Wednesday, 21 April 2021

What’s on your Workdesk? Wednesday 620

OK Deskers, before it gets too complicated, there’s an anniversary coming up and I’ve posted about it HERE  Housekeeping  WOYWW12. There now, you that don’t want to read any further don’t have to! You’re welcome.
Meanwhile, this edition of WOYWW could be subtitled “you can’t see green cheese”.

I can’t see even green cheese without wanting it, and this desk proves it... lump number one is the folios at front and centre. Kelly had some, so I had to have some too. I followed her YT videos and have used them almost every day since. Lump number two is the big box of Arteza brush pens that were delivered this morning. Jan had some see, and that meant I had to have some too. It’s not even enabling, it’s me wanting what you’ve got even when I’ve got stuff of my own. Just think how much room I’ll have when I finally grow up and get over myself.
The mess is almost at the stage where I can’t even clear it up. I had just finished the Blue LO for the Rainbow challenge. And I must confess to using the kitchen worktop because there just isn’t room on the desk. I’m fed up with myself too, so it will be sorted. The trick is to put it away, not just gather it into a basket and dump it in my work room!  That is a tea towel on the floor at left. In the evenings it holds the trays of small plants that are being hardened off, you can just see them on the bench in front of the washing line. At this rate, they’ll be over before I can put them in, the forecast is for cold and frosty mornings for another week. Good job the days are being rather lovely. As you can see from the sunlight on the desk. I even had the doors open, but have to admit, it was chilly in the shade.
This is scheduled; if you would be so kind as to link your desk pics here as usual, For a change, I’ll make my own cuppa when I get in. How’s that?!


Mary Anne said...

How ever do you manage to be so productive? I can do a bit when my desk are a mess but you seem to work wonders amidst the chaos. I am enjoying the sunshine and luckily this week the “nicest” day is meant to be tomorrow so knitting I the garden then and Woyww day stays clear! Phew. Already thinking on my ATC for the anniversary. What fun to add in a postcard.

Have a great day,
Mary Anne

Sarah Brennan said...

I am in with a PIF for the anniversary Julia - ATC/tag and will try and get a postcard too. Those Arteza brush pens look cool. Lucky I already have my Ecolines and 12 Kuretake or I might be tempted myself lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Helen said...

We always love a good rummage - i hope you get to play with your pens soon . The sun has been lovely, I agree but walking to work in the mornings is still chilly!

Crafting With Jack said...

Good morning Julia and Happy WOYWW! How I love to see someone else’s messy desk! I am intrigued with the Folios - Kelly who? That’s a nice big box or brush pens, looking forward to seeing your artwork. Have a great week Angela #3

Lisa-Jane said...

The gorgeous days are deceptive aren't they?! The greenhouse gets like an oven and I'm tempted to plant out and then stop short when I see the forecast for more overnight chills. Miss B is wanting some different pens so I'll be watching for Arteza updates. None of her youtubers use Promarkers apparently and we all know how that goes! Enjoy the warm bits (that sounded a lot less inappropriate in my head, but luckily you know me...) Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

Sue said...

Hi Julia, You have a nice view from your desk.

Hope you can get your plants out soon. Think here the temps are to rise next week, but also be wetter.

Loving the look of your scrummy pens.


Susan Renshaw said...

It is a nice view from your desk!
Lots of interesting stuff on your desk today. How often do I look for the things mentioned on these desk days!

Happy Crafting!

Annie said...

Love your busy desk...but where do you craft? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what a fab view you have from your window.
Annie x

Neet said...

I know what you mean, friends do have a habit of influencing the purse to pop open now and then. I was tempted with an offer on Hochanda (as was) and sent my bff a message to see if she had been tempted, She didn't reply so I let it go. Bet if she had said she had I would have had to get it too. Silly but that is how we are made.
Now to have a further look at your desk and see what I can find amongst the jumble. (sorry)
Hugs, Neet 7 xx
ps its very windy here this morning

Spyder said...

Oh dear, I too have been watching youtubers colouring iin so expertly with different brush pens, I've frozen the picture to see what they are! I have Promarkers...but only one with the brush...just to see. And I still have my Whispers, from Do-Crafts years back and I haven't used them for just as long. Plants are in out out, just like yours, I can hear them talking at night when I'm late getting them in! My picture from the living room wound be the same as yours! I thought maybe a large blanket over the washing line with them, tent like under it. Yes, 100% as I said last week, I'm in with the ATC's or tags and postcards! Have a Happy crafty day! Happy WOYWW #8 I think!

Doug Brooks said...


WOYWW 620, so what happened to 619, i must must have hibernated or blinked, as I lost a week somewhere, so much s that i titled this weeks post 619 (have since done a sneaky edit so nobody will notice Shhh

Not going to lie, I get triggered every time I see a desk as productive as that, then I look at how mine must appear and realise it is part of the creative process.

Next time around i will hopefully be upto the AC swap, just not right now

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Yes, your desk looks positively lumpy and the mess rivals mine, although mine is more spread out in several layers. It took me forever to find my scissors underneath the other day. And yes, I’m fed up with myself too and I can't even promise it will get sorted any time soon! I can't believe it's already the 12th anniversary coming up! Happy WOYWW, Julia! As usual, I haven't written my post yet. xx zsuzsa

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Green cheese? YT? It’s a whole different language,lol! Nice to see you got the BIG pack of pens, I love them and all the colours make me happy. Btw, a BLUE LO makes the mind boggle.......
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Julia, that’s a nice big box of Arteza brush pens! I’d love to celebrate WOYWW 12 but I’m not very adept at paper crafts. Maybe a postcard would be enough?
Take care and happy WOYWW

Twiglet said...

Followed Jan's link so I could find out about our ATC swap and then I could get to here. The mysteries of IT never cease to amaze me cos I still can't get direct to you - lol. Anyway, good to see you are still keeping that workdesk full with lots to do. The Arteza pens sound fab - you will enjoy playing with them! I know another WOYWWer who would probably like some as she is enjoying a bit of painting too - that much younger sis of mine. Take care and stay safe. xx Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's a funny thing but I feel more productive when the desk is covered in stuff but when it's tidy I can't think of a thing to do it must be the stuff s around me that's gets me thinking....well that's my excuse anyway! Hope the plants survive, we've covered the plum tree this year as the poor thing lost all it's flowers because of the frost and then tried to flower again later and ended up with the most pathetic fruit. I fully understand you thoughts too about wanting what you see others have which is probably why I have fat too many pens both watercolour and alcohol so you're not the only one. Anyway have a lovely woyww, Angela x12x

Kyla said...

Ooh so productive but yes, the brining in and out of plants whilst hardening off!! Every windowsill is covered in ours each april and may!!!


Diana Taylor said...

Well it took me a while to stop looking for the actual green cheese on your desk, and yes I whole heartedly agree with you - although I am trying very hard to only buy things if I have a real-life space to put them in - not a space that I'm imagining I'll make by shifting a few already crammed-in things around!!
Love the idea of the ATC and postcard swap, it's another milestone in the WOYWW story so please count me in.
Hope you have a good week
Diana xx #16
PS had to start a new FB page as can only open my old one on Ian's phone - completely locked out - so second friend request is not me being hacked!

Anne said...

Hi. Made it! Early for me. Still have to go on phone, switch to mobile data but at least can get on.
My space is tidy but the rest of room isn't. I feel overwhelmed by it all at the moment, stupidly even shed tears yesterday. Normal service now resumed though.
I am fed up with the in out, in out plant scenario! Have enjoyed some lovely days though. Anne x 18

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Another sunny day, but yes chilly at night and out of the sun. I love this weather as the roads are dry and clean - good for my cycling. I did a longer route than usual on my electric bike on Sunday and nearly went out again yesterday, but then rib pain was threatening to flare, so I sensibly decided to stay indoors and rest. Perhaps later or definitely tomorrow. I do enjoy exploring our lanes. I am also a fan of Arteza products, especially the prices. Got a few different sets. They don't get the best of reviews from some YouTubers, but I have always found them great for the money. Not the best on the market, but fine for my projects. Ali x #22

Felicia said...

Good morning Julia! First off, I am in for the ATC and postcard, assuming of course (because I wasn't involved in one with you guys before) that circular fashion means the one after or before you because it could get quite costly if I sent one to EVERYONE on our list overseas! LOLOL I love a good swap however! Second, I love, love where your desk is sitting. It's an awesome spot with those lovely doors and amazing sunlight!! I envy you with "still" some cool in the shade! We don't have cool here anymore in shade or otherwise! LOL Possibly a faint cool in a breeze, but summer is about to be full-on as it's already up to 85 and above on some days here. Uggggghhh it's exhausting! I wish we could have just a nice 80 and stick with it! No such luck! I love your desktop as well. I TOTALLY get EVERYTHING you said as well! I have been actually eyeing those arteza markers and......the tube paint set. Do I need them NOOOOOO, but I was wanting them! LOL One day, we wil look back at our great big huge piles of "STUFF" and wonder....what were we thinking? FUN, I tell you, that's what!!! Enjoy your new goodies and happy WOYWW!!! Felicia #21

My name is Cindy said...

Morning! (Just - so behind!). I do feel for you, I am really trying to resist that 'seen it gotta have it' reaction. I've done very well just lately, and when I can restrain the impulse I look back sometimes and think, well I didn't need that did I? Those Arteza pens however....... Have a good week, Cindy #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

good morning Julia, I though those enabling events were on the list of though shall not be named things... lol, yes I get that though. I think the bulk of the painting supplies I have hauled home this last few months were a direct result of this is what other people are using and making it look good type thinking...
I did really well for me though, someone posted that the karin markers were on sale on Amazon last weekend and I managed to resist. and now they are back up to full price so, so far so good. ( I don't need more makers I don't need more markers) Have fun in your garden, ~Stacy #25

Anonymous said...

Love the big box of pens. And I love that you had to move to the kitchen counter since your desk is too full. LOL

Happy WOYWW and have a great week! Dorlene #26

Lindart said...

Hi Julia! Those are a lovely bunch of crafty piles! Yes, you should think about tidying up before there are no more flat surfaces in the house! I have certainly been enabled by this group too, isn't that partly why we're here? LOL! Have a great week, Lindart #27

Lynn Holland said...

I can’t say a word about your magpie ways as books have the same affect on me. Don’t ever show me a pile of books.
Have a good week Julia xx
Lynn 19