Monday 13 August 2012

What I did at the Crop by Julia Dunnit

My sister, enjoying something at her Wedding to Rob.....
 Mostly, what I did was talk, of course...laughter type talk mostly, and achieve an update of my vocabulary of the vernacular and smutty thanks to Laura and word, they know so much!  Second in the list of what I did - eat.  Pot luck lunches are fab.  And the puddings that people come over with are to be sampled to be believed.  It's wonderful.  So really, in between these 2 major activities, I managed a bit of scrapbook craft.  If you look at these LOs and it occurs to you that my *ahem* 'style' is getting clean and simple, let me assure you - it's isn't.  But it is a speedy way to make it look as though I've actually achieved something during the day!  
Bad light means poor LO photgraphy....a dear friend *thinking* he looks cool....
Morti is indeed her of WOYWW fame, I'm slowly doing a LO of all my cropping friends..and the irony of this picture is that she's holding a LO that she's made featuring me and Lunch Lady's a bit like that photograph of me photographing you looking in the mirror thing.  Isn't it?  Oh, just me then. More badly lit, rubbish photography...

Now, does this bode well for the rest of the I finally going to get something done?
For local interested parties, take note that Shopkeepr Gal has closed her Tidworth premises and is, as I type, unloading and setting out in the new Amesbury shop, open day and new workshop schedule on Saturday next, 18th.


Helen said...

Great layouts, glad you had time to do more than eat and talk smutty! Sounds like a great day.....

Richard Norman said...


I stumbled across your blog. Always a pleasure seeing another crafter getting pleasure from what they do.

I sometimes make my own Christmas cards, I make lino cuts and print them on my old hand press

Im'e a gilder and use gold leaf and imitation gold leaf rather a lot.

Have you thought of gilding onto paper?

It's really quite easy to gild onto paper, and there are various ways to create antique and distressed finishes as well.

If you have a moment, pop over to my site, there is quite a lot about gilding onto paper, in particular there is an old bookbinders trick which you can use to make really authentic looking imitation vellums and parchment papers from ordinary papers.

Good luck to us all.


Annie said...

Great LOs Julia.....wonder if you will ever get one of me? :-)
A x

misteejay said...

You did well with the LOs (I take it you wont be sharing your new vocab on here LOL).

Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Toni xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Sounds like you all had a fab time. Great LO's too, a good old chat and craft sounds perfect for learning all kinds of things! Zo xx

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Great layouts - love the background paper on the first one. Great photo. jenx

scrappymo! said...

Sounds like a greaqt crop...and the activities and food sound the same as all the crops round the world...always a little smut, fab food and sometimes too little actually cropping...teehee
To me it is all about the creativity unleased there...not about how much is accomlished that actual day!

Angela Toucan said...

fabulous set of pages

Hettie said...

Darn it! I wish I had come! It would have been marginally cheaper than the day at the auction we had too! Despite the toll bridge!
Really looking forward to October 13th! Yippee! Has LLJ told you I have turned down a day at the races for this? Expenses paid - just had to find the flutter money! Hee Hee! If Laura and Kelly are coming can I sit on their table please?

Neesie said...

It sounds like a fantastic day was had by all Julia,
The layouts look great too and considering the giggle you must have all been were really productive! lol
Have a great day :D

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Love these! Gorgeous designs :)

BJ said...

Super scrap pages. Adore the wedding one and the way you have used the words paper. If photos tell a story it doesn't matter how they come out and you have made the best of the dancing ones. Loving the space on your Morti page and wondering if she has posted her page now - off to have a look............. Looks like you all had a super time. BJ

Morti said...

Ulp! Looks like I need to go and re-post my original post about the layout, seeing as that picture was taken a while back... Fab layouts though, and I do approve of your use of those particular colours!

JoDee Luna said...

Love your new creations!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've never been to a crop, but laughing (smutty or not) and eating are always high on my list of things I love to do. This really sounds like it was fun, and I thought you got a LOT done considering you were doing so many other things, too!

Neet said...

How nice to see your sister enjoying her wedding so much.
Great LO's - especially the one of Morti holding .....

Hugs, Neet xx

Unknown said...

your description reminded me of that old 'candid camera' type show 'watching me, watching you, watching me, watching you' what was it called? Game for a laugh! Now I hope that what your crops always are...

Paula x x x

Lisa-Jane said...

I love the one of Morti! Just to confirm again, yes please to the crop in October too xx