Tuesday 6 August 2013

From the armchair...

I have this lovely photo of a lovely mug of tea and a lovely jammy dodger cupcake.  The jammy dodger is a biscuit - a teeny home made version here of course..and a big blob of jam is also hiding in the cake itself.  Very clever and very lovely.  A friend of Miss Dunnit's went to the trouble of making her a dozen as a birthday gift last month.  So no..not an actual current photo, but taken specifically for joining in with Elizabeth's T is for Tuesday. And then entirely forgotten.  How does that happen?

The view from my armchair is not exactly riveting from this angle, huh.  The first thing I see are the ugly wires behind the boxes that we apparently have to service the TV.  Hate that.  I miss having a TV small enough to fit in the cupboard. On the other hand, that cupboard is now doing a good service as a linens cupboard in my bedroom...you can't have it all.  You can also see at left a long piece of wooden veneer.  It's an oak veneer actually and was waiting to have 'special' double sided tape applied to it so that it can in turn be applied around a convex surface.  'Special' tape to us crafters is acid free.  To himself, it's a foam tape with an adhesive that'll rip your skin off if you let it.  Ugh. Sticky.  The veneer is being stored in my lounge room because it's been stored, measured and cut in the workshop and now needs to acclimatise before going to the customer's home.  I hate this bit..the potential for spoiling it is huge..tripping, spilling, bashing...there are other places in the house that would be less potentially hazardous and therefore more suitable...but things come into the lounge room and then *pouf* they're forgotten.  How does that happen?
Ah well, it's what gives our home character isn't it.  I tell myself this often, as I dust the semi carved 3ft high wooden horse that's destined to go on a rocker.  After all, it's standing  behind my armchair.  


Annie said...

Love the look of that cup cake...if only I could.....
Hope your day goes well.
Annie x

misteejay said...

Oh that cake looks yummy.

Enjoy your cuppa.

Toni xx

French Nanny said...

But whose is that leg...?

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh dear..I am drooling.How nice a cup cake and cup of tea!!

Redanne said...

Ah yes, know all about ugly wires..... but love the look of the cupcake and cuppa though. I didn't even spot the leg until I read Pearly Queen's comment....... too busy oggling the cupcake!

Bridget Larsen said...

What ugly wires? I can only see food and tea that is making me drool lol
Bridget #6

voodoo vixen said...

What wires? What mug? I only see the most fabulous cake... LOL, could just down one of those right now... :)
I am so glad things becoming invisible if they sit long enough is not just me... then you have visitors coming and you look with new eyes and hurriedly clear it all away!

Silvia said...

I am lost in the cakeyness of that cake!!! Yammy Dodgers as well......mmmmm

dawn said...

Hello, I'm visiting from Elizabeth's. Thank you for the chuckle this morning and for making me hungry. I too have ugly wires that show, drives me crazy. I like that you took this angle for the picture. Oh and whose leg is that, are they trying to sneak into your picture, lol.
Happy Tuesday!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Forget the cake. Forget the wires. Forget the wonderful strip of real oak veneer. Forget the cup of tea. I WANT TO SEE THE ROCKING HORSE, even if it isn't yet complete!!!! You are such a tease.

Spyder said...

Of course that cup cake is really as big as it looks, and you're just saying the jammy dodder is a little one, aren;t you! Yummy!...I'll have to go have another biscuit now. ((Lyn))Happy T Time!

Francesca said...

All I see see the Cupcake, and I'm drooling, LOL. xxx

DAWN said...

Well hello!! I love to click on a new page and see food, especially sweet treats, waiting for me. That is lovely!
As for the "riveting angle" of the photo, that cracks me up and makes me happy because that is real life, honey and we all live there I'm happy to say ;-)
Happy T day

Anonymous said...

what a lovely gift, wow, now thats a gift from the heart for the belly!!Beautiful treat, wires are a part of life, like the wrinkles in our face, they are unavoidable, looks fine to me, we can't have TV without them!

Halle said...

Your cake is making me hungry!! I've heard jammy dodger before I think in the animated movie "Flushed Away" but didn't know what it was. Thanks for the explanation. :)
Happy Tuesday!

~*~Patty S said...

Dazzled by your yummy looking and sounding cupcake!
Hope you have a Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said...

my eye is drawn straight to that blue mug. what a lovely color! i didn't even notice the background until i read the post lol

Craftymoose Crafts said...

All I see in this post is that fabulously delicious-looking cake! What a nice friend you have!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

It all looks yummy and relaxing and I love your view!

Krisha said...

Dropping by for "T" with my coffee LOL I know you are now into Wednesday and getting us all ready for WOYWW. Love you homey lounge view, I could definitely be cozy comfy sitting there.

Helen said...

yum!! Cream cakes.... and jammy dodgers!!
The partly carved rocker is a stunner, I would have loved a go on it... lol!

Marianne said...

hmmmm....the Jammy Dodger looks yummy.
and the rest of the photo is a refreshing real life shot. I am wondering about that leg.

Neet said...

I just see a scrumptious cake with a jammy dodger - oh and a leg!
Hugs Neet xx

okienurse said...

What an awesome name for a cookie...jammy dodger...wonder why? and then to back it into a cupcake...heaven! Went to see what Elizabeth was up to and found the T-T post and decided to join in! Lots of fun with you broads! Is that the right term?

Nan G said...

Yummy looking cupcake and bis unit! Ah yes, looks like home to me. :)

Denise Price said...

Happy T Tuesday! Oh, that Jammy Dodger cupcake looks great. So much sugar, all in one place. :)

Jammy Dodgers always make me smile, because my husband has a silly card game that can be won by playing a Jammy Dodger card. :)

Dianne said...

love your yummy cuppa and cupcake! and so glad I am not the only one with things in my rooms that don't necessarily 'belong!' Like when my son-in-law was concerned when he saw a paintbrushes stuck in the toothbrush holder in the bathroom...well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Erika said...

It Looks so cozy and sweet! I am sure, I'm sure you've enjoyed it :)

roffeycreations said...

That cupcake looks delish - Just a flying visit for T for Tuesday - late but happy to see everyone this week... Cheers Mxx #23

Cazzy said...

Those cupcakes are great and look incredibly fattening!

Great news Julia, the comments problem is fixed, I just needed to change the template! I wish someone had told me a long time ago.

Now the blog looks weird, I have been tweaking it, not sure if it in the final state yet.

Carol x