Wednesday 30 October 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 230

Check out the how to and why to pages accessible by clicking on the appropriate title in the bar up there at the top.  Ta.
Now these photos were taken on Tuesday afternoon, two hours apart.  Forget the light to dark phenomenon of living in Britain on GMT, forget the mess, evident in both pictures.

 Look dear Desker at my desk, two hours apart.  DIFFERENT mess!  Yep, I finished the lovely cheerful yellow page (which is actually for the calender workshop next month), I TIDIED up and then re-started!  Amazing.  See, sometimes, when I need to, I can.  The floor is covered in rubbish..bits of die cut waste, the cutting station is piled high with well, cuttings, and the bin overfloweth.  But I'm satisfied.  Makes a change huh!  You can see through the wonders of non time lapse that I had been heat embossing (my treasured, now 15 year old heat gun) and that I had quaffed a mug of hot chocolate to give me a bit of a sugar lift.  Keeps me going till supper.  And so, I must tidy, ready to start again.  Well, tidy-ish, obviously, nothing too time consuming!
Share what you're doing, up to, working on, baking, sewing, moulding, 
Your post really should be Wednesday's post (or scheduled for Weds) - linking here with a post that you've published some other time isn't really the intention.  Put WOYWW in your title so we can find it easily, please and finally, when you comment at other's places, please include your link list helps.  Thank you!  Have a lovely visit. Oh and PS..I've reduced the size of my drives me nuts that the margins encroach on the XL format.  I will sort the blog format out at some stage...but really, this promise is not something you should be placing bets on.


Daniella said...

Holy crow!! I almost was #1!!
Being second isnt too bad either.
xxDaniella#2 do I really want to be #2? LOL!!

Daniella said...

grrr. Now Im #4! Careful what you wish for, I suppose!!

Nikki said...

Wow what a difference 2 hours can make your desk looks very busy and super creative :) hugs Nikki #1 Wee

Nan G said...

Well it's almost midnight here. :) Quite a change in the desk from light to dark both in the day/night aspect but also the projects. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

Create With Joy said...

Wow - what a difference a few hours makes in Julia land! Makes me want to see you do one of those 24 hour a round the clock features (tee hee!)

As for my mess, the only change is that the piles keep getting higher and higher! Took a desk shot but then pulled it cause I thought the contents of my desk might confuse y'all - so I focused on something more craft-appropriate!

Have a wonderful week and I LOVED the previous flamenco post!

Create With Joy - 2?

sandysewin said...

I agree, it's not about getting the desk mess perfectly cleared up, as long as the mess keeps changing then we know progress is being made. :-)

Happy Woyww!

Sandy #3

Sharon Madson said...

I loved seeing the contrast of your desk two hours apart! :) Thanks Julia for sponsoring this fun Blog hopping!
Sharon #7

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Julia had to smile at your teeny weeny comment on the photos as feel the same way - on both counts re size and when i get around to doing things too big list and too little time!!

Well love the two desks and love the butterfly paper and ribbons (see you can find them when needed) on first desk.

I actually would find it hard to work in light on second desk thanks for sharing the mug of chocolate with us, too :D Shaz in Oz.x #8?

Unknown said...

Love your time lapse!! You are busy and having such fun--wish I lived down the lane and could come by for tea and see what it all looks like now. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #10

Darnell said...

You are a whirlwind of productivity since you've been back home, Julia! Great post and desk shots! Love that baby card on the easel in the daylight shot! Thanks for another fun WOYWW! Have a great week!! Hugs, Darnell

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Funny, I have only now noticed that your big pictures go over the margins! Nice to have a look at the creativity going on in the span of a few hours! I like that clock cutout!

Krisha said...

Busy, Busy, Busy! Love the adorable baby card. When on a roll it is finish up, clean up and start again, or just change locations....LOL Time laps doesn't work on Betsy since a closet is a closet and you really can't tell if it is night or day!!
Krisha #18 I think, will be positive tomorrow morning!!

Julie Lee said...

I didn't think I'd make it at all this week, but here I am! Really liking the two shots of your desk, especially the contrasts in light and dark! Have a great WOYWW! Sorry I forgot the acronym in my post title - really difficult to think straight/remember anything at the moment! Julie Ann #20

Claire Grantham said...

Busy, busy this week Julia. I like the differences in your desk..I took my photos on Tues evening and earlier in the day I had my sewing machine on my desk..different craft, same desk eh? Cx #22

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Creativity is a messy business, and certainly not for the weak of heart. Blessings!

HeARTworks said...

Lots of lovely lovely things on your desk, the 2nd one! I like the clock die cut especially! I'm not going to put my number. I'm not superstitious but I just don't like that number!!! Ha ha, that's a sort of riddle for you! patsy

Sue from Oregon said...

hmmm...I seem to craft better at night, but looking at these pics, I don't get it...your daylight view is so lovely Ms. Julia!

Eliza said...

It is amazing what a tidy up will do, you're like me messing up again real fast. But keep it up, the tidying that is, it is a good system to stay in, it keeps you on top of the mess so you don't get buried in it.

happy Wednesday
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 17

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Gotta love the time lapse photography (grin). I've done that, too. It really pays to clean up between projects, because there is so much less of a mess. But, I'm an anal neat freak as I'm sure you know by now.

I'm sitting out WOYWW this week. I hope to feel more like playing next week, but it's just not fair to post my link, then not be able to visit others. I find I can't sit for any length of time without going (and going and going).

Andrea said...

well if anyone can do a two desk shot in one day it had to be you :-) ,loving the yellow ribbon pile I presume that was too choose an appropriate one to use..that's the bit that takes me all day on occasions all week ! choosing e what papers and bits to use loving the lighting of the second makes it atmospheric have a great week and thank you for being a wonderful host Andrea #25

Jackie said...

You made me think about how long I've had my heat gun... And I think it must be 20years and never had to replace it! Cant say that for many things can we!!!
Jackie 27

sara j said...

Greetings and Happy Wednesday. I must say I've missed the weekly check in. Love the difference in light captured in your pix - so understand that. Also understand about the mess on the floor. And the need to clean up every once in a while. Looks like you have been busy doing things you enjoy and what could be better than that? Have a great week Julia.
Sara j #29

Helen said...

Love your busy-ness this week, two photos; two lots of desk work... two lots of tidying up... Have a great day. Helen 31

Unknown said...

Mess is my middle name this week and All for one card! Still ...tidy now all ready for more mess! Have a happy week
Lynda B #30

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. 2 deskshots - we are honoured! When I moved over to the dark world of digital crafting, I told myself that I would have an emptier and tidier craft room. I lied to myself! I blame my busy mind for having too many projects on the go. Ali x #36

fairy thoughts said...

What a difference 2 hours makes ... From spring to Halloween great stuff. If you have any cancellations on the calendar workshop just let me know

Lunch Lady Jan said...

But Monsieur, wiz sees two shots, you are spoiling us, non?? Sorry, that should be Madame really, but that attract the wrong sort of spam!
Well done for getting everything done and dusted :-)
Hugs, LLJ 35 xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

TWO projects AND a tidy-up? That's what I call a productive day! MMx

VonnyK said...

Boy, is there a light switch outside that you turned off. The light difference is amazing in such a short time. Great to see you still have a desk after that storm, you guys had me worried. England is so small and that storm was so big, glad you are all okay. Hey, that's what it is. You opened the window and the storm blew away your normal mess. I love the clock face on your desk. My desk is a canvas this week, hope that is okay.
Have a great week,
Von # 40

Sandy said...

Wow looks like you are busy today but good busy by the looks of it.
Sandy :)

misteejay said...

You certainly seem to be on a roll creatively since you got back from your break. Love the two different photos.

Toni xx

Twiglet said...

You sound as if your holiday really did you good - your later photo has a satisfied glow to it. x Jo

Annie said...

Good to see you back and at it Julia. :-) What a difference a couple of hours makes in many ways.
A x

The Taming of the Glue said...

I'd forgotten how quickly it got dark when the clocks changed, came as quite a shock to my system! Love the clock cut out. Hugs. Pam#39

My name is Cindy said...

aaah, but where did the baby book go? So satisfying when you finish something and move on in a short space of time. I am currently at a 'how long has that been on my desk?' stage, so enjoy. Feel smug. Know it won't last. Happy WOYWW Hugs, Cindyxx

Mrs.D said...

Julia well done for tidying up, we all need to do it occasionally, but I also end up with clear desk and overflowing bins. I'm pleased to see the tidying didn't include the button jar.
You Baby book disappeared in the tidying, that was very pretty. Did it have a designated destination? Someone was very lucky to receive that.
Chris #43

BJ said...

Morning Julia, Gosh you have been busy. Adore the lace and butterflies on the lemon page and all those super ribbons too. Not much crafting here but a desk to show all the same and my new TOY :) BJ#50 (yes I'm 50yrs next February too - YIPPEE)

Glenda said...

Oh my goodness you are one busy girl! Quite a difference in your desk. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! Glenda #52

Karin said...

Amazing the difference 2 hours make!
Happy Wednesday, Karin #54

Winnie said...

This time of year makes the hubby nuts as it gets darker sooner etc. I kind of like it as it makes me stay home more! Two busy desks in one day! I love that clock on your desk! I have the same heat gun and boy does it get a work out! Oh, now I want cocoa! It is that time of year for sure! Enjoy the week! Winnie#55

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I'd typed up an interesting and witty comment, pressed 'publish' and it didn't!?!? And due to my advancing years I've forgotten what I wrote ... something about how nice it is to back and catching up on what you have been up to in the interim and that I enlarged the photos just so I examine more fully the pile of yellow ribbons :)) Let's hope this comment goes through okay now. Hope you have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #42

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...

Looks like you have been busy !!!

Thank you for hosting and have a great week

claire x

Cardarian said...

It looks like that holiday gave you a lift and you are crafting full steam! I am getting there but maybe a holiday would give me that extra lift! :-)
Lots of hugs,

The House of Bears said...

Every desk needs chocolate in some form!

jill said...

Nothing wrong with being creative & messy at the same time, it makes for some interesting projects. Happy woyww jill #37

Unknown said...

We can create quite a mess in 2 hrs, well I know I can. #4

ike said...

OMGoodness yeah !!... don't even ask me about my fllor !!!!! I am very impressed how you tidied up between projects... awesome :-D

Happy WOYWW #230
IKE in Greece #63 xxxxxx

sandra de said...

A pic 2 hours apart and you still managed to have a clean up. I am impressed.
Sandra @65

Marit said...

That's a great idea, to photograph your desk a few hours later... mine can change as much as yours in that time too but I never thought of showing that... I LOVE 'spotting the differences' on the photos! Have a great and creative day/week. Big hug from Holland, Marit #67

Angie said...

I will clean up in between project too! Otherwise I find that I lose things I need in the piles of stuff that end up all around. As for your template in case you don't know you can adjust the width of the columns from the Blogger dashboard so that you can have a wider main section to hold bigger pictures.

Unknown said...

Hi Julia.
Love your desk shots 2 hours apart lol. I always love reading your post. thanks for hosting WOYWW xxx
Karen no.51 x

Carole said...

Day and Night...night and day...let's just craft and play. Good work tidying up to start a new project. Happy snooping Carole #65

Unknown said...

I am loving seeing all the various work desks. It is amazing how much change there can be in such a short time.
Thank you so much for hosting.

Blogger often forces me to sign in with my G+ account, my blog can be found


voodoo vixen said...

Love the time lapse photography, and am well impressed that you would tidy up between projects!! Annette #11

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Hi Julia,
Well, it is 7:36 am here in Iowa. It is barely getting light. I must get a move on and get my trash bin out to the curb. Rubbish day is here. The hot chocolate sounds great. I have been freezing all week. Guess I will make a cup after chores. ttfn Peg R #71

Unknown said...

What a fun busy desk this week.

Lindart said...

Back again! Thank goodness for WOYWW! It keeps me blogging at least once a week! Off to check everyone's blog with an "8" in it (something I learned from a fellow WOYWWer!)
Lindart #80

CraftygasheadZo said...

Well I'm a little later than usual but I must say I'm loving the 2 photo comparison going on!! Right must dash I have a dog to bathe (don't worry I shall supervise most of it & not over do it I promise!) Take care Zo xx 81

Unknown said...

I'm impressed that you tidied between projects! I try but it usually doesn't happen until I've run out of work space! Happy WOYWW!!
Carol N # 78

Mary said...

That's not messy, that's busy and you have been a very busy girl. Funny you mentioned the age of your heat gun. I was thinking the same thing as I was heat embossing with my loved heat gun. Mine will be 20 at Christmas. It was the best gift Santa gave me. It's hard to believe I've been stampin that long....I'm probably a baby by most standards!

Robin said...

Hi Julia! Well, my heat gun must be new! LOL it's only 12 years old!

Loved seeing those pretty purple glasses again.

You have such beautiful natural light in your studio! Loved the day and night shots!

Have a wonderful week!

Hugs - Robin #74

Christine said...

Golden oldies go on forever ..... well almost!!!
Love the fact that you tidied up between takes, sometimes I wonder why we bother but it IS a different mess.

Bishopsmate #84 ish

Robin said...

Hi Julia! I love the two hour difference in photos. I took my pics at 6:30am and it was still dark. Sure changes the appearance. I agree about the pic size. I think I am going to go back to smaller pictures too. Have a wonderful day with all your fun projects! Rasz #86

dix said...

It always makes me feel better when I view your work desk! However,,mine certainly is never as tidy as yours,,,even when you have just finished a project! Thanks for hosting and sharing!
dix #87

Unknown said...

#88...whoot, whoot!! I've never been less than #100+ Today's post pays homage to my new group of inspirational teachers & trainers. I've recently returned to my heart's and using photoshop to enhance and alter. So here's a glimpse at where I am today and what I'm spending time enjoying.

Lottie Dawson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Neet said...

Certainly two different looking desks - and not just due to the light. You really are a whizz lately - can I have some of your energy please? And enthusiasm.
Hugs, Neet 16 xx

Unknown said...

any kind of mess is lovely when it comes to creativity. Good luck for your calendar workshop! Now that i have moved into a cold country (ireland) i would trade coffee for a big mug of hot chocolate to keep me company!

Ann said...

Hi Julia.......It's amazing how much things can change in 2 hours, isn't it?? Enjoy your calendar workshop!!
Take care & Happy Crafting
Ann-R (No 95) x

Anne said...

Hi Julia compared with my space ( you can't actually see it cos I'm so ashamed so just shown the results of crafting :-) ) yours is pristine- honest.
Happy WOYWW Anne x #96

Monica said...

hope UK is not too cool after you stay in passioate Spain. Quite a clean up on that desk. Cleaning up is a problem as I never recall where I put the things that where on my desk that didn't fit the usual categories. This means a week of searching.
Monica 33

Jan said...

Fab work space looking forward to seeing the finished product! xx Jan (97)

Cazzy said...

Did you miss me Julia? Here I am, hoping this is a good idea and not too soon! Your blog looks different, not sure how, colours?

I like the yellow and sunshine, and the second photo looks very cosy!

Cazzy x

Lottie Dawson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gill Edwards said...

Hi Julia, sorry i didnt leave a comment earlier but it wouldnt let me for some reason.
thanks for the visit and comment. The reason i changed is because im flaky Lol I do like to have a change and Blogger does not have as many great templates. Who knows i may move back next week. I am shocking arent I?

Gill x

Kimberly Jones said...

I loved seeing what everyone is working on today! This is a fabulous party!

Lindsay Weirich said...

I'm glad I am not the only one who creates several new messes a day! Happy WOYWW and Halloween! Lindsay #104

Crafting Vicky said...

Love the idea of the 2 pictures. It really is completely different in a very short time but always really creative!!!



trisha too said...

Julia of the ever changing desk, AND the ever changing blog background! ;)

Always enjoy my peek at your desk, but goof that I am, sometimes forget to stop and actually comment, even after perusing several posts! (Because you know I'm checking out all your holiday posts, right???)

Thank you, Julia!


Queen Lightwell said...

Running a wee bit late but still here! And lookit yer desk! You work at it?! lol Thanks for hostessing us dear! Hugs, Deeyll # 107

Gráinne said...

Sorry for not commenting earlier, Julia.
Mess? What mess? Looks remarkably tidy to me in comparisoon to my table :-D And you certainly don't want to have a look at my floor LOL Looks busy and creative as its should ... Have a great weekend!! Suzanne x

Rita said...

I'm glad I got to make it by this week! We have had days where it was so dark I had to have the lights on in the daytime but not in two hours just recently. Does happen here, though, too. Unpredictable weather. You have lots of interesting goodies on your desk in both shots. Thanks for stopping by. #85

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I don't think I commented on your desk in writing. I know I did in my head. It certainly is interesting how much can change in a couple of hours. And dang it is dark out. No blinds for your windows, how do you know there isn't someone out there watching you? (cue the spooky music)

Brenda B said...

Oof my word, I'm late! Two desks, two messes, two projects, aren't we blessed! That big pot of Martha Stewart stuff on my desk is fine glitter, lasts forever. Besides, you know I used a coupon on it!

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