Tuesday 18 December 2012


About a month ago, Jan and Di and I had a day together.  An hour at the Shopkeeper Gal's emporium, a quick scout around Amesbury and then to a small Craft Centre at Weyhill for lunch and browsing.  Apart from the jewellery and gallery and chocolatier and wool shop, there's a quilting shop.  Jan wanted to have a brief rummage and check out threads.  Di, for reasons of a personal nature, wanted a large bodkin.  I don't know either.  Well, I was utterly entranced by all the fabrics.  Lots and lots of them were by companies that I know as scrapbook paper designers, so I spent an awful lot of time trying to decide what I could make.  If I needed anything.  The first and most obvious answer to me, was a nice bag.I don't need or have room in my life for any more bags.  So I came over all sensible and decided to have a look around for a pattern or idea before buying some fabric.  Because otherwise, it could sit around for, well, months.  The same week, my recipient in The Coven's Secret Santa was revealed and I had my answer.  Make something from some of the gorgeous fabric you wanted to buy.  So I did.  Scraplady Ally has a thing for purple, she's a quilter, so has a fabric 'thing' and I found two projects that I thought were marvellously clever...a camera strap (for she is a fantastic photographer) and an iPad sleeve.  Satisfied my need to have fabric.  Satisfied my need to make.  Satisfied my wanting to find her a relatively out-of the-ordinary present.

I am utterly indebted to Lindsay at The Cottage Home for tutorials and ideas that I've found really inspiring and stress free. I know that this isn't spoiling a surprise, because we met and exchanged presents last night. We didn't even consider not opening our gifts.  Not even for a second, not a mention of the idea.  Love that about Christmas - I think it's because we're pretty sure that there will be another gift on another day.  Ain't life grand.


Di said...

Wow - just brilliant Julia! Didn't you make a super job of these. I guess you could have made a folding shopping bag even? :)

Ah, the bodkin - eeet eez my secret weapon for threading cord through bows on cards and then tying another little bow, sometimes avec un charm even!

Have a super day! Hugs, Di xx

Helen said...

Fabulous gifts, and gorgeous fabric!

Kyla said...

Ooh, lovely ideal, we had our coven secret Santa last night too! Must be that time of year! Lol!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Just beautiful colours and makes, Julia, love Shaz in oz.x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You are a REAL seamstress who can follow a pattern (or two) and come up with awesome gifts. Leave it to you to make it a gift for a friend. These are both wonderful, especially since they are both practical and beautiful.

BTW, Christmas is just a date on a calendar. Real gifts are given every day, in many forms!

Annie said...

How lovely Julia...those are my colours too :-)
A x

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Juls said...

wow thats gorgeous!! Hugs Juls

Tamika said...

ScrapAlly should be happy that's beautiful! I don't own a camera that needs a strap at this point but I'd like one LOI! Great work Julia!

Redanne said...

Both gifts are beautiful Julia, not to mention useful. Love the fabric too. Hugs, Anne x

Kirsty.A said...

Oh looks fab. Can you share a tutorial? I'd love one of those camera straps

JoZart Designs said...

Super solution with a super result. I'm sure those lovely gifts were well received.
Jo x

misteejay said...

What lovely gifts Julia.

Toni xx

jill said...

Lovely Julia, & the colours are fab. Well done

fairy thoughts said...

Crikey, Julia these are fab, LLJ would be very proud of you.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I am proud of you!! You're a much better seamstress than me!! Seriously.....

Unknown said...

Julia this is great and if I was a sewing person I would definitely make one - but I'm not!

RosA said...

Gorgeous fabric! Great presents!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

What beautiful gifts! It would have been so fun to have joined you! I have no idea what a bodkin is..... but it does sound interesting.


Neesie said...

What a fantastic, unique, useful and pretty pressie Julia.
You are so clever ;D
It takes me all my time to just sew a button on.

I think someone is going to be very happy!

I'm definitely going to peruse some tutorials in the new year.
(Had a little giggle at the bodkin)

Neet said...

Love your makes Julia - now to follow the link - need a strap like that for my new camera. Mind you at this rate I will be making it in America when I go.
Hugs, Neet xx

House of Bears said...

Fabulous presents, how talented you are. Happy crafting in 2013

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