Oh hey. Is it Wednesday already? Good grief. And look, my desk is a mess. Or rather, the space surrounding the area I actually work on is a mess. The shot angle includes my erm, die cutting area. It’s actually the edge of the worktop where the Big Shot sits. It qualifies as the ‘area’ because all the dies are stored behind the Big Shot. But of course, you can barely see any of that because I’ve piled baskets on top of the Big Shot for the want of any other space. The baskets contain the ‘ingredients’ for some cards I’ve made for another workshop. That was Saturday and last night. Can you believe that I was making cards as a way to put off doing some scrapbooking! I need to complete a LO for a challenge and I can’t get excited about it at the moment. No doubt the upcoming deadline will speak to me soon.Speak to me do, show and tell about your workspace. Bear all like this - last week it was 3 pairs of glasses, this week it’s 3 pairs of scissors! Please put WOYWW in your post title and link here. Thank you ever so.
Morning Julia. I rather like the fact of three pairs of scissors - I think there are only two pairs on mine this week. Hope the inspiration strikes soon for your layout!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
I find a deadline works wonders Julia lol. I must admit that I did some tidying yesterday as a break from sample making. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
Ha! I knew if I went to make my lunch for work, you'd publish WOYWW! Wonder what we will see 3 pairs of, next week! 3 completed cards, maybe, or 3 layouts?! Happy WOYWW !!
I can feel the creative energy from here!! So, which limb uses the third pair of scisors? A foot, maybe?!
Happy WOYWW, dear Julia :)
Claire no 1
Hi Julia, A lot of stamps out this morning.
Not taking part in WOYWW this week or next, as a lot on and away next week.
Hope you have a nice day. Sue
You mean to say that there are others out there who cannot get motivated to enter a challenge until the adrenaline kicks in - ie the deadline is around the corner? Funny how so many of us work on adrenaline. Hope you meet the challenge and have a good week.
Hugs, Neet xx 7
I hope the inspiration comes well before the deadline my friend. Have a fun week.
Annie x
It's a creative mind that works in 3's and 5's Julia. It's just waiting to strike whilst your back in turned hee hee!! Just finishing writing my blog i've been lazy today...
Hope the creative bug bites you soon! Thank you for hosting & Happy WoywW.
Hugs Tracey.. no number as i'm still writing :)*
Go for it with the scissors, Julia! I have loads of pairs... Nice busy desk, and I fully get it about deadlines. Nothing like a good deadline to give you a kick up the pants to motivate you!! Perhaps that’s what I need for me to get back in the studio and get my mojo back!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #10
Happy WOYWW. I think I should offer a 'craft room organisation' service. I would love rummaging around in other people's stash and getting it all tidy. It seems that most crafters struggle with that - must be the creative minds?! Ali x #11
It's funny how inspiration can take a while to arrive but I am sure it will - enjoy making that LO! xx Jo
Morning Julia, yes it is me, back in the fold 😊! I do my bestest work when a deadline beckons! I'm sure you will be inspired. Anne # 14
Hi Julia. I'd be worried if your desk area wasn't a mess as I'd think you were poorly Lol! 'The Rule of Odds' naturally. Hope the placement of the scissors is pleasing to the eye Lol! Hee Hee! Happy WOYWW, Angela x16x
Good Morning Julia, sounds like most of us live the same lives. Meeting deadlines, piles of this and that, putting off, 3's of most things and lack of time to do what we enjoy. My one desire this week "Signs of Spring". It is so cold here, limited to what I even can wear to be safe. minus 17 with wind chill. !! Have a great week thinking I'll add some flavor to my orange juice.
Hi Julia, nice to see your storage area on the left. Liking the pull out shelves/drawers.I'm sure the layout will come to you in a flash of inspiration soon. Hopefully in time! My Big Shot usually gets all sorts of stuff dumped on top of it too. Love & Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX
Hi Julia Im really late for me here it is 10pm and I'm just linking up. I always find your desk so reassuring. Three scissors.. yess I think I nearly always have at least three but some maybe submerged. You won't ever find glasses cos they are on my head. Best move along. Have to polish up my post before bed.. sure to be spelling mistakes. Knowing me! I have trouble too cos write all my posts now on mobile and photos go all over the place sometimes. Happy WOYWW. Shazin Oz.x. #18
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x
Hi Julia, I enjoyed the view of the left hand side of your crafting area, looks as busy as your desk!!
I have scissors all over the place, most need cleaning as they have glue on them or sticky from cutting the foam pads in half.
Have a great week, Happy WOYWW
Jan no 19
Hooray! I've joined.I'm no:20. Margaret Wright, aka Glitter and Glue, encouraged me. I have met some of you at the Llandudno crop last year. I've called myself Canu Camilla as 'canu' is Welsh for 'singing'; so, I'm Singing Camilla! Will have a proper look at everyone's desks now whilst printing out stuff for church AGM tonight. Hwyl am y tro!
Hi Julia, looks like a busy time going on in your craft area - hope you get your LO done. I don't know why so many of us work better under pressure, I'm sure there must be a logical explanation.
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana x #15
HI Julia! Your desk looks very creative this morning, like you are ready to jump in to finish your LO! I see TH stencil that I have wanted for awhile, so much so that I made one for myself that I use all the time! Mittsy has come to look at your desk too, she approves of anything she can swipe down to the floor (the glasses would be the first, she says)! Have a great week, Lindart #22
Your desk has a huge clean spot for working! I don't see a mess at all. Creative Blessings! Kelly
Although your desk looks empty at the moment - it does show that there has been work done! Good for you doing all these workshops - I am not able at the moment - too tired all the time!
Love and hugs,
Procrastination? You? Never........ ;-). I'm glad you've got so many pairs of scissors, it doesn't make me feel quite so bad, lol!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
Three pair of scissors don't make it messy - I think your desk and surroundings look pretty neat, I've seen worst. I just printed photos myself to make a new layout but the moment they came out the printer I already thought mwaah... I lost the excitement that I felt when I choose them. And it's dark/rainy outside, which doesn't help to feel excitement over creating a 'Spring layout'. I better wait 'till a sunny day to work on that (and/or choose other photos?) Oh, the choices we have to make in life! Have a gret day, or what's left of it. Happy woyww, hug from Holland. Marit #23
Good morning dear Julia! I hope you are sitting down as I've finally joined in!! Your desk looks nice and busy, the way it should be! Thanks for keeping this great Wednesday tradition going!!!
Happy WOYWW!
HI Julia, Oh I had to grin over the stacks ( I have a box of sorted ready to laminate stamps on my big shot) lol.. I love that you have so many shallow drawers in the background that looks very handy. ~Stacy #28
My Father called me a Procrastinator - a word I was quite proud of until I found out what it meant!! I have since learnt that in fact .. I work better under pressure aka deadline.
It's soooo nice to meet a fellow deadline reactor person .... just saying.
have a good week and I look forward to seeing the finished layout ....
Christine #26
Hi Julia, your piles on your die-cutting station made me chuckle. I dare not show my cutting station - it's a disgrace and needs taking in hand but I suspect that won't happen any time soon. I note the glasses, only one pair this week, several scissors and is that a sunray stencil in the distance - and, of course, the lovely cluster of wood-mounted stamps you've been putting to good use - crafting as usual. Layout inspiration will come soon - there's nothing quite like a deadline to set the old grey matter whirring! Hugs, Elizabeth x #29
Nice creative desk looking ready for action. Love the stamps and hope the LO inspiration strikes soon! Thanks for hosting us all. Have a lovely week. With love and God Bless. Caro x (#31)
I see lots of stuff on your desk all ready and waiting for your LO mojo. Hope it shows up soon! Hope those baskets on the Big Shot stay put! They seem to be leaning forward! Have a great week of productivity!
Carol N #21
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