Wednesday 7 August 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 218

Oh for heaven's sake, do you ever wish you could slow it all down a bit?  I cannot believe how fast it's going now..and I cannot keep up. 'It' - one day I will do a long and riveting blog post about 'it' and what  it actually is and means and does.  One day.  Meanwhile, spare a minute or two to contribute some down time will ya?  Show us all what you're currently working with and on, we neeeeeeed to know.  I mean. what if we haven't seen what you've got and we need it?  How will we know if you don't show us?
So, here's me setting absolutely no example at all.   The presence of cling film on the desk top can mean only one thing - I'm working on a workshop we've called 'grunge style'. Lawks.  We've stopped calling them Jul!a Holtz Workshops...people either didn't get it or were offended on TH's behalf.  Ah well, c'est la vie. My ubiquitous and now 13 year old heat gun. We're best friends.  Although I fear that it's actually noisier than me now.  A stack of badly labelled Distress Inks and a glass mat pushed back as far as other crap will allow so that I can sponge colour all over something.  Sounds all perfectly normal.  And it is. For me.  Darnell is a very inclusive embracing and accepting friend.  

And oh how I howled at the honesty herein.  I would so love to fly over and visit Darnell just to prove how my normal really is.  Come on people, show off your normal..there's instructions and blahdy blah in the side bar and my contact if you need help!


Unknown said...

I guess our desk are looking a lot alike today. Love that card sentiment, funny as heck. Happy crafting #1

voodoo vixen said...

LOL... that made me laugh out loud... nope, you ain't normal Mrs Dunnit!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've never thought of you as NORMAL. I have, on the other hand, thought of you as one of the nicest people on the internet. BTW, I also think your desk is even more messy than mine this week (grin). And thankfully, the link is working tonight/this morning.

Brenda B said...

Andrew just looked over my shoulder... "god, that's messy"!! I said I've seen it worse! Looks very busy and happily used to me, I really have seen it messier! Yeah, that ubiquitous "it", let me know what it is and how to deal with it when you find out.

Brenda 3

Brenda B said...

I doubt we're any of us normal, we wouldn't be here otherwise!

sandysewin said...

Normal is highly overrated, imo. :-) Your desk looks well-loved and very productive this week.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #9

Nan G said...

Yes we are of the same frame of mind Julia...time ! Who has 'it' and why won't they share?! Cling wrap now you've peeked my curiosity. What do you do with 'it'? A TH technique? Have a lovely day. Nan #8

Unknown said...

Yes Julia, please, slow it down! I was having a nice leisurely summer and then it all went haywire! Then I was sick last week and that did not help one bit. Oh, and how I love Tim Holtz! I've got to get to one of his expo's! Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh #11 as of right now...

Nikki said...

LOL LOVE THAT SENTIMENT I Know a few peeps that i could use that for :) hugs Nikki #7

Darnell said...

Wait. What? You mean normal compared to me, donchu? Yes, love, you're normal compared to me, but that's not altogether saying much for you, me being all the way out here in space! And anywizzle, isn't there a planet with your name on it called Clingon? Hmmm?Mwah! Darnell (so happy you're here early) #12

RosA said...

Hah! Now I don't feel so bad about the chaos I am displaying this week! I've been to a TH workshop and I wouldn't have thought that he would be upset by your aptly named grunge classes?
And yes, the biggest "problem" with snooping on others desks is that they are simply bound to have more stuff that I desperately NEED!
Thanks for dropping by the other day and for your kind comment re. that tree/snowflake canvas. Much appreciated.
RosA # 16

Create With Joy said...

What a hoot (the card!) Come check out my "normal" at #18!

Create With Joy

Krisha said...

What is this normal???? Am I missing something.....NOT!! LOVE your post this week, made me laugh out loud and that made the dog look at me a bit strangely.

trisha too said...

What would we do without our heat guns?

(Watch paint dry, I suppose!)

My old friend is the same as yours, except with maybe a little more paint splotches . . .

Happy woyww to you, Julia!
#17ish this round
with an atc and mail art

Sue from Oregon said...

Yes, we are scissor sisters...I showed some of my scissors this week too! Your desk looks a lot more fun than mine is this week!

Lynn McAuley said...

Your desk looks oh,so normal to me! I do see in the corner your wax paper. I read somewhere this week that I need to be using it with some of my frilly dies! Maybe you'll see mine on my desk next week!

HeARTworks said...

You are a laugh a minute Julia! Although sometimes you pretend to be a bit grumpy, you really are very lovable! :^) patsy

Unknown said...

Oh Julia I had to smile when I saw your desk, it looked sooo good lol. I love seeing craft desks being used the way they are meant too and not all prissy tidy!! Yes I think that the older we get we don't put up with a lot of bu@#$hit anymore, and see more of the 'real' things that matter :-). Happy WOYWW and have a great week.
Janene #21

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Just glad someone, somewhere thinks time is just gone before I can really grasp whats left to do.
OWYWW "Oh Wow You Were Wild" on that.
I would like some time to clear my desk and start over. Hope someone out there has accomplished that this week. Off to find out.

Monica said...

Perfect fun spot.
Monica 29

Claire Grantham said...

I thought my desk was messy this week, so happy to see yours messier than mine. Normal - please...what is that! Happy WOYWW. Cx #31

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I have come to the conclusion that "normal" to me is truly messy in the desk department, and probably everywhere else too. Most of us end up working in an A4 sized section of desk, and the is after operating the push back principle. Julia, take heart and know you are so normal in the crafting world. Enjoy it. xxx Maggie #10

VonnyK said...

The card is fabulous, I'm still laughing. To be normal would be so boring, give me a mess and a nutter any day. Is it even possible to be creative and normal at the same time?? It warms my heart to see a messy desk. I just wish , like you, that it would slow down so we have time to enjoy the creating more.
Have a fabulous week.
Von #33

My name is Cindy said...

Oh yeah so get that all pushed back so I can work right at the front in the smallest space imaginable scenario. And do let me know if you can slow 'it' down. I need help! Happy WOYWW Cindy

Jackie said...

You got me thinking when you said your heat gun is 13 years old.... Mine was one of my first crafting purchases..... Bet they don't even make it now!!!!!! I've been crafting about 22 years so mine must be old!!!!
Jackie 29

Spyder said...

I'm 'normal' thi week, I've managed to clear back a space and you can see green!....actually, on second thoughts, that's not normal, but who cares! Have a crafty week
Lyn, not walking dogs today so's not too far down the list or late!
((Lyn)) #38

Belinda Basson said...

Does the cling film live in your workroom together with the wax wrap? Do you have a kitchen set too? If so, this is dedication for you!

The Taming of the Glue said...

Normal is very overrated in my humble opinion. And I'm sure that your heat gun is much like yourself and improving with age!

Julie Lee said...

Normal? What's normal? And - hey - who wants to be normal? Have a great WOYWW! I know mine is not going to be normal - or maybe that is normal!!! Julie Ann xx

Andrea said...

LOL.. you did make me chuckle out loud ...I will never see a glue gun the same way again!...thanks goodness I'm the only one up at the minute HB and DD would think I've gone a bit odd from my usual grumpy self!...thanks for setting me up for a happy day ahead . I guess we are all our own kinda normal but that's what makes us special;-) the sentiment have a great week Andrea#42

sandra de said...

Ohhh Julia I have linked on twice!!! Please remove me at your leisure. I think I just get more and more daft every year. Love your card in the previous post and the current quote is a classic. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @46 but also sneeked in at 47

Uuna said...

Thank You for this very interesting challenge :-)
I can see that You are working :-D It is an important mark and good issue.
I'd like to be a fly on Your ceiling.

Helen said...

Normal is highly over-rated!! Great desk, Julia as always. Don't worry about badly labelled ink pads, i still haven't done mine... Have a fabulous week! Helen 6

shazsilverwolf said...

That quote could, and probably does, apply to most of us! I have a good one for all us crafters on my post today too- quotes must be this weeks in thing. Have a great week Julia, Hugs Shaz #48 xx

Neet said...

Love the sentiment from Darnell, especially good and wish I had seen sooner as it is t'other half's birthday today.
When I get home I will try to remember to do an informative post next week.
Neet 50 (never been so late and was actually up earlier but helping himself open his cards so I just remembered- doh)

fairy thoughts said...

time running away OMG it feels like Usain Bolt on speed here at the moment. Don't you just love weddings!
have a serene (snigger) week

Queen Lightwell said...

Oh, Julia, you do crack me up! :) And look at the fun you've obviously had making an inky mess...speaking of mess, you really must come see what a disaster I made of a craft room switch this last week. It's to die for! Well, it almost killed me anyways! lol :) Hugs dear and thanks, as always, for being such a wonderful fabulous hostess! :) Deeyll #51

Kim Ferguson (Paper Crafting) said...

Can't wait to see all that you are up to. Had fun checking out blogs last week. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Tuire Flemming said...

Ha ha... my normal today is an elephant on the table ;)

Kim Ferguson (Paper Crafting) said...

Delete, delete. So there was an auto fill and it put in last week's blog post the first time. Here's the newbie standing out. Sorry! The correct one should be there now.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I is normalz......
LLJ 58 xx

Annie said...

I cant wait just to see how normal you really are :-) wont be long now.
A x

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Your sort of normal is my sort of normal! We can all justify EVERYTHING that is on our desks. Ali x #61

Di said...

I'm gonna say this accusingly - you TOLD me you do untidy but not inky, painty messy. Mefinks you fibbed!

But the untidy is impressive - I just told Darnell that if we got burgled the miscreants would leave if they saw my craft room, thinking we'd already been done over :(

Playing hookey again this week - off out for the day with Hettie and ScrappyMo. It's a trial run for Monday :)

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

Uniflame said...

I love the piece with the butterflies on your desk :) The text about b-day's made me laugh :) Uniflame - 64

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Julia, your post made me smile. I thought I could pull off a morning grump with finesse - but I bow down before a grand master! Cheer up gal. "IT" might never happen and if it does there's probably bu**er all you can do about it! MMx

Silvia said...

How boring life would be if everyone was normal!!! I love the Birthday Text. Nice and honest and nothing chmoozy.
Silvia #66

Francesca said...

The sentiment is great just love it. and the desk well, just like mine. LOL Francesca #68

misteejay said...

Great sentiment Julia and as usual a lovely 'busy' desk.

Toni xx

Unknown said...

Yes indeed, I would love it to slow down too. Perhaps it is simply a characteristic of a creative soul, to pack so much in that we can't breathe!
Karen #70

Cardarian said...

He, he love the quote! Desk looks busy - I haven't done much - at 39 deg C your brain doesn't work very well so I will just comment probably! Thank you for the HB wishes to my daughter!
Lots of hugs,

Robyn Oliver said...

Looks like you work a bit like me Julia....there's usually more clutter on the desk and work space is's fun and oh so fabulous when you do have a clean up. Love your WOYWW idea. Cheers RobynO#52

Jana @ Treehouse Herbs said...

there has yet to be the normal definition of 'normal' ;)

Happy woyww! I'm back after vacation - how exciting :)
Jana #71

susibee said...

Your desk is perfectly normal in my world, that's for sure and you make a very good point about wanting what other people have when you visit their desks. I am trying not to buy any more stash until I have found the room to store the stuff I already have but my will power is zero LOL!
Have a great WOYWW. Susi #63

Twiglet said...

Great sentiment! I am like the cow's tail today - all behind! x Jo

ddazzled71 said...

Yep your desk looks totally normal to me, and I actually put in my post that my desk is back to normal this week too! I am loving the look of your butterfly card and am interested to hear or see what you get up to with the cling wrap. Happy WOYWW! Danie xx

Val-Belle said...

I have just found your blog via Belinda Basson and I think it is such fun.. I may just have to take part... Just taken a photo of my desk so will upload in a bit. :D love your desk.

Winnie said...

Your post had me chuckling! I wish I was over there, I would take one of our classes for sure. I love your humor, I loved the name! Your desk is full of my favorite things like Distress Inks! I like to think of it as an artful mess. Lord knows mine is like this often. Winnie#76

Karen said...

The sign of a busy crafter - a busy desk!!! Love all the goodies on there! Wonder what the cling film is going to be used for???? Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 79 x

john-w said...

Good morning Julia,

So I'm not the only one who thinks that time goes faster these days!

And, yes, one of these days I'll have a tidy desk ... honest!

Thanks for hosting 'Stamping Ground' - Fab. I've met so many encouraging art and craft people since joining - GR8 as they say in text land!

Hugs, John W #77

Jan said...

It looks like a productive work space Julia. xx Jan

Evalila said...

Normal is sooooo boring, isn´t it? It´s always so much fun to see what my messy mind comes up with next:) Happy WOYWW!!

Unknown said...

Slow down in general that will do me. Glad you explained the cling film I did wonder about that.

Late again today, only managed number 82, too much other stuff to get through first.

Lynda #82

Creative Cardiology said...

Ohhh, what is that on the ipad stand? I love butterflies! A closer look please...

The House of Bears said...

Normal? What's that? Well bears blogging are normal surely? It's nice to see your desk back to its usual, it scares us when it's too neat!

Glenda said...

I did get close to getting to play along this week! I actually changed out the lens in my camera to take the picture of my desk...Your post has made me smile this week. Most of us are South of Normal; that's why we craft! We are creative instead!

BJ said...

Just got round to joining in today. Been scrapping mad lately. Glad to hear you aren't normal either. BJ#85

toni said...

Hi Julia, I'm glad to be able to join in today, very busy with work in the run up to the end of term but bliss prevails for the next few weeks ! I'm intrigued by what you are going to use the cling film for ! hope there'll be pictorial evidence at some point. Have a lovely day x Toni #86

CraftygasheadZo said...

Yes it flies, but I still can't work out how come it goes faster the older you get?! Hmmm. Not impressed with that idea. Ha ha. Great desk though I wonder what you do with cling film, inky stuff no doubt! Right off to make a fuss of birthday boy Baxter! Take care Zo xx 72

Kyla said...

Normal?....You? Sorry...I think I have been transported into an alternative reality, one where Dr Who CAN be a woman (even though he cannot regenerate into a different gender) and my desk is tidy (desk of shame prize this week must surely go to me!!) :-)

Love the use of cling film for grunge and as usual your desk looks so 'creative' it!

Kyla #89

Bridget Larsen said...

I'm shocked that its August already, soon we will be making christmas cards. that is one huge packet of cling wrap you have there
Bridget #74

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

Your desk always looks so fun Julia! I just learned a technique using cling wrap - very cool!

J said...

Your desk always looks interesting!! luckily for me I have a few spaces to spread myself over.
So can you tell us what you are doing with cling film, probably better I don't know as I usually have to throw mine away half way through, I can never find the end.

Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

I blogged before I checked the posting...and I was my Normal! LOL! Thank you for being real! I LOVE the sentiment! Running to work, but I'll be back! And I don't run to work. It's a 40-minute drive. I'll be stuck in a bit of traffic.

Liz B said...

Happy Wednesday! Mess means creation! :)

Morti said...

Didn't manage to comment earlier but I'm here now!

Gradually getting the packing done - should have the keys on Friday and then it's all systems go!

I'll still come to crop though.... ;-D

Neesie said...

Normal!!! Nah I can't do that Julia ;D
It's very reassuring for me to be visiting your desk and all the gang. It feels like months since I've been able to. I've missed it so much.
What have I been doing?
Oh yeah re- positioning my desk 12,000 miles that's all. From one part of the planet to the other!
I'm off to google that!
Thanks for visiting me earlier :D
Neesie #71

Sandy said...

Thanks for the tip to see Tracy Fletcher Kings blog.. So many wonderful watercolours maybe after a few years I might get half that good.. I am having fun with it at the moment though.
Sandy :)#61

Cazzy said...

Happy WOYWW Julia!

Love your messy desk, I can't see the second photo though.
I made it to 100, I really like that, I don't know why!

Cazzy #100

Angela Toucan said...

have fun with the workshop, my wowyy this week isn't normal as it's still school holidays time.

Many blessings to you from Angela

Deb said...

loving all the work going on that desk, enjoy getting inky!

Tera Callihan said...

I like your butterfly card! and container of scissors, one can never have to many!!
-Tera #104

Heathers Inspiration said...

Great post, love the humour too.
Also wish the cupcake in - from your armchair would just pop off the screen into my hand - It looks so scrumptious x
Have a Beautiful week Heather #103

Annmakes said...

Oh gosh I laughed at that sentiment. And oh my time just whizzes by for sure, thx for putting up wit us and sharing our insanity!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Normal! What is that exactly? Actually your desk looks pretty normal - none of that tidiness and making lists this week, you look as though you've been having fun! Have a great week, Chris 113

Unknown said...

Coming in at #112 is the awesome, amazing, messy & well used studio of Carolyn, a Jersey Girl aka ~Cat from
As an online teacher I've had to make room for all of the lights and recording equipment needed to make my video workshops. I'm fortunate enough to have given birth to a baby boy who grew up to be a man with a degree in electronic film. So now I can work in the studio and have it recorded easy peasy...doncha just love having it all? LOL...this is my very first WOYWW so I'm totally excited to share what I'm using to teach Art of the Gelli on Art Demos Stop by and join my Ning group!

Lynn Holland said...

That is how I came to have a double sided tape gun after seeing your desk. In fact I am greedy as I have two.
Have a good week.

Christine said...

Better late than never.......... did pop in about 08.00hrs but just a quick peek, then off to Hospital with the old DH to check on his broken ankle .......... worth the wait for some good news!!
So after staring at your desk for some time, I have decided that next week I will also do the 'full monty' - nah! not that one! - and show the full desk, it's more to look at and also as you say - see what other's have that I want!!!
Happy WOYWW day (and the week now I have my laptop online..... always! Thank you BT)
Bishopsmate #117

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia- I've re-linked myself at Number 106- could you remove me from 48 when you get a spare minute or two? For some reason it was linking to an older post_ having a blonde moment, I think. Thanks, Hugs Shaz xx

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Julia happy WOYWW! Your desk looks so creative and interesting . . . And not the least bit normal :o)

Annie Claxton said...

Oho oops forgot to say Annie C #114

Sarah Keerie said...

My desk for today :) making stuff for a craft fair, not doing very well as I keep hopping around blogs!

Caro said...

Normal? What's Normal LOL! I'm back from my hols...hence the missing in action for two weeks. Love the post as usual. Thanks for hosting. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#112)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, just because I can't participate today doesn't mean I haven't read your post ... where else would I find so much to chuckle about :) I haven't pretended to be normal for many years now ... I my age abnormal (read eccentric) is about as good as it gets. Love Darnell too and I'd love to accompany you on your visit :)) Elizabeth x (boohoo, no number this week)

Belinda Basson said...

Thank you for your kind offer to get the fabric for me, I might just take you up on it. How exciting!

Robin said...

Great post Julia! You are so funny! Nice to see your desk covered, makes me feel a little better about mine, lol!!! Isn't Darnell funny! As for normal, if there was a definition my face would not be near at all! As for the name of your workshops, I think anything will offend someone these days...too sad for them, right! Thanks for the laughs and for making Wednesdays the best day ever! Hugs, Rasz

glitterandglue said...

Good evening, Julia. Sorry, didn't get the chance to comment when posting - breakfast called!!! Now the family have gone, and I have my space all to myself - oooohh!! Thanks for finding PC time to comment. Yes, although I will not have the opportunity to go with the teams to Uganda, I feel I get a great deal out of "working here to help there".
I will have a gander through the hunky-dory mag and let you know my thoughts!
I think your desk looks great - so energetic and busy - and you know what they all say "If you want something doing, ask a busy person". You must get asked a lot :)
"It"??? Hmm - elusive, and definitely indefinable at the mo - but maybe that's just 'cos I'm so busy that I keep missing it???
As to "normal" - well - I reckon normal is simply what comes our way - and being women of great strength, courage, resourcefulness (yes, you get the picture!) , well, we just get on with it. There's "it" again!
Have a great week.
Margaret #68

Tera Callihan said...

Thank you for your lovely comment, I cheated and omitted my super "untidy" parts for the day... This being my 2nd WOYWW and all, i'm not quite ready for Hoarders to be called n me yet... :D Though I REALLY am TRYING to keep things put away....not very successfully, but that's craft brain i think!
-Tera #104

Spyder said...

oohoo quick I'm going to be #100 in your comments! I moved back my stuff so I could have some room to draw the dogs I have to do for my other daughter in USA...but there wasn't enough room so I'm in the living room, on the table like i was last week...
and they will still be there tomorrow and the next day... as I have dogs to walk tomorrow...and the next day and then mother will have to do her shopping on Saturday and then..... oh life is so ... can't think of a word

Kezzy said...

Wow a gorgeous messy desk this week, lots of distress inks which I love, and it all is looking really nice. I love the card on the ipad holder, ooooo will we get to see a closer picture? I wish I lived nearer so I could take a class lol.
Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

Mary said...

Love your desk and yes, I too want to slow the time down, or speed me up, not sure which...Darnell, you are very funny. I love that saying. I just may have to borrow it. Wishing you a happy and nice and easy week.

Crafting Vicky said...

Well I don't know if your "it" is my "it" but it really does fly by... ;o) Loving your great creatively messy desk.



Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I started writing my post last night, and was going to finish it first time this morning. However, I was called in for meeting at school. Oh well, at least it's still Wednesday. Blessings!

Anna said...

It's been a busy summer without a lot of creating mid week, so my desk has usually been sitting all nice and clean on Wednesdays. Can't believe I've actually managed to keep it that way since the last deep cleaning.
I didn't even think about it being Wednesday until I had put all my stuff away...but at least I did have my journal still sitting on my desk, so I snapped a picture of my completed page.

Unknown said...

BAHAHAHA….. nuff' said. Happy Hump Day!!!! (((HUGS)))
Kimmie #4

Brenda "Disney Girl" said...

Hi There! This is my first time playing along! I am now following you thru Bloglovin.

sandra de said...

Hi Julia, to answer your question what to "spritz"? I ink the stamp then spritz the stamp until I get little drops on the stamp and press onto watercolour paper. I think that lets the spritzed TH distress inks spread well. Many techniques but this seems to work best for me.

April said...

Is that shabby shutters distress ink I spy on your beautifully messy desk? I've been looking for that color! LOL April #122

Lindsay Weirich said...

love the card sentiment, I must get that! Thanks for stopping by! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #95

JoZart Designs said...

We should have fifty shades of mess on WOYWW! Compared to my breakfast table, (shown this week), your desk looks a dump. Compared to my craft room desk your desk looks pristine. Which would you prefer? Pick one from two!
Jo x

sara j said...

I could have kissed you and Jan when I first read your comments reminding me we are a group of similar women. Sometimes life just gets in the way of my/our intentions and it seems life has been very busy for me of late. No complaints, although I might confess to be just a little tiny bit looking forward (which is not the same as rushing towards) cooler days and more art time. In the mean time I continue to appreciate the community that has built up around WOYWW!
I get Julia Holtz, just fine, but whatever....
Have a great week ahead.
Hugs, Sara

ria gall said...

Good Morning Julia
I get the feeling that you and your poor desk both need some down time. You could do with some time at a spa while the family do a great tidying job for you in your crafting space.
I love the card that you have been working on that I spy on your desk with some butterflies on it
Have and extra special WOYWW and week
Hugs Ria #138