Saturday 27 September 2014

Seasonal Affectation.....

I live in a country that continues to have specific Seasons.  Thankfully, they do blur rather than bump as the change occurs, and largely the changes are quite beautiful.  The most special for me, is from Spring to Summer.  May is just bursting with all the potential and the new growth and the promise of colour and scent and lazy days to come.  But, perversely, I can even argue that opinion on behalf of myself!  The change from summer to Autumn is after all, a spectacle.  And one that I don't think many people tire of.  Autumn this year is a cut above.  Yep, all the usual changes, but acompanied by higher than average temperatures; an Indian Summer, I think.  Here we are in the last throes of September and I'm still sitting about in a t shirt and enjoying mid morning coffee in the garden.  I know, it's a really desperately hard life.  I should add, that whilst all week has been lovely, mid morning coffee in the garden is only happening today.  But it feels fab.

And when I'm sitting on my unweeded patio and sipping coffee and pretending I'm unencumbered by chores and deadlines, this is what I workroom window. Protected from rain by this Russian Ivy. We are ruthless with it, hack it back, cut off new sprouts, curse it when it drops its seeds.  They are small round seeds and at this size of growth, they fall through the leaves and sound like rain.  Very like rain.  And they create a 'dune' on the patio, like ultra thick sand. It's amazing really.  And we continue to give it house room because of the show it puts on in September, for about a week.  

It's insane isn't it.  In the space of a fortnight, it's signalled the arrival of Autumn, but not for long.  Next week, it'll turn crispy and drop every single leaf....if I have my workroom door open, they often gently float onto my desk. It's lovely, and sometimes wakes me up from my procrastinatory dreaming. So it has a partial use.
I am not ready for longer nights, dark mornings, low temperatures.  I remain convinced that Mr Dunnit and Me were accidentally transported from Southern Oceans....maybe at the time when we were a tangible twinkle in respective parents eyes. Who knows.  But, while there's beauty and late sun, we're enjoying it.  Long may it continue.
Have a lovely weekend!


Kathyk said...

I quite understand why you tolerate it too, when it puts on a show such as that!


Di said...

Wow, that really is glorious Julia!!

Hugs, Di xx

Bridget Larsen said...

It is absolutely stunning, I would keep it too and give it space

PeeJay said...

Oh my - it's beautiful. We had some as well but OH chopped it back hard too many times and killed it :( Mind you, it was starting to take over the roof as well. I think you'll find it's Virginia Creeper though, not Russian Ivy.

Ohhh Snap said...

Coffee on the patio, warm weather and beautiful foliage. Sounds like the start of a wonderful day : D

Krisha said...

The beauty of the seasons changing is always amazing. We haven't started it here yet, an other month or so then the trees will be in full glory.

I dare say, I probably would drink even more coffee, and day dream a little longer if I had THAT view from my patio. Stunning!

Helen said...

oh it is beautiful indeed! I would sit and watch it for ages too... I was at Kew this morning and there are some gorgeous colours coming, but slowly!

tocovya said...

I used to have ivy on the front of my house, it was getting close to the gutter so I pulled it down and there was a great big crack under it! Wish I had never done it. xx

Sue said...

WOW! The colour change of your Ivy is lovely.

They are saying october will be higher than average temps, so the indian Summer is set to continue.

Leslie Hanna said...

This is so pretty! I do think I prefer Fall/Autumn to Spring. Here in the US we seem to have about 6 hours of Spring some years, but Fall is more gentle, and lasts longer. And sooo pretty!

Robyn said...

Lovely- and I'm with you- totally a Georgia Peach. Love the summer, winter not so much- every year I say I am going to enjoy it-talk to me in Spring!

misteejay said...

Beautiful display of colour.
I'm loving the continued warmth through the daytime but am finding the evenings and early mornings a bit of the chilly side.
It got very dark very quickly yesterday - not something I enjoy.
Toni xx

Charlie said...

So pretty Julia. I remember our house had one like that when I was a child and my mother often used the leaves to lay cheese on at dinner parties - looked ever so pretty. =0)

Debs Willis said...

What a beautiful picture. But the seed and leaf drop would drive me nuts!! Miss the garden coffee breaks [sigh]
Debs x

shazsilverwolf said...

I think I must have pressed the wrong button, lol. Comment didn't post. I was saying I love the colours of Virginia Creepers, truly outstanding. Agree about the temperatures too- was in sleeveless mode all day yesterday, right up till being sat outside at midnight with a cup of decaff before bed. xxxx

Eliza said...

I to look at the beauty in all it's glory then think of the damage it is causing, hopefully not damaging your house.

Enjoy your mornings of warmth it will be getting cold soon.

We have had a wonderful spring day with sunshine and 28 degrees and guess what I did with it? Enjoyed it all with a cuppa and a chat with dad. I love the warmth.

Hugs Eliza

ria gall said...

Hi Julia
I am back in blog land and so please I am as I have been able to see your beautiful garden and the wonderful changes the seasons bring with it.
I hope to get back in to the WOYWW as I have missed everyone.
Hugs Ria xx

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,
For some reason my comment disappeared...ah well, you might get two from me....

I love this time of year too. It's getting chilly here and I'm finding myself pulling my covers right up to my chin in the cool evenings. The leaves are starting to turn and it's just heaven. I will have a different attitude about it when the snow arrives;not looking forward to that one bit. Your ivy looks wonderful. I can imagine the leaves that make it onto your desk as helpful fairies!

I'm finally getting around to visiting desks.


Japonica said...

Lzst evening, here in Exmouth, it was 20degrees at 10.30pm on 27th September...insane! No wonder some plants are flowering for a second time. But I totally cannot choose between Spring and Autumn? Maybe here on the coast the Autumn just about wins as the holidaymakers are a bit more rare and the empty beach is so lovely on an indian summers day! Happy October...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Stunning beauty to enjoy with your morning coffee. If I had that view, I might procrastinate till it got too warm to sit outside. It's really lovely, and I've never seen anything like it. I think it must like the brick it clings to. Beautiful, yet I'm sure a bit frustrating when trying to control it.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Leaves change colors??!?! How insanely perverse!

Hee hee, love the photos you've shared and the ivy.

Elizabeth said...

That gorgeous colour makes your Russian Ivy well worth tolerating, Julia. We've been enjoying an Indian Summer up here too but the rain arrived this afternoon, only two hours after it was forecast but here nonetheless heralding the start of autumn :( If it wasn't so wasteful of time I'd be looking forward to spring. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

okienurse said...

What a beautiful vine! I don't think we have anything like it in Oklahoma. Enjoy your Indian summer. It has been pretty awesome here too! I think it is suppose to be 32-33 deg here tomorrow. Made it to 30 today! Vickie