Thursday 26 May 2011

At my command...

A few days ago over at Stephanie's website, Luscious Life Studios, there was a blog post introducing Lily. A lovely vivacious little girl who was the inspiration for the Lily Bug collection. Stephanie had drawn a new paper, large outline flowers, and put it on a luscious pink background - Pantone's colour of the year, called Honeysuckle.
I commented - because it's polite to comment when you like something, because it's my sister's blog and I'm relatively safe there, and because well, I had something to say. All I said was how fab a big floral outline design was, and how much I'd like to see it in other colours as well, currently I'm into lime and turquoise. Well, I didn't mean 'go away and design a whole new page JUST FOR ME', (for once!) but that's exactly what popped up on the blog earlier this week. Just look at this beauty.
Just goes to show that even with a genetic predisposition to understanding me, all the spoken words, a designer hears you in a different language when you talk about what you like. First of all, there's the obvious one - it never occurred to me to put the two colours I'm currently in love with (over using) on the same page...they look fab together don't they..especially with added dots. Makes my heart beat faster. And then there's the clever us of the black...helps define the floral images but doesn't tread all over them (another discussion we had on the Luscious blog, recently). It's marvellous and bright and cheerful and I really like it. I'm going to be the first person to buy this when they become downloads. And then of course, I'll be scared to death of it, just like the other brand I buy most has to be said....Basic Grey - step back, Luscious Life Studios is moving into my paper appreciation zone! After all, BG never redesigned a paper to take my colour choices into account...and that never stopped me buying every darn sheet of their releases! Thank you Luscious Life - way to make me feel incredibly important, even if we are related. See, told you - I can make ANYTHING all about me.

So has Blogger stopped asking you to sign in to your erm, sign in, now? Touch wood and wind in the right direction, it seems sorted for me. Again, have to hand it to their technerds, it must be very intense - especially when we get all this for nothing and still moan!! They've made us dependant!


Helen said...

I love that design!! What fantastic colours.
I seem to be ok now that I have told blogger when I sign in, that I don't want to stay signed in - and it is working (who knows how long for....!)

Kath Stewart said...

beautiful design and very zingy summery colours and yes Mr Blogger is being a right pain in the proverbial but suitably chastened he seems to be behaving again for the moment...hugs kath xxx

Annie said...

Gorgeous design Julia.
Blogger seems to be working fine for me at the mo but maybe I shouldn't speak too soon?
A x

misteejay said...

What a super sunny/happy paper design.

Nope, Mr Blogger is still not playing nice for me had to sign in here again.

Toni :o)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah really cool colours indeed Julia! I love it! Shaz in oz.x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Turquoise and lime are two of my favorite colors together. While I was working on my teal color swap, these were two of my favorite colors to combine. However, I have never added the orange and black. Totally in love with the combination. You did good by putting an unspoken bug in your sis's ear.

Claire said...

Love this Julia, great colours. I'm hoping Blogger can continue to behave, it's really annoying :D

Anne said...

Fabulous design and colour combo , a sure fired winner !!!! Love it . Now off to Stephanie's for a nosey .
Anne x

J.A. Martin said...

I'm OBSESSED with turquoise right now! I'm pretty sure that's not healthy, but I love the paper design. Ask and you shall receive! :-)

Artyjen said...

No not quite right here either where Mr Blogger is concerned! Although it seems to be a little better today!
CU next Wednesday.....I'm glad I can join in this year :)
xoxo Sioux

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, yes, Mr Blogger seems to have decided to play bonnie today so I can comment on your bespoke paper - I'm soooo jealous! Gorgeous design and colour combo - I hope you'll let us know when it becomes available to download. Thanks for your comment on my blog - I can see why brayers equate to Marmite for some. Brayering is proving hard to master but I'm determined that I will. Elizabeth x

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh yummy papers they remind me of the French paper brand I forget the name of that used those rich colours and big lush flowers and I had to buy them all... really hard to use though... I mean, really hard!! I can chop up BG and plonk stuff on it with abandon and no regrets but I still have most of my rouge de garnace stuff (knew the name would come to me if I typed for long enough) intact so please.... if you use this stuff... show me what you did?? ;)
Oh and blogger was giving me hives yesterday but Chris sorted it out by deleting all my cookies and it is working nicely again now!!

voodoo vixen said...

oops - should read Rouge de Garance.... or something pretty close to it!! LOL

MaudMartha said...

I think they're some of my favourite colours too. You have a very talented sister and look forward to seeing more. By the way after your encouragement I've started my PIF gift and am quite excited by how it's progressing. Only trouble is will I be able to part with it? No problem I'll make 2! Thanks Luv Teresa x

HeARTworks said...

I agree that it's a fabulous color combination! Patsy from