I have no idea why, I don't think they're mawkish or sentimental, I don't think they should be discouraged, I mean - where's the harm in hearing the top 10 singles (that ages me!) of the last year just before we blare into the next? I dunno. I get really fed up with it. I understand you can't really make good TV or Radio based on music or celebrities that haven't yet been written, invented, blahdy blah, I just prefer to look forward; how many times do I want to have the last year raked over in how many guises? Is it my age? Could it be the security of place and people that I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by? Perhaps that security means that I don't feel a need to remember old times, for better or worse? Certainly could. Although I have no problem telling my child that crisps were less than 10p a bag when I was her age and going to the cinema didn't cost 3 people twenty quid and need weird glasses (but I grant you, the weird glasses do cause the most fantastic effects!)

So perhaps I'm selectively retropsective. Hmm. As I've cruised around blogs this week, I've come across a really lovely bunch of retrospectives - favourite 10 cards of the year and so on. I've enjoyed them enormously. Of course I haven't even contemplated a similar post for this blog - it would take me till next Christmas week to choose, apart from anything else.
Of course, if you were to back me into a corner and deny me gin and tonic for a couple of days, I'd admit that the best part of my crafting life in 2010 was the blogging......so maybe I do need to become a fan of the retrospective. Then I can have an exhibition. It would be an empty space, bright yellow perhaps. And I would invite you to wander around and imagine all the wonderful things I was going to make, just as soon as I finished typing about them. See I'm all about the future.
Happy New Year; may it be all that you want it to be. May you have the strength to make it what you want it to be.