Wednesday, 5 March 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 822

A jaunty angle to throw off the fact of the mess. Even the floor is a bit erm, busy...I haven't unpacked my rolling cart after last weekend's crop and there's a bag of cardstock that I bought at the craft show last weekend's. That's not unpacked because of course, I can't quite face teabag syndrome that another wedge of cardstock will set off. Ah well. Instead, look at one of my favourite stamps...
I'm very into paper piecing  it at the moment, and was totally inspired by Shaz in Oz to pull out some scraps and then by Helen to use a stencil...I mean, I often say in their comment sections how I'd like to do more with scraps or use one of my handful of stencils. So I did. At last you yell,not just talking the talk!

Here's how it worked out...and I'm doing more. They're all going to be slightly different of course, card fronts and boredom force change, but essentially I've made a lot of small offcuts into teeny bits of waste and I'm happy about that, Shaz and Helen, I applaud you.
If you'd like to join us and this grand old show and tell, please visit Sarah's Craft Shed for the link and the list.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

What's on your Workdesk? Wednesday 820

My desk and mojo have benefitted from a recent holiday. I've tidied up a bit and set to making.  First of all an ATC for my monthly swap with Karen. How's this for seriously worrying....I made an ATC based on the theme of 'sunshine' and was pretty pleased with myself..done and dusted and ready to post before the end of the month. Hurrah! Well, it would be a hurrah, except when I checked through my 'to do' list this morning, it says...ATC Chicken....a theme that I chose for February because before I went on holiday I had a great idea. Obviously that's gone. As for making up an entirely different theme - absolutely no defence! This was taken last evening, am ashamed that I don't have a mug of anything with a biscuit on my lovely board, and depressed that the box of creme eggs at the back there is actually a container for receipts - my aunt and I have been collaborating on selling some of her fabulous clothes on Vinted and the receipts for the postage/delivery companies live in there till I receive confirmation of delivery. It's a system, and it works for me, which is more than I can say for my memory!
Join us for a glimpse of other desks and really fascinating works in progress, meet at Sarah's . That will be grand.

Monday, 17 February 2025

I met a gal called Kelly...

I've just come home after a holiday, going through the photos wondering which,if any, of the stories I could tell. And then I remembered a proper craft related story from my holiday last year which I always intended to blog about and of course, didn't. 
We had a late week in Portugal, The Algarve. I don't speak the language and believe me, the Spanish I do speak is absolutely nowhere near the Portuguese language at all. I'm taking a liberty then, by saying that 'The Algarve'  translates roughly as 'the beaches are under the steep cliffs and if you want to access them, you have to walk down the steep cliffs and then back up the steep cliffs because your resort is at the top of the steep cliff so you can enjoy the magnificent view'. I think that adequately describes everything about our stay.
One evening, we ventured into a restaurant called Elliotts where Kelly served us. She is English, brought up in Portugal and working in her father's restaurant. She handed us menus and bustled away to sort out some drinks for us. 
What a great menu! Love the blue and white anyway, reflecting so much of the patterns and tiles everywhere, but just look at those tabbed pages, neatly organised and labelled for ease of use. I loved it.When Kelly returned with my 'Elliott's G&T', I asked her "so you've got a Cinch then?". She sat down in her excitement and we chatted paper crafts, laminating, Cinch versus Bind It All, good glues for hot weather - supply chains...all sorts. We had a lovely meal and when we left, I picked up her business card and introduced myself to Kevin,a character that she's created for her stationery biz.
You can tell she's at least a generation younger than me...she has a Cinch, and she uses a QR code on her business cards! Isn't it fab to find your people wherever you are! 

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 816

I took this pic last night; I thought I was going to schedule this post and then things changed. You would be correct if you assume that nothing on the desk has changed; just my plan for this morning! Actually, go me...I did remove the coffee mug for washing and refilling! I've been playing with birds and scraps. A continuation of what I was doing last week really, in ten minute snatches. It's not ideal but it does ensure that I get something done, excluding tidying up of course!
You can see the collection of scissors...the smaller ones discarded in rage because they are all in various stages of dull or blunt. I've got a Fiskars sharpener but it doesn't seem long before the blades are dull I get Mr Dunnit to labour over them with a Japanese wet stone. Of course he's too busy and of course I could do it myself, but he is a lovely bloke and never ever turns down the job. And he does it on a same day turn-around! 
Here are a couple of blunt cut birdies
There's a handful of postcard type finished articles on the top left. I've been selling a few bits and pieces online and I think it's always nice to add a 'thank you' to the parcel, otherwise it's a totally cold exchange! Today is Mr Dunnit's birthday and the first of a community 'bring your project' craft morning in our small town, so I'm anticipating a fun day and possibly even not having to cook this evening - gotta love a midweek birthday! 
Please join in with sharing your desk, it's easy to do, find the base link and other desks at Sarah's Craft Shed.  Have a good day!

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 815

Well, another week and no sign of any progress in the craft department!
My desk has become a bit of a catch all for the old 'to do' list, and I thought you may like to see this fab poster that I'm about to put into a frame. 'Twas a Christmas gift from a dear friend....hilarious and slightly right...!
Actually, the desk looks worse than it is, but if you haven't been here before, that may be hard to believe! The alphabet covered case at left is full of pens and paint pens. I was using it to colour some images that I then put in the bin...when I came back to them I was very unhappy with my chosen colour combinations! There's a rolled up tshirt next to it, safe to tell you that it's for Mr Dunnit as a gesture towards his birthday which is next week. I'll show you and no doubt tell you the story when he's received it! So those items are on top of the crafty bits I was playing with, my journal and yogurt pot filled with foam sticky pads have been pushed over by the tshirt; just straightening those would create a much less disorganised look. But it's nearly 16 years too late to start worrying about public exposure of an untidy desk! 

Talking of 16 years...the WOYWW Crop is to be on the 10th May this year, a week before the sixteenth anniversary of a WOYWW, and  hosted again by Sarah. Also the host of the link party that is WOYWW. Join us, have a look at ours and show and tell yours. Can't be any worse than this really, can it, and no one minds in the least!  Visit Sarah's craft shed.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 814

Gloomy and cold out there this morning, but in here it's all light and dancing about. Well, I'm up, and I have a plan which is by far the better way for me to face a day! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year. I haven't made any resolutions and I haven't chosen a word for the year and I'm not apparently, going to be changing my modus operandi at the desk....
Whilst chatting to our LLJ on FaceTime I stamped and coloured and I tidied up. Then later in the day, I went back to it and started some more...and didn't tidy up. This is how it looks this morning and that's how I know the new year hasn't changed my mindset! 
In fact this is a slice of desk really, the other half has a birthday present on it which cannot be revealed! Isn't the little wooden tray with my new mug on it an oasis of calm in all the mess. A lovely Christmas present from my sweet sister in law. And it's got a HOME MADE biscuit on it. My word, I'm turning into Suzi Homemaker! 

Join us for desk viewing and general craft nosiness, it costs nothing and is actually a nice way to spend some down time browsing and chatting - link up at Sarah's; if you have questions, please ask!