Wednesday 28 August 2013


A long story involving other people not putting things away properly and me trying to prevent breakage meant that I fell off my pneumatic stool on Friday morning.  I know.  It would have been funny but something went 'ping' and it laid me up for the rest of the day. However, the bright side was that Mr Dunnit deemed it necessary for me not to help out in the workshop on Saturday because I should 'rest'.  So I did.  I stood at my workdesk all day.  My leg wasn't painful to stand on, but hurt - as if it were burned - to sit down..nerve damage, see.  Anyway, it's all good now. Although the outcome may not seem so good for my desk.  Man, I made a mess.  This view, taken from the lounge room end (!) at Tuesday tea time. And I had already picked up quite a lot.  And also, please don't flame for making Christmas cards.  Shopkeeper Gal and her customers want workshops on the theme.  It's not my fault.  Nothing ever is.
And yes, even the big fat tip of the permanent marker was in use...strange, huh.
The most interesting thing there (in my opinion) is the teeny pot of WOW embossing powder.  Bought on a whim from Jennie, The Artistic Stamper.  Bloody hell, it's lovely.  Pardon me.  But it is. I may have to review this.  When I've bought some more!  Argh.
Meanwhile, show and tell will ya,we like to see how your crazy work surface is measuring up. There are pages linked in the sidebar of this blog to explain about WOYWW and how to join in.  It's easy.  Just do it!  


Unknown said...

Oh my. I'm so glad your leg is feeling better from your tumble. I love to hear your opinion on the Wow embossing powder. Happy crafting #3

famfa said...

Ouch - ping - that doesn't sound good. Hope you are nicely rested and getting better

HeARTworks said...

Oh dear, it's a good thing you recovered right away. Sounds painful. Happy WOYWW from someone who is sick in bed but who still managed a WOYWW post! :^) patsy

voodoo vixen said...

Oweeee, hope you are all better now... though still off work duties? LOL Everywhere I go I see C cards being made... beginning to feel a tad guilty at not wanting anything to do it yet!! :)

Nikki said...

OUCH!!! Glad your on the mend so quickly and I was just looking at WOW powder you've made me want some to add to my collection lol hugs Nikki #5 and I have some Halloween candy too :)

Lindsay Weirich said...

best buy some more wow! so you can give it a proper review LOL! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #12

BJ said...

Morning Julia and what an early one for me at 2.50am. Woke absolutely boiling so popped on line to link up. Loving the Chrimbo card, wish I could come to one of your workshops, looks like a card I could do easily. BJ#6

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That was not the way to meet and greet Friday morning. I hope you get better quickly, and the nerve damage goes away quite soon.

I've heard great things about that WOW! I, on the other hand, am the "sophisticated consumer," who will wait till it goes on clearance at my local craft store.

As for the C word, there's no way we can flame you. You (and shop gal) have to give 'em what they want, even if it's not what YOU want. Guess I need to say I'm number 2, but I think you can surely read!!

Ohhh Snap said...

That WOW powder looks lovely! Glad your leg is feeling better, nerve pain is awful. And that stickles holder looks ever so useful! #17

Belinda said...

Hey girlfriend! I am so sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope my pain didn't rub off on you. Thank you for your visit last week. I am still whining about my feet but I have been a little productive and made a card. Come see when you are free.

Have a blessed day and by the way, you are our fearless leader so no injury or illness for you!

Belinda (16)

Robyn said...

OOHH those painful pings!
Is WOW anything like Glitter Ritz? I love Glitter Ritz.
Thanks for the snoop!
Robyn 19

Belinda said...

Oh and I quite like the glitter glue holder. Where did you get that? And I also like your handwriting. Mine is fast becoming illegible.
Belinda (16)

Nan G said...

Welcome to the land of Christmas on demand. Now THE most interesting thing is that cool round storage thingy ma bob for your stickles!! Neat! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #21

peggy aplSEEDS said...

glad you have recovered after your fall and that you had the time to rest and stand all day while resting, LOL!

April said...

I like your stickles storage. I haven't seen that before. I see all kinds of interesting things on your desk. I can't wait for the review on that awesome stuff. ;-) April #24

Unknown said...

Hi Julia - glad to see your cloud had a silver lining - sore leg = more crafting time!!! Love your stickle storage. I have to think about Christmas next week too. I ease in to it in September by making one of the two cards a Christmas one. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 27

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you are laid up Julia! Rest you should and in your craft room hehe! Take care and happy WOYWW.
Janene #20

Sue from Oregon said...

I am sure all that crafting helped you through the pain! It is a real booger getting funky aches and pains isn't it? Take care and can't wait to see the holiday cards! Off to bake a birthday cake!

Lynn McAuley said...

I do some of my best crafting standing up! So very sorry to hear of the pain your have been suffering!

What grabbed my eye on your desk this week is that fabulous Stickles carousel! I store mine upside down, too, but my rack only holds 12!

Christmas cards! Yea! I'm on a mission to get mine started and done!

Lynn #31

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Julia, sorry to hear about your fall, glad to hear you are all mended though. I have been making Christmas Cards since JUNE for OWH, so I certainly won't flame you :) Cx #33

sandra de said...

Lot's of sympathy regarding the fall at least it did not stop you from crafting. The desk is a testimony to creativity love how it is all caught mid action.
Sandra @34

The Taming of the Glue said...

Ouch! Glad it wasn't more serious. Is there much difference in the embossing powder, I always use Cosmic Shimmer and get really good results but I'm willing to be Wowwed! Hugs. Pam#36

john-w said...

Hi Julia,

I am very bleary eyed this morning - woke early and couldn't get back to sleep, so nothing else for it but to enter WOYWW. Thanks for hosting this every Wednesday - brilliant! Kind regards, John. john-w #35.

Eliza said...

Hi Julia,

Awesome desk this week, I have to say this but I want one of those stickles storage things, it looks brilliant. Oh and yes review those WOW's you will love them all I have quite a few and they are amazing.

Have a great week, filled with crafty loveliness.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 30

glitterandglue said...

Good morning Julia. As you can see by the fact that john-w got there first this morning - no sleeping in the household - well, someone had to go make the tea!!
Ouch! That sounded painful - can't imagine having to stand at the desk - only do art sitting down I'm afraid.
NO danger regarding the C word - I'm well into making our cards, and have even begun to think presents - now I shall be the one shot down in flames.
Trust all is well now with your leg - have a great WOYWW.
Margaret #36

Helen said...

Glad your leg is better! I love your glue holder - so much I forgive you the C-prep!! Hope you have a great WOYWW Helen, 23

VonnyK said...

Ooh, ouch, that sounds nasty. Glad your leg is okay now but a good way to get out of helping hubby none the less. I'll let you off with xmas card, since it isn't your fault. I love all the colours in your upside down bottles and the card does look really pretty. I'll have to check out this embossing stuff, I see it all the time on blogs and I think it's time for a play :)
Have a great week.
Von # 41

Julie Lee said...

So sorry to hear of your injury! I am interested in the WOW embossing powder; you're the second person I've heard tell of it this week - must give it a try! I'm getting a shopping list that stretches right the way around the block at the moment! Ah well, birthday in September! Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann xx

Julie Lee said...

PS - I'm #42! Sorry, Julie Ann x.

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Julia! Sorry to hear about your leg - nerve damage is not nice at all! Hope it´s soon better!
My DH went back to work, and I´m at home again making mess :D
Happy Wednesday!
Tuire #43

Unknown said...

Hi Julia poor old you going 'ping!' Hope everything is better now. Having to stand up while crafting is hard going. I am going to have to get going on my Christmas cards too. Hugs Lynda B #46

Neesie said...

Ouch! I don't like the sound of a 'ping' but then more crafting sounds perfect!
The C word...hum well Julia I suppose it's nearly September so mayber its time ~ ARGH!
I've not had a play with embossing powder but by your reaction I should!

Keep resint that leg (;D)
Thanks for hosting...Happy WOYWW
Neesie #45

Ann B said...

Morning Julia, linking and commenting while waiting for my early morning cuppa. Hope your leg is better today, clever to 'rest' it by standing on it all day, wouldn't have thought of that. Red and green is a classic Christmas combination and looks good on your desk.
Ann B

Jackie said...

The 'ping' doesn't sound good .... However crafting to make you feel better while recovering does !!!!
Jackie 39

roffeycreations said...

OMG Julia - glad to hear you are on the mend... and OMG Julia - I cant take my eyes off your "glitter glue" holder thingy - jealous - want one... I don't think your desk looks so bad and Chrissy cards can never be started too early LOL... hugs Mxx #48 [for now]

Andrea said...

morning Julia... ouch that sounds like that was a very painful experience although it s very good to hear you are on the mend anything that makes a noise when it happenes cant be good !.
What can I say I feel so much better that its not just me doing christmas ...Tee hee that stickles carousel too. have a great week Andrea #49

Kyla said...

So glad you are on the mend. I love it when people show Christmas cards as it gives me some ideas as each year I find myself at a complete loss come November! Not tried WOW! Powder, seen their massive stand at the NEC but I already have powder I rarely use (which will probably prompt me to dig it out again!). Kyla #50

Mary said...'d better be careful. Don't you hate it when it's not your fault. Sadly, most of the time I'm the one to blame for my accidents. I'm glad I saw a touch of Christmas peeking from your desk. Hey, there are only like 3 months and something like 25 days to go....besides, when I see others making Christmas cards, I don't feel out of place! Heal quickly....

Unknown said...

Julia, hope you are feeling better, you hubby sounds like mines, I had a tumble down the stairs on Sunday and have been laid up ever since, well I have had a wee go at my lappy and your desk as ever, you have so much going on, take care xxxx

Francesca said...

Sorry to hear of your accident, but good that you are now better. I must admit since having my Big Tidy, I have been crafting more cos not tripping over and not not finding things anymore. Have a good day. Francesca #55 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Morning Julia- I LOVE those WOW embossing powders, the colours are awesome, aren't they? Glad your 'ping' is better- nerve damage can last a while, so you were lucky. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #56 xx

Twiglet said...

Aw poor you - so easily done though. Hope you are fully recovered now. Apart from sitting at my sewing machine - most of my crafting is done standing up! x Jo

Robyn Oliver said...

Sending you a hug and please take care with that chair...we WOYWW'ers need you to start our Wednesday's for us...messy desk though, isn't it amazing how small a space we actually need to create...Cheers RobynO#32

Uuna said...

It is a new day, again, and I hope better day. When I look at Your table I think that You are making, artistic, person. It is good and important.
Thank You for the challenge and Happy WOYWW :-)

Unknown said...

Falling off your perch...whatever next?!

Karen #60

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ouch indeed. Hope your injury is fully recovered now. Look forward to hearing your review of the WOW EP and I'm loving the look of that ornate frame stamp I can see.

Di said...

Hi Julia! I'm playing hookey again this week but had to have my usual sticky beak at what you're up to. Don't tell me you were really spinning round at speed on that stool and flew off it? Whatever, hope you're soon 100%.

Would love to know more about the WOW EP so a review would be great. Finally summoned up courage to squirt a Dylusions spray here. Man that stuff travels! :( Any ideas how to scrub it off walls?

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

ddazzled71 said...

Having been laid up for about four weeks just recently with what sounds like similar problems to yours I can sympathize with you Julia, its definitely painful. Mine was with sitting and sleeping on the side I had the problem which is how I sleep. I hope it doesn't take too long to mend. Physio definitely helped me get on top of mine. I can't wait to see your finished chrissy cards and your review of the WOW EPs. Happy Wednesday! xx

MiniOwner said...

Ouch that sounds painful - hope you are feeling OK now. Loving the look of your Christmas csrd (I have been making them since January ... I know ... Happy Wednesday.
Sue (MiniOwner@64)

Elizabeth said...

Oh dear, a ping, you say ... doesn't sound at all good but glad to read you're feeling better. These pings have been known to fell many a big man, never mind a wee woman like yourself :) Standing to work is the new trend in offices - better for the back and legs apparently - so perhaps the perch is now redundant. Perhaps Mr Dunnit will grant you a few more days off to rest, and to finish those C-cards. Oh, and have you got a Stickles obsession? ... that looks like a collection to die for :) Have a good week. Elizabeth xx

MrsC.x said...

Ouch! hope you're feeling better now? or do you need more rest {ie crafting}?? silver linings and all that that you got to craft.

glad i am not the only one having to be festive i have made a shocking mess the last few days lol

Mrs.C.xx #65

Claire said...

ouch! a chair/stool suddenly giving way isn't funny! hope you weren't hurt...
I never mention the C word till after Halloween, even tho' I know shop shelves will be filling any time now!
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 38

LuLu said...

Howdy Julia,

I know how that hurts - I've injured my right leg multiple times. and even after months of physical therapy, it still hurts...
Feel better soon.

I must have read your mind. This week my post is about storing small bottles - and what do I see on your desk? Small bottles in storage!

Would love for you to stop by when you have a moment or 2! Fyi, my 4th Blogoversary celebration is coming this Autumn!


Kirsty.A said...

Glad you weren't more injured - as long as you can still stand up to make Christmas cards life's OK, in my view

Kirsty.A said...

I might have more time to join in with WOYWDW this academic year as, although Wednesday is still my busiest day, I think I'll have Tuesday mornings off. Last year there was nothing between Sunday and Thursday except for marking

Annie said...

Really hope that leg is now much improved....sorry about the intense nursing advise but hope it helped :-)
A x

Mrs.D said...

Oh I do hope yout leg continues to improve and doesn't cause you anymore trouble.
I love WOW embossing powder too, don't use it much but it iswonderful stuff, maybe I will put more on my Christmas cards this year.
Chris NO 69

misteejay said...

Hope the leg is recovering well - that sounds like a rather painful experience.

Lovely 'busy' desk and who can possibly object to Chrimbo cards LOL...after all, another couple of days and it will be September (just where is this year going to?).

Toni xx

Gill Edwards said...

Ouch! sorry to hear about your leg Julia. Glad you are back in the saddle now so to speak

Gill x

susibee said...

"Ping" doesn't sound great - I hope you're soon feeling better.

Great looking cards and I've heard other people comment on the WOW embossing powder, perhaps I ought to add some to my collection!

Have a great day. Susi #72

Joanne said...

Dare I tell you that I've made ALL my Xmas cards - sorry. Love, adore the stickles spinner, what a super idea.

Unknown said...

Ouch!! You poor thing.

It's funny, I'm like you, nothing is ever my fault either! x

Sandy said...

Cute card you have on your desk and look you are using a button.. Now you only have a few so be sparing with them.. hehe. I love that stickles holder..
Sandy :)

Anne said...

Oh dear hope you are soon fully recovered. Always great to have more crafting time :-) I've attempted first C card and had meant to do lots by now cos it gets manic nearer the time trying to make them. Mind you at moment thinking of giving up crafting altogether !!!!Happy WOYWW Anne x #71

pearshapedcrafting said...

Ouch! Hope you are fully recovered by now! That WOW is certainly good stuff, great colours too! Don't think these will be the first Christmas things I'll see today!
OK - have to go and get ready - woo hooh! Chris79

Christine said...

Thank you for the link to the Wow! shop ........... I am thinking of chucking out all my old and dilapidated powders and exchanging for these, I hear only good reports.
Hope you can manage to 'rest' your leg for a few more days.
Bishopsmate #77

Lisa-Jane said...

I'm loving the design of that card! SJ is having a 6 on the 6th of Christmas cards every month from August to December to spread the trauma and try and get us all ready instead of last minute panic! Hope your hammy is okay now x (PS. I prefer pen and paper, I always do things there first and then transfer it so I can manipulate and search but I can't seem to do lists and organisation and such forth on anything but proper paper!)

Winnie said...

I sure hope you are feeling better! Glad you got some creating time in! I think it is great that you are prepping for a Christmas card class! I wish I had time to start on mine! So far behind on my end! Never heard of that powder, but now, I want to find me some to try! Enjoy the day! Winnie#84

Victoria said...

Good job you were able to craft away the day despite your pain. Hope you feel brighter soon! Have fun creating!

Heathers Inspiration said...

Ooh, hope you get no more pain from your injury. Maybe a nice massage would help and a couple of G&T's x
Have a Beautiful week - Heather #85

Laura said...

It's not just you... I'm doing Christmas stuff too
And what are you like?! Glad it's all good now x
Laura 89

Laura said...

or even 87!!

Morti said...

Coo-eee! Back again!

The House of Bears said...

Ouch, we hope you're all fixed now. Standing at the desk sounds rather tiring to us.

Dianne said...

Hello Julia, I'm back off holiday and able tp play, with all these good wishes for your leg it must be feeling better I hope so, I love your stickle holder now that is interesting, Christmas, oh boy I'm not ready:O).
Dianne #89

Unknown said...

Ouch, hope you are feeling better now. I'd hate to have to craft standing up, although it would be difficult as my desk isn't the right height for standing.

Monique said...

Good to hear you're feeling better. Love the mess on your desk. Couldn't help but notice how you keep thos little bottles of stickles upside down in the round carousel, that is an interesting way to use that, very clever.
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
xx Monique #94

Uniflame said...

I love the little paint bottles I see :) They look fun to work with :) Uniflame - 95

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I love a busy desk, and do not apologise for starting on Xmas stuff. I have 2 cards on the go at the moment - it is less than 4 months! Ali x #91

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Hope that leg is recovering nicely. Give it a chance and don't do too much on it too soon. If you get time (make time) while your leg is recuperating, watch Barbara's Classroom show from this month which you can find on Create and Craft. Most of it was taken up with teaching Nigel May how to use the Gelli plate, and how to recover prints when the ink has dried faster than expected. Just one tip, it dries very fast, so you need to have everything you need right there ready to do it. Have a go and you will be hooked. Every print you pull will be totally unique and unrepeatable. xx Maggie

Glenda said...

I haven't tried the WOW embossing powder yet! Might be my next adventure!

Kim said...

Julia - hope you are feeling much better. That sprinkles holder on your desk is great - is it designed for that or have you adapted? Enjoy your Christmas card making - you have reminded me to do some

Thanks for sharing
Kim (Daisy)

john-w said...

Hi, it's me again! A bit more awake now! Oh, Ouch, is all I can say. Hope leg continues to improve. Have an accident free WOYWW, and enjoy your crafting.
Now, where did I put that veneer ... Kind regards, John-W #35.

Sarah Leonard said...

Wow - this is just proof positive that cleaning etc is bad for you and should be avoided at all costs. At least, that's what I'm taking from this tale. Off to tell my other half that from now on there will be no cleaning and tidying!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Debs Willis said...

that sounds painful! Hope it's easing off now

I'm a huge fan of WOW powders, I was on the design team last year, and the powders are definitely better than the average - but I'm probably biased lol!

Debs #102

Unknown said...

It is time to start the Christmas cards! And so many goodies on your desk, oh my. I hope your leg heals soon. Happy WOYWW from southwest America!
Carol N #105 (same as last week - LOL!)

Naomi said...

Julia, it's my first time participating. I'm happy to be here. ~Naomi #106

Annmakes said...

oh yes, that thing I nag my family about "put it back where it belongs", yup, they don't, and I suffer the consequences. I hope you feel better very soon.

Kelly said...

So first word out of my mouth was Ow! Be careful young lady. We need you to crack the whip on a weekly basis ;-) And no flaming for Christmas card making here. I need that 'flame' under my arse to get mine done. I try to have them done and ready to mail by Nov. 15th... so they go out the day after Thanksgiving here in the states.

Take precious care, Miss Julia.
Creative Blessings! - Kelly

Deb said...

Love the WOW embossing powders too, they are fabulous! You can never start on Christmas too early! I have just made my first card this week!

CraftygasheadZo said...

O dear, lovely, I do hope you are okay? And can now sit without pain. I'm popping by anyway to say Hi, even though there's no desk from me - there isn't anything to see, well there is, but I can't share it yet! Take care Zo xx

Whimcees said...

Hello Dear Julia!

I hope that you are feeling better! It is good to see you working on your Christmas cards - I need to get started early this year! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Tera Callihan said...

Nothing wrong with getting a kick start on Christmas cards! Sorry your leg got hurt, butt at least you got some crafting done. Happy WOYWW
-Tera #111

Unknown said...

It is so much fun to hop around and see all the wonderful things that are going on in the art world. Thank you for hosting this site.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I'm sorry to hear you got hurt. That's not fun at all. I've had pains where it hurts to sit so I know how that standing thing goes. Our desks aren't built for it. I like your glitter glue lazy susan. And I promise not to give you grief over the Christmas cards. I'll just sit here and consider you mad quietly to myself.

Carol Anne said...

Time for me to get some scrapping done. Looking forward to reading what everyone is up to.

Kim said...

Glad your feeling better! And it's never too early for Christmas cards-I'm learning...time will start to fly by now!

Sarah said...

One persons chaos is another's idea of tidy!
Yes, the infamous ping...should be in every medical book. The big C was a discussion point here and soon the two for a tenner Quality Street will be running riot in the shops! Stay safe ... Sarah.

Unknown said...


Just added my first post...
Seemed to go ok NO.121

Robin said...

Hi Julia! Leg nerve pain...OUCH!!! Glad you are feeling better and Mr. let you "rest". And thank you for showing your desk so busy, looks great and I think it's time for Xmas cards. Some people, unlike me, start early. Have a great week! Hugs, Rasz

sandysewin said...

So sorry to hear about your tumble, but glad you are doing better.

Loved your observations in the previous post about buying too much stuff. So very true. :-)

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #12

Cazzy said...

I'm here Julia, not caught up with last week, or even started catching up but I wanted to join in. I must try some WOW, I keep seeing it!

Cazzy x

dix said...

Hello there! So happy to some one with a desk that's kinda messy! And I might need to try some of that "bloody hell good" embossing powder! :) Thanks for hosting us.

Leslie Hanna said...

OUCH! No more "ping"s, you hear me?!?!

Now that we have that settled, please tell me (and everyone else who's asked) where you got that contraption for holding your stickles. I might need one, or two, or them. *ahem*

Crafting Vicky said...

very sorry to read that you hurt yourself!

Love the crafty desk however ;o) Even if it's for Christmas cards lol



Marissa said...

I'm SO jealous of the natural light on your workdesk. It always looks SO lovely!
#130 :)

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm only a day late, but you'd think it was a week with as many entries as you have, Julia. Blessings!

Unknown said...

Hiya, How's it going?? I'm late in knocking about to visit everyone. TY for the kind words. For the record, as someone who suffers from chronic nerve pain in my lower back, (like I said in my post..I start to feel like a hyperchondriac) having a pinched nerve is no picnic. Now as a former nurse, if it's down your left leg, sounds like your sciatic nerve. Ice your back for like 20 minutes every few hours if you can. Take some pain reliever as well and try to rest for a few days if at all possible. It really bites when our body rebels, doesn't it!!! I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. We need our fearless leader!!! (((HUGS)))
Kimmie #1

Naomi said...

Happy to be here again! I love how our desks have all these yummy supplies that grow so much until we have very little work space. :)

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