Saturday 26 December 2009

Technically, it's Friday

..but oh my, doesn't today feel like the Sunday that always follows a great Saturday? I've lost track of days; having my lovelies at home on holiday always does that to me! Yesterday we spent Christmas Day, all day at our own home. For the the first time in 24 years! My beloved parents came (loaded I might add, with prepared everything in terms of the seasonal feast). Friends came round for drinks and present swapping until lunchtime and it was all just lovely, fun and twinkly. Isn't it strange that it feels like all the preparations were ages ago already! Just the day before (technically called Christmas Eve) I had called in to Kraft Crazy to see Shopkeeper Gal - for a free coffee and to hand over a little gift. Note please that despite running card making workshops in her shop, once a fortnight throughout this year, there was no card from me. Slightly huge oversight, huh! How embarrassing. I had a lovely cup of coffee and a couple chocolate biscuits that were calling my name. Mrs Precision was there too, she was helping prepare the shop for the massive January sale. We had a chat around the workshop table and I decided no to outstay my welcome - it's a Christmas miracle. BUT as I turned around to leave - oh my - a whole rack full of new Basic Grey! And I'd been sitting with my back to it! It is fair to say that I am a BG junkie. I have more of that than any other single brand. And mostly I'm scared to death of it. All arty and patterned. Not for amateurs like me. But oh mummy, the colours! That's why I have them. The colours. So of course, I bought stuff. And when I got home, like the big girl I am, I immediately fell on my sword and told Mr Dunnit that he'd bought me some new stash for Christmas. He said: 'OK - do you want me to wrap it or are you gonna sit and stare at it?' How's that for training? He totally understands. And totally doesn't get it. Love that man. So today I've been erm, gloating. I have NO idea what I want to use this collection for, but don't worry on my account. I'll think of something.
Oh and you know that notebook that was on my desk last WOYWW? I finished it. Completely forgot to photograph it. Wrapped it up as part of a gift for a friend. However.......they weren't able to come yesterday, so it's still under my tree. Moral dilemma. Shall I or shan't I actually unwrap it, just for a couple of photos. Really, perhaps I need to get out a bit more. I will - tomorrow. It's Christmas Day at my beloved In-Laws tomorrow. The magic goes on.


Ann said...

You've got me smiling again Julia. Basic Grey is my FAVE company (along with K&Co)!
Mr Dunnit is a treasure as I'm sure you're aware. My other half doesn't understand the sheer pleasure to be gained from owning new Stash. It's all foreign to him!
I am sooo jealous of your new papers.
Enjoy your second Christmas lunch tomorrow.

Charlie said...

Lovely new papers - I need your address for the blog candy and let me know if you would like a giftcard for a UK shop or a surprise sent from Denmark???

Chrissie said...

So pleased to hear that you had such a lovely day Julia and another one due too, you are lucky!
When is Kraft Crazy due to start their sale? It may be time to whisper sweet nothings in DH's ear again and then ask sweetly if he'll take me to have a look.

misteejay said...

Glad I'm not the only one who gets so caught up in the finishing of a project that I forget to take pics LOL

Thank you for the comment on my blog - PC is improving - new hard drive and gradually re-installing stuff & links but my blog still doesn't want to play nice...still...I'm getting there.

Toni :o)

Anonymous said...

I struggle with the acrylic stamps as they don't have the strokability that the wooden had, even if they are sooo much easdier to store. Trouble is when i go to use a stamp i automatically go to the rows and rows of sorted wooden stamps rather than plough through the acrylic ones. Showing my age again I suppose!!!
Lady Nurse

Unknown said...

So glad you had a lovley Christmas Julia-all the best for 2010!

Lyn said...

I haven't made one Christmas card this year and resorting to New Year cards to make up for cards, shop bought or otherwise, that didn't get sent on time. Sigh.

I am torn (har, har) between BG and K & Co too, but those papers do look lush, you lucky crafter, you.

Do you think Mr Honeypip could borrow Mr Dunnit for lessons?