I’ve talked about knocking a big hole in the wall of the workroom and what it will mean in terms of a grand sort out. It didn’t occur to me, not in any form, that I wouldn’t be given notice of such works. I thought I’d be sorting and moving and getting rid of and generally feeling better about the space long before the actual work started. Oh gentle Desker, I was wrong. On Sunday, because it was raining, Phase 3 began…..
This is the dining room. The dining table in the foreground is covered mostly in stuff that I should have actually put away, but had just dumped on a work surface. The PC and printer are on a low sideboard type unit at the back…these two things have to remain accessible, they are a business tool. My actual desk is in the middle…you can tell from the cream legs. Those MDF rectangular units are actually the modules that fit inside the cupboards. I didn’t have to empty them. He just carried them out. The work surfaces have been refitted and one is slightly shorter, so I need to be tidier than ever. She joked. About being tidier, not worktop length! So this is me this week, I want, well need, to wade through this lot and be ready to put it all back in good order as soon as the messy brick cutting and lintel work is done. I’m guessing that will be at the weekend. Ugh. The positive in all of this is that now it’s almost impossible to do anything with all of this, I’m really in the mood to do some card making!
Share do, show us your space, what you’re working on. It can’t be worse than this, can it? Put WOYWW in your post title please, it helps. Thank you!
Oh good luck with the sorting Julia - at least you will have to get down to it now and it will be over before you know it! Hope you manage to find space to craft as you are in the mood. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
oh wow... that kind of brings it home about how much "stuff" we have... I hope the messy brick cutting work isn't too awful and you can carry out your threat (I mean, intentions) to sort and clear as you return that lot to it's new home!! Good luck!!! Helen xx
You make me laugh. Of COURSE you want to make cards when your desk and tools are completely inaccessible! Isn’t it always the way? But hey, once it is done? It will be wonderful, won’t it?
Have a great Woyww day!
Mary Anne
I don't envy you the sorting and wading through all those surfaces. I'm sure you will be brutal and get rid of a lot of things you wish you had back in about six months. Isn't that always the way? All I can offer are my condolences. Or maybe my encouragement. You go girl!
Oh Julia I hate seeing this, at my wit's end with messes. I'm happy with the items I've moved and it's coming together, BUT the bathroom was 8 wks and then I had 3 days of not knowing I had a water leak in the new cabinet from new pipes for the drain. I had 1 plastic shoebox that was 1/2 full of water when I found it. All my electric hair items in it. Thank goodness for the plastic box and my snooping for something. Who knows when it will be fixed. GOOD LUCK.
Oh Julia, poor you! Just keep telling yourself it will be worth it in the end, even if the end seems a whole load of work away. Happy WOYWW, perhaps the sun will shine and you can relax in the garden - for long enough to drink a coffee anyway! Angela #9
Hi Julia, Hope the work gets finished soon, so you can put everything back and be more able to actually craft.
Oooh no that is seriously NO notice, however brilliant that me bart is so practical and handy and it will be an amazing space when the evenings get darker and the weekends more damp and dreary and you have a fabulous cocoon.
Oh my goodness, Julia - I thought my place was in chaos and I had a lot to deal with! Poor you. I do hope this muddle doesn’t last too long, and also that the building work doesn’t cover everything in too much dust. Things always have to get worse before they get better, don’t they!
Happy WOYWW (at least, as happy as possible under the circumstances!),
Shoshi #12
Let’s hope it rains hard and just long enough to get it all done quickly for you. I can just imagine the dust caused by the brick cutter so get some dust sheets on everything quick.
Sending you lots of love,
Annie x
You all might be looking at the mess, I’m looking at the lovely panelling in the background and the wallpaper. It looks very nice to me and please can we have a photo when you eventually get it back into order. Thank you. Heehee in the meantime “gawd help ya”
Lynn 14 xxx
That's men for you they suddenly decide to do something and it's all hell let lose but it's a good thing because you didn't have to spend ages thinking it's about to happen and then being let down. It's going to be brilliant I know. Have fun and a happy woyww, Angela x17x
Blimey, you definitely win the prize for the messiest desk today. As they say, it has to get worse before it can get better, let’s hope that phase doesn’t last too long!!
HUgs LLJ 7 xxx
Oh dear, I don't envy you, Julia! But it won't last for ever and when you put it all back it will be nice and tidy - for a while, anyway. I will envy you at that point! My room needs a thorough tidy, not just the superficial 5-minute jobs I do once in a while! Maybe one day.... Enjoy your week! xx zsuzsa (will be linking up later)
Hi Julia,
Oh dear, How often we forget ablut thd finer details and just how long it all takes, let alone what it all involves!
Quite frankly it gives me the horrors to think someone might want to push the desky area of my craft room out.. mostly because it would then eradicate the driveway and by default garage!
Let alone the crafty chaos.. I guess you could try making a card.. nothing lost.. even if it stalls half way!
Thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Good luck with the sorting!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #20
Julia......your room!!!! Oh Lordy my OCD would be kicking in pronto!!! LOL Obviously things can't be helped, but I would be like the Rainman and every time I walked by that room some terrible tick would fly come flying out of my mouth...@#$!%&^%$*&!@...LOL On a brighter note, I love your wallpaper!! Blessings for getting it all back in its happy place! Out of curiosity, what is the red lever thingy in the foreground? I think I have seen something like that before, but can't place it! Have a great rest of your week! Felicia, #22
Wow! I hope the work gets sorted soon and you can have everything back into an organised fashion. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#23)
Happy WOYWW. I expect you will actually enjoy the sorting once you get into it. I find it very satisfying. I have had a lucky escape. A local charity shop had asked for some wardrobes and I offered the two that I use in my craft room (as I want to do some more decluttering and get proper Ikea cube storage). Then I was told they are a bit too big to fit in the shop, so the job of emptying them can wait for another day. I am glad of that, as I am struggling with pain/fatigue and we are very busy with house renovation/farm business stuff. Another day! Ali x #24
Hi Julia, I have hopes that seeing everything in heaps and piles may make it easier to decide if there are things that do not need to go back into your space when the walls are done again. ~Stacy #27
HI Julia. long time no see, I hope you're well. BLIMEY!! that is a LOT of sorting to do, I'm getting itchy just looking at it :) It will be so worth it in the end though - just try and hang on to those card making urges for a few days and think of how lovely it will be to rediscover things and get them all organised. Looking forward to next week's picture! :D Annie C #30
Nooo! Not more chaos! I'm not knocking down walls though I have thought about annexing the house next door lol. My room looks a bit like yours atm but without the demolishing aspect. It does sound a bit exciting though, does it give you more space when it's all done? Happy WOYWW! Elle #25 this week
Thank you for your visit, Julia. Those big RUBs on the top shelf are absolutely fine - don't worry!! You are right, I do have a lot of stuff. I've been making things most of my life and it does tend to accumulate. Definitely time for a good clear-out. Your MRI experience sounds a lot more uncomfortable than mine was. I don't suffer from claustrophobia and felt pretty relaxed throughout. I hope the result of your recent one will be good. Always a worry if you are having ongoing checkups, isn't it.
Hi Julia, I love sorting and organising - but it does get away from me, just got to stop stockpiling it LOL! I hope you have a fantastic week and the works are completed quick smart so you can get back to your creative flow! Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #31
Thank you, my fallen shelf is now wider and stronger, and the little Gemini Mini plates are now in the dishwasher! Waiting to see what happens. Hobby Craft didn't have any spares. I was tiding up, specially for woyww, when it happened but once I saw that 6" square space I had to use it and make some thing! Which was adding smaller mice to hubby's birthday card. Oh to have your bigger crafty space. But hubby reminds me, I used to have the bigger bed room and that was worse...and now, I have even more stuff. I asked for sky hooks, and then he reminded me that the celin was already 'bowing' from the weight in the attic because of all that 'other stuff' I won't throw away! Stay safe!! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #15
thank you for your visit!
Thank you for your visit and comment, all behind like the cats tail, lol,
I will be back again in about three weeks after its all finished and will miss everyone till then,
Take care and stay safe,
Lilian B #19
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