Monday 6 December 2010

Saturday: crop, followed by proper cooked supper, parental taxi service, a load of washing and the beginnings of an idea for a card that's been in my head. Sunday, clean kitchen properly, throw hoover round downstairs, finish card, start another, two hours Christmas shopping, parental taxi service and work on new cards. Monday, if you could see the pile of clothes waiting to be ironed you truly would feel two things - sorry for me, and shock at my laziness. But off to work anyway, via short parental taxi service job and rush around Sainsbury's.Honest It's not that I think I'm lazy, but please can I have my weekend again.

Anyhoo, here's the couple of the cards that were in the secret DT place (my head!), both using digi stamps from Amber Ink - these are ribbons from the Perfect Package set. Coloured with Twinkling H20s again - now I've cracked the box open again, I can't stop using them. And they always remind me of my good friend the Enthusiastic Educator. Honestly, these little pots of paint are genius in her hands.

So how was Monday for you? - what are you planning in this second week of December - anyone ready to write Christmas cards yet? Second thoughts, don't tell me!


Annie said...

Gorgeous cards Julia. Maybe I shouldn't say it but I had no Twiglet here today for fun and laughter so I set to and I've done most of my Christmas cards :-) She plans to join me tomorrow so the rest may have to wait a while :-)
A x

Bluefairy4U said...

Evening Julia,Love your cards the colours of your ribbons now coloured are really gorgeous, my granddaughter would love them. My granddaughter Francesca loves H20's she's now 13 and has been using mine for about 3 years and they are still going. I will see her tomorrow and she can start colouring her ribbons.- Instead of using all mine! Have fun.

Helen said...

Love those cards! Iam SO not ready to write my cards yet. Haven't finished making them yet, they will be late this year. On the plus side, the hospital went ok today so yay!! Will blog later, hopefully!

Angie said...

Love purple and green together ...vibrant ... with promises of spring ...cant wait ....I know winter has just begun but I've had enough ...already lol.

Sue said...

Hi Julia
wow two fabulous cards, luv the colour combo, sounds like you had busy weekend.
Posted a load of cards of £18.00 lighter! guess who forgot all them embelies mean large letter!!!! Thats what i spent doing the weekend bloody cards!!!! sue,x

donnalouiserodgers said...

Ah yes twinkling H2o's the risk averse persons answer to glitter,

I need all week to be a week end - some one keeps stealing my time...and giving it to my Kids,

think I might just give up on the idea of sleep 'till next year?


Ciara said...

Another subtle card Julia! Those ribbons must have been tricky to cut out. Not tried sparking H2O's before, but maybe I need to....

My Monday has been somewhat less hectic - but then I am stuck at home with vertigo, how ridiculous is that?!!

Pam said...

How DID you cut those out? You must have a secret! You are such the clever one and to think you did that w/single repeat digi images! So reminds me of Hawaiian leis @ graduation time and in the bottom one they would intertwine money -notice I say "they"!

airing cupboard crafts said...

Love the cards Julia. You sound like your weekend was busy busy. Have h2os on the Christmas wish list x

Claire said...

Lovely card there Julia, I've been toying with the idea of buying some twinkling h20s, tempting :)

Jan Hennings said...

Great card and love the colors...I do hope HOOVER survived being thrown around LOL!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sounds like your week was as hectic as mine. I feel like you and want my weekend back. But that isn't going to happen for either of us, I fear.

I'm having trouble understanding digital stamping. It seems like one of those oxymorons. But the cards are really pretty and I LOVE H2Os, too! said...

You are one creative torch bearer! What fun!!!

Amber Alvarez said...

This is so cool. I love the little way the little ribbions overlap and make a totally new design! You are so cunning.

Alisonw30 said...

Ha ha, sounds like one of my weekends! Lovely colours on the cards x

Angela said...

Very pretty - and what a cool idea!

Neet said...

Who is the Enthusastic Educator please? I love my Twinkling H20's and am always looking for new ways to use them.

Great ideas from you and love the colours.

Zue said...

Hi Julia
The purple and green look so well together... quite a clever combination and therefore two very pretty cards.
Sue xx