Wednesday 23 October 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 229

You can find a 'how to' and a 'what's it all about' page in the bar at the top of this blog.  Or you can just jump in and have a go - hey, it's only a teeny space of the interweb, what could possibly go wrong!
Well.  My desk has seem some action since we got back, I can tell you.  And you can tell it's serious action and induced by being in a panic, because I'm sort of tidying up in between things so I can actually flit from thing to thing.  I can't have two separate desks with two lots of thing going on; my brain is not up to that at all.  

So I've had a bit of workshop card making and what you see there is a tidied up situation so I could take photos of them. I refer to the photos when my supplies list doesn't make sense whilst I'm doing the kits.  Lots of madness, some method!  My 20th Centruy phone is serving as a replacement for the 21st Centruy one which proved useless.  Well, not washable at 60 degrees for two hours anyway.  There's my ipad, a BBC play was keeping me company until I realised that the light was fading.  Then it was a rush to get the photos done and move to something else.  Can't work in here after the good light's gone, daylight bulbs or not, it doesn't work well for me!  
Above the note book you can see the solidified puddle of clear glue.  I thought I would have fun picking that off.  Uh uh.  It's set like rock and will require a chilsel and hammer, so that's become a job, not a play thing!  
So show us your more interesting desk will ya?  Make it pertinent to WOYWW, try not to make it obvious that you're selling or promoting your self/stuff/tv show...that's not really what we're all about.  Visiting and sharing is the name of the Desker game.  Thank you.


Brenda B said...

You should go to Spain more often if it means you're going to be organised and have a clean desk when you come back! cell phones don't like toilets, or concrete floors either, just in case you were wondering!


Create With Joy said...

What a cute notebook and such interesting cards in that stack!

Happy WOYWW from #3!

Create With Joy

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I like the screensaver on your iPad! Had forgotten about that. Glad you made it back home through the tempest, going to band tonight was interesting, I can tell you! Will have to see if any branches have fallen off to keep G happy!
Hugs, a blooming wide awake at 2.30 LLJ xxxx

Robyn said...

Tidy is as tidy does, or some such like that!
Welcome back and thanks for the snoop.
Robyn 9

Nan G said...

Screensaver on the iPad? Too cool! Love it! So organized for you...will you survive? Ah but you're doing two things at once so yes....she is surviving! Vaca looked like a fun time! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #9

Unknown said...

Hi Julia! from the sounds of it you had a wonderful refreshing time in Spain! So happy for you :-). You slay me with your humor lol!! I know what you mean about the brain not being up to it I have been having the most terrible hay fever and I feel like I am mentally wading through not 2 planks thick but 3!! I will be glad when spring is sprung and summer is here. We are having horrendous bush fires here in the Blue Mountains in Australia, and I am having to shut off my emotions as my son is an ag-pilot and is fire bombing on this terrible fire. Fingers crossed that there is some relief in sight very soon. Have a great week and a happy WOYWW to you :-).
Janene #5

Darnell said...

You hit the craft room running, didn't you, Julia?! That's a big stack of cards and an awesome one on top! I'm sorry about the picking puddle not working. I thought that was rather brilliant, being a picker myself. Thanks, as always, for hosting the fun! Have a fantastic week!! Hugs, Darnell #10

Deb said...

welcome back, love the workshop cards! Shame about the glue being rock hard, I could while away hours doing a bit of picking but not chipping, not so fun!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well Julia your desk always makes me smile and feel reassured crafty folk do jump from one thing to another :) Shaz in Oz.x #16

sandysewin said...

Yeah, it's rather a shame that cell phones are not washable. So many, I'm sure, would still be in service.

Love your newly cleaned up desk, it looks very fit for its purposes.

It sounds like your vacation was a much needed tonic and you're back & rarin' to go!

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #18

voodoo vixen said...

Oops to the cellphone... nope they tend not to enjoy quite that long in the water! Your desk looks truly clean and tidy this week and what a nice pile of cards you have there too!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

PS Julia sorry mean to say found out put on wrong link.. sorry. happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #16 I think

Robin said...

Welcome back! Looks like you had the best, relaxing time. You even Golfed...humm..

I miss your eyeglass's....It's so funny, I always look for them, it's kinda like where's waldo with me.

I understand the glue thing...I bought a new craft mat, and immediately cut a circle with my circle sissors...yep...big circle in my brand new craft mat...oh dear.

Welcome back Julia!

Hugs, Robin #22

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry your 21st century phone is on life support. I suspect you are like me and often forget to check pockets before the clothes go in the wash.

Your desk looks exceptionally tidy. I am impressed. Glad to see you back home, too. Happy WOYWW from #6.

BJ said...

Shame about the glue, loving the cards. BJ#26

Julie Lee said...

Welcome Back! What a shame the glue has become a job! There's nothing more satisfying than a good old pick at glue! Oh, I just noticed BJ mentioned the glue too! I didn't copy, honest!I'm loving that little tag on the top card on the pile. Julie Ann #28 xx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Those cards you have on your desk are beautiful. Blessings!

My name is Cindy said...

My sister dropped her phone down the loo last year when we were having a party and didn't realise.(she was a little the worse for wear). I didn't notice for three days (don't think about it). Needless to say it didn't work, can't understand why. Good to see you back and raring to go after your break. I would be organised if only I could find the energy. Love your screensaver. Cindy

trisha too said...

Very tidy after the holiday, and I will remember that about the phone . . . good to know!!!

#32 this week

Andrea said...

welcome back and what a wonderful clear space to start getting creative with. love the cute christmas card on top of the pile...;Looks like you have been busy and liking the cute notepad. We wont ask any more questions about the phone ! LOL ..I know its not that funny!!! have a great week and hope your refreshed after your hols Andrea #31

Lisa said...

Loving getting back in the swing of blogging now my summer project is finished. Hope you had a good summer, Julia.
Have a fab day

Claire Grantham said...

Welcome back Julia..I would like to look through the cards on your stack. I love the fact that we are all 5 when it comes to peeling off glue :) I also love that the button jar no longer seems to close.. Cx #37

Unknown said...

This is so lovely and organized for someone who's been on a nice vacation! You just went right back to it too, and a workshop no less! I think I prefer BBC to our shows over here. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #35

The Taming of the Glue said...

Hope you had a great time in Spain.
I've heard that phones and water don't mix very well!! Happy WOYWW. Pam#38

Helen said...

Glad you made it back, read on FB about the storm you drove through...I too, love your screen saver. Shame about the phone - good thing you still have the last century's one! A nice tidy pile of Christmas cards and your neat list... what is happening to Julia?! Have a great week. Helen, 20

Krisha said...

Welcome home and back in the saddle again. They make self cleaning ovens, and waterproof watches, but cell phones are still behind in that category. They also do not like to be stepped on.
Krisha, haven't restarted dashboard so don't know my # yet LOL

Jackie said...

Welcome back from your holidays !
Sorry to hear about the phone and the glue sounds like a job for hubby now !!!!
Jackie 42

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and welcome back from the wonderful world of Spain. Shame you didn't bring the weather back with you! I am attempting also to keep my craft room reasonably tidy. Although I was exhausted yesterday after finishing the mini book, I spent 5 minutes putting everything away - as I knew that I would only be annoyed with myself if I walked in here this early morning to a mess. Ali x #49

Unknown said...

Welcome back Julia! My daughter dropped her phone down the loo at college and you are right. They don't like it much!
Hugs Lynda B 47 and 46 which kept linking as last weeks post !!!!!

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia.
So your 21 century phone is now spotlessly clean but doesn't work. I find screen wipes from Lakeland clean the outside very effectively and the clean phone still works.
Nice tidy desk, and I love the colours of that top cardsandbits.
Chris #45

Donna Wheat said...

love the look of the Christmas card on top of the pile, Donna #52

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia
I see you didn't bring the weather back with you never mind :-) . A very organised desk this week and cardsook great but washing your phone how did that happen?

misteejay said...

Gosh you certainly hit the ground running with that stack of cards.

My phone took a dive into my coffee cup last year...for some reason it didn't want to work after that - can't understand why LOL

Toni xx

lisa said...

Looking very neat and organised this week, Julia. Loving the look of those christmas cards. My DD has her eye on your Hello Kitty notebook!
Hugs Lisax #56

Spyder said...

cell phones don't like washing machines or tumblers either! Oho if only I realised its cry for help, wasn't the zip of my jacket clanging against the side of the machine! Nice tidy deck... I must go away, perhaps mine will be tidy when I get back!
((LYNN) #59

Kate said...

It's all a bit tidy, are you sure we're looking at the right desk?


Twiglet said...

Oh so neat and tidy - I wish mine was. x Jo

Belinda Basson said...

There is a waterproof phone coming soon I hear after one of my friends took 2 phones for a swim in one day! I do like the new blog colours and the top bar.

Annie said...

Bit late linking up this excuse is.....It's my birthday wahoooooo. 2 1/2 stone lighter now and feeling great. Wearing a top that Jo made for me last year and yesterday she took it in by 8"!!!!
A x

VonnyK said...

Isn't it always the way, you put glue on something you want stuck and it falls apart but when you put it somewhere you want to get it off, it sticks solid. Bummer about your phone, don't know why it couldn't hold it's breath for that long. Ooh Christmas cards, I just know I'm going to be doing them just before Christmas, as usual. Wish I was as organised as you.
Have a great week.
Von # 63

glitterandglue said...

Good morning, Julia. Sounds like you have hit the ground running after your holiday. Trust you don't undo ALL the good work a break has done.. I don't know - this modern technology - just ain't up to the job of life, is it?? Our daughter discovered her phone didn't like loo water...
Have a great week - good to have you back.
Margaret #64

Shoshi said...

Your poor phone, Julia! My hubby has a memory stick that's been through the washing machine 3 times and it still works! He's also indulged in a bit of money laundering from time to time, too. Glue removal? Not fun. Had the same thing the other day with Friendly Plastic stuck all over my acrylic roller - forgot to grease it first! What a nightmare.

Thanks for hosting us again. Happy WOYWW.


Glenda said...

I'm so glad you had a good holiday. We all need to rest and recharge now and then. So sorry about your grandson took his had his in his pocket and fell in the river while fishing! They definitely do not like water! Love your desk this morning; and what a wonderful jar of buttons!
Glenda #67

CraftygasheadZo said...

Morning! Glad you had a nice break but back to grind now I see. I do wonder what you are watching on iPad, a play you say? Hmmm intriguing. It's all looking neat and tidy to me, apart from that glue spot. That'll teach you, but then I can't say anything, I still pour it on my hand and wait to peel it off!!! Take care lovely. Zo xx 69

Francesca said...

Sometimes it seems that the old things are better than the new. ie phone. Love the top xmas card , I think I have the same embossing folder with the bird as well as the die! that is sad. Francesca #66

Unknown said...

My eyes went straight to your screensaver. What does it say? Have been thinking Christmas cards for ages. Maybe I'll actually get them started today!

have a great week

mamapez5 said...

I'm not used to seeing your desk so tidy Julia!But you have lots of cards there ready for when they are needed. My chili and ginger jam is not for the faint-hearted but some of my customers really love it. I give a few away but mostly i seel all my jams and pickles for the village childrens' charity. Kate X

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...

lovely to have you back, your desk looks great !!

Lovely cards :)

happy Wednesday x

Winnie said...

Welcome back! That sentiment on your iPad is awesome! I need to remember that! Great stack of cards there too. Hope you get your glue up sounds like a project! PS. Love the Hello Kitty notebook, that pink color is my favorite! Winnie#72

Julie said...

Hope you had a god time away and aare now raring to go!!! I know what you mean about the light, you just can't work properly in the electric light can you? I can't tell the proper colours of inks etc.
Have a great crafting week
xx Julie

Dianne said...

I am loving the new blog look, now I can read it, couldn't before, don't know why, but it's great I can now, anyhow, light hhmm I have o work in bad lighting really hard, old eyes, LOL.. Love the saying on your desk top and so true,I live alone ..Thank goodness my desk top is glass, very handy for cleaning, nothing sticks. I'm off to water fit and will snoop around after I get home grrrrreat to have you back good luck with your phone..

Christine said...

Welcome back
Loved your T for Tuesday post!
Love the new colour - RED - on my PC it is.
Have a good day
Bishopsmate #77

The House of Bears said...

We love the ipad wallpaper, brilliant message.

Debs Willis said...

I've learned my lesson with class supplies lists, and now i make them as I go - not fun having to make do when you;ve forgotten something!!

enjoy scraping the glue off!

happy woyww


SusanLotus said...

Great quote on the screen on your desk! I needed to read that right now in this minute. ;)

Lovely Christmas cards!

Heathers Inspiration said...

Glad you had a lovely holiday and it is lovely to read/catch up on your news. Best of Luck with the glue! and have a beautiful week.
Heather #82

Angie said...

Welcome back! Did you try heating the glue a bit with your heat tool, or perhaps newspaper and and iron? I'm hoping for a pile like you've got here shortly! Link list says 85, comment list says 58, I never know which to use, so I'll just say!
Have a great day

famfa said...

Nicely organised. I like your screensaver on your pad. Cards look good too. Welcome back
Famfa 2
Ps I am never daunted by a to do list. I love lists and I like to know I have lots to work on so I can flit x

April said...

I think you should leave the glue pile - it gives the desk character. :-) We're glad you're back.
April #29

Unknown said...

Welcome home! Nice desk, great screen saver. Hmmm..... glue glob. Interesting. Anyway, sounds like you're up and running again.
Carol N # 86

Whimcees said...


I love the new look to your blog! Your desk looks so clean and orderly! Glad you are back safe and sound from your trip and wishing you a good week!


Barbara Diane

Mary said...

Welcome home. I'm sure part of your brain is still basking in the Spanish sun, and the rest is back to work as usual. I always have a love hate relationship with returning from holiday. Your desk looks too tidy....can't wait to see what comes from it. Have a great week and welcome home. FYI: the photo of Costa Blanca looks soooo inviting!

Carole said...

Your blog has been redecorated again. I'm afraid to mess with mine to make any changes. Everything looks orderly. Cleaning up between projects makes sense...but when I have 3 or 4 cards or tags started I'm not cleaning anything up. It seems when I put things away...they remain forgotten for some time.
Carole# 91

Jan said...

Great workspace Julia xx Jan (92)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, sorry I didn't comment first thing when I posted, have you ever woken up and had an eyelash go in your eye while you were asleep? My eye was streaming, and sore, just about managed to see enough to link, couldn't have typed if my life depended on it.And I discovered its surprisingly difficult to get dressed with your eyes closed, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #34 xx

Lindart said...

Just added my WOYWW - this is great, at least it means I post once a week! A good reminder. Now I'm off to see anyone else post who's number has a "4" in it!

Unknown said...

Great to see you back Julia, and your desk is looking very tidy, well done you...I get where you are coming about, about light, I was moved from the Bedroom to a corner of the kitchen, I do have a daylight bulb, but not as good as Proper light...Happy WOYWW hun, Avril#95

Katie said...

Thank you, dear, for hosting this fabulous blog hop! And....glue spills are no fun :)

Katie (97)

Unknown said...

Hi JUlia,
Your desk looks so interesting. thank you so much for WOYWW, such a good idea and thanks for dropping in on me earlier today.
Karen no 58 xxx

Caro said...

So glad you had a great time in Spain. I had to laugh at your glue scenario...I have had the same thing happen to me too! Love the cute notebook and the cards. Thanks for hosting and sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#74)

Kim said...

Too funny about the glue..I said the same with spilt wax...what a job that was!!

Anne said...

Welcome home> Desk looks good. Hope I've not put too much in my post!! :-( Happy WOYWW Anne x #99

Unknown said...

It has been a pleasure visiting the websites shared here. Thank you for hosting.

Unknown said...

Thinking about making presents is a good start. Very impressed with your dedication at the driving range, I have managed to keep away from that!
Karen #54

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

If the photo wasn't large enough - I enlarged it even more. What caught my eye wasn't the Hello Kitty notebook, nor the hardened glue, but the coaster mentioning knickers. So, I'm just wondering, what would you do with your knickers for chocolate?

I didn't join in this week as I really didn't have anything to show......

Welcome home; glad you had a nice trip and Happy WOYWW!!


pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the i-pad message! Sorry to hear about your phone - can't imagine being without mine - how did I cope in the sixties? Great pile of cards btw! Chris 102

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

You cracked me up with the glue blob. That looks so like something I would do. lol

Lisa-Jane said...

Ah see now I would have been right with you there with the glue being fun... until it wasn't... Boo hiss to things that turn out to be work instead of fun!

Helen Campbell said...

I don't feel so bad about tidying up a bit... Bummer about your phone. I love that jar of buttons by the way. Thanks for hosting, it's fun to see what everyone is up to. Helen #51

Queen Lightwell said...

Made it again! lol Not doing very good this semester with managing my time but so thankful you are good at it and hostess us every week so faithfully and is really appreciated! :) love the tidy desk but hope to see it mussied up again soon. ;) Deeyll #107 ish

Liz B said...

Happy Wednesday! Love your setup with the ipad!

Ann said...

Welcome home Julia, sorry to hear about your phone. Your desk is incredibly tidy compared to the state of mine!!Happy WOYWW,
Hugs Ann-R xx

Michelle said...

Love that Hello Kitty notebook!!!

Crafting Vicky said...

fabulous card!!! And it really sucks that phone and water don't go well together lol. Hugs Vicky #113

peggy aplSEEDS said...

that Christmas card on top of the pile is lovely, Julia! Welcome back home!

Unknown said...

Massively late today. Your desk is looking great this week! x

Erika said...

I love your work and your cards on your desk, dear Julia. The iPad shows beauty also! This means happiness to me :)

Neet said...

Well Miss Tidy, you are a shining example to us all this week. The desk is neat and the cards seem to be piing up. Maybe Spain is in order for us all.
Glad you enjoyed your holiday.
Hugs, neet xx 24

Tonya said...

Your desk looks very neat and organized! LOVE the big jar of buttons. Hope you can get the glue off. I seem to have that problem a lot with my kids using my table as well as marker and paint stains that have to be scrubbed.
Thanks for all the great links to go visit!

Unknown said...

Hello my darling - so happy to be so chilled and well enough to be here commenting... love the pile of glue to pick at. I thought it would be a good idea a couple of weeks ago to get mod podge all over my fingers - man, that glue is no regular PVA - took ages lol... oh how to keep someone with nothing better to do, occupied!!! lol Anyway - I've missed your pile/bucket/basket of stamps waiting to be cleaned... I'm sure i'll be back soon to join in (oh how i've missed it all) but Wednesdays are a bit difficult so it maybe Thurs???!!!

Think I need to re-launch my blog beforehand though.

Love and big hugs

Paula x x x

akilli melek said...

the joys of modern technology! just popping by to say hello. Too busy with little miss to craft never mind blog hop, but missing you all.

HeARTworks said...

Hi Julia, You asked if I picked the first background in my pile or angst over which one to use. I hardly ever pick the first one, but I don't spend too much time choosing either!!! What I really like is making backgrounds, I feel like a kid splattering paint on paper, and I hardly ever think about what I am doing!!!! Thanks for the visit! There are so many now on WOYWW, I remember when I could visit each one!!!

My name is Cindy said...

Dear Julia, thank you so much for your kind words but the thought of your mind waves being settling has sent me into a fit of the giggles! No offence intended!! MNIC xx

Kezzy said...

Wow so loving the pile of cards on your desk. I can't imagine what it is like having to prepare foraall the workshops you do. I still wish I lived nearer so I could come to one. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

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