I made this one with some lovely stamps by Unity, bought from Emily at
Make The Day Special some time ago. No reason for the delay in getting the stamps inky. Unless you count my hideous procrastination skill as a reason. Anyway, it tipped up in the Card marathon that me and Scrap Lady Ally did a couple weeks ago, and one lady asked me what 'Tweet Me' meant. I explained that in the context of the birds and their houses on the cards, it was like saying 'ring me' or 'let's get in touch'. Of course,not everyone will agree with this, they will instantly go with the idea that it's a nice modern stamp and refers to the way we can communicate via Twitter. It may be so, but I choose not to think that. Otherwise I'll never use the stamp again - I don't have a Twitter account and therefore wouldn't be able to send anyone a card with this on and expect to hear from them, now would I? Can we not worry about how literal these things are please? There's another phrase on a stamp that I have chosen to appreciate in the spirit of the intention: 'if friends were flowers, I'd pick you'. It's sweet. But picked flowers die, so you don't think it forward to a conclusion. You take it at face value - it's a greeting, a nice thing to say, a compliment. If you wanna stamp a chandelier or a chair on your card, do you really really have to add a ceiling rose or a floor? Nah. If you make a card or LO with skulls all over it - what are you saying? Nothing major, I'm sure...it's about what we like. Welcome, imagination and face value - sometimes; being this shallow is jolly useful.
This a real sweetie - not a cutie - a sweetie - big difference. A really fab design Julia.
I don't do Twitter or Facebook (if you really value my friendship find the time to tell me some interesting news yourself, rather than announce to the world you just ate a crisp sandwich). Someone recently said... We are communicating more but saying less. How true. So I'm making an effort even on my blog and banning the words...
"Nice card!"
Have a good day and enjoy the art of eavesdropping on local gossip at the checkout queue.
I love this! and yes, I am afraid when I saw the blog title appear, I thought - oh, Julia's joined Twitter.... but how could you keep to 140 characters???
I prefer your definition of Tweet me, for sure (even though I do. tweet. )
As someone who has a twitter account, this immediately took me in that direction...I do see your point of view, though even the bird in the background is very twitterish...
I have a twitter account. I think I can count the number of times I've used it on both hands. In fact, I think the last time I tweeted was to say that we were queueing for the Colossus at Thorpe Park, which would be July last year. LOL. I don't get it, and so I don't use it. I like FB, but it enables me to keep in contact with some people even if only vaguely, and often reminds me that I need to pick up the phone sometimes. But I really do believe it's time to start taking our language back. After losing words like gay and queen (it's now a superking sized bed!) to alternative meanings, I like your version of tweet me. Even if my first thought was for a card for someone who does!
Super cute card! LOL! I had to laugh when you mentioned that picked flowers die....I had never taken that to it's literal end...good thing I don't use that phrase! HA! And...you could always START a Twitter account! It's fun!
LMAO @ Helen, could you keep to 140 characters, Julia?!! (will I get my wrist slapped for using 'youf' acronyms now? Or is that a whole different rant?). I had that thought about the flowers thing, I made a canvas the other week that said "If friends were flowers, I wouldn't pick you cos that would be cruel! If friends were scabs however..."
very funky!!! Hugs Juls
Gosh you have had a busy week - love the card - who has time to twitter when you can be making stuff? not me! not that I am making much stuff at the moment either but thats another story!
Love that card Julie, those stamps are fabarooney!!!
Did think at first you had succumbed to the 'twitter' revolution but glad you haven't. Like to speak, write (even if only and e-mail) and telephone people. just manage to text but leave Twitter and FB alone thanks.
Love the card - really clever.
x Tricia
Well now - this was really a fun post with a very fun card that sparkled a great debate! I had a good laugh at all the comments! I must say I am on facebook but I get told off constantly because I don't do anything! Twitter??? Well I would rather be tweeted your way Julia! Ha, ha...
I don't do Titter or Facebook as I spend faaaaaarr too much time on the PC anyway LOL
I love the card - the little birdie houses are so sweet.
Toni xx
Okay...who pinched the 'w' from my comment above LOL
Toni xx
I thought you would be on twitter, after all you have an iphone!
Your comment re picking friends/flowers had me in stitches, such an amusing post.
I have to say, pedantically, and with my hands on my hips for effect,
twitterers who use twitter surely - twit
tweeters who use birdsong - tweet
oh I think I had better stop now,
i love this card and your take on tweeting,(from a non twit lol) who cares what the rest of the world is doing. it is so banal! at least blogging we make stuff!
i hadn't thought about the picking thing either, scabs!!!!yuk
Tee, hee. If friends were followers, I'd tweet you. Cause I tweet. Ok, I lie, I don't. My technical guy set it up so UKS posts were mirrored on Twitter automatically. And at some point my blog posts got mirrored there too, when the uks thing stopped working (or I broke it) but NOW I found I really needed a Twitter account to do Pnterest. And That is worth having a Twitter account for (in preference to the other choice which is Facebook)
Trust me. I've known about it for ages, read other boards for a while, but only just requested an invite yesterday. I'm hooked :)
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