This fresh card is for a workshop later in the week at my LSS. It's based on a sketch that my colleague came up with, one of four for this workshop. In a handful of weeks, another workshop will involve the 4 cards that she has made from the same sketches. Can't wait to see if they're amazingly different or a bit too close to make people want to come to both workshops! Oops! Mine are real interpretations of the sketches though, with lots of what was once called 'artistic licence'. (Gawd, that sounds pompous, sorry!) I've moved stuff around of course, and reduced element numbers and blah, but I think they are still basically true, which for a workshop to introduce the idea of sketches is probably a good thing! What I like about sketches is that they are such a great springboard, particularly when you're in the mojo-less department of crafting. What I don't like about sketches is the gallery that always comes with them. They are fabulous of course, and intimidating, but they cost me money because I always need at least one of the products that someone else has used!
So if you like this card from a sketch, have a smile, for free, on me.
Hi Julia-your crads are gorgeous! I find cards really hard for some reason!
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