Something else I've learned about my crafting habits over the kerjillion years that I've been doing it - I prefer to do single pages for the scrapbook and if possible, I want to do one photo at a time. I didn't actually realise this until quite recently; some of Miss Dunnit's friends were looking through the albums. (which they seem keen to do, a humongous contrast to Miss Dunnit's interest levels in all the albums that are mostly all about her!) One of these charming teenagers was asking me about scrapbooking and as she turned the pages she said "and is it a rule to do one picture per page?" BONG dropped the leaden penny! I think this is about comfort zones again, so am going to try a few sketches of multi-photo layouts, although I'm not sure I'm going to go back to two page spreads or anything rash like that. It's probably a speed thing. One page seems to suck up a ridiculous amount of time as it is! The amazing
Kirsty said recently on her blog that she sometimes works on five layouts at a time, it stops her getting bored with what she's doing. Good grief 5, five, cinco? I love scrapbooking, but even one page at a time is known to cause me some anxiety; it certainly doesn't come naturally enough to me to consider multi-LO-tasking!
We have beautiful bright sunshine here today, so my intention is to ignore the bitter north wind and visit my local craft shop. I need something. No idea what; tell you later when I've found it!
first off...I love those colors on that layout!
I'm the same way, over the years I realized that I prefer to use one photo on a layout. I like to use 5x7 or 8x10 photo's and I'm not afraid to crop (cut down) a larger photo or portrait. I feel that by using only 1 picture that it makes more of a statement then using several.
It's funny really because my comfort zone is definitely 1 photo per page but I have done a few with more on and recently did a class at my crop with 3 on which I actually really liked!!! Now the 2 page spread is something totally different - No definitely not for me - tried it, bought the T-Shirt but decided that enough was enough........ :)
I love the colour on this layout. I to also prefer using one photo per page unless they are really small photos and of the same subject.
out of the mouth of babes.. ;0)
great LO and looking forward to seeing a "multi"...lol
Lovely LO,
I tend to use more than one as I feel I can tell the story better that way.
Looking forward to seeing your multi photo LO's
Interesting, I prefer multiple photos I thinks. I'll go and tell you why on my own blog then I don't have to bore you!
multi kind of freaks me out... inever mind usingone piccy :)
And yes, 5 layouts and sometimes a mini at one time.....I know, I need help!
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