So I thought a closer view would cheer you up, because a long shot featuring a cutter is a bit pants, huh.
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
What’s on your Workdesk? Wednesday 618
A twofer today...a long shot taken yesterday, sometime in the afternoon. Note how good the light is. I can’t recall if it was before or after the greying of the skies and the immense shower of hail that turned into snow. Yes, I speak with umbrage. Harumph.
The stuff I was ‘working’ on is completely covered by the cutter. My MrDunnit had to fix it again and so it was in prime position for testing and cleaning...the cutting edge had developed a teeny snag which was preventing the blade going all the way down....and pulling the blade slightly right, away from the burr was causing a step in the finished cut piece each time. He fixed it.
That’s better isn’t it, the mess you’re used to! I’ve been playing with some new stamps from Francoise and Janet Klein again. Using up ephemera from scrapbook kits that I won’t otherwise use. See I’m working on top of scrapbook papers. The green piece is a remnant from last weeks rainbow challenge...I dropped an ink pad on it, so it’s just scrap now. It will be used. Meanwhile, I’m using it to protect a couple of sheets of 12 x 12 from the limited range of yellow patterned papers I have. This week the colour was yellow and despite it being my favourite colour, I found it a right old challenge - note my lovely WOYWW needle case...the challenge involved sewing. Seriously, I think my life is too short. I need to have a proper tidy up, got a couple of specific cards to make and a clean desk just might give me focus. Might. You can help though, show me what you’re focused on and nobody will be hurt.
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It's cold here but at least we've not had hail or snow! Glad Mr D was able to fix the trimmer. Haven't got much interesting to share today but there was as promised something different! Helen #1
Morning Julia. Your desk looks considerably better used than mine!! My desk is completely empty - nothing at all - hence no photo this week. Love the fun you are having with those little buildings! The patience you have in cutting them all out... wonderful.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3
Mr Dunnit is a jewel. I have one too, although mine is more likely to fix computer problems than a wonky trimmer! Glad the predicted snow (!) bypassed us down here in the south, but yes, quite dismal yesterday. Ugh. Can’t wait for a proper Spring day. Love the houses, so cute, but oh, how many times have I dropped an ink pad on paper and ruined it? SO many. I’m sure you’ll find a use for it!
Happy Woyww!
Mary Anne
Morning, or should I say Brrrr..... It's a cold one! Yes, we had the snow and hail yesterday. Started just before lunchtime and went on and on until early evening. Accompanied by some sunshine at times. "Right funny old day" as folks up 'ere would say, What happened to the sunshine and warmth I sat out in last week?
Love those houses, funnily enough I made a 'new home' card yesterday. Used the top of a head (yes, I mean a head as in a person's head - Dylusions as if you wouldn't guess) and a scrap of paper to make a pathway then cut the word 'Welcome' out and wrote something appropriate to welcome them to the neighbourhood. Surprising it looked ok.
Hugs, Neeet 4'ish xx
I like the long shot as I get to feel where your desk is situated and yes the light was indeed good then. In all seriousness, are we going to get to see the actual rainbow LOs sometime? I did scroll back but just the crochet page in between last week and this. Anyway using up old scrapbook sheets you wouldn't or couldn't use for scrapping is definitely enabling for me. Love the houses. BJ#5
we had flurries of snow yesterday too Julia - luckily not for long. Hoping to get a lot done in the garden at the weekend sp hoping for slightly warmer and dry weather. I like those houses on the blue background. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7
Very glad your husband could fix the trimmer. Mine gets a lot of use and now I have the Tim Holtz’s deckle edge, I am using that a lot too. I bought a cheap trimmer, £7, sometime ago, but it has no central line mark and is very hit and miss. My son found one on Amazon that does 4 different edges and has a corner cutter, but I really don’t think there is space for another trimmer in my room.
The temperature really has dropped and we have had snow too. Those houses are great, I haven’t seen that stamp. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #6
Take 2... I'm loving JK's little cuties but there's so many to choose isn't there. Maybe we could have a fostering service for them! I'm up early today as I've started "Couch to 5k" with my daughter. We're on day 5. Defo triple layers this morning 😬
I love all the little buildings you’re working with today....hope we get to see what you used them for.
We’ve woke up to a covering of snow today...brrrrr. Not what we want is it?
Annie x
I regularly have to get my husband to fix stuff! In fact my cutter also needed attention just recently!
Love those house stamps - I may have to invest...
Well done Mr Dunnit, coming to the rescue! I have inherrited four or five trimmers, and all of them choose to be a bit wonky or very stiff just when I need them not to be. I do love those houses stamped that way, I'd love to get in closer and read what's on them! (will do that in a sec) We had snow and hail for about five miniutes...frost this morning just when I want to get out into the garden, (lawn mowing? ...Nah!)or of course...the daily 'walk', not good in this sudden cold. Have a great week. Stay safe, Happy WOYWW #13 (ooho is that an omend?((Lyn))
Morning Julia! Yes it was quite the blizzard here yesterday - for about 10 minutes!! Brilliant sunshine this morning but cold so I amy postpone my walk until it goes up a couple of degrees. Love your little houses, they are very cute. Working on top of your stash does sound a bit like a recipe for disaster but I can't preach, exactly the kind of thing I would do. Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx
Yes, where's spring gone? We've still had plenty of sunshine around here but it's colder than it was in the winter! I love those cute little house stamps - could have used them on my teabags! Hope you had a lovely Easter, Julia, and you're keeping warm! Got my thermals back on LOL! xx zsuzsa (will link up later)
Men do come in useful don't they! It's sunny here today but yesterday we went to check mum's house and it snowed all the time we were there so much that it even covered the lawn but it had gone again by the time we set off for home. Loving those houses they're nice and quirky. Hope your WOYWW is a happy one, Angela x17x
I’ve returned to the fold after a period of absence. I was a bit overwhelmed by the anniversary of my lovely Auntie Gladys passing and didn’t have the heart for blogging. So I’ve started crawling out from under my shell now and joining in with the fun again. It’s so nice to have a community to come back to. Thanks Julia xxx
Loving that you're scrapping regularly and also loving the little houses. You are really testing my metal with the stamps missus!! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane, #9
Those little houses are very cute, I do like the designs a lot, can see why they have been new acquisitions to your stash, lol! I think yellow is a tricky colour to work with, hope some inspiration struck later. Well done Mr D for fixing the trimmer, he’s a multi talented chap!!
Hugs LLJ 15 xx
Well done Mr Dunnit for fixing your cutter. I bought a cheap WHS one and it misses the first 2” or concertinas the paper. Very annoying. I love your wonky houses, they are very cute.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10
Happy WOYWW. No snow here. Just colder than it was. Whilst faffing around earlier getting dies/Sizzix/pokey tool etc sorted just to make a very small owl to go on an ATC, I did wonder whether life was just too short - and perhaps it would be easier to print one out. Glad I got it done though, and even more glad to get everything tidied away ready for my next project. Very determined to get some scrapbooking started. Love those house stamps. Ali x #23
snow? Ugh! We had 75* yesterday. Our temps should be a bit cooler as thunderstorms pass through. Lovely mess. What would we do without our Mr. Fixt It's? Mr. D. sounds as handy as mine. Creative Blessings! Kelly
Cant beat a sharp cutter, its like a blunt knife (which reminds me i have a few to sharpen..
After a busy week and spending saturday taming the jungle that is the bottom third of the garden, i got no crafting done at all.
I kind of cheated this week, but i am sure you will forgive with with what i shared instead you see I have come across a draft post that shaz was working on early last year, so i figured i would share that instead.
Anyway, I turned it into a page instead you will see why when you click the link
I will look at it myself later as I need the guide myself.
Hublet #25
snow, I shivered reading the words here Julia. I love how the light flows through the space like this and I was sorting through some papers last night after the ink dots were picked up and the top paper is a green one that has really similar shades to what is peeking through on your desk and I had to smile. ~Stacy #26
Hi Julie, Glad your hubby could fix the cutter.
Love the look of the houses.
Hi Julia! I love the little houses. Mr Dunnit is so good at fixing things! My TV is still not getting a signal, I think I got my hubby to work on it starting about 3 weeks ago - he's given up. So now I am without TV in my craft room, and as per usual will have to figure out how to fix it myself. The long photo of your table actually made me a bit dizzy, like things were going to start falling off the edges at any moment! That seems to be where I am these days, I was dreaming I was falling out of bed last night! The close up photo was, as you said, more "normal" and I felt right at home! Have a great week, Lindart #28
Yesterday we had a complete 365 days of weather in one - Snow, hail, sun, wind etc! I love the little houses... so cute. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)
Hi Julia. I am very late, don't ask. Weather yesterday was some of everything. I called to see a friend, sat in her garden, having coffee and then it started to snow! Anne @ 30 ?
Busy desk as always-I love the houses stamped onto the patterned paper. Happy crafting!
Hi, Julia!
Yes, life is too short! I have the misguided belief that I won't pass on until I use every scrap of paper, every stamp, every die and so on...if this is true I have a long future...
You are so patient and productive in your roaming work space. Mine is never-ever tidy, but when it is really bad I get so furred up, I can't do anything!
Been to that stage quite a bit recently. Although, I usually work in a small space, at the most 12 x 12, even though I have many flat surfaces in this room!
Stay safe and well. Tell hubby Hello!
Happy Wednesday,
Kathryn #27
Hope your snow has melted. We really need rain, here.
Glad your hubby could fix your cutter.
Nice busy desk!
Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #22
I wasn't able to play along, but needed time for some fun visits. Your little houses popped right up at me. I love the great stamps and cut outs your working on. Then I spotted the needle case and it's cute flowers. You've been a creative gal and the desk is great, back buy that pretty view and light. Enjoy a lovely week. 70's here and some rain but we need it. Flowers will pop up and lawn will need some mowing. Things to keep the mind busy.
aww i failed again to take part- I am on my Easter hols, so has intended to hop- but as i dropped my eldest off to her placement in the morning, my car handbrake decided to have a sulk and refused to come off ( one of those silly button thingys and not a good old fashioned handle) By the time the breakdown had arrived and taken my car away, I then had to wait for hubby to finish work and pick me up (i couldn't go with the car due to blinkin covid)- it was way past lunch. I have a feeling it will be Summer before I can hop again . I will have a peek at the blogs every so often though. A busy desk makes me feel like I am not SO messy :) and I get loads of inspiration. Have a lovely week and "see you soon" xx soojay xx
It looks as if lots of cutting is going on there, Julia. I'm glad your hubby was able to fix your cutter. I love those little houses! Thank you for your comment - actually I do prefer coriander to sharks but the occasional surprise shark is good to make you smile once in a while. Funnily enough I'm not usually very keen on fresh coriander, but with carrots in soup it's perfect! I've got to make another batch of it next week.
I'm making excellent progress sewing the embellishments onto the blanket now, and adding whiskers and further embroidery. That's more fun than doing those smily mouths that are so hard to get symmetrical! Some of the kitties have distinctly wry expressions. If I hadn't had a migraine today I'd have done more while he was zooming upstairs. He didn't get an egg - he's being really good about his weight at the moment. I did share a bit of mine with him, though.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #20
Julia!!!! I clicked on your post for today (Friday) and suddenly I am able to access your WOYWW post. I haven't done anything to my computer so either it's a bit of BT cleverness or just plain magic! Let's hope it lasts - so good to be back. xx Jo
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