This morning I have a handful of pictures to share:
This is the workshop surface at Kraft Crazy in Tidworth, my LSS (local scrap store). Shopkeeper gal was just applying finishing touches to an order of Wedding Invitations. Impressive huh, when you consider all the other stuff involved in running a shop.
And here is my can't see the ridiculous amount of glitter that's dusting everything..suffice to say that I'm wearing the same top as yesterday until these heart shapes are finished and packed! 
You can just see mess, huh! Well, the hearts are a work in progress..I've tried to turn them into glittery and shiny representations of our Union Jack, and I'm very nearly ready to wire them and pack them. Hooray! The obvious 3rd cup of coffee lurks (the biscuits to go with are just visible in the bottom right, nudged against the orange handled scissors) and you can see the Stampin' Up! pick-up truck stamp that I was using for some commissioned cards. Note the past tense. Was using. Have abandoned the idea. It's about the quality of the stamps, so will save that for another day. Oh and just to reassure you - the mobile phone is in the puddle of paint...but the paint is dry.....and the puddle of paint is not on the surface of my desk, it's on a piece of acrylic that I ripped out of a box of something-or-other!
And here, as a way of sharing your interest in Mr Dunnit's ability and DIYishness, is a view of one of his work surfaces.
And here, as a way of sharing your interest in Mr Dunnit's ability and DIYishness, is a view of one of his work surfaces.

He and a partner run Banner Joinery Company, in Andover. He's the 'hands-on' guy and that's hard work. This is the CNC router. Think of it as a giant Cricut, for wood. And then think of how ridiculous it is to get him to cut me out a dozen teeny heart shapes from 4mm thick MDF. You get the picture. This machine has a unique history amongst me and my scrap pals, and because I like to talk about Mr Dunnit (on the basis that me being his wife is the biggest brag I could ever tell,) I will you tell you the story. Soon.
Morning Julia Love the new snazzy blog background ...very festive darling
You have a very busy desk again today and fancy tempting us with biscuits so early in the day !!! Naughty girl !!he he
Your wedding invitations look very impressive lot of hard work gone into them I can see, I am no good at duplicating things I am a OOAK girl myself I get bored easily so I am well impressed with what you have made.
Any way Here‘s my Desk
I look forward to seeing all the other desks today, until then keep warm
Hugs Susie xx
Aww thought I was going to be first to post today but Susie just beat me. The hearts look fab Julia. If you're going to wear that top till they're finished you'd better get a wriggle on LOL. Mine's a right mess today - nothing new there then!
Anne x
Thats not a wooden accucut die darling ...thats one of my own designs , I design wooden dies, I have my own drawings made into dies for me in the USA, check out my shop at where I sell my own design die cuts and a few other custom designs too
I have just put up my WOYWW ....very boring ....sorry ...but have put on some jolly Xmas Tree photos so you can nose at them instead lol.
Happy Half Year JD .....Well done for the idea and being the anchor.
Mr D's machines look very interesting..... fancy him cutting all those little hearts on that.
Hi Julia, your desk looks a hive of activity! Mine is very boring today but I am so proud of how tidy it all is for once I can't help bragging about it :-)
My desk is here!
6 months already? Wow we've done well :) Loving the look of the little hearts - they are going to look fabulous on the trees at their end destination all sparkly and twinkly.
I think Wednesday is the best day of the week thanks to you Julia. I just love snooping round all the other blogs and seeing what clever folk are out there. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Ive tried to find one of your stamps that you made that beautiful wreath card with and I can't find one. Where would I be able to get one from?
A x
ps here is my blog link
Your workspace looks lovely today, Julia - and I'm loving the festive look to the blog. I've just taken my photo - I don't think my space will be like this for long - need to get on with some crafting - might come back later and show it in all it's glory. Will catch up with others later x
I can't see any choc there Julia?!!
Desk is looking very productive. Those hearts need a close up photo I think, but all credit to your hubby for cutting them for you.
Mine is a mess, but I have a good excuse! It's ~{here}~
Whoops, I messed up the link!! ~{here}~
ooh nice background, and finally I remembered to join in!!
here’s my desk!
love the new background too! off to nosey at everyone's desks!
Hi all, it’s so good to be back and joining in with the fun again.
Here’s my WOMWD photo for this week.
Thanks for stopping by.
HI Julia, I looked this morning and couldn't see your post, so thought it was Tuesday, and then later after I realised it was Wednesday ( sometime this afternoon! )I rushed home and have posted my rather tidy desk avec piece of artwork. This was taken before I made a mess with Mr Holtz's tags! This sounds so confused, but I am sure you get the picture.. Mine is Here
My desk is a little messier this week, but still not too bad - I'd say by next week the novelty of my new room will have worn off and it'll be good and messy!
here's my pic for today!
Sheena xx
Loving the new look Julia!!! Thank you so much for Sunday had a fab day. I have done a post on WOYWDW for you xx
Look at me running late agin this week. that's ownership of five dogs for you and never leaving work on time!!!!
I'm looking forward to seeing those hearts once they are finished. and your Hubby's tools look very impressive ;)
I'm coming in last today but better late than never!
That woodcutting machine looks very technical - and I'm sure it wasn't easy cutting little weeny hearts on it! Want to hear your story about it now though.
Love the festive background. Thanks for visiting my blog Julia.
Here's my link
Am a little late today! But heres my desk this evening!
Love the seasonal blog Julia! And as always your desk is busy! Love how you always manage to incoporate some foodie treats!!
My desk is here and it's not quite what my desk usually looks like!
glad to see your workspace is about as big as mine....virtually none!! hearts are looking good J, have had 'him indoors' cutting out for me too, xmas trees and polar bears were on the list..they are looking gooood!!! He's impressed with Mr Dunnit's workspace!!
It is snooping day again!! I am pleased to know that other people only have an inch of workspace left too!! Mr Dunnit's cricut in disguise looks truly impressive!! and I love the blog!!! what happened to the chocolote bars that were on your stamping shelves???
Well I've finally got round to uploading my "desk" to my blog, sorry it's so late. As it's so late I will have to pass on checking out all the other desks too, I'll try to catch up tomorrow.
Here's my WOYWW -
I forgot it was Wed so I'll try next week all I was doing all day was writing in all those Christmas Cards I have to mail them now I'll try for next week. That laser cut machine looks really impressive and oh what u can create with it :)
hugs Nikki
Hi Julia and WOYWWers all
I'm late again, but I've two pics today - prepare to be shocked!
Your desk looks a hive of industry Julia, and Mr D's a Little Star for helping you out and cutting your wooden shapes with his Giant Cricut
My first time of joining in, although I always love having a good rummage round your desks each week!!! Here's my little space. Juliexx
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