My desk in dawn's early light. Well Ok, less lyrically, it was taken at about 7.30am on Tuesday morning. Lots of die cutting had been done in preparation for a grungy workshop this Thursday. It seems early to be die cutting, but it gives me the space to do other stuff in the 'real' daytime.

Same desk, some hours later...about 5pm Tuesday. Just random stuff, including a couple cereal type boxes to be cut up and made into something cardboardy. Beautiful postcard from Eliza and Yoda on the deckchair. The overflowing button jar is really starting to annoy me. But the alternative involves strips of fabric and a large crochet hook, so it could be a while.....otherwise, just random stuff to be seen. And not a hint of the Christmas card workshop I thought I may get around to preparing. Ah well, today's as good a day as yesterday! Oh and the Pizza? It was Di.
Show us your more fascinating work surfaces will ya? Join by linking here..instructions and explanations are to be found in the margin of this very blog. a WOYWW related post. Product pushing and posts that aren't WOYWW related or Wednesday dated are disregarded. Because there's so many real desks and interesting things to see.
Love the birdcages! Would be fab to take your class! I'll see if I can get a ticket on the next boat...maybe if I wash dishes?! :) Nan G OMG #1!!
It's amazing what a difference there is in the light with the time of day, eh? Sadly, my desk is on an inner wall and never gets sunlight. :(
Lots a fun creative thingies you've got going on!
Happy Woyww,
Sandy #3
Aha, I spy birdcages and birdies! Still one of my favourite TH dies... though I want the globe one too now! You should have lots of fun with them!
I see some bird and birdcage die cuts. Love them. I really wish I could take one of your classes. Happy crafting #7
Love the two-fer - and good to see that you could still have the doors and windows open early morning.
I like the look of all the die cutting, that one is a favourite of mine!
Glad you cleared up the pizza lover for us. Have a great day. Helen, 8
The bird and birdcage die is fun. My friend Kathy has it, and I've seen it on several desks before.
In the morning light I was able to see the tall privacy fence that changed your back yard so drastically. Really sad some have to fence their lives in like that.
Color me SHOCKED that Di was the pizza eater. I was sure it was you (grin). I know it would have been ME, too. Happy WOYWW from # 10 because I was off running around when you posted this.
Hi Julia!! Love the die cut bird cages!! Wish I was on the same continent as you so I could go!! LOL!!
Hi Julia! So happy when you post early. Then I don't feel all buried in the comments section! I like the two shots of your desk. I especially like the warmth the second photo captures. It makes everything happy. So the lesson I learn is that I must capture my mess later in the day in order to bring some happiness to the madness. My desk is buried in stuff today! Ok, so it's buried in stuff most days but can't a girl dream?
I have a bunch of cardboard I hoard, I mean save for that someday project. Don't sweat the buttons. I like seeing them.
Have a blessed day girlfriend!
Belinda (15)
Before I forget, loved your post yesterday, Julia! You are the vision of a lenient wife. Do you at least suggest that seeing as how the garage is now free of the massive doors ...? OTOH, you will always win the town prize for best conversation piece in the front room!!
I liked your dawn/dusk shots today. I like that you have grungy workshops. I am sorry, however, to see that the stapler succumbed sometime during the day. Please let us know the details on the services.
Have a delish week and THANK YOU, as wever! Wever? Darnell #16
Super busy as usual
Have a great week
Candace #14
wow! I was going to schedule my post for tomorrow and you have woyww already! Yipee, I get to be #20! Your desk looks as busy as mine, maybe busier!
Love the TH birds and birdcages! I know the class will love this project!
Looks like you accomplished a lot in the course of your Tuesday!
Oh I recognize that gorgeous postcard! I was fortunate enough to get one, too!
Nice twofer, Julia. My workspace is not nearly as fascinating as yours.
Blessed with 2 photos? You might be starting a new fad! Love all that you shared this week, Julia. Enjoy your WOYWW!
Create With Joy - 23?
Make a necklace with all those buttons it will help thin out the jar :) Lots of dies you've been cutting have a fun time at the workshop :) hugs Nikki 22
love the randomness and the change of Light!
thanks for the snoop- come visit and help we unblock!
Looks like you have had a very productive day, and a good workout with all that die cutting. Loving the morning light streaming into your space, its always such a glorious time of the day. Have a great week! Danie #17
All I can see is birdcages...I love birdcages..I am literally obsessed by them..I really want the ones from this site - - happy WOYWW. Cx #29
Double dipping today! No time to play along but wanted to come spy on you anyway-tis a habit you know! Have a good week!
Hope you're going to show us what you make with those bird cage die cuts in your workshop - it's my all time fave die. MMx #33 (with insomnia)
Ooh, I recognize those bird cages! That die is so great! Would love to know the outcome of that grunge workshop! Looks like you've had some Happy Mail too! Such an overflowing and abundant work space! Have a Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann #35
Ooh two for the price of one! Love that birdcage die. Mine is very under used. I should really do something about that. No actual work space from me today, but evidence that it has been in use fleetingly over the past week!
Hi Julia Happy WOYWW A very busy desk this week! How different the photos can look at different times. Good luck with your classes.
Have a happy week
Lynda B #38
lots of lovely stuff of your desk, buttons I have loads got my daughter sort mine into colours
frankiesue #40
Love the birdcages would love to see what they become.
happy woyww
I was thinking about doing something Christmas-y too, but didn't. I think it's just enough we actually thought about it! Have fun getting grungy! And have a great week.
Sara j #42
Birdcages, cereal boxes, all you need is some sticky back plastic and you can get a Blue Peter badge. I'll come round and sort out your buttons, I'm good at sorting .
Ann B
45(I think)
I did try get a shot of the giant plane in my hubby's it ever makes its way into our lounge... But it was buried at the back of beyond and only its massive wing tip could be seen. It is more like a hanger for small craft than a garage...a workshop is its real title as a car has never parked in it.
Interesting die cuts, and I love the view from your window. I'd never get anything done, I'd spend all day looking out into the garden, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #50xx
Happy WOYWW. You are certainly a Busy Bee - have you still got the horse in your living room? I am always saying that I need to either never sleep or have more hours in the day. Can never understand people who say they are bored! Ali x #48
two shots..lots of action as usual lucky us,die cut bird cages look ace and a 7:30am start that's dedication.I look forward to seeing what becomes of the cereal packs I've collected all sort of packaging/ materials that will be'useful!'and to date they have not evolved! day
...have geat week and thanks for being a fab host as always hugs Andrea x #38
The light looks entirely different in the two shots - amazing the difference a few hours can make ... and I like the 'dawn's early light'. It's like 'break of day' poetic and, well, romantic ... the reality here this morning is that break of day is wet and miserably overcast :)) Many thanks for your kind message earlier this week - it was much appreciated. Have a lovely day. Elizabeth x #47 (my YOB!)
An overflowing button jar ...... Mine has got to the same point as yours not sure what to do about it really a second button jar? Share your plans please it might help
Jackie 44
oos I blinked and went from #38 to #51 sorry Andrea X
Looks like two different desks - strange how the light plays tricks! x Jo
Good morning, Julia. Love the birdcage - will enjoy seeing what you do with it. Your two pictures make up for the fact there isn't one on my site - nothing to report - but couldn't miss out on the fun.
Have a great week.
Margaret #59
I'd love to see the finished birdcages never been able to be inspired by 'em!! I know what the cereal boxes are for!! Debs x
Looks like lots of things going on here, I do love both pictures, and hope we get to see the finished birdcages and cereal boxes, LOL love and hugs Avril #56
Busy desk! I've blogged mine too
Hi Julia
Good to see a productive desk this week have fun with the grunge at the workshop.
Your scissors in the pot are looking beautifully displayed are they all fiskars
Janet@31 ish
Doesn't the desk look better in bright light? Sunshine really does make us feel better doesn't it?....well it does me :-)
A x
in response to your comment on mine, (thank you) the roasting tray is a plastic meat dish that has my scrub it mat in for stamp cleaning. I keep it damp so I can wipe the stamps clean AS I USE THEM, Julia!!!!! have a good day.
I don't see there is anything stranger about die cutting early in the morning than sitting at a pc before breakfast saying hello to fellow deskers. But that's just me!! Hope the workshop goes well . I oved your previous post - I have an OH just like that bless him, I'm sure that if there was a rocking horse behind the sofa he wouldn't say a thing either. Happy WOYWW, Cindy x
I love all those cut outs. The cages could make some interesting paintings. I've got so many toys that I don't think hubby would let me get a cutting machine as well (sigh), I guess you can't have everything. If I get sick of looking at something I just shove it on the floor, you could try that with the buttons :)
Have a great week.
Von #62
Strips of fabric & a crochet hook???...I know I shouldn't ask - but.......
Toni xx
You definitely need a considerably bigger button jar! otherwise I fear for your wellbeing living under the threat of an avalanche.... ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 63 xx
hello, Julia, your die cut birdcages make me wish I had some kind of die cutter! I also enjoyed the picture of the pizza place party! I would love to meet some blog friends!
Good morning! That's one busy desk this week Mrs Dunnit. I was waylaid by your previous post with the beautiful wooden horse wow! Happy Wednesday.☺
Sue x (MiniOwner@65)
Loved seeing your desk in early morning and afternoon light and you can see that you have been busy! Thanks Julia for giving us the chance to visit all the wonderful desks around the world...I just love it! I don't get around all the desks and leave a comment but I do see the majority of them lol! So many love to come here each week and it is like visiting old friends :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #67
I think you just need to find a second jar and accept it :0) Life is too short. Like seeing the differences.
Glad I didn't photo my desk at 7.30am tues as it still looked like a bomb had hit it. Not so now, that I have had my grand clear up. I love the birdcage die, it has so may uses other than a birdcage. Great desk today. Francesca #68
Think you will need to upgrade the storage for the buttons.. Either that or make some amazing project and use heaps of them all at once.. Loved the twofer one offer on the desk view this week. I have one of those wonderful postcards on my desk from the wonderfully talented Eliza as well.
Sandy :)
Isn´t that amazing how spooky morning light looks? Interesting to compare both light situations.
Have a great day
Gabriele 49
I need to get my Cameo to cut me some birdcages. Birds are awesome!
Thank you for the twofer - just love value for money!
I love the idea of using cereal boxes to cut up, makes me wish even more I had a diecutting machine......... I could cut lots of those twirly bits out of the boxes and paint them wonderful colours ..........
sorry! digressing there..... I think I will re-arrange my desk so that there is more room than just a square - I rather like your large work area, no matter what time of day.
Bishopsmate #73
Hi Julia....great to see that I am not the only one that likes to use real daylight for the more important stuff,of our hobby....sounds like you are going to be doing a lot of teaching,enjoy...I also save my cereal boxes...the question is when do we have enough re-cycling and when do we start tossing out? help i have 3 large boxes of boxes to repurpose!!
love Zeffy#76
always a busy ms dunnit!
your desk changes a lot more in a day than mine - i'm a v-e-r-y slow worker...
glad to be back :)
no. 43 (I think)
Your workshop looks like it will be amazing - the birdcages look fab in corrugated card.
We get through cereal boxes at am alarming rate of knots but they always go in the bin! Perhaps I ought to have a rethink LoL!
Have a great day. Susi #66
it's 3am and I remembered the cat was not fed and so I posted my blog. Will visit later.
Your grass is looking so healthy, as always your desk is very busy indeed both as a working desk and a storage facility lol
Bridget #75
Love the bird cages. Not got that die yet. Love to see your finished pieces.
Julia I'm sorry I made a real mess of uploading and have put up three links and only the last one works.
Hi Julia
well I don't know where my head is today but I have been on an old WOYWW post of yours busy commenting on peoples blogs only to be getting it all wrong as I couldn't find their right blog for today.
Never mind I think I am back on track now so I will start again.
Great desk by the way
Have and extra special WOYWW and week
Hugs Ria #87
Fun desk photos! Would be great to have a day with you and all the fun things you'll be doing. Love the die cuts and would be fun to see the finished designs. Thanks for hosting again Julia, Happy WOYWW enjoy Thursday. #83 this week.
Lovely crafty desk Julia and yuss!! I so know what mean about things starting to annoy you have lots of those - put them further away is one solution :D
.. happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #90
How fun, I used my bird cage this week on my monthly tag to house my owl! I also spot trusty and faithful distress ink there! I love the picture you shared, and I guessed wrong! Glad you had a fab time! Enjoy the week! Winnie#91
Great photos Julia. I keep humming and ahhhing about a birdcage die!!! Probably get one and find they are completely out of fashion :-) usually the way I do it!!!! Happy WOYWW Anne x #92
Nice busy desk as always, Julia. Birdcages are fun, aren't they! Thanks for hosting us yet again.
Shoshi #94
Busy desk as always. I love how the light is different at different times of day. Those windows are so very special!
Always love your fun desk. Despite my best efforts today to get out of the 80's for once, I did but the wrong way:(
Lynda #96
Hi Julia,
I'm afraid that I wasn't up very early this morning - not feeling very well, so no pictures this week.
Thanks for hosting stamping ground, I can still enjoy seeing what everyone else has been up to this week, even if I'm not doing much at the moment.
Kind regards,
John-W #97
Hi Julia! Love the birdcages and the birds! It's a beautiful die and is on my Wish List (what isn't!). Is there a surprise in the wrapping paper too? Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 98 x
Hi Julia there is something satisfying about getting together all the little piles of stuff ready to package together for a class. Have fun tomorrow. Happy WOYWW from Helen 71 x
Another cereal box hoarder - yippee! Can't bear to waste the card :-)
Happy woyww
Debs #98
love all the die-cuts - have a great workshop. must remember to save cereal boxes, so many uses x
Have a great week Heather #99
Interesting o see your desk at different times of the day. It always intrigues me. BTW, I love the buttons jar but I do understand what you mean.
Love the die cuts and your desk is incredible! Wish mine were as large and I could have all my tools right in front of me! Happy WOYWW!
Suzy 101
I like the two different shots through the day. Shows your productivity. Ha!
I love the busyness of your desk. All those die cuts... wow! Also enjoyed reading back and seeing your horse behind your chair and a pic of you with friends! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #105
One long comment - gone, poof, at the press of a wrong key :(
As I was sayin' - of course it was me who had the pizza, I always obey the rools when a place says it's a pizza joint - besides which I adore pizza anytime of the day!
Playing hookey here, sorry. Had to empty a mahoosive water butt as garden work is going on - bucket by bucket.
And as for the button jar - did I not spy you sidle up to a button display when we were in Marlborough last week then? Huh, huh?
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, Di xx
Love seeing those bird cages and are those punched stars on the notebook? Such fun!
Busy lady:) Some days I just love to make die cuts.I like the am / pm shots. Progress
So many lovely things going on. I'm sure you will get around to it all eventually. I'd have knocked that gorgeous button jar on the floor several times by now!
Julia I am cracking up that your UFO's give you hateful stares!! Funny you noticed that ribbon yarn--that's my attempt, once again, at crochet and trying not to make everything a circle. I am trying so hard! Because I'm knitting that tank top, and it's going quite well, so after I sew the back and front together, I want to crochet a cute trim around the bottom with some sequin yarn. Am I creative or what! Hugs sweetie. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #9
I love all the dies cuts I see on your way too organized space. I can feel your pain though, I'm about to start cutting for my October class, It's a Christmas card with way too many dies...what was I thinking? See you next on your Thursday crop.
Busy desk, I am into die cutting at the moment. x
Hello, Julia! You had a productive day, getting your die cutting done and sorted and moving into other things. Hope your workshop goes well. Maybe you need to make a Christmas card with a tree made of buttons on the front? That might get your lid to close. Heavy for mailing, but perfect for someone you might see in person. :) ~ Happy WOYWW from Laura the Bookworm #116
love your die cuts, can't wait to see what they become!
Debxx #18
It's looks like you accomplished a lot! Me, not so much! LOL
I like the two-fer! And yes! I'm joining today. I think it is too early to start thinking Christmas cards really, so you are forgiven. I hope we get to see what you making for the grungy workshop. I'll stay tuned!
Gorgeous birdcages.........we used these (and the birds) at a weekend retreat I've just been on - made up resin paper first using Ice Resin and then die cut - beautiful. So glad to see your desk resembles mine!!! You sure sound a busy lady.
Karen x #117
thanks for the twofer...lots going on for you.
...who is Yoda? that was my husbands nic-name in his office , when he was in the USAF many years ago now.
Nice having your desk next to your window! I to have mine next to the window! I love it! It's relaxing!!! : )
Happy WOYWW Julia! Why does your desk always look so pretty and organized? I even love the overflowing button jar. I had to put my buttons into 2 jars after separating them into styles I forget now.
So glad to have made it in this week and off to visit others! Hugs, Rasz
Loving the twofer! I really like the look of your spiral bound book...very pretty. The birdcages and birds look great...wish I lived nearer and could take your class! thanks for hosting again. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#87)
Happy WOYWW! I just love that TH bird cage die! I need to use mine more! (maybe i'll break it out later!)
-Tera #124
Hi Julia,
What a difference in the lighting. I can understand why you'd want to do the die cutting when you did! get te most out of your sunshine.
I'm not joining in this week but thought I'd stop by, just the same.
It looks like you keep things moving on that desk, how productive you are! I just keep things moving without actually accomplishing anything it seems! lol :) Thank you so much for hostessing us snoops...I am running rather late in linking this week, huh? I got super tired rather early last night/@1:30 a.m. and hit the hay instead of prepping and posting. But here I am rarin' to go and really admiring your desk today and that postcard from Eliza and Yoda. Aren't they such dears? :) Just like you! Hugs and thanks! :)
~Deeyll #126
Love the twofer! What with you and your cereal boxes and me who has been waiting for the inner packet (finally got it today) you'd think we never spent anything on real supplies-he! he! BTW why not just buy a bigger button jar (or two)!!!! Chris 128
I'm linking up some illustrations from my Irish desk this week - creating on holiday :)
Thanks for hosting!
Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity
Hello, Want to send big thanks out to you.. I posted your botton after many a try.. Im slow on my f.b. and a few people are really interested I so hope they come. Well my eyes are crossing and I just got to get some sleep. Thank you again. Roberta 26
You've been busy Ms Julia! Love all the stuff. Creative Blessings! Kelly #131
Phew, just made a Wednesday post by the skin of my teeth. Thought it was tomorrow, oh to the Summer Days all mingling into one.
I so wish I was nearer and coming on the grunge workshop as those die-cutting looks fab. Ok I am completely intrigued, buttons, fabric and crochet hook!!!!! Nope I still not sure what you will be doing but I am well interested as I have too many buttons, but I still wish I could rummage through yours and put them in colour order, how sad am I lol.
Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx
Sorry im late doing the linky thing . I did my post early this morning tho . so if you havent, come by and check out my new shelves !
Happy WOYWW Julia!
You could always get a second button jar!
Lovely things on your desk at different times, I am very busy re-organising mine, but have so much to do.
Cazzy x
wow I'm really impressed that you are already die cutting at 7h30! awesome stuff going on!
I've been meaning to post on here for a while now, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I look at this site every Wednesday. And FINALLY I made a post!
Looove your overflowing button jar! the same way I love my TWO boxes of buttons! Ha ha! You never know what we can come up with, but first we have to get to work!!!! :^) patsy
I love to look at this kind of creative "chaos". So much to see and to think what will probably be the next plant. Have a nice week :)
and greetings from Erika no. 76
Hiya, How was your Grungy workshop?? I didn't post this week, I have not been feeling very well the last 2 wks or so, so I haven't gotten much of anything done. I didn't even make many rounds last week. But I am visiting this week. I so enjoy woyww that I feel neglectful for not posting or visiting. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. I'll definitely post next time. (((HUGS)))
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