Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve shopping hints

Lunch Lady Jan suggested (in the comments after yesterday's post) that my taste might run to Kitsch. I hope so. I couldn't reproduce it here because it's too long, but do go to Wikipedia and read the definition, it's hilarious - especially the bit about gaudy and unsubstantial works of art - so true and so totally within my skill range! Which is why you see the lovely gaudy cakes above - I could not resist them when I was shopping for some goodies for our get together with the Lunch Lady Jan family today. It was sparkly and fun......although the bobbly bits on the cakes are not terribly nice. Actually, they taste really shouldn't mix your E numbers, it just never works. But the silver lining here? These characters faces are actually rings for us all to wear with pride over the season. Can't beat that for value and taste!
Lots of you were surprised by my inclusion of Christmas Loo roll in my preparations. See, I might not have all the presents or enough food to feed 30 people over the next five days (but there are only 3 of us, so we'll probably be fine). But last time I staggered down the aisle for cleaning equipment and kitchen paper and loo roll, there it was - the Andrex Winter edition printed loo roll pack. So I bought it. A double whammy of luxury, for this house does not usually enjoy such branding in the bottoms department!
OK my third shopping tip - don't do anymore, unless you need petrol in the car to get to somewhere special won't regret doing that today; then you can just jump in the car and go, stress free! This is a tip brought to you by a woman that once drove 40 miles on petrol vapours and prayers one bright Christmas Morning after a dark Christmas Eve. Say no more. She reminds me every year you know, in her generosity.

Happy Christmas.


misteejay said...

Love the look of your fun cakes - looks like Santa & the Reindeer are playing in a ball-pit LOL

Been and done the petrol run today - can't be faffing with trying to find a garage that is open and wants you to take out a second mortgage just cos it's the holidays.

Have a great Christmas

Toni xxx

Carmen said...

Petrol run being done Boxing Day en-route to in-laws. Otherwise now - what aint done aint getting done... bar trying to make my desk look presentable-ish so we can eat dinner in here ;)

Happy Christmas to the Dunnit household from all in the Whoopidoo household :)

Carmen said...

BTW - kitsch? Methinks LL Jan knows you vay well :D

Carolynne said...

Merry Christmas


Mandi said...

Your cakes look FAB
Happy Christmas xx

Angie said...

Felt confident that i had enough to feed a dozen or more and then while running through a check list in my mind I realized that i had forgotten petit pois ah well we wont die for the lack of
Love those cakes by the way and what is wrong with kitch anyway ....again have a wonderful weekend xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I bought some Christmas loo roll (toilet paper in my part of the world) one year in the 90s. I still have at least two rolls. I put it out every year and it lasts forever. For some reason, Bleubeard doesn't find it all that appealing. However, both Bleubeard and I love kitsch.

Again, I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas and holiday weekend. Also, I hope the weather cooperated, whatever your plans were. Stay warm, safe, and happy with family.

Spyder said...

Love those cakes. What's the betting Rudolf gets his nose bitten off first! I used that word 'Kitschy' in one of my 'never ending stories' to describe a gaudy purple and gold room.... tasteless, vulgar, loud, tacky, cheesy, cheap, naff so....definitely NOT yummy cakes!!

Pam said...

Gosh, isn't being called Kitschy just the best compliment ever? You've made the A list now. Watch out for the paparazzi - I hear that they are everywhere in your neck of the woods.