I took this pic last night; I thought I was going to schedule this post and then things changed. You would be correct if you assume that nothing on the desk has changed; just my plan for this morning!
Actually, go me...I did remove the coffee mug for washing and refilling! I've been playing with birds and scraps. A continuation of what I was doing last week really, in ten minute snatches. It's not ideal but it does ensure that I get something done, excluding tidying up of course!You can see the collection of scissors...the smaller ones discarded in rage because they are all in various stages of dull or blunt. I've got a Fiskars sharpener but it doesn't seem long before the blades are dull again...so I get Mr Dunnit to labour over them with a Japanese wet stone. Of course he's too busy and of course I could do it myself, but he is a lovely bloke and never ever turns down the job. And he does it on a same day turn-around!
Here are a couple of blunt cut birdies

There's a handful of postcard type finished articles on the top left. I've been selling a few bits and pieces online and I think it's always nice to add a 'thank you' to the parcel, otherwise it's a totally cold exchange! Today is Mr Dunnit's birthday and the first of a community 'bring your project' craft morning in our small town, so I'm anticipating a fun day and possibly even not having to cook this evening - gotta love a midweek birthday!
Please join in with sharing your desk, it's easy to do, find the base link and other desks at Sarah's Craft Shed.
Have a good day!