Tuesday 15 October 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 228

The Spanish, edition. Unless of course, you're Kate.  In which case, joining in from Spain is entirely normal and I'm simply bragging.  No, wait, I AM bragging. Having a late holiday is a weather gamble and this has just been a good 'un.  So, because of the vagaries of Ole (our Spanish ISP), my ipad and Blogger refusing to shake hands, and the horrible problem I have understanding Blogsy my Workdesk today is picture-less.  Don't be mistaken -  lack of photo evidence doesn't prove me a slacker. Oh no.  I've done some bead embroidering (about an hours worth) and I've started work on some more crochet squares for another blanket.  I think I've made about 9 so far.  They're four inch squares, so I've worked less hard than I care to think about.  Thing is, as you know, being on holiday makes you want to sit and do nothing.  So I do.  and I'm with my mum and one of my lovely sisters, so am not without company for a chat.  All this does not mean however, that we aren't interested in your work desks...as usual, play along by linking your WOYWW post here please!  See you for reals, very soon!


BJ said...

I was just doing my WOYWW post to schedule for midnight and needed your address to link up to my page - thought I was seeing things - but NO there is the post a day early. Hope it is OK to link up early - just couldn't resist the number one spot - BJ#1

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh how lovely - have a fabulous time!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I was just writing my blog when yours popped up so I thought I'd sneak in early!!
I'm really glad you're having a good hols with your family but I miss you and I look forward to seeing you when you're back home :-)
Hugs, LLJ 3 xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I joined in too, couldn't resist. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, and don't worry about not keeping up the crafting timetable. I am off to get some more wool tomorrow, after the gym so I can crochet in the evening. xx Maggie #4

Annie said...

Hope you're having a great holiday Julia. I thought I'd link up ealy too to save me in the morning :-)
A x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm like BJ. I saw the post was up when I came for your URL. Even though I'm a bit late, I'm still early (GRIN). Glad you did this, because I want to got to dinner instead of lunch with Sally today.

BTW, I used my imagination and envisioned your latest crochet project and your uncommonly tidy desk, where everything has been put away, except the ATG, the button jar, and the glass mat. Hey, I told you I imagined it and I have a very active imagination.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh you've gone all funky! Sat down to write my post and schedule for the morning, flicked to FB and you'd gone live already. Enjoy the rest of your holiday :o)

Helen said...

but it's only Tuesday... you caught me out. will link after dinner!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Unknown said...

Well this is fun! I'm enjoying this early bird special linkup! I think we are all enjoying your holiday too Julia. And just because there's no picture doesn't mean I'm not excited about some crochet squares and bead embroidery. That is right up my alley! I'm sure your desk is missing you though--it's having a little vacay too. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #9

Jackie said...

WhAt a lovely surprise ... You put the post up early on a Tuesday night ... Enjoy your holiday
Jackie 10

Krisha said...

Surprised is right. I thought I'd have to be "out" an other week, but this is just perfect. I have tons of stuff to get done for our next RV trip this weekend, and as soon as DH gets back to the house we will be off and running!!
Krisha #10

Caro said...

Hey! For once I can have an early slot! like many others I popped across for the URL and saw the post already here. Saves me joining ridiculously late tomorrow so thanks. Have a wonderful holiday. Happy 'early' WOYWW! Caro x (#12)

Unknown said...

OOh you caught me by surprise but I was ready for once having done an early blog. Enjoy your holiday and don't craft too hard!!LOL
Lynda B #14

Lisa-Jane said...

Would be lovely to see your bead embroidery as I don't think I've seen that before. So glad you have some decent weather. Enjoy the chat and the sitting! x

Kyla said...

ah, the old holiday switcharooney!!
A day early...confused me thats for sure!! :0)


mamapez5 said...

So glad Spain has lived up to its reputation for October sunshine. It has been lovely in our bit all week. Well done for doing anything crochet or bead related. I've hardly touched mine since I got back from UK.
For once my post isn't ready for the early link up, but there's still time! Enjoy the rest of your break. Kate x

misteejay said...

Glad the weather is being kind to you - enjoy your break. You can always show us what you've been making when you get home.

Toni xx

fairy thoughts said...

I thought I was seeing things when I was catching up with post.... In the gym. I'm so impressed with all your crafty activity on holiday, hope you aren't working too hard
Janet 16 and 17

Angie said...

Oh good times! I'd love to travel to another country. Heck I'd love to travel out of my state right about now lol! Have fun and enjoy your time with family!

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,

Wow - you are very early! Too bad I haven't taken photos of my desk yet and I'm STUCK at WORK.... shhhhh

I'll be linking up just as soon as I get home.

By the way, I'm sure you are a very trustworthy person so I'll take your word that you have done some crafting! I imagine the beading and crocheting is just as relaxing as having a wonderful holiday!

Peace, Kay (no # yet)

Deb said...

sounds like the perfect holiday, enjoy!

Anne said...

Was so surprised to see your early post so here I am!!! Glad you having a great time. DH and I just back from a holiday. Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to!!! Happy WOYWW Anne x ( No link as yet)

trisha too said...

Was just checking to see what number we're on, and BAM, there's a post! Well sign me up, Miss Julia!

And you know, every time I'm gone a few weeks, it seems like the blog gets a new look! Fun stuff!


Unknown said...

I am going on the road at 3 AM, so this worked out great. I will even be able to visit a few people before I go. Have a great time.

ria gall said...

Hi Julia
I hope that you are all sitting with your feet up enjoying the sun and the wine and doing nothing but chatting and catching up.
It is great that you have still managed to get this bit set up for us so we could all still join in.
Enjoy your holiday
Ria #22

Nan G said...

Well, Ms Julia,, seems you've caught a lot of us with our hands in the cookie jar! So glad the late holiday is working out and you're not. :) Enjoy a relaxing and chatty good time my dear. Hugs Nan G #25

Spyder said...

oh goodie, it means I can go to bed at a descent time and not silly o clock! Hope you are having Fun!
((Lyn)) was 27# might still be....

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Have fun and be safe. Blessings!

shazsilverwolf said...

Wow, this was a shocker, just saw Margs post & realised Mr Linky was up & running!Hope you are having a fab holiday Julia, weatherwise, you are not missing anything over here! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #29 xx

Mrs.D said...

Glad you are enjoying your hols.
I too jumped at the chance of a low number, beating some of the antipodean friends for once.
Happy WOYWW everyone
Chris #30

The House of Bears said...

Hey the party's started early. Well we're always up for early starts, unless they involve mornings, happy holiday with your family.

Sue McDonald said...

have a fab holiday......it was a surprise to see the post early...now I can have alooksy before sleep

Neet said...

Wow - certainly - now for a good night's sleep. Thanks for posting early.

Daniella said...

I'm glad you are having awesome weather! Enjoy your trip!!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Wow! the Spanish edition is so early! Glad you're having a grand time on holiday!

Create With Joy said...

Shocker - there were so many people at the party when I stopped by "early" I thought I'd missed the affair!

Hope you are having a marvelous time on vacation. See you soon!

Create With Joy - 42?

Julie Lee said...

Wow! Sounds like you're having the perfect holiday! I was just off to bed and saw people were linking already! And I'm still #45! Looking forward to seeing some of the things you created when you return! Julie Ann #45

Ann said...

Hi Julia - Thia is my first time ever posting on WOYWW.....So looking forward to getting to nosey at everyone's desks!! Enjoy your holiday
Ann (No 47)

RosA said...

No pic ... doesn't matter. We can imagine ... hmm, lovely sunshine, like here, I imagine :) Hehe, have a lovely holiday! Look, I have gorgeous buttons on my desk. I bet you would like to add them to your overflowing button jar :) :)
RosA # 53

famfa said...

I use blogsy and love it. If I can help, let me know. Enjoy your hols

ddazzled71 said...

Hope you are enjoying lots of sunshine and look forward to seeing some holiday pics upon your return. Have a great week. Danie #54

Sharon Madson said...

Oh, even thought I can't see, I can imagine those crocheted squares and beads. :) Look forward to seeing photos sometime of those! Have fun!

Darnell said...

Love your new blog look, Ms. J!! It sounds like you are having a wonderful vacay and not overdoing it - which is the whole idea of a vacay, so well done you!! Hugs, Darnell #57

Monica said...

If you get 2 comments it means Google hiccuped and was probably having a cocktail down the bar from you.

April said...

I don't believe a word of it! I want pictures! LOL I hope you're having a wonderful holiday. I'm expecting evidence of your supposed crafting while on vacation when you get back. ;-) April #61

Claire Grantham said...

Enjoy your holiday, hope you are nice and warm :) We are experiencing a faux summer here in NYC. I need to make a crochet blanket...

peggy gatto said...

Yes enjoy your vacation!!!!

The Taming of the Glue said...

Glad the hols are going well and the weather is fab. You'll probably finish a few blankets before you get back! Hugs. Pam#67

Donna Wheat said...

Hope you are enjoying your hols, I'm not jealous...honest. Donna #71

Gill Edwards said...

sounds like your having a great time, good for you

Gill x

Christine said...

Don't bother coming home ... it's cold and wet! Hang on out there for as long as you can. Enjoy!
That's my advice on this cold, dark, EARLY morning.
Didn't know I could be so cheerful so early in the morning ........
Bishopsmate #75 (at last count)

Kate said...

Wishing you safe and happy travels.

~Kate~ (not the one in Spain!)

Twiglet said...

Lots of early birds today!! Hope you are having a great time. x Jo

Candace said...

Hope you are having a fabulous holiday and the sun is shining unlike here where Autumn has certainly arrived but at least its dry, well for now it is!

Think I need a holiday too

Chrissie said...

Sad to say I've been AWOL for so long, but I must try harder. Enjoy your hols!

Neesie said...

I'm not jealous at all Julia that you're there and I'm here even with only 2 degrees and FOG!
You just enjoy yourself to the max for me :(
If there's a way of sending a little heat by postcard then that would be appreciated (shiver...sniff...sob) ;D

Lynn Holland said...

Stretch out your limbs in the sun it's cold in the uk

HeARTworks said...

Sometimes Blogsy is very temperamental and messes up my post too! But recently it's been cooperative! Be sure to post pictures of Spain! Peggy is planning to do the Camino pilgrimage next year. Still deciding what kind of weather she prefers. But she is already practicing around her house in her shoes and backpack, can you imagine???? Have fun! patsy

Unknown said...

Hi Julia,

Thought I was on the wrong page for a minute, no picture :(, however, I find you having a lovely holiday, so continue please..and see you and your creations back soon, love and hugs, Avril#88

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...


Hope your having a lovely holiday :)

Looking forward to see your projects/desk when you get back home ..

thank you for hosting :)

claire x

Hettie said...

Sounds like you are having a great time Julia. And you deserve it! I wonder if your ears were burning on Sunday evening. Kim and I were raising a glass of bubbly for you to thank you for getting us together!

Marit said...

To sit in the sun, crochet a bit, chat with mum and sis and soak up the surroundings... now THAT is what I call holiday! Enjoy, enjoy Julia!

Victoria said...

Have a fabulous time in the Spanish sun!

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and hope that the Spanish sunshine is still shining. We could really do with a bit of Spanish therapy - we normally go away in January, which is cooler, but still usually sunny and a fab break away from the British winter. Ali x #97, I think!

Karen said...

Sounds like you're having a great time which is wonderful!!!! Have a drink for me (you can have the alcohol I can't!). Enjoy life! Karen x

Unknown said...

Have a fantastic holiday...spend quality time with your favourite woman and just sit back and relax!!! see you next week.
Zeffy 97

Dianne said...

Your wonderful, have some BIG FUN and we'll see you when you get back, big hugs...

Unknown said...

You are so fortunate to be able to travel to other countries! Great fun! Enjoy!
Carol N #102

Winnie said...

Continue enjoying your vacation! Sounds fun! I have never been there. Maybe some day! Winnie#103

Sarah Keerie said...

Have fun :) currently watching rain on the window and hoping it stops before the walk to school! My desk is quite tidy today, think I need to make more mess :)

Liz B said...

Happy Wednesday! Enjoy your holiday in wonderful Spain!!

Annmakes said...

You are solo entitled to take a real vacation. Enjoy it!

Whimcees said...


Wishing you many happy days with your family as you rest and relax on your vacation! Looking forward to seeing your new projects!


Barbara Diane

lisa said...

So glad you have having a wonderful holiday, Julia.
Hugs Lisax #110

pearshapedcrafting said...

Glad you are having a good holiday - we are now back to the cold and rain but had a great time away! Chrisx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Of course we'll expect photographic evidence that you truly are on vacation. I under the need to do nothing whilst on vay-kay. It seems appropriate. Have fun!

Jan said...

Have a great holiday xx Jan (116)

Robin said...

I pray you are having the best holiday! Miss your glasses! HA

Hugs - Robin #117

sandysewin said...

Looks like you caught a bunch of us writing our Tuesday night/WOYWW posts!

Hope your vacation is wonderful and relaxing. Let productivity take a back seat if it must. :-)

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #38

okienurse said...

Awesome...glad to hear you are getting a holiday! I leave Oct 31 and fly to Barcelona and then we catch a transAtlantic cruise back to New Orleans on Nov 1. Really looking forward to the 'being out of touch' time! Finally remembered what Wednesday was all about and posted for the first time in a long time. Vickie @118

Lindart said...

It's been a long time! Hopefully I will be able to keep this up! I love looking at everyone else's blog too! My desk was so neat and tidy on Monday. . . ♥

Kim said...

Have a great vacation! Thanks to you, so am I...visiting Hettie. Thanks again for WOYWW !

Kezzy said...

I am so happy the weather is being good, it's horrible here windy and cold and getting dark really early. It's amazing how quick it comes after summer, one minute your enjoying the dark at 10pm, then the next minute your thinking it must be really late as it's pitch black but really it's only 7pm lol. Can't wait to see your bead embroidery and your crochet squares and of course all those gorgeous holiday pictures :-)
Happy Woyww Kezzy xxx

Crafting Vicky said...

wow busy even on a holiday!!! How awesome that you are enjoying it!!!



Annmakes said...

Hi, It has been a while for me, but I decided to make the effort today and make a quick post about something I am working on. Looking forward to peeking in on the others. Have a great day.

Annmakes said...

Hi, It has been a while for me, but I decided to make the effort today and make a quick post about something I am working on. Looking forward to peeking in on the others. Have a great day.