It did start well. Because I'm a woman of no substance at all, I haven't yet quite got around to getting a new take-me-out-of-the-house-and-earn-money-from-another-source type job. Instead probably 3 days a week I dedicate to admin and book-keeping for by beloved Mr D. In a real work environment it would probably take about one morning, but I'm nothing if not thorough! *cough*. Anyway, this current situation (notice how I use a tense to suggest that this is a situation I intend to change.....this sort of delusion is
good)....this current situation means that I'm flexible. I know, it's a life skill for sure, but really I'm only talking about being able to choose my hours. So the hoover was looking distinctly unattractive this morning, as was the huge pile of laundry waiting to be ironed. So I made the bed, hustled a load into the washing machine, swept the hard floors (all of about 6 foot square!) and put the dishwasher on. Then I legged it. Went to Salisbury with Lunch Lady Jan for much needed erm, chatting and shopping. Well, actually, score one - I did chat, but I didn't shop. Well I did, but not in the same proportion as LLJ. Well, not all in the same place anyway. We even managed coffee and were still home by lunchtime. And no doubt we've both been uber productive for the rest of the day. It's the second time we've done such a thing. The first time was last Monday morning. Can you sense a pattern emerging? Maybe so - but surely, if it helps to kick start the week and makes me uber productive - it's a good thing. My life is as you know, full of good things and good people. You can think of me as the erm...Monday Fairy. *coughing again* However yours started, I hope it started right!
I am firm believer that the 'working' week starts on Tuesday,
it takes all day Monday to get through mail, and decide (with the team) on the weeks priorities (spell checker wanted to change that to periodicals which is sweet don't you think?) and often by now I'm looking back thinking okay I feel tired and I've been busy but what have I actually done
and those important Monday priorities? they inevitably change by Tuesday lunch time, still I enjoy the coffee with my team mates and it's all done with the best of intentions...
I think we all enjoy a reason to feel connected at home work or play...
I have had coffee and read almost all my Google reader blog lists...hmmm...maybe I should move off the sofa and get dressed....LOL
I think I prefer your kind of Mondays to mine. Want to swap?!
Thank you for the laughs this morning :) I did have a productive afternoon actually, supermarket shop (all put away) and then spent two hours happily cutting out 'bunts' from all that gorgeous spotty material I bought. This new bunting is going to be sooooooo chi-chi, dahling xxxxxx
Don't change a thing Julia...I've just spent a grotty Monday fighting one 'forest fire' after another and none of them my fault - the joys of being a manager of staff...huh!
Toni xx
Liking the Monday Fairy Image !!!! And sounds like a great Monday morning .Keep spreading your wings !!!
Are you going to do a "What's The Fairy Up To
Monday "---"WTFUTM" He He !
Anne x
That's a lovely card! waht a great start for the week. I'm finishing the laundry too :) cute background!
Love the new blog background, thought I was at the wrong blog for a mo....... My Mondays start with a class so there is no shirking off for me, though I will be back in your neck of the woods in a few weeks so get the kettle on.
I keep your blog sitting on my task bar all the time, so the new blog header was a bit of a shock. But I actually got out today like you did, and even went to lunch with my friend Sally. I was on a mission to find a lawnmower blade because I severely bent the blade that's on the mower. Got one and got lunch. That was a two-fer, but you see no mention of art and you see no art on my blog, unlike the lovely (blissful) card I see on yours. So you are definitely ahead of the game, dear. Have a super Tuesday, since I suspect that Monday is now over in your neck of the woods.
you go for it girl....it's a great feeling to kick up your heels occasionally on a Monday morning and loving your bright and sunny new look blog...big hugs kath xxx
Nice new warm background! How lovely that you can ENJOY Monday...I just can't wait for it to be over! But that is us working people! Maybe one day I will be lucky and be able to ENJOY Mondays too! When????
Just a note to let you know I'm once again expecting people to bring my boxes to me at 8 am in the morning, which will be the wrong time of day or night for me to be playing in WOYWW or linking up. I wish these people would make up their minds. If (and I am saying IF) they come, I'll be so busy I won't know which end is up for at least a few days. Just wanted you to know my current situation that suddenly takes over my "art" and blogging life. Have a great WOYWW tomorrow.
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