Saturday 9 April 2011

Er, something for the weekend?

Remember this? Remember I strolled casually into Hobbycraft with my daughter who suggested we learn to crochet and I was all 'how hard can it be?' and then this emerged from the pattern for a tiny elephant and I was rather disconcerted and a little put out by all the non-believers who said it wasn't an elephant at all........and they offered alternatives (and every last one had the same idea...). Well stand back, because despite using the wrong size hook and mixing tensions and generally not really understanding the complicated bits, and being horribly bored by it because it wasn't going as I thought it would, and of course, not wanting to 'learn' properly, just dive in and be good at it. You know. It's one of the reasons I don't play golf too.
So here he is. Well, possibly not he, I dunno, but I haven't read instructions for anatomical precision, so am not making any real promises. Miss Dunnit is now prepared to touch it (!) and thinks it's relatively cute. It doesn't look so good from the side, but hey, at least I didn't bin it. After all, if I'd given up, I wouldn't have the pleasure of forcing Amy to take it as a gift!! So now I'm learning the tension, stitch variety and hooks sizes by starting again, on safe squares and small flowers. Phew.
Have a lovely weekend!


donnalouiserodgers said...

amy will love in a way only a mother can...


Claire said...

Glad you've got your elephant finished Julia, very cute

voodoo vixen said...

Bwaaaahaaaaaaaaaa! Certainly has a unique look about it!! PMPLing... good grief, I am so glad it is early and I have no make up on.... you made me cry!! Amy deserves this little critter... (not sure little critter deserves Amy but when you look like that it would be daft to be picky)!! LOL
Julia, you are good for the soul... a lesser person (meaning me) would have given up but you kept right on going and he/she/it is cute... extremely odd and cute!!

voodoo vixen said...

Ooooh I just had another look and do you recall a kids TV program where there were little critters on a moon surface and they popped out of the craters? Heffalump looks like one of those!!

Clair said...

Popped over to say thank you for the lovely comment on my Make The Day Special card. Really glad that I did. You and your blog (as your slightly irreverent humour) have made my morning. I'll be following x

Linby said...

Well done Julia - glad I am not the only one who likes to dive in! Cute.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, as usual you've made me laugh and well, she is cute and does sort of look like an elephant, she has a trunk anyway. I'm sure Amy will adore her. I've been noticing that crotchet flowers and butterflies are really current so look forward to your seeing your future creations. Elizabeth xx

Lorraine A said...

aww ,,, thanks for the laugh Julia :-) This is just sooo cute !! I think she's a girl , ,, and am sure Amy will love this :-)

hope you're having a lovely weekend :-)

Lols x x x

KanataNewf said...

Aw I think it came out cute for a first try. Now I wil have to post my first hat when I finally finish it. Maybe later today after my knitting get-together.

Sarn said...

Well BRAVO for finishing it. I like your take on, er, elephants - what an imagination you have!
Hugs, Sandra

Sunshine Girl said...

He is so cute! I too have tried to learn to crochet but feel that I should be able to create fantastic flowers immediately - you have now inspired me to have another go! One day I will create a crochet flower I am sure!

misteejay said...

Well done Julia on seeing it through - it has turned out a cutie. Mind you, if we all thought the same when we saw the first pic I'm surprised you did have the courage to finish it LOL (still think it looked like a warmer for a male extemity).

Toni :o)

misteejay said...

By the day I'll learn to spell

Toni :o)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Only YOU could make this little guy/gal into something even Amy would love. Way to stay with your commitment.

If you don't have someone to teach you, learning to crochet can be daunting. I'm proud that you seem to have conquered your first project with aplomb. Way to go. Now onto something even Miss Dunnit will love.

Anonymous said...

and Joy!

He is DoNE!

and he


love him

and it makes no sense





and I haven't even had tea yet... this is a pretty good morning.



peggy gatto said...

thanks for my first smile of the day!!!
He is just wonderful!!!

Bluefairy4U said...

Hi Julia,
Thank you I had a little chuckle and was so pleased that you finished your "elephant" that was sheer perserverance well done. I did crochet in the 70's dresses and all that but haven't touched a crochet hook for years. I am sure Amy is going to love it as you made it - its special. You cheered me up no end as I have been poorly of late. Big Hugs JO.xx

Gez Butterworth said...

awe, he's a real cutie :)

Nothing like jumping in at the deep end!

Great that you didn't give up.xx

JoZart Designs said...

What a laugh! What a transformation or mutation... .love it !
JoZarty x

kelly said...

i want to Crochet please teach me!!!!!! could be a crop lesson then i can make my own flowers for my LO.

Maz said...

Very cute - in a, er, different sort of way! I tried crochet once, like you I wanted to be good at it straight away without actually "learning" it. Of course I was rubbish and haven't bothered since! x

Susie Sugar said...

Well you did made maake me laugh with the first photo but the end result is kinda cute I gotta say
And who am I to laugh I can't crochet or knit so well done
Hugs Susie xx

Scrapcat 1 said...

Well I say Bravo for sticking with Ellie, and yes I did laugh but with you not at you. She looks like a real cutie and will be cherished I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee I had all but forgotten about that!! The finished product is adorable! Perhaps you should give the first "nose" to someone to use as a cover for their "golf club" xx

Becky said...

Love Him! And way to go on finishing him, I'd have wrapped the beginnings up and stuck it in the closet...oh wait, I already did this with the blanket I was making... he's adorable!

Serendipity Stamping said...

I think your little ellie is cute! For a firt timer I think you did great.

Alix said...

oh my're better at crochet that me...i've never managed to complete anything yet...despite many attempts!!

you go about trying a life size one next? ;)

oneoff said...

Aw, he's fab - a lovely combination of wistful and earnest...


Charlie said...

It's a he - no doubt about that!! =0)
And it turned out cute after all. Good on you having mastered yet another skill. I think I will stick to scrapbooking and cardmaking and cakemaking and generally having a good time.
Sorry I have been MIA for some time. GOOD NEWS are that I have a new job as of Monday last week. Quite proud of myself as I will be 57 this month and I heard ALL the stories about getting a job at "my age" - but I'm not a quitter and I did!! And an interesting one as well. BAD NEWS is that not being a quitter goes for quitting chocolate too - and that means I need to fit in time for the gym and work and family and my hobby and life in general and that takes time away from my hours in front of the PC. - Well - I will look in now and then - but now you know why! All the best

Anonymous said...

You did really well, Julia (said with straight face.......................................NOT)

LL Jan

Morti said...

hehehehehehe - fab work! D'ya think Amy likes him? Her. It. yes....

Twiglet said...

Well I think he is lovely but you had me worried for a minute!!

Carmen said...

Oh I hope he can't hear all the cackling! He will be in the vbest place living at Amy's two very unique individuals together :D

Leonie said...

I think he's beautiful and has a wonderful personality!! I dont think I know anyone who reads instructions first- thats no fun at all!!!!!
Maybe you could make one with WOYWW stitched on the side for you PIF!!!??
xxxFairy L

Helen said...

I would have given up weeks ago.... well done.

Ginny said...

how cute is this !?!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Ahh, sooo cute Julia, I love it ;-) Well done
Anne xx

Kath Stewart said...

well done julia....I think this is just the sweetest little ellie although she is a bit challenged in the trunk department and who needs to read the instructions....big hugs kath xxx

Jingle said...

That turned out quite cute for a first shot!