I have another. Shocker, that is. I picked up some new bits and pieces from the shop on Saturday, including some gorgeous pearlescent cardstock in a 12" pad. Some ribbon. And maybe a stamp or two because I can't help myself. This new stuff has been on my desk since I had free time yesterday and I've used, or broken into all of it already. I am totally inspired by new stuff. I do return to old faves, because I can't have a bunch of new stamps every week, really. I mean, the kid still need shoes, so I have to be a little bit disciplined with the housekeeping money! I've just finished my tour of the record number of WOYWWs and am driven green by the number of neat and tidy desks showing off new stuff. Indeed, am off to do some shopping after this because I have a sudden yearning. Funny isn't it, that I delude myself about the way I look (until someone shows me a picture), but I'm under no such delusions about my crafting life and habits. It's a very singular habit (ok, selfish) and of course, it satisfies the shopping gene, but the part I've learned is that I don't share it at home...is it because I can share here in the bosom of people who actually get it? Something Mr D will learn at the end of our long and successful marriage - ignorance truly was bliss. And that will be another day not wasted!
fabulous photo
My husband is the main photogrpaher in our household, with my little TJ frantically learning. So I appear in a lot of them, and I'm not always happy with them.
congrats on the new stash.
We are so alike its uncanny! However I succumbed and posted a 'fat' photo on my blog, now if that doesn't spur the start of a diet to look presentable at my DD's wedding then I doubt that anything will!!
Keryn x
Living alone (not entirely through choice though given the amount of 'stuff' probably just as well) means no pics of self - yippee - hate all pics of me - try not to look in mirrors much either! I've got some new stuff too - but you'll have to check on Weds for that!
I'm with you on the photos, most people question if I was actually on holidays as there is always the other 3 and never me and thats the way I like it!! Hugs Pam x
When I see ancient photos of myself I realise NOW that I was really pretty then and I really didn't think I was at the time. I've given up worrying now and whilst I avoid being photographed I do accept that the results are ME! and so what! It has taken me so long to get all the character into this face I'm keeping it. What's more I like myself (most of the time)!!!
Thanks for another chuckle and enjoy your new stash. See you Weds.
JoZarty x
just for you Julia , on weds I'll post one of the ones where I was caught on the wrong side of the camera - and I do not have a good side - from all angles I usually look grim,
Niallipoos smiles tolerantly upon my artestry and only gets really involved when there are injuries....at which point I get my usual lecture about the dangers of engaging in extreme crafting and I should be wearing a parachute etc...
I thought we were going to see a piccy then ;) Another here who (apart from my obligatory monthly fat shot for the fat blog and the odd draped across the desk shot) doesn't like being on the other side of the camera. Don't like what I look like, I'm POSITIVE my hair is receding and well, we just wont go into the wobbly bits :P
I am SO like you in the respect that I don't like being in front of a camera. I really hate it, in fact. When I went to NYC (per the recent post I made referring to my visit to the World Trade Center), I weighed 95 lbs (I'm 4'11" tall), I hated how I looked, all fat and dumpy. Can you imagine? Our perception of our images is as distorted as our reflection in one of those distortion mirrors. If Mr. D loves you and thinks you look good, what more is there? We love you, too. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here every week!
When I read this post I had to laugh... several times actually. Thank you!
I hate all photos of me too, they all just serve to confirm how awful I already know I look!
What a fab photo.
I'm another who is not comfortable in front of the camera but then as I'm the piccie taker it doesn't often happen.
Toni :o)
All very familiar, just recently I saw a photo of me and said 'no that's someone else!' Very amusing post :-)
Hi Julia
fabulous post, made me chuckle, you should write a book you have such a way with words,, i bet ya pics are not half as bad as you think they are, have good day, see you 2moro, sue,x
Pics of me are a rare thing too, & I'm never happy with them, my eyes are half shut or I'm smiling like I'm breaking wind (apparently ... DH) as for the crafting, it is a selfish hobby but the family can enjoy looking at your layouts/cards/projects whereas only the kids can wear the shoes lol
lol, i understand I dont think anybody likes their own pictures. But it shows he loves you as you are. I can see his shadow in the above picture. It is a really nice picture.
I'm not known by hubby and kids as the paparazzi for nothing you know, meaning of course that there are thankfully very few photos of me.
Hubby of course has always been a total technophobe, including cameras. Until he discovered ebay and he helped choose our latest camera. Now, whenever I pick our camera up I find random photos of car bits and bundles of wires .......
I'm not bothered about having my picture taken, I just live in hope of some of them actually flattering me but mostly they don't they just look like me! just not the me that's in my head :-/ I kept catching sight of myself in the mirrored windows near the pool and realising that I actually look like a grandma now :-(
And if Mr D loves the pics because the are 'you' that's fantastic.
Hmm, I wouldn't call Elizabeth 'fat and dumpy' at 95lbs even if she is only 4'11"
Anne xx
Ahhh a lady after my own heart, except nowadays it is my DD behind the camera, not my Hubby. He never takes photos which is probably a blessing. At least when my DD takes them she gives you a bit of warning. How lovely of your Hubby to give you such a lovely compliment. A blogging friend recently said "I like to see what my blogging buddies look like" Well I shall remain a flower I replied!!!! I don't want to frighten away my followers!!
Enjoy your crafty shopping. A crafter always NEEDS new stash, the family can always make do with beans!!
Hugs Lisax
Sorry I have been MIA but life is very busy right now. But I needed a good laugh and came here and you DELIVERED... =0)
YES I do know the kind of pictures you are talking about not to mention the "IN YOUR FACE" shots my DH always show off after a holiday in 34 degrees Celcius showing every red spot in my face and perspiration in the little facial hairs under your nose - making me look VERY NATURAL indeed - not natural in the natural beauty way but natural in the "I just chased a cow across the field and finished milking it"-way. =0)
STRANGE I am sure I just left you a message and SNAP you left one by me and now I can't see mine here - but nevertheless - talking about a star - so are you - that is SUCH a generous offer thank you from the bottom of my heart. Danish people are quite used to English - but if you would like to do Danish then Merry Xmas is God Jul in Danish and Miss you is Savner jer if it is the family or Savner dig if it is one person. Bless you for offering to do this. =0)
I hope we see some of that new stash tomorrow! I can't stop thinking of the stuff I left behind at the craft store yesterday....must go back!
I am still laughing girl!
I'm with you about the new stuff... it does inspire me, but if you leave it long enough, so will the old stuff... because IF you leave it long enough it will seem new all over again. The age old prob however is where you keep all the 'stuff' in the interim!
I'm with you about the photos!!
and where are your photos???
Glad you recognised my tidy desk LOLO
Hi Julia, wow I love the photo, there is nothing quite like a lovely walk by the sea. I am going craft shopping today as it is my birthday, hope you get lots of lovely stash, enjoy! Heidi xx
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