In the section of the interweb where I hang, there's a very understandable lack of blogging going on. It reminds me that as a very part time work at home person, my life is a charm of very little pressure and lots of time. Despite what I lead you to believe! My friend the Enthusiastic Educator says that the deadlines and stress that I do stumble into is part of a theory she has - the more time you have, the less you get done - because there's always tomorrow. I couldn't agree with her more. I sit back in awe and admiration at those of you who go out to work full time and still manage all the shopping, wrapping, scrapping, card making and real life stuff.
And just so ya know that as a result of getting hooked into the whole blog thing this year, I'm missing all your words, but more than that, looking forward to when y'all get to blogging again. I have a tiny desk calendar which on Wednesday, revealed this to me:
'Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.' Jane Howard
Geddit? Amen bloggers.
Hi Julia, Loved the tags with the candy canes and I just thought I'd let you know that this full time working mum has not done all of her shopping, nothing is wrapped and the cards aren't written!!! In fact I've never been this far behind ever, oh and the tree is the loft!! Got to catch up, have a great christmas!! Hugs Jo x
I know exactly what you mean about 'there is always tomorrow' ...but then there isnt, as the day has arrrived and you feel there should still be a tomorrow.lol I also agree with those words
Julia, the more time I have , the less I get done! I have done 12 cards and one for my DD, mmm have I got any presents, about 2, am I ready..NO! and to top the lot DH decided to refurb the kitchen at Christmas!! I ask you, what is a girl to do? I know make art! lol
Have a good one, and like you am missing my blogging friends :(
It's strange, because although I am one of the disappeared bloggers (but back now, and determined to get back into it properly!) I know that I have really missed it all. Strange to think that this time last year, I didn't even have a blog, but now I can't imagine not having one, and not reading everyone elses. Ah, I've come over all sentimental now. I love that quote - I've seen it a couple of times recently (although I can't remember where) - and it's begging to be used somewhere, on something. I wonder if I can work it (and blogging?) into my JYC? Whatever, it's nice to be back in the land of blogging. x
Your tags look fabulous Julia, all that effort was well worth it!
I'm totally in agreement with the Educator's theory (see my latest posting re cards for shops!) I achieved so much more in the days when I was working full time and bringing up a family. Now I find I have to consider things for a few days, THEN make a decision and THEN leave it until the next day.
As for the calendar quote...just loved it and that's the reason we're all part of this wonderful crafting and blogging community (which, like you, I'm missing so much at the moment)
Oh Julia I can't wait to get my new computer so I can blog away to my hearts content, this stealing 5 mins on my lovely daughters computer is driving me mad! I love the quote I think it describes our little space of the web to a "T".
Hugs Pam
Another naughty blogger here - I don't know where the days are going. Feels like I'm just getting up, some damn eejit is pressing fast forwards, booger all gets done and then I'm getting back into bed again.
I love that sentiment and was only complaining to Craig yesterday that it's not fair that all the people I consider very good friends live so blimming far away!
definitely another naughty blogger here too.
Tomorrow never comes & then before you know it its been 6 weeks & you've got mountains of creations the share & still have stuff to do for Christmas.
Know the feeling very well.. more time, less work...less time, more work...strange that! wonder if I can put off my Christmas shopping 'till Friday!..not got a single prezzie yet...hmm! love your candy cane tag cards!!
I'm hoping to go back to full time work in the new year. Maybe I'll have more time to get stuff done? working part time doesn't seem to have helped? heaven knows why??? I will however find the time in the new year to come over and meet you for a coffee somewhere :) maybe once the puppies have gone to their new homes? Px
Hi Julia, I have been a very bad blogger just lately, i had a couple of weeks off and its taken me more than a fortnight to even start catching up with everybody. I see all these chores as a bit of a pack of cards being shuffled. The most important jobs are in the shuffle and the less important left in the pack lol. Washing ironing and shopping and keeping children occupied long enough for 10 minutes peace are in the shuffle today and im sure that i might manage two of those if i am lucky lol. When the children are back at school and celebrations over with im sure i will get back into the swing of things again. Have a lovely Christmas Julia.
Love n hugs
Vikki xx
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