.S Is it me or is it Tuesday..??
It is Tuesday and I can’t see the Mr Linky!
Perhaps, like Murphy, he is just a bit exhausted? Who knows... and hey, 12 inches of space is more than enough to get something done in, right? Well, I’ll be back in the AM, after you wake up and realize the Mr. Linky has gone walkabout.
Happy Woyww, if a bit early
Mary Anne
Weird. Mr Linky appeared, as if summoned, and I only said his name twice! Lol!
MA, again....
I saw your pic of Murphy and added my 2 fur babies into my post - gotta love em - lap of luxury dogs LOL! I hope your reno's get a speedy boost - I know how frustrating it is not being able to get into my crafty stuff.. Have a great week Julia. Stay safe & well - cheers Maurs xxx #3
good too se Murphy at his best! I find myself pet deprived! Looking forward to new openings at Casa Dunnit!
robyn 6
I have cheated this week and only shown the bit in the middle that I cleared so I could draw the freebie. Each side is just too messy! Love Murphy! I've had a couple of visits this week from 'old dog walking' customers and I do miss walking ten miles a day seven days a week....not!
(I do really!) Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #6
Hi Julia, you are either up very early or very late to bed! Happy WOYWW. Good to see Murphy looking so relaxed, I hope he doesn’t mind some noise! 12 x 12 inches is about normal for working space. Have a great week Angela #7
Oh how I love a dog's company. Have fun with Murphy. I wanted to share 2 new baby kittens which appeared in the barn this week. There could be more still hiding out. Desks only allow a small space to work, they like to overload with stuff and keep us confused. The paper scraps I've loaded mine with are all going to be dumped in a box as I need to make a few cards. Enjoy a great week.
At least everything is a step closer Julia. Looks like you have really tired Murphy out. Hope you get the cards made! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #9
good that things are progressing... your Mr D is very considerate with his door cutting... the new lady downstairs had some work done at the weekend that started as I was eating my birthday dinner i.e. about 6pm that involved holes being drilled into the concrete outside her living room window (and therefore outside mine) which was extremely noisy! I think your desk looks quite impressive - the push left seems to have worked quite well!! Have a great week.
You were an early bird or perhaps a late bird today. Caught me totally off guard. Murphy is adorable. I know how dogs are. They will run you silly. Cats, on the other hand, want to sit with you and purr. Dogs are great if you are looking for exercise, but I prefer my kind of exercise: getting up on occasion to put food and water in bowls and scooping the litter box clean,
Your desk doesn't look all that bad considering all the construction going on around you. I admire you for keeping it dust free. Hope the same is true when Mr. D. starts his door cutting. Hope your weekend is good, too.
I wonder how long it’ll be before your ‘lovely ‘ neighbour comes round to complain! Hope it all goes well and you’re in before you know it. That pic of Murphy looks like butter wouldn’t melt, you’ll have licked him into shape before the end of the week!
Hugs LLJ 14 xxx
Happy WOYWW. I have no crafty space in my craft room right now, except for where my keyboard is (so I could get a digital design done and printed off - but not sure where my card blanks and envies are!). I am looking forward to having a clear table again (and knowing where my stash is). Murphy looks gorgeous. I couldn't exercise a dog now (unless it was elderly and very slow!). My foot pain doesn't allow me to walk very far, which is super-frustrating. Ali x #15
Think we should all take a lesson out of Murphy’s book.....a bit of exercise then chill out. Hope the building work goes to plan and you’re back to normality fairly soon.
Annie x
Well my desk is completely clear but I'm not feeling smug about it, I'd rather have one like yours. Murphy looks plum tuckered out - my default setting these days!! Looking forward to seeing the 'hole in the wall' all finished. Love n hugs, Cindy x
Ooh i am a bit chaotic and untidy (as you know)but even that would do my head in, however, its still a dedicated space for crafting and that is precious, especially these days. Loving Murph, oooh SO gorgeous
Morning Julia,
Your house guest is certainly making himself at home - good job you have a Murphy sized sofa for him! Isn't he a lovely boy.
Glad to hear things are moving along swiftly with the building work, and I'm very impressed you are managing to craft amidst all that chaos.
Have a great week
Diana xx #21
What a lovely distraction Murphy is. You better get him some ear muffs for when himself starts door cutting.
You’re getting there slowly slowly Julia
Lynn xx 19
Murphy has the right idea if you ask's a dog's life or so they say! 12" sounds about right to me, sometimes wish I had that much although it's not too bad at the moment and I've no room to complain as I could go in the cabin and often do now. Good luck with all the alterations and wishing you a very happy and hopefully creative woyww, Angela x23x
Seems like Murphy could be a good “reason” to be out of the house when the brick cutting starts. I hope it’s completed quickly for you. Glad you’ve carved yourself out a space for crafting - not easy with building works
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 22
Does Murphy have a fan club? Just asking . . . .
Exciting, if noisy and dusty, times ahead from the sounds of it although how you will exist without all the building and painting and drilling etc I cannot imagine. You may even have to do the H word . . . . oooh! no! Mr Dunnit take as long as you like!!
Have a good week and Happy birthday for tomorrow
I didn't even read the rest of your blogpost, sorry Julia - I jumped straight to Murphy - I'm in love! So adorable - I want to give him a big hug and play with him all day long (Oreo would be so jealous!) - you're so lucky to have him stay over - and I'm so looking forward to seeing those "scrappy" moments you recorded! Awww... Ok, now I'll read the rest of your post, if I can just tear my eyes away from Murphy! Have a lovely doggy week! Enjoy while it lasts - and if you have had enough of him, just drop him at ours! xx zsuzsa
Nope, still looking at Murphy...
Murphy is gorgeous! Look at those long legs and sweet face! Enjoy walks with him this week... I look forward to hearing about the less than perfect memories as well - those are the ones that make us laugh! It sounds like good progress is being made in your room - good luck with handling the dust and noise of the new door being cut. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#29)
Julia, I still feel bad for you my friend with all the displacement!! But, the good news is beauty awaits! My mother used to chant at me with "patience is a virtue" as a kid......I don't think that little ditty EVER kicked in my brain, so there would be that for me! LOL Stay strong my friend, stay strong! LOLOL Murphy is a BEA-utiful dog! Goodness that coat, even in the picture, looks gorgeous! I love dogs, well animals in general, but I am still taking a sabbatical right now since my divorce. I had to take care of all sorts of animals, and I mean literally "me", for twenty something years, so I'm just doing me for awhile! When I retire, I'd like another dog. We shall see. Have a lovely visit with him! Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #30
Good morning, Miss Julia
Yes, showing our stuff love is important. Helps them play right and send us in the proper creative direction.
I bet you won't know what to do once the renovations are complete. That dog looks quite comfy. 'My Chair' LOL Creative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly #32
well, doesn't Murphy look like he is enjoying his vacation :) That is such an awesome shot Julia, I am grinning from ear to ear. and I did smile over the less than 12 inch space because, I have been known to do that too. :) hopefully the brick cutting can be done and a good time. ~Stacy #33
So nice to pop back and see you all. Wednesday has turned into shopping day as I help at a group on Thursdays now (old shopping day). Main Reason for absence - no crafting. Reason for return - made some cards, although I quite fancy doing a Murphy right now.... BJ#25
Hi Julia, Hope you are soon able to put your desk and crafting stash where you want and leave it there.
Murphy is a lovely distraction.
Hi Julia! Murphy looks so comfy in his holiday resort! I see your workspace getting smaller and smaller, as does mine until I just have to have a big clean-up. Hopefully the renos will go quickly and you can get back to "normal" soon! Have a great week, Lindart #34
PS: I'm not getting posts from you anymore as my email addy has changed, and I don't know how to change it with you. Anyway it is now if there is a way for you to update it. Thanks!
Oh Wow just look at my Murf. OK, he is adorable BUT look closer there are horns. He is a bugger but such a gorgeous o e at that. Thank you my Darling Juggles for having him. Xxxx
I wish I had time to imitate Murphy! But not today.
I'm amazed you could work in such a small space!
Hope you have a great week and get lots done on your house!
Carol N #4
That photo of Murphy is perfect! He looks absolutely whacked out, what on earth have you been doing with him? Walking him for miles? I love how his head is on that cushion.
Your desk is very interesting and I cannot help but wonder what the bin lid is doing there. I know at times there are some unusual things on my desk but never yet a bin lid.
I hope that hubby gets the building work done before winter steps in or it is going to be awfully cold for you in there.
Enjoy your card making, you reminded me to look up any July birthdays I have coming up. Oops, wish I hadn't.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx
Happy WOYWW!
Amazing that you can still see a desk with all that construction work! Good luck with the next step!
Susan #24
Aww... look at Murphy! Crashed out like a cat lol! I think you are amazing, continuing to craft with all that going on. I can't believe it's being done without a horrendous amount of dust! I am sure it will all be lovely once it's finished though. Thank you for your comment - one day I shall think of a use for all those tea bags haha! My studio is definitely usable again, which is great. I'm not sure how much time I shall have to finish the tidying before my operation. This is a busy week but I think next week will be quieter and I'll be able to rest a bit more. I've had my first phone appointment today, and I've got another tomorrow, and a Covid swab on Wednesday. Lots of arrangements are falling into place and I've got a clearer idea of what I am meant to be doing, when and where. I've certainly taken on board the anti-lifting advice. My hubby is going to be around for the required period to do it for me!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #26
"Today is a good day for..." visiting your blog!!! Love the pile, and everything on/under/in it! Enjoy creating on that tiny little space, you can do it! Good luck with everything else too. Big hug from Holland, Marit #13
Wow it all sounds very exciting, all the work being done and it all happening now! Murphy looks like he has the right idea lol Happy belated WOYWW! Elle #35, EOTC
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