655 is kind of a nice almost round number for Christmas Week isn’t it. Well done everyone, we’ve arrived. Almost at the point of looking around you and thinking, ‘oh well, if it’s not done now, it’s no longer part of my plan’. Seriously, try it tomorrow afternoon; it may well lift a serious amount of unnecessary and frankly, work that no-one will notice from your shoulders. The only paper play I’ve had in the last week was a marathon wrapping fest, can’t show you that. Jan and I had a long overdue, long chat on FaceTime on Monday. It was good to see her. If you’d like to do the same, holler, it’s so easy to set up. As is her industry, when we FaceTime, Jan usually knits or crochets and I felt a bit silly with nothing on the go. I grabbed an old, once damp box that has been in Mr Dunnit’s workshop for a long long time and started work.
This is his collection of football cards that came from boxes of tea. Or teabags, he can’t quite remember. No surprise there, given the age of the cards. I’ve experienced some snot laughing at hairstyles and erm, the length of the shorts in some of the pictures! Here’s a bit of a close up….

Ignore the roll of wrapping paper. Sellotape has been returned to this room from its short stay on the dining table, so any last minute wrapping is to be done in here now. Actually the football cards and the wrapping paper sum it up really…a bit of a jumble, but very nearly there chez Dunnit. I hope you are too. Today will be bit of a run around, our baby gal and current squeeze are coming home this evening. (I call him that to keep him on his toes, but it’s been six years so it’s probably a bit old now) I had worked out a sort of menu for all the comings and goings and I’m a bit behind on preparations for that, and I’m booked in to visit Mama this morning. I feel for the care home staff, protocols for visiting are quite complicated and we’re back to full PPE again which is an additional pull on their time, getting kitted up in reception and hearing all of us who visit say the same things again and again is probably not so much fun for the second year! I haven’t made a single mince pie yet, and that recently referred to ‘current squeeze’ is very partial, so would like to welcome them both home with at least the appearance of near readiness! And I know loads of you don’t, but I do, so there’s a pile of ironing waiting too. I save it to do when I’m cold, saves putting the heating on!
Now please share your state of readiness and what you’re working on, it will be marvellous to see you.
If you're unlikely to have time to check in again, please may I wish you a warm and happy Christmas, and remind you that someone from this marvellous community will be thinking about you at some point over the next few days. I know this because I think of you and your different settings more than ever at this time of year, and I’m an average representative, so I know that others do too!