Wednesday 16 December 2009

OMGEEE IWA! What's On Your Workdesk?

OK, before you look, sigh, look again and judge me, I have a theory. (Well I would, wouldn't I?)
Everyone knows the saying 'a cluttered desk is the sign of a genius', and we all know that actually although that's true, it's not true. Some of the neatest, OCD style desks I visit as a result of this nonsense belong to some of the most genius like crafters I've ever had the good fortune to stumble upon. So, here's a defence: an untidy desk simply shows how busy you are. Hmm. Try this:
Even for me it's a shocker, the birds eye view reveals lots of tape peelings and offcutty bits, a couple half finished pegs, a half empty box of candy canes (I'll show you why tomorrow) and a disgraceful number of unwritten Christmas cards. My desk has turned into the 'put it on my desk, I'll do it later' station in the house. And it's true. Let's face it, if it's on there somewhere, I'll have to deal with it in order to restore some sort of tidy. So now those among you that were feeling giddy at the first picture should probably click away now.

As if a different angle is improving the situation huh. But I wanted to show you that it's OK. I'm still breathing and the world still turns!

Show us your workspace without shame or regret. We don't mind, we revel in your craft related state. Upload to your blog, leave a comment here and we can pop over to see what you're up to, what you're using and in some cases, where we can buy it!


Artyjen said...

I think mine is a disaaaaartster contender this week!

Annie said...

Hehehe that is fab Julia. Mine is boring in comparison. I have written and posted my cards and cleared my desk at the end of my working day yesterday but am now about to mess it up again to start my days sewing. I have to keep some sort of order here as my room is what my customers are greeted with and I'm not sure they would be too impressed if I left it in the mess I usually work in :-)
A x

Milliesmarvels said...

Wow! You have been busy! Apologies for my absence last week but my desk was just toooooooooo boring! It's a bit boring today, had to tidy otherwise would never have been able to sleep! You can see my desk here!

Deanne said...

a busy but very productive looking desk there julia :)
mines productive too, I've blogged about it x

Susie Sugar said...

Wow you have been a busy girl Julia
I could be here all day searching through your lovely stash !!! lol
Well you can see my mess here not a lot of difference to yours I'm running out of space to work now I keep pushing it back but me thinks it could soon be time to tidy again !!
Have a great day
Hugs Susie xx

CoventryAnn said...

I've played along for the first time as i'm busy mid-journal...

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Julia, that is one ole mess! mine is so tidy compared to maybe my mind is in tidy mode at the moment after all the mess of the last 12 days!!lol
Mine is Here

Victoria said...

oooh I could stay for hours rummaging through all your stuff! Mine is very boring today here it is


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hehehe. I like the aerial view. I was also going to show an aerial view of mine as last night there was a rather large basket/box where I put cards I've made, and it would have blocked the view of quite a bit of what else was on the desk. But as I tossed and turned for an hour in bed I decided to get up for a bit and the basket got moved. Mine's still got a lot of stuff on but it's not tooooo bad today - you may beg to differ, but it's not bad for me :)

Linby said...

First time sharing!
here's my desk

Tammi said...

I do have to say your desk is a bit messy! But with Christmas there is always so many projects to get done that there isn't ever enough time and things get messy! Here is my desk!

Kaz said...

Julia you have surpassed yourself this week. I'm so proud of you!!!
Did you eat all the other candy canes? Are you going to show us teeth with holes in them tomorrow?!!

My desk is ~{here}~. Best use a face mask, I'm infectious! xxx

Hels Sheridan said...

I finally plucked up the courage to show my mess!!!! Promise that I will tidy it soon...I have cards don't seem to want to make themselves this year ROFL...hugs

Angie said...

I have just blogged.
My WOYWW is a no go area as nothing is going on IYSWIM ...but those of you who dont live anywhere near Edinburgh ...I have posted some photos of the Christmas Market that is held there every year.

Julia ...I have a 'just put it over there ...I'll do it later' area too.

Pam said...

Julia, are you sure your desk is under there I can't see it. No picture from this week but I will try and describe what is on mine as my puter is still not working and I still haven't bought batteries for the camera!! Hugs Pam x

Lorraine A said...

This is the first time I am joining in with the fun ! :-) It is lovely to see everyone's mess and my mess is as good as anyones lol !!! ;-) I would love to be tidy but it just never happens !

you can see my mess here :-)
lols x x

SueH said...

The desk of a genius indeed Julie!
I must say thought; it definitely looks tidier in the Ariel shot.

I’m intrigued by the half box of Candy Canes so be warned, I’ll be back tomorrow to make sure you haven’t eaten them!

Here’s My Desk this week.

Thanks for stopping by.

voodoo vixen said...

OMG!! That desk is getting worser and worser Julia!! How can you 'do' anything? LOL OK, you are a creative genius and you need the mess to do your thing... if 'doing your thing' can be done in a space the size of a matchbox!!

Ann said...

My desk doesn't look so bad now I've seen yours Julia!!

Carmen said...

It's wednesday? I wondered why the market wasn't down town today! It was there yesterday! Gar! I've lost a day!

Mine looks much like yours except yours is fabulously crafty and mine is just a dumping ground for all the kids junk!

Sam said...

yep an untidy desk is definitely a sign of a busy crafter, although in my case it may just be a sign of untidyness!! ha ha!!

My desk is all ready for you to see!!

Victoria said...

ok ok - here's what it looks like now I've trashed it again!!!

V2 - the mess!


Ruthie said...

I just love seeing these - it makes me realise that I am OK! LOLx

Cluttered desk, cluttered head....empty desk, empty........

Hmmmmm - ok, you didnt hear it from me!

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Your desk looks great for a good rummage round - mine is looking a lot tidier than last week but still a way to go before it hosts the xmas dinner lol!
Here's mine

Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

Well I actually have stuff on my desk I just left it from last nite to hang out with my honey So there's stuff on it :P ... I don't think a desk that is empty is .... lol I think it's a person that has slight OCD and doesn't want the hubby to actually realize how much we've hidden away in the neat looking boxes lol

Julia your desk is just waiting for Christmas to be over so it can loose the 10 pounds it's gained hee hee
Here's Mine

Paige said...

I'm late agin but here now :)

I missed wandering around everyones blogs/desks last night so will have a go this afternoon after work.

Kathy said...

Hi Julia
I'm late again....but I've done my photos this morning - added some extra pics to make up for my tardiness!

Your desk always looks a hive of industry and today is no exception. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need to make the study a makeshift bedroom over New Year - which means there'll be one room less to clean and tidy!

Hazel said...

I'm late, but thought I'd still share and came here to have a nosey at others, including your 'very tidy' (cough cough) space, Julie - lol!


Charlie said...

Gee - what do you know now - we must be TWINS. This could easily have been MY desk. Great minds think alike - and I love your tags with candy canes. I used this evening making 3 cards - one of them with a stamped Magnolia girl holding a BIG candy cane. CUTE...

theneon said...

Awesome! So glad to know that I am not alone in having a creative "mess" -- I found you by looking at Lorraine's mess -- I am afraid I would shock you with a picture of mine!

Caroline said...

My desk was a mess, then I tidied it, and now its a mess again! Pics on my blog...
I know what you mean though - some of the most fab crafters have very tidy desks and rooms and thats how I want mine! Dear Santa.....

Sandie said...

Julia- if I posted a picture you'd have a stroke, LOL! It's piled high with "stuff". It's been a month since we moved in and I'm still working on organizing my scrapbook nook and my house, LOL! When friends told me that British houses were smaller they meant it! It's been a tight squeeze but I'm making it work with some help from IKEA!

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