It's not deliberately hidden, but my lovely wipe clean desk tidy basket is still full of stamps waiting to be put away and my scraps box is still overflowing. But you knew that. Out of shot by sheer chance rather than skill is the WOYWW Anniversary PiF project. Phew. I suspect that because I probably only need a couple of hours to finish it, it'll be the night before.....ain't that the way.
This photo taken on Tuesday evening. Post scheduled. Because I've' booked' to have the car tomorrow which means running Mr D to work - at the crack of normal posting time! But it's worth it - Laura is having an SU! coffee morning and I HAVE to go. Friendship rules, you understand.
Details for the Anniversary PiF idea can be found HERE - it's not obligatory, but if you fancy it, there'll be a few of us joining in on week 104!
Details for the Anniversary PiF idea can be found HERE - it's not obligatory, but if you fancy it, there'll be a few of us joining in on week 104!
So bare all and be with us - link a picture of your desk here and we'll whizz round and visit. Please don't be offended if not everyone visits, and if the visits take all week; do not stress about it - this is for fun.
Am with you on the specs thing... which is why I now wear lenses... less chance of losing them... or sitting on them .. which was a daily habit of mine rofl.. hope car gets on ok! x
Still hidden eh? Hope you find your glasses... they are a pest, DH has pairs everywhere but still can't find a pair to read something when he needs!! I'm weird... wear mine all the time and take them off to use the PC and to scrap!! LOL
Glad to see you are back to normal this week, lol! Love the Paperartsy thing you have going on. My anniversary PIF "thingy" is ..... not advanced at all... Have a good day at the coffee morning. My day won't be as fun.
Hi Julia
I was so busy admiring your tote bag in the previous post I almost forgot to link up!
You knkow I love Paper Artsy. Can't find them here so I order them direct. I am hoping to catch up on stuff so I can get crafting - I have so much to do before PIF time!
Have a fabulous week and be sure to swing by and enter my giveaway!
Oh those Paper Artsy stamps. Everybody in your corner of the world seem to have them. One day... I loved to see your glasses again!!
ooh I am up at the crack of dawn.. no sleep for me! lol Desk looks tidy, and have fun at your coffee morning.. :))
Hugs x
I found my glasses in a box of a monthly scrapbooking paper kit, maybe your glasses have followed suit? At least you have several pairs if memory serves. I forgot what day it was and went rushing out of the house thinking it was Wednesday (and it was still Tuesday). Lovely stamps you have there. TFS :D
An SU coffee morning? Such a hardship, eh? ;-D
Looking forward to that anniversary PiF...
Enjoy your SU morning - never done one...dare I start on that too? Dunno - Would be the death of the housework good and proper. My mum had three pairs of glasses but always ends up borrowing my dads when she needs to read the small print...every time.
Juia - thanks for WOYWW - just so darn good...
Morning Julie! Wow! It is not like me to be on here so early, but I too am up at the crack of neverbeenupatthistimebefore!! I am jealous of all those Paperartsy stamps on your desk. It must be the season of scraps being on your desk - see my desk! If you can!! I know what you mean about the glasses!! LOL!
Dame it, I keep forgetting about the PIF, thanks for the reminders, your desk is looking.. Well pretty normal. Love those stamps. Have a great rest of week hun x
Scissors! You can NEVER have too many pairs, Or Glasses for that matter.'Though one must keep both well hidden ;0)
Nice little pile of artful clutter.
I keep losing my glasses too - cos I can't see where I've put them down! I take them off to see close and forget then need them to see distance! lol!
I've not heard of Paper Artsy. Your desk looks inviting as always. Maybe your glasses are und the PIF thingy? Happy WOYWW! #12
Sounds like a busy day for you but at least there's always lots to see on your desk!
Lol... I have "readers" (those magnifying eyeglasses) all over the house and I just misplaced one set also. How does that happen?
I agree with you about an SU event taking a higher priority. It is my monthly nothing-is-getting-in-my-way-of-going event, so I know how that goes.
Hope you had fun...
Hi Julia
lots of lovely art stamps there, my craft glasses now have a chain on them so i dont put them down n lose them under a pile of something,i look like old granny!lol, Enjoy the SU party, only polite to go, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x
wow, lots of stamp out there. the anniversary is coming so fast and I haven't started my gift yet.
Owww i love these stamps!! Nice creative desk today!!
Happy Wednesday ;-)
Greets Marleen
ohhh what a nightmare - they aren't on the top of your head are they? lol
I love seeing all the stamps and scissors (what crafter can be serious with only a pair or two?). Ha! I hope you have a lovely SU! coffee morning. I might have to get me one of those! Thanks for hosting.
You bought the paperartsy stamps then I keep looking at them but they scare me they are so far out of my comfort zone.
Looking forward to seeing you later x x
Ha! Me too - I can't stand bi-focals so I have one pair of glasses for TV, driving, movies, anything long distance, and one pair that is for middle distance, like the arms length to my computer screen. The desk pair should always be on my desk, but I "lose" them all the time - in the kitchen on the counter after making a cuppa, by the TV if I switch over, I leave them in the bathroom after my shower, they are never where I think they will be!
Get a neck chain, then you can wear them around like a little old lady librarian and always know where they are!!
You know, I would like just ONE week where I could post a comment without having to pop in and out of three different browsers to get Blogspot to cooperate!
Nice desk and all upon it... Have a good day out... As for the glasses thingy, I am just the same and can't wear contacts because of my eye problems... But somewhere in my house are a lorra lorra specs, hiding and cackling at my futile searches!!!!!
Love those stamps, really should get me some :0)
Hope you find your glasses soon ....I didnt realise quite how expensive they are till dh just got his first prescription.
Kate x
Hurray for Wednesdays!!!! Jo x
Like the idea of an SU coffee morning, didn't know there was a rep in the area. Hope the paperartsy stamps are fun and hope you will share the outcome with us after the class.
** Kate **
Oh, this looks like fun and maybe it will inspire me to clean up my bench weekly...can't wait to see what everyone is working on!
There must be a 'glasses imp' just like there is a sock one...LOL
Toni :o)
Lovely to see a bit more creative mess on your desk today Julia. I was begining to think you were going down with something :-)
A x
Had to laugh at your comments on glasses I have lost count of how many pairs I have. Love the look of your desk I have resisted the larger paper artsy stamps but I reckon it is just a matter of time. Enjoy your coffee morning it sounds like fun
I tapped the return button before I altered my blog address - which means the first one takes you to last weeks desk - so I then clicked it again thinking I could delete the first - grrr - no such luck - no idea what i'm doing IT wise this week - no hope really! Thank you for sharing the desk! Off to see about week 104 now!
Lots of lovely rubber on your desk!
Enjoy your day!
nice and busy today. i lose my glasses a lot and wish they had some sort of beeper attached to them.
Oh lots of interesting goodies on your desk this week!!!
thanks for sharing
xxx fairy leonie xxx
I think Wipso and I need to get our heads together and plan our PiFs - more crafty fun!!
You're such a temptress. Making me want more stamps when I already have more than anyone person should! Great desk though. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
Have fun, Rachel, #62
I had an SU afternoon on Saturday & it was jolly entertaining. Ordered far too much stuff from the new mini catalogue but that wasn't really a surprise as it was always going to happen.
Like you, I always have big & small scissors on my desk :-)
Oooo those stamps look nice!
Got up and organised this morning so I could get my pic posted!
Enjoy your coffee morning Julia!xx
Hi Julia, Paperartsy do some fab stamps , one of my favourites too .
As for specs , my daughter asked if I now had bifocals - no said I -- then why said she , do you have a pair on your face AND a pair on your head !!??!!!
Anne x
Looks like a stamping kind of day for you. Enjoy! S #69
At my age, I pretty much wear my glasses all the time. So I don't loose them! Love your desk this morning. Have a great SU morning!
Lots of lovely stamps. Not seen that brand before. Must go and do some research. Its purely to broaden my mind you understand not for any other reason.!!! Hugs Mrs A. #67
Ah glasses, the bain of my life. I have to use them for reading AND I wear contacts 'cos I'm short sighted too. White stick and dog next. Yummy Paper Artsy stamps I see.
Hugs Joanne xx
Oooh, I do love to be nosey! ;)
Hi Julia,
I am a WOYWW newbie and am loving the idea! have posted my link and hope to take part every week. Now to start working my way through everyones posts!
My specs are always on my face - then I can't lose them - DH is so funny as he has to now start wearing them and like you he has loads all round the house and car but still manages to lose them. Thanks for the help with the followers links but it still won't let me click on them - maybe I'll think of something else - have a good coffee morning x
Morning folks - I'm permanently looking for my specs, Julia - they're the bane of my husband's life! I need them for long sight (driving & TV), so always taking them off to read, eat, etc, so they get left anywhere & everywhere. Down to one pair - must get my eyes tested and invest in a couple more (specs, not eyes!) Must dash cos of homework - hope to pop back later. Have a great day, All xx
Love your stamps. My pink glasses have been missing for three weeks...somewhere in the house.
Have a great Wednesday
Sue x
oh là là! Paper Artsy Stamps!! I love those. Lovely Desk!
Wahoo . . . the REAL Julia is BACK!
Hugs, Sandra
The paper artsy stamps look fun. Need more hours in my day to do all the things I want to do or maybe I need to not spend so much time looking at what others are doing. LOL
x Tricia
I know just where you are coming from re glasses, Julia. It is the permanent mantra in our home - where's my .......?
Not really a proper post by me this week and the reason's all in the message. I will keep an eye on things and post again for WOYWW when I can.
Love all the stamps on your desk. Hope you'll find a little bit of time to make some nice things. And two pairs of scissors are good to have I found out last week. I had lost one pair, but found it back a few days later.
This is what I like to see - a busy crafty spot!
Sheena #87
I agree - you can never have too many pairs of scissors or specs! Hope you're enjoying the coffee morning, I'm off to the supermarket,oh deep joy :( Di xx
I love Paperartsy stamps. Glad your taking friendship duties so seriously -have a good time at the cover morning!
Rebecca x
Love the paper-artsy scissors mayhem! Enjoy your hubby and friendship time this morning Julia:)
Wow, Wednesday again! I've blogged and will do some hopping in a bit. But first to get the kids some lunch!!
Those Paper Artsy stamps look great.
Enjoy your SU morning, and to think, it used to be Tupperware parties our husbands were worried about! Love the Paperartsy stamps, you're a real stamper if you've got a set of them!
lovely desk number 93 is spam x
Hi Julia, interesting desk as usual, as much for what it conceals as for what it reveals - can't wait to see what you've made for the PiF. I'm still ruminating and cogitating :) Elizabeth x #108
I have been lurking about for several months and am now participating!! So happy to be to look at a few blogs now before I get on with my day!!!:)
You have me tired out just reading about your busy, busy, life! I could just sit at your desk and make something good from what's on your desk this week as I love everything there,
Hugs JoZarty x
Glad to see your desk back to its usual self today, lol!
Can't wait to see what you will make with those yummy PaperArtsy stamps!
xoxo Karen #115
My first time i participate with WOYWW, i like the other desks , nice to see what's going on.
I'm back this week - with photos of how my craft space is getting on - and the first thing I've actually been making on my new desk! It's all a WiP!
I love WOYWW. And I actually have a workdesk now which makes it all the more exciting to join in with.xx
you've got some lovely stamps there Julia.
Desk looks lived in today, great. Thought of getting a couple pair of extra glasses, but it sounds like the plan doesn't work so well as now we would all be looking for more then one pair. LOL
LIke the look of those stamps. Hope you had fun at our SU morning, and that you didn't spend too much the mini catalogue has some really yumminess in it. Hugs pam x
A lovely creative desk again, and loving the paperartsy stamps.
Your Desk looks like mine this week. I lose my glasses so much and always looking for them and yep I bought a few pair but that does not seam to work. lol I think it drives my Husband crazy the most I am always saying "babe you seen my glasses" and he spends more time looking for them then me. lol
Hugs to you Julia!
Shirley #124
I can so relate to projects being spread out, yet baskets overflowing with new it all! I must check out the anniversary thing--had no idea. Happy WOYWW!!!
Who can resist Paperartsy. Looks like you're having fun.
If I didn't have to wear my specs to see to get out of bed in a morning I'd never be able to find them either!!
Hope you had lots of fun at the SU party and haven't spent up!!
Hugs Lisa #128
I love seeing the busy desk! Hope you're having fun with the girls! I misread your post the first time and thought that you had your PIF in the picture...I was wondering what it was! lol
Happy WOYWW!
I was trying to read something yesterday, squinting and rubbing my eyes to refocus... then my daughter said with a resigned tone in her voice "Your spec's are on your head mum"..for about the twentieth time this
I wish I had just lost my glasses not my marbles - I forgot to link!!!!!
At least it is still weds,
I love paper artsy stamps
Just put my hand to my head and found:
I pair of reading glasses,
1 pair of sunglasses, one pencil (embedded in my pony tail and some kind of what looks like food droppings(?) but could be paint off the pencil as i pushed it through my ponytail...
I must really scare the people I work with...
haha Thought is was Thursday, realised it was Wednesday so thought I would play along today.
I love Paper Artsy stamps too.
btw those small scissors look lethal :)
I am glad I am not the only one having trouble today. I actually have three pairs of glasses, one to wear mostly, one pair for reading and very close work and a third pair for computer use. Every so often I have to get them all together to sort them out. I am also going demented with Blogger, so far I have only used two browsers to get my photos to load. I also need both browsers to see everyone else's photos. Does anyone know what our problems are caused by and is anyone sorting it out for us?
I love your postings, Julia, they always cheer me up. Hope you enjoyed your get together today.
I had to put my glasses on a string around my neck so I don't lose mine... that's the only thing that worked for me.
Love all the beautiful stamps I see.... FUN, Fun, fun!!!!
My mother would be saying wear your glasses on a chain! I on the other hand would prob loose them too! Happy WOYWW Hugs Rebekah xx (63)
i love your wednesday hook up. it's so great to see what everyone else is up to. i never have the time to check all but do as many as i can.
I knew I shouldn't of blogged early, wrong link this morning, couldn't understand why they were going to last weeks post doh!! Hope you have time to visit my handsome fellas or are they girls! Opted for a reading pair of glasses, might just manage to not loose them like my usual ones! Happy Wednesday. Carolxx
i just plain give up.
what is a gimp mask?
does it have anything to do with the elephant private parts thing?
Just found your site - what a great idea of sharing your workspace! Glad to see that I am not the only one who surrounds themselves with lots of goodies to use creatively!
Love the glasses theory my dad had that theory but it never worked all his glassed ended up in his car lol - must get my thinking cap on for the PIF - never done one before
not made it over here for ages, always love it when I do though :)
Coooo-eeeeee - got here at last! Forgot about it last night in the whole frenzied panto meeting thingy and then work this morning! Paper Artsy - yes! Glasses - no! Don't wear 'em.....
I have umpteen pairs of glasses. In my bag in the car. I take them off for close work as I can see then. Heheh. Busy desk there.
Sissors go walkabout in my house too!!! Enjoy the SU morning :-)
sarah xx
Haven't been over here for a while, but thought I'd join the fun this week! Great desk.....lots of craftiness!
You sure have a lot goin' on this week!
Check out my Giveaway when you have a moment or 2.
Thanks for doing this! It is so fun to see everyone's spaces!
Gotta get my some PaperArtsy going on. I'm lovin' their stuff! And hope you enjoyed your SU! morning! Now if I could just get done with these stamps so I can stamp with them!
Oh Ms. Dunnit, you do beat all. I love the nod to friend rules, ain't that always the way? The clean basket is something I need, but my whole desk would have to fit in there,and the odds of that working out - slim to none. xoxo Pif sounds like the greatest idea EVER. I cannot wait to play! xoxo
Great another WOYWW and Yes I am very late agin, but better late than never.
God It's Crafting that ruined my Eye sight and now I cannot craft with out them.
Hope your's show up soon, no doubt they are in your craft room somewhere, Oh and when you find them put them on your Head for safe Keeping.
I hope you all had a great Mother's Day.
I'm off for nosey around all your Desk's to see what everyone has been up to.
Happy Crafting.
I bared all. Okay, just my stampy space. :)
Very nice desk this week. Lots of stuff to snoop about n. Love all the stamps you have out there. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #88
Hi Julia, thanks for your kind words on my blog. I LOVE those PaperArtsy stamps and there's no way you could have too many pairs of scissors! I've got at least half a dozen!
Off to serve on a women's retreat but will be back next week to catch up.
Loving you desk and so loving the stamps. Im forever loosing my glasses and they turn up in all places, they even survived the washing machine!!!! Xx
I'm a newbie and am enjoying looking round all the blogs. Love the stamps! Thanks for sharing.
Sorry, I'm a day late! Loving all the Paperartsy goodies:) I notice that the coffee morning was being held where my aunty and uncle live. Small world.
Fiona x
yep truly irredeemably buggered up bindings, got so cross I distorted the rings so it is FUBAR ( Up Beyond All recognition)
Moi Impatient????
I can wait a full ten seconds for something to work I will have you know...
nearly cut my finger off 'waiting' to sharpen a pencil only yesterday....well the scalpel was there and the pencil sharpener wasn't...
A bit late but we've had trouble with our connection. And it's my first time, go easy on me! Loving seeing everyone's different states of art :-)
Oooh yummy, PaperArtsy! And you've reminded methat I have a stash of uninked PaperArtsy stamps...must remedy that. ;)
Finally getting round to having a nose at everyone's desks!!
Hi Julia,
Those stamps look delightful! Wish I could pop over for a rummage through your desk! Bit far though!
Susan xxox
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