Take a sketch that speaks to you from Kathy's amazing blog sketch file - this is from April.
Gawd that's a big copy! Anyway, choose the sketch and make four cards from it, to demonstrate at a workshop just how versatile sketches can be and how they just give you a jump off point and often, masses of inspiration for making a handful of cards. I find Kathy's stuff particularly amazing because the gals that she picked to demonstrate her sketches are so different in styles, a real bunch of skills at work. Again anyway, here are the cards I made. I promised Kathy, so if you're bored rigid, you can skip to the text!
Now, they're very different but they all have elements of the original sketch - 2 main focus points, the strawberries have a scalloped edge instead of ribbon, the bird has a branch instead of an actual backing piece..you get it. Hope you like them Kathy. And Heidi - the bird is foiled too - am loving the stuff - how're you getting on?
I must also say that I've asked Shopkeeper Gal to decide about the AlPalace tickets, so will let you know as soon as she has done that. Neither of us can go ourselves, although honestly, we don't do too badly for perusing and scrutinising products etc together...honestly it took us over 3 hours last Thursday between magazines and catalogues to come up with 8 or 9 workshop subjects!
And very lastly, it was Kate, fellow WOYWWer and fellow Wiltshire dweller who I met on Wednesday last. It was lovely - we had lunch and a long chat; Kate and I even managed to talk about Distress Inks without sending her sister to sleep. She agrees with me about them, and I shall compose a post about that subject one day.
But this is not that day. This is the day that I cave in and consider the whole internet grocery shopping experience in terms of convenience - anyone got any horror stories?!
Great cards Julia - they are so varied too.
As for grocery internet shopping - I find it is good but.... they send things too close to the sell by date eg ham etc. I switch off substitutes as got lemon washing up liquid once when they had no lemons!!!! and I find the substitutes very bizarre in general. I don't use it a lot though.
o wow cute cards I love the strawberry one, it just made me hungry =P
BTW I have a blog candy up over at my blog its good until the 25th. =)
why am I still up? someone fed me proper coffee & I am allergic to caffeine... nay hooo just had to say - aMazing over shoudler boulder holder design...we need more bras on cards...
I realize I'm not a card maker and can be really dense (and literal) at times, but I don't see any resemblance in those cards to the design layout. Don't get me wrong. These are beautiful cards. I would be happy with any of them. But I don't see a single circle in the bunch, except for the flowers and the sentiment is supposed to go where one of the flowers is. See why I stick with altered art? See why I dive in dumpsters? I couldn't follow a scheme if it jumped up and bit me in the support bra. Now I realize I'm the ONLY one who didn't get these designs were all made from that really, really big one, so I'll just say I'm crazy about support and leave it at that!
BTW, I always respond to your e-mails. They are so clever and fun to read. But I didn't think it was fair to do so in the last message. What if I'd responded with a clever response and won? Yeh, Right! Who would have put me up for days on end?
Re Shopping .. All my basics wing their way to me via the internet ... most veg is bought locally and I pop in to check out bargains at which ever store I fancy ....love the reduced stuff... and meat is a mix of butcher and fav supermarket. I have to be honest and say that in the 7 or so years I can count the disasters on one hand. A delivery removes the bordom of grabbing the same beans and sauces and bread, loopaper washing powder and flour each month and gives you back the previously lost energy ....just think ...you only have to put the items away.xx
Love those cards especially the 'bra' one.
I internet shop when I can as I hate food shopping. I found Asda cheapest...but their substitutes were bizarre to say the least. They also let me down with my Christams shopping on year so I had to rush out and buy it all anyway!
I find Tesco the best. They have only once in 3 yrs not kept their delivery slot, and on that occasion I had a call from their delivery centre and also a call from the driver to explain and ask what I wanted them to do. I find their dates are ok and their subs are sensible ones too.
Hi again - still can't get over your generous offer and NO rush - I send cards every month. BUT I just remembered the OSH blog is in Danish only and you might not know that Glitter and anything that could flake off and stick to the skin is NOT allowed on these cards (safety reasons - don't want to send our soldiers on nightwatch with a glitterspot on them do we??) and needles or bulky flowers not very suitable either. Thanks for sharing your workdesk the other day - mine was WORSE but I was too busy to document that (well thats my story and I stick to that - in fact that day I could stick to lots of stuff - thats how messy it was...) =0) LOL
I am off to visit my friends in Scotland tomorrow - CANT wait - I will wave from the plane when passing your house... giggle...
Lovely cards, definitely stretched that sketch.
I never knew I was a lady wot lunched!
** Kate **
such fabulous and varied projects! Love them! Hugs Juls
I used to internet shop all the time - search places like Money Saving Expert to get free delivery vouchers ;) But we stopped doing it because we buy such a lot off the reduced/knock down shelves now which of course you can't do online and we now go round several shops to get the best deals whereas online you tend to just go to the one. Needs must and all that jazz. Is nice to just open your door and lift it all in mind you ;)
The cards are gorgeous - love the bra :P
Lovely cards, I adore the bird one especially.
I am not a fan of internet grocery shopping, I always like to get the longest expiry dates and have a squeeze of the produce! and as others have mentioned the substitutions bit can be very strange, minced meat being sent in place of mincemeat in a jar and my favourite a pack of lard as a substitution for Tofu, my MIL really appreciated that!! Good luck if you do decide to give it a go!
Great cards..my fav is the bird, very elegant.
As for shopping - I Tesco internet shop all the time -we both work full time and so internet shopping saves me time and money! I'm able to adjust what I spend before submitting the order, can still choose from offers available. We have had some upsets - being charged twice for example when a delivery slot got changed by the store, but they ger resolved pretty quick...and it can be frustrating when things are out of stock and you don't get a suitable substitution but if you take the time to set up substitution requests and notes to the pickers (green bananas only please) it's not too bad - the occasional odd alternative and nearly out of date item, but the driver always takes them back if you're not happy...blimey I should get a PR job for Tesco...I wouldn't go back to doing my own shopping...plus living in a second floor flat and not having to carry it up the stairs is always a bonus!!
Good luck....Esther xx
I love your foiled bird. I love Internet shopping too - I start a shopping list at the beginning of the week and add to it when I remember things, then it takes me 10 mins to tick my 'favourites' list. No queuing, no unpacking!I don't buy fresh meat that way though
Julia, the cards look great - I like to see the sketches stretched a little as much as seeing them followed slavishly. It's all about inspiration and individuality, after all
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