Friday 15 August 2014

Self promotion dressed as opportunity... only I can do.  Stand by. I'm sorry, I can't help it, I'm a middle child. Or something; insert your own reasons....because I'm not going to be unkind about myself!
Remember this?
I was so utterly in love with some of the calligraphy svg cuts that our Desker Robyn was using in her crafting that I felt the need to investigate.  I found that Oyster Stamps are the UK distributor for Quietfire Designs on rubber, and so I had a teeny spend.  The calligraphy is sublime, non? 
Well I must have gone on for too long - because to shut me up, Robyn and Suzanne of Quietfire have asked me to do a guest DT spot in October on the Quietfire blog. I know!  

The reason I'm telling you this now is:
 - because I'm a whole lotta smug about it
 - because I'm a whole lotta smug about it
 - because I'm scared witless about it
 - but I'm still smug about it.

If you should feel the need, visit the Quietfire blog, by all means. Indeed, I urge you to.  And then I urge you to visit again and again, until your brain is immune to the standard and beauty of the samples you see.  Then you'll be ready for October.  

Meanwhile, y'all have a lovely weekend.  More insufferable behaviour guaranteed next week!


shazsilverwolf said...

For a change, its you doing the enabling, lol. Those stamps are awesome, I can feel a spend coming on! You now where I'm going now, of course. And its all your fault. Well done on getting a guest post, in all seriousness, its very well deserved- glad that suitable smugness is being felt.Love, Shaz XXXX

fairy thoughts said...

He he smugness deserved ... Mostly because you know us all so well gorgeous stamps and a mention of chocolate what else could a girl want
Chocolate stamps maybe ... Sorry gtg shopping.....

Kim said...

And you should be quite smug!!! I love QFD! You will fit right in with all the other designers, I don't doubt for a minute! Have fun and a great weekend.

Sue said...

Love the tag. Ice cream is my favourite food. I love Ben & Jerry's:)

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

trisha too said...

Yay! Congratulations, Julia!

See, it's not really self promotion so much as it's sharing good news. And who doesn't love to hear good news??

So yay again!


Helen said...

don't sell yourself short. what good news, congratulations.

voodoo vixen said...

You have every reason to be chuffed to bits and yes, I love that stamp... it is fabulous!

My name is Cindy said...

Just had a look. Yummy stamps. staggeringly beautiful samples. No wonder you are scared witless. (That was cruel and unecessary ... probably because I am still laughing about the one that says 'if you can't say anything nice about someone - come sit by me'. I do love a barb in the tail.)
You will be fine. And even more insufferably smug. Hugs Cindy x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh, lucky YOU. These are truly gorgeous, and I have admired Robyn's for months. I love what she makes, and I'm sure I'm going to love what YOU make, too. That's the best dark side in the world!

I saw your desk and really liked the tree card. After all, I'm a tree person when it comes to Christmas. But I would NEVER EVER fiddle with threading twine through them. I don't even sew buttons onto a blouse, so I'll admire your ability from afar.

Again, congrats on this honor. After all, you deserve it.

Laura (Bookworm) said...

If you can't be smug amongst your friends, who can you be smug around? Super cool to have the guest design spot on the blog of a company whose stuff you really like -- congrats! :)

Karen P said...

There is nothing wrong with a little bit of smugness every so often. Love what you have created with the stamps and will go on over and have a nose right now! Karen

Robyn said...

Aww! We're tickled that you are joining us, and all looking forward to being inspired by your creations with Quietfire Design!
Self promote with abandoned!- hmm- maybe make a stamp out of that!

Anne said...

Congratulations ' o smug one!' :-) Well deserved! X

Carole Z said...

...and smug you should be! Fabulous!! Hugs Carole Z X

misteejay said...

Self-promote away, Julia. Congratulations...I look forward to seeing your GDT spot.

Toni xx

Neet said...

Congratulations, well done you, Brilliant! What a wonderful thing to happen, I have never been asked to be a GD so I am in awe of those who have.
Enjoy the journey!
Neet xx

Eliza said...

Be smug you deserve it, love the tag and I am a sucker for chocolate too.

Hugs Eliza

Nan G said...

Oh congrats! Congrats! A wonderful honor for a fabulous person!

Kyla said...

smuggnes well deserved,congrats.


Mrs.D said...

Well done Julia, they are lovely stamps, just went to their page. Chris

Mrs.D said...

Oops where did my post go before I had finished it?
Well done, you'll have no problems doing the stamps justice, and they are beautiful. Keep sharing and making us green with envy.
I take we will have kneel before you soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the gueast post! And boo... You made me spend money! Just placed an order. And I told myself I wouldn't be getting new crafting things this month and next month.. (Except for stamps of one of my favourite designers, Designs by Ryn, also from Canada!).
All this blog reading is bad for my wallet, but I do understand your enthousiasm. (I think making a wishlist was unneccary, as I want them (almost) all!)

sandra de said...

Well deserved smugness....cheers from afar.

Claire said...

Oooh fabby makes, congrats to you.
Claire xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, congratulations on your guest designer status - I think the smugness is well justified. The stamps are awesome - just like you - and too tempting for words :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Darnell said...

Congratulations, Julia! It's well-deserved and I'm sure she feels like the lucky one to have you accept! You will do an excellent job of it and I can't wait!! Hugs, Darnell