I am it seems, incapable of using a diary correctly. I clearly need to get back to work! I have the WOYWW anniversary date wrong. It's still week 104 (of course) but that week is actually Wednesday June 1st by my new diary calculation and some very nimble maths from Shaz. And as she's in Australia and everything there is back to front or something, I reckon that makes her a genius. But at least we're on track with week numbers...if you are a weekly hopper, you'll know that yesterday marked week 99, so there's still time. For the PiF, and more mistakes. And if you read this blog relatively regularly, you'll know how often I have to admit to having feet of clay, so you will be unsurprised and taking this in your stride.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Another correction...WOYWWers, read here!
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 99
Well folks, as this is the last one in April (already), it means that that 104, the second anniversary week isn't too far way now. So if you plan to join us for the PiF (detailed here), you need to get your thinking cap on now.
And here's my desk...replete with box of chipboard under a tidy tray, balanced on a notebook.
A basket of dragons that DD hasn't got around to putting on ebay yet, so I've done it, a card in the making, my glasses of course...a couple of them sexy new lie flat EK punches....a new BIGGER button jar. Nothing of any great interest. Unless you want me to riddle up an excuse for having boxes balanced on notebooks etc....then I'll need some time!
Show us your desk and work in progress then, we're wanna see what you're working on and what you've got that we haven't! Try to keep your words short, then we can visit lots of desks. Put a photo on your blog, link it here and visit to your art's content. I thank you. We all thank you.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Tool talk
No really, it's about a tool...no smuttiness. A lot of us English roses are surprised that our American cousins use 'tool' as a derogatory nick name for a fool. We do have them you understand, and I know all of them...(for I am a driver...) but 'tool' over this side of the pond, is just that. A tool. A useful item to help ya get something done. Which is possibly why we don't use it as slang for stupid(blokes in particular). Lordy, a digression in the first sentence. Gotta be a record. Anyway. I wanted to follow on from the domestic trivia of Easter Sunday's post by telling you that after I had gathered in the load of washing and walked around it for most of yesterday, I was forced to pull it out of the basket and iron necessary pieces this morning. And then I realised that one of my most useful craft tools ever is the pair of jeans that I sort of reserve for days at home when I know I'm going to be crafting. I wipe just cleaned stamps, my dirty fingers and paintbrushes on them. I de-static paper and clean fingerprints of most things on them, I test dryness by dabbing painted or inked items onto them, they are useful! They are marked and very very faded, but clearly are the most comfortable to sit in. I've even torn the hem off one leg because I 'needed' a piece of denim for something important (at the time - I can't even remember where it appears now). There is a bigger give away as to their usefulness as a crafty tool though. The crispy line of glue along the top of the thigh, just under the (still pert) buttock on either side (or more basically - at my arm's length) - where I constantly wipe my hands clean - particularly and especially of glue and sticky stuff. Ick. It's not as if it's a build up - these jeans are washed pretty regularly. It's possible that washing isn't the correct sort of maintenance for such an important tool. They probably deserve an occasional hot cycle and a proper pressing and even time in a cupboard. Ain't happening though - the best tool is one you use all the time right - and I can't use an apron. My height and roundiness is accentuated in an apron - makes me look like a right erm, tool.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Easter Domestics...
Now, aren't you glad you know all about my Easter Day domestic issues? If I was a better woman, I'd have a decorated house and be doing the entertaining and this would be the sort of blog where you visit and ask 'how does she do it?'....and instead you can ask yourself - 'why doesn't she just do it?' - but you know the answer to that already. Wishing you a happy day.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Happy Returns, Elizabeth!
Today, Earth Day, is also her birthday and I hope that this sort of e-card is a happy greeting.
I know - look at the card - slightly distressed, signs of alcohol and distress inks, layering of ink AND paint. Paint for goodness sake. 'Twould seem that whenever I pick up an artsy stamp like any of these, I get Jennie and Hels sitting on mah shoulders encouraging me to get my hands inky painty and distressed. It's really quite strange, because before I tuned into the old WOYWW blog hop, I was trundling along quite nicely with 'my' style...and then I find how much more is out there; so now and then I have to try something else. You can see that I still end up exercising some control though..had to use a tag and confine the perimeters of 'just go for it' a bit. Also I had to be able to vaguely remember what I was doing so that I could encourage others to have a go at the workshop last week.
I still think the base card is a bit weedy and pale..to the point where for the first time, I may have to pull this card apart and play some more. I blame all you alterers...it would seem you have instilled in me a slight teeny tiny bit of that 'enjoy the creating as much as the created' thing in me. And Elizabeth is one of those types. So in that whole Carrie Bradshaw, Sex & The City style I conclude with a question: good grief...am I an evolving crafter?
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 98
So this week's desk.....almost untouched by human hand. These baskets of stuff are the ingredients per card from last Thursday's workshop. Proof indeed that real life and holidays have taken me away from my desk and my computer too often this week. The yellow Monster is back in its upright position (better than a holder to take up yet more space, honestly, Annette!) and the desk tidy is empty because I cleaned and put away the stamps. I know, of all the things to have found time to do! You can see the Artistic Stamper logo too - I lucked out and won a new stamp in Jennie's blog launches and felt the best way to give her my address was to treat myself to a small order....so I did....now I have 2 Distress Stains to try and two gorgeous new stamps - I'll show you soon. Photo taken in full sun....about 6.45 on Tuesday evening - this is another scheduled post, very grown up things to be done on Wednesday morning.
Oh and PS - loved the number of you that left ironic notes about my comment last week about a well written and spell checked post!!
So there we are then - easy as that. Upload a pic onto your blog of your current work desk - crafty or otherwise, we like to see what you've got going on, and then link it here. Eventually, we'll visit. Be patient and don't fret about numbers....we won't need food!
Monday, 18 April 2011
Can't see the wood for the trees..
One of the bigger jobs I've promised to tackle this holiday is the 'room of shame'. Despite my lack of pride when it comes to my desk for WOYWW, I'm, not sharing' before' pictures of this spare room. Suffice to say, when we 're-modeled' Miss Dunnit's bedroom into something suitable for a grown up , all the girly, kid stuff was consigned to boxes and slung in the room of shame. And I mean all. Everything - toys, teddies, books, junk...all of it. So today, armed with 4 boxes - keep, bin, ebay, charity - I set the timer and we made a start. The timer was set because it is misery - getting her to part with anything is hard, and sorting out a load of junk that's been sitting quietly and without blame for too long is horrible. We tackled one large box. We ahhed and oohed over the plastic jewellery and the collection of Horrible History books and we laughed at the number of little handbags she was given as birthday presents from the age of about 4. Yep - 2 months in front of her 18th birthday and we still have 'em. We fished out about 30 sheets of stickers which she's going to hand over to the neices and some really fab neice appropriate beady jewellery. The rest was broken down into the four boxes......and for once, without tears or argument. She seems to have turned the corner of sentiment and for one box full at least, is OK to part with stuff that really, she'll never look at again even if we do stuff it into yet more boxes in the attic. So...what do you reckon my chances are for tomorrow's twenty minutes? And the day after - when she realises that two of the bigger boxes are full of stuff that I should have gone through when that little room was my craft room - before I moved into this purpose built, downstairs room? Save me...the double standard is weighing me down already!
Friday, 15 April 2011
Themes and schemes
A couple of people commented on this from Wednesday's workdesk photo - it's a card (!) for next week's workshop. See, me and Shopkeeper Gal had this great plan: following a fab idea from Daring Cardmakers last year I think, why not have one workshop each month based on the birthstone for that month. Sounded like a great idea and so we committed. Now when I say we, I mean I. How hard can it be? Consult Google (of course!) for a list of the birthstones and make some stone appropriate cards, 4 per workshop to be exact. Well, I can see why Shopkeeper Gal let me get all carried away with the possibilities - turned out to be really difficult! I found myself being overwhelmed by the colour of each stone so far...here we are in April and I've only just got
So the April stone is diamond which gave me all sorts of colour problems...except of course it didn't really, after all, when I stopped hyper-ventilating like an attention starved diva and started to actually think about it properly, it's a great shape; I stumbled upon a couple of ideas whilst panic planning, so it looks as if the next birthstone workshop might at last see me get a grip of the idea..it's only taken 4 months. Dunno how the DT at Daring Cardmakers do it so consistently...my hat is raised!
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 97
Join the madness then, expose your desk and show us what you're working on. Doesn't have to be a craft, doesn't have to be paper. We're interested - put a photo on your blog and link it here; then we can visit. Please, no advertising - a well written, spell checked blog post and great samples will do way more for you than blatantly joining a large linky list for erm, exposure.
Monday, 11 April 2011
On Sunday, Kath said that she'd found the need and therefore found some 'me' time and was turning towards the altered artist within her. She was gonna play with canvasses. Now I have to tell you that of course the sneak peek of a photo that she allowed us was really a teaser. And it reminded me that I too made some time (snigger...it's always all about me, so I'm not sure what to call it, really) at the end of last month to make a canvas. Unlike Kath, I had another motivation - despite having a year's notice, I was late getting to making my lovely sister a birthday gift and card. Well not late exactly, but let's just say I was running out of time. I posted it the day before her birthday - but she lives in California, so the timing was screwed really, huh. Anyway...I know she's now safely in receipt and so I thought I could show it here.......bear in mind it's a canvas panel rather than a box or blahdy blah (easier to post!) and please also remember that by the time I finished with it, it was still a canvas panel. I had added and coloured, but am not smart enough to have altered it into anything else. Li
And check out my uber talented and now much older sister: www.lusciouslifestudios.com
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Er, something for the weekend?
Have a lovely weekend!
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Today I helped
Mr Dunnit rang and flattered me into helping him - by saying how much he'd like my company. And let's face it, I was actually doing nothing that was productive...admiring another line full of washing in full sunshine, tidying up a bit around my desk, musing about some ideas for cards...you know, procrastinating.

So instead, I spent the afternoon in the sunshine, painting a weather defence oil onto pieces of oak. Lovely, beautiful oak. Tomorrow these pieces will be assembled into a very large window and delivered to a company who are doing a beautiful job of a barn conversion; of course I can't show you that, not least because it would be a digression from talking about my marvellous work! Actually, it felt like the first day at work, Mr Dunnit set me up, showed me what to do, then demonstrated in case I didn't understand. Brush it on thinly, make it consistent cover and be sure to get into the angles. I've whacked paint on canvas, card and fabric, how hard can it be? Well, it wasn't hard, but discovering that he was hovering to check my finish on the first piece was a bit of a shock! Anyway, he soon busied up and left me to it. So I worked outside in the sunshine and it wasn't gardening. Score! And I'm blogging from my phone in the bathroom... I have to have a hot bath. Hoping to disguise the
fact that a handful of hours standing on uneven ground brushing oil onto timber seems to have wrecked my unfit muscles! Like I said to the customer who rang and was happy to hear about tomorrow's delivery; happy to help!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
So instead, I spent the afternoon in the sunshine, painting a weather defence oil onto pieces of oak. Lovely, beautiful oak. Tomorrow these pieces will be assembled into a very large window and delivered to a company who are doing a beautiful job of a barn conversion; of course I can't show you that, not least because it would be a digression from talking about my marvellous work! Actually, it felt like the first day at work, Mr Dunnit set me up, showed me what to do, then demonstrated in case I didn't understand. Brush it on thinly, make it consistent cover and be sure to get into the angles. I've whacked paint on canvas, card and fabric, how hard can it be? Well, it wasn't hard, but discovering that he was hovering to check my finish on the first piece was a bit of a shock! Anyway, he soon busied up and left me to it. So I worked outside in the sunshine and it wasn't gardening. Score! And I'm blogging from my phone in the bathroom... I have to have a hot bath. Hoping to disguise the
fact that a handful of hours standing on uneven ground brushing oil onto timber seems to have wrecked my unfit muscles! Like I said to the customer who rang and was happy to hear about tomorrow's delivery; happy to help!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 96
It's not deliberately hidden, but my lovely wipe clean desk tidy basket is still full of stamps waiting to be put away and my scraps box is still overflowing. But you knew that. Out of shot by sheer chance rather than skill is the WOYWW Anniversary PiF project. Phew. I suspect that because I probably only need a couple of hours to finish it, it'll be the night before.....ain't that the way.
This photo taken on Tuesday evening. Post scheduled. Because I've' booked' to have the car tomorrow which means running Mr D to work - at the crack of normal posting time! But it's worth it - Laura is having an SU! coffee morning and I HAVE to go. Friendship rules, you understand.
Details for the Anniversary PiF idea can be found HERE - it's not obligatory, but if you fancy it, there'll be a few of us joining in on week 104!
Details for the Anniversary PiF idea can be found HERE - it's not obligatory, but if you fancy it, there'll be a few of us joining in on week 104!
So bare all and be with us - link a picture of your desk here and we'll whizz round and visit. Please don't be offended if not everyone visits, and if the visits take all week; do not stress about it - this is for fun.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Touting the Tote
Back in another era, I was a rep for Bramwell Crafts. Part of my equipment was the tote. To tote around all the samples, catalogues and stuff that a girly rep could need. (Packed lunches, umbrella, spare tights..you know..).
In it's five year life, it has been pushed and or pulled miles, up and down paths, escalators, and wheeled violently into people (sorry) and inanimate street furniture, door frames et al when I've been in a hurry and forgotten quite how wide it is! It's a bit grubby now, but nothing that a damp cloth doesn't fix.
It's had one service - Mr Dunnit had to add a new sprocket to the handle because it wouldn't go down as easily as I wanted it to. It's amazing. I hadn't really thought about how good it was until today, when Miss Dunnit fell over it as she backed away from my desk clutching her beloved sellotape. No harm done. She's OK too.
It's made by MIMI - Memories in Motion, Inc. And to be honest, I think they probably asked a lorra crafters before they committed to the design. The colour is of it's time though if you ask me - Lilac. But hey, it's not pink. I think, if I had to buy another, the colour would be secondary...but I'd quite like a houndstooth or a fancy schmancy tartan. Whatever, it's one of my great unsung hero type tools. Name one of yours then.
Friday, 1 April 2011
So how was your day?
Have a lovely weekend.
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