Wednesday 14 August 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 219

I take your point ..this is not the ideal, short post that is needed for WOYWW....but it's OK, you can skim it! Oh and..I fixed the bad link to Sue Kment's blog...see my GIIGU post if you're at all interested!
This photo taken at about 6pm BST on Tuesday.  I was in a bit of a quandry over it actually. I always take about 5 pictures (thank you, digi photog..), so - should I show the overhead shot that I took, which involved a little extra work - stretching my arm to it's full chubby extent and making sure the wrist strap of the camera didn't appear in shot whilst simultaneously standing with my behind protruding at an odd angle so as,ironically, to remove my boobs from the shot....or do I just show the messy bits as well.

I did the 'photo stance' and decided after that effort to be honest after all.  You see an overflowing button jar.  A cello bag corraling my sponge collection and the basket it's standing in is filled with acrylic blocks, a handful of dirty stamps, my notebook and quite possibly some real treasure.  It's so long since I went through it. You can see that the ipad has been relegated to under the diary which is under the flowery scrapbook paper. Because the iPad's deckchair is filled with card samples and partial pieces that I'm not ready to throw away...they may make it onto a card, see.  They may.  Or I may get sick of the sight of them and chuck 'em away after moving them about for a couple of weeks.  Yep. WEEKS.  I'm currently working on a Maze mini for a workshop extravaganza at Japonica, which is the pretty papers you see in concertina fashion.  By supper time today, I hope this will be a finished sample, trapped in an envelope and in the hands of the Royal Mail. We'll see. Because today is also a 'Meet WOYWWers day'.  Me, Jan and Di are off to meet Wipso.  Safety in numbers!  One or other of us will report back, I've no doubt....and I regret already that there are bound to be photos.  Brace yourselves.
Come on then, whilst we're out gadding, show us what you're working on and where you do it.  How to and some sort of justification for this can be found on separate pages accessed through links in the margin of this blog.  Thank you.  Enjoy.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You hit the nail on the head on that overhead shot concept. You don't know how many times I have included my camera strap in the shot and had to redo it.

Happy WOYWW from number ONE!!!

Brenda B said...

"Me, Jan and Di are off to meet" has an awfully familiar ring about it! I'm glad you kept your boobs out of the picture, I struggle with that too, lol!

Brenda 5 or so this week.

voodoo vixen said...

Love that shot... also have camera strap problems with my phone... well, dangly bits, not a strap... IYKWIM!!
Maze book... those things are such fun to make... you just reminded me... haven't made one in ages! :)

Deb said...

ooooh, your mini looks interesting, hope you took a finished pic! have fun meeting the woywwers, I do hope there are pics!

calej said...

So exciting my first time to join WOYWW! :)

Nan G said...

LOL boobs on WOYWW! Well maybe not :( I do not struggle in that department :(( But did chuckle at the thought of your stance. Never mind what's on the desk I'm still chuckling! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #4

Roudi said...

Oh Julia you just crack me up. Glad your boobs are out of the frame! lol I'm up early today because I've got some fantastic news to share one piece being my one year of WOYWWing today! P.S. You never sent me that WOYWW badge and I'm so mad at you! Jk Hugs. xx

famfa said...

I know what you mean abut keeping body parts out of the photo and standing on chairs and awkward angles. The things we do to get that perfect pichure. Love the papers
Famfa 7 x

Bridget Larsen said...

I love this shot better than the overhead one, I always feel like I am hanging from the ceiling hahahhaaha. This one makes me feel like I am standing right there sticky beaking with my invisibility cloak on hee hee

Bridget #15

Eliza said...

Hi Julia,

Your desk is look lovely and tidy this week. Hope you have fun meeting up with Wipso, how exciting, make sure those photos are taken.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 14

Helen said...

Love the shot you decided on, probably by far the safest option... am so envious of you all getting to meet Wipso - I do hope someone reports back.. have a fabulous time. Helen, 21

Daniella said...

You are so funny Julia! Your colorful description of photography had me literally laughing out loud!!
You are so awesome!!

505whimsygirl said...

Oh Julia. I want to see a photo of YOU taking a photo!!! Tee hee.

Your desk looks great to me. I'm slowly getting my art supplies in order as I hid them all over (including a storage unit) when I was trying to sell the condo. Since it's no longer on the market I want to get everything out where I can see what I have. That way I'll use it!

I wish I could join you to meet some other WOYWWers. I so loved it when I met Di!

Kay (23)

Darnell said...

Great shot of the desk and I think you're lookin' good, Julia, boobs and all! There is real desk showing in several places! The concertina card bears more posting I think. I'm quite green, again, that you girls get to meet up and this time get to meet Whipso! I'm sure it was super fun!

Thank you, Miss J, as ever!! Have a wonderful week! xxoo Darnell #19

Darnell said...

Oops, Wipso, sorry.

Monica said...

At last an advantage to a small chest.

Love the desk and idea of activity it suggests

trisha too said...

Julia, one of my favorite things is mini books--show us when you finish, okay?


RosA said...

Yes, do show the finished mini book, please. I nearly always stand on a (rickety old) chair to take my desk photos. Are you going to start a second button jar?
RosA # 29

Mary said...

I do believe we are twins. Between boobs and camera straps, I am quite a picture of style and grace. Today I had to stand on a chair to get all the dies I cut into one photo. Not a pretty sight! Project will be shown in late Sept. anyway, wish I could be a fly on the wall when you gals get together. Looking forward to the photos. I'll show my desk in the morning...I worked too hard to take even one photo...

VonnyK said...

I'm just jealous cos I haven't got big boobs to get into a shot. Still laughing at the thought of the contortion you were doing to get the photo and then you didn't use it!
Looking forward to seeing the photos of you guys together. I bet there's a lot of cake and chatter. Have a terrific time.
Von #13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Funny...totally got the picture even though you didn't post it. Amazing what we do for this WOYWW adventure. Oh how fun to meet Wipso, enjoy and please do share the pictures. Always great sunlight. Happy WOYWW.

Lynn McAuley said...

I've attempted that same camera stance myself, Julia! The things we do for blogdom!

It looks like your Maze mini will be perfect for an extravaganza! What a magnificent project!

I look forward to the photos of your desk hopper meet and greet!

Happy WOYWW!

Lynn #30

Claire Grantham said...

Julia, part of the reason I join WOYWW is because as crafters we all do the same crazy stuff..hoard bits of beautiful paper for weeks and months, until another more beautiful thing comes along..Hope the gadding around was fun - you do not hear the word 'gadding' in the US!! Cx #35

Unknown said...

I've had to erase several over head shot because of the strap. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that problem. Happy crafting #2

Sue from Oregon said...

I can't wait to here how it went with the WOYW?W girlie tell us how it went next week. I love reading the comments and learning your wonderful terminology...I can pretty much guess that sticky beaking is gawking LOL! Too funny!!!

Unknown said...

Have a fabulous meeting, and I love your Workdesk, today will be my 2nd time in, and really enjoyed, visiting and being visited in return, just waiting on my Hubby getting up for work to take the picture, LOL xxxx

Julie Lee said...

Your desk looks intriguing! I hope that ;Maze Mini' finds its way safely into the hands of the Royal Mail! Have a great day with Wipso! And - yes - would love to see the pictures! Julie Ann xx

Kyla said...

So pleased you chose this shot! I know the feeling about moving scraps of paper around....and finally deciding to chuck them if you haven't used them.....its how we all get into the mess that ends up with some paper and a stamp and ends up with Rooms of Shame on here!

Hope the girls day out is a corker, have fun.
Kyla #37

Dawn said...

Your posts do make me laugh :) Love to see your busy active desk too and those are very pretty papers. Thanks for hosting another WOYWW!

Dawn #42

shazsilverwolf said...

The times Ive nearly put my back out, leaning backwards to get far enough away for the piccie not to be blurred. Even with macro it doesn't like me to get too up close & personal. Can just picture you know! lol. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Julia, a busy desk and yes I can relate to the pile of semi completed bits that might make it to a card...I've been crazy looking at a piece of pink I embossing and sanded thinking it'd just happen....but it hasn't I'm'll be thre next week :-) Have fun with Jan and Di Cheers RobynO #48

Hettie said...

Great desk shot there and without any body parts in there too so bonus. Feel like I have not been on here for an age.
Look after my buddies today please and give them all a hug from me!
Love that book, the papers are gorgeous. Must make one of these!

Debbie Frost said...

Looking forward to seeing you at japonica in a few weeks. Love the project! Debs x

Unknown said...

Lovely papers and mini book you are working on. Have a great time gadding!
Karen #54

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Great desk shot - and you will be really proud of my very short post this week. Enjoy your 'Meet Up'. Ali x #56

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs.D said...

What a super busy happening desk! The photo is fine. That nice maze mini looks as if it is going to be something very special when it is finished. And the UFOs on the easel look very interesting. Maybe we will see some of them finished sometime.
Have a lovely day out, and of course there must be photos, boobs and
Chris #51

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You could get an Arts Council Prize for that desk...a bit like Tracey Emin's Unmade Bed..... ;-)
See yous later!
LLJ 60 xx

The Taming of the Glue said...

I always love your desk, loads going on. I struggle with taking photos but not on account of my boobs....more my lack of height for the overhead ones!! Hugs. Pam#33

Francesca said...

At least you have a workable desk, mine is awful at the mo, but roll on next week. Francesca #62

Twiglet said...

Have fun with my little sis today - if she gets cheeky just give her a smack - that usually sorts her out! lol x Jo

john-w said...

Hi Julia,

A very quick post today! Off to see our daughter for her birthday - perhaps will get a chance to comment better on your WOYWW blog and others later in the day.
Kind regards,

john-w said...

Oops, sorry, forgot my number - try john-w #67

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, enjoyed the thought process you struggled through as much as seeing the shot decided on ... stood on a chair for mine this week.

So envious of you all off to have what is bound to be a great get-together ... I'm not bitter, not at all, because, as you say, there's bound to be photos. You'll miss my presence but I'm sure you will do your best to have a good time anyway :))

Hugs, Elizabeth xx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia hope you had a good day it is lovely to meet fellow WOYWWers. Don't worry about the mess it will be there when you get back

glitterandglue said...

Have a great day out - enjoy - and please have a cream cake for me!!
Liked the description of how to take a photo - do much the same myself, except rather than go upwards, I'm usually the one grovelling on the floor to get a good angle.
Have a good week.
Margaret #69

Tertia said...

I am going to throw this phone at something!!! This is the 3rd try to comment. All electronic equipment was stolen on Sunday, hence the phone being used.

misteejay said...

Boobs...straps...this hints of "50 Shades" LOL

Those papers near your glasses are lovely - you must show us the maze book when it is finished.

Toni xx

Jackie said...

The Taking of photos is never easy Once upon a time I always used to get a finger in my photos before we had digi cameras!..... We have lots of family pictures that have my finger in them.
Enjoy your trip out to meet wispo, meeting up with crafty friends is always good.
Jackie 32

Jan said...

Wow what a great WOYWW xx Jan (74)

Kate said...

Have a lovely meet up. I bet Wipso is just a lovely in real life as she is on her blog!!


Anne said...

Great shot of your desk anyway. Feel like I ought to have a try at a 'better' shot of mine now :-) mind you better not - would fall and break my neck if I stood on chairs. Happy WOYWW Anne x #76

Karen said...

Love the zig zag paper! So cute. Hope you have a great day out. Still no sign of the glue sadly. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 79 x

Christine said...

Off gadding!!??!!
It's a week day you know, ah! just remembered - half day closing!!! Enjoy the meet up, don't forget the cream cakes, at least a scone (or two).

BTW looking forward to seeing the finished mini.
Bishopsmate #78

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Julia - looks like it's time to press another button jar in to service! Bet you thought you'd never fill it when you first got it! MMx

Joanne said...

A lot more tidy than usual but just as busy I note. I thought I spied tea lights in a clear plastic box but then realised they are probably brilliance inks or similar.

Cardarian said...

Oh I had a bit of a laugh reading about the struggle with taking a picture! Eh what can you do??? Big boobs are a bit of problem! He, he I have belly that gets in the way too! :-) I hope you girls have a lovely day - Give my love to Wipso! I hope you all will soon be coming to visit me!!! Have a safe journey!
Lots of hugs,

akilli melek said...

oh i would love to meet up with WOYWWers, maybe some day when i am brave enough to travel with Toots. I think I beat you in the shufflethon...I can keep moving bits of paper for months LOL.
Have a great week,
caroline (not playing this week,just reading)

Winnie said...

The hardest thing about blogging for me is getting the pictures! I take the ones on Weds. of my mess (I mean desk) and the hubby takes my card pics as he gets better pictures. Your stance works great as the pics are great. I really love your button jar (it sure is overfowing there!). Enjoy your meet and greet, it sounds like a blast! Looking forward to seeing a pic (love to put a face tot he desk!) Winnie#85

Shoshi said...

Great shot, Julia, but I think you should have left the boobs in.

Thanks for hosting another WOYWW and allowing us all to have so much fun mid-week.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #87

Unknown said...

How exciting to be meeting other WOYWWers, look forward to the photo's of the meet up.

Lynda #89

BJ said...

Oh I hope you remember to take a photo of the finished mini book, and thanks for sorting the link I best go have another butchers. My post is all photos today hope it isn't too long - oops. BJ#90

Karin said...

Have fun at your meeting today. Love everything about your desk.
Happy Wednesday
Karin #92

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...

love mini books !! excited to see when you finish ...

have a great day thank you for hosting

claire x

The House of Bears said...

Whenever we try arty shots we end up with furry shadows over half the desk!

Sharon said...

such a lot of stuff but looks organised

Glenda said...

Love your desk this week! I didn't get to play again, but I am a huge supporter! Just having back problems! How lucky to get to lunch with fellow WOYWW'ers~!

Gráinne said...

Hi Julia, oh how I can relate with those thoughts of throwing something away or keep it (usually in the way) for weeks to do ... erm, whatever LOL Love your desk, so many many details to discover. Enjoy your meeting with the other girls, have a blast. Happy WOYWW, Suzanne

Oh, and I love that button jar ♥ *hehe*

Annie Claxton said...

Hehehe you always make me smile Julia - these days I'm more likely to get my belly in the shot than my boobs though! Have a great day out :o) AnnieC #88

CraftygasheadZo said...

Look forward to those meeting up photos! Have a great day but then I know you all will. Fab desk shot, no boobs in sight, only great stash and a productive looking desk!! Take care lovely. Zo xx 96

ike said...

Hahahaha LoL !!! I could just picture your contortions trying to take photos :-D Thank you for the looksee at your desk :-)

IKE xx #99

Cazzy said...

Hi Julia,
I thought I might get 100 again, close! I was going to be really early but was too tired last night, so gave up and went to bed!

I love your desk, and all that is on it! The maze sounds amazing! ha ha. I hope to see the finished thing, I can't imagine it now.

You really do need to brace yourself for my workdesk this week!
Cazzy x

Lindsay Weirich said...

have fun at the meet-up! desk looks neat to me, I too save scraps for a long time until I go crazy, clean and chuck everything:)

Spyder said...

well, your desk looks fantastic to me and I can't wait to get back to mine, but I'm house/dog sitting and their Internet keeps going off so my WOYWW post didn't save....and then I had to walk more dogs.... Maybe I could use the photos again next week, who would know! (I mean, it's always messy!!) I spy that pot to the left's been there a long time... bit like my bisto drums... but today we can spy flower pots through the window!
Love the colour of your zig zaggy card.. will look out for that finished, when I get home...

(Lyn)) no number coz I'm not here!

sandra de said...

Can't wait for the pics of the meet and greet. Enjoy your time together.
Sandra @108

Whimcees said...


As always, your workdesk looks wonderful! I hope that you have a happy day today with your friends! Wishing you well!


Barbara Diane

Annmakes said...

I was wondering who wants to see what my mess is, and then here I am and I want to go and peek over on your desk and open the jars and stuff. HAHAHA.

toni said...

Hi Julia I think you need to start on some projects that need buttons....lots of them ! have fun with you WOYWW buddies Toni #118 x

Unknown said...

Love your post! The imagery of how to get that 'perfect' shot made me smile... it's what we all do lol! Thanks for sharing and happy woyww Liz@119

Robin said...

Hi Julia! Great shot! I usually hit the button on accident and get all kinds of funny pics, like my pajama leg :) or my thumb. I'm not participating this week, but I will see you next week.

April said...

It must be the WOYWW for long posts. I had lots of pictures to share. Hope you have fun on your adventure - can't wait to see the pictures.
April #120

Ohhh Snap said...

It's not a button jar, it's a button cornucopia lol. Now I know why I don't do over head shots, I would fall off the chair or fall over from imbalance : D. I agree with you completely about moving bits around until you are sure they aren't needed/wanted. Happy WOYWW! #122

She Who Doodles said...

I'm a little envious, you are having a meet up a with other WOYWW's. Enjoy, photos please.

peggy gatto said...

thanks for the smile!!!
I hope to join you next wed!!!
Have a wonderful week!

Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

I love your desk...all the bits & pieces. Hope you had a great visit today!

Caro said...

LOL about the overhead shot! I haven't dared attempt it. I have to confess to envy regarding your button jar...I have almost run out of buttons. I hope you had fun with Wipso and the gals today. Thanks for hosting us as ever. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#128)

Andrea said...

great photo and sounds like you deserve a big well done for sparing us body parts and camera straps LOL but I know what you mean trying to ge the right angel my shot was a quick will need to do however it turns out shot as run out of time this morning hope you had a fab time with your fellow woywwer's today and looking forward to seeing the pics !im in button envy with that overflowing jar and that maze mini looks fab but a bit to tricky for my simple ways ! and learn .... happy woyww and have a fab week
Andrea #57

Sarah Leonard said...

I love your description of how you got your photo. I can imagine it in my mind clearly now :)

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh have fun at Japonica. Do you know it smelt just the same in there when I went back recently as it did in my student days.

Unknown said...

#136...a round up of all of my gelli plate prints for collage fodder...18.2 lbs of yumminess!

okienurse said...

well I had to come back and take a look to make sure I did leave a comment and once again it shows...I am never wrong...I didn't comment! Great looking desk and fun stuff to see. Have fun with your meeting up with crafter friends. Thanks for sharing about corraling stuff...doesn't happen around here! I goofed up and had the wrong blog URL on my linky originally was #107 now I am... Vickie #134

Unknown said...

maeze mini: Looks VERY interesting... can't wait to see it finished!
Jana #79

sandysewin said...

I think the desk looks perfectly busy and creative. :-)

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #17

Unknown said...

wow,... I didn't think I would ever get to the end just to post on here. I want to tank you for doing all this! I Think its great and yep I've got the bug now. :-)
This is so much fun and just want to say thank you again. Roberta 55

Breesmimi said...

Hi Julia, I'm a new follower and a day late to the party, but decided to post anyhow! I just did a peek inside the studio that focused on my worktable today. Hope you will come and check it out. Look forward to future postings ON WEDNESDAYS.

Breesmimi said...

Oops sorry, I'm #139 Suzy.

scrappymo! said...

Your desk is so full of projects today. That concertina paper looks interesting as wekk as the offcuts of paper on the front left! I had a giggle over the not photographing the boobs as I am a much larger lady than you so I have the same problem! lol

Not doing a post this week, still off on holidays but just stoped by to say Hi!

Mary said...

Yikes, Wednesday came and Wednesday left and I didn't post one little thing. I did take a photo, but then, the day just flew by. So, today I got my act together. Thanks Julia for being here for us, even when we are too slow to make it on Wednesday! I guess I should have labeled my post WOYWT...

Queen Lightwell said...

Well, I can't be for sure but I think I spaced out after entering and getting my link and failed to leave you a comment! Doh! :) That's an impressive lot of stuff you've got going on there! Does that paper have Russian nesting dolls on it? It's so cute! Thanks for being the hostess with the mostest! Hugs, Deeyll #72

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Man, I'm late this week. Blessings!

Robyn said...

Robyn here 121-
you can possibly participate by buying from Hobby Lobby on line, or if you leave a comment on my blog post you can win the die.
I know how to ship anywhere! LOL

Unknown said...

You are too funny, having to move your boobs out of the pic. After 5 kids mine have headed so far south I practically trip over them now. I love that card stock with the Matryoshka dolls on it. Where ever did you find it. Apologies for being so late this week, I have been in bed sick for the last 4 days. I hope you had a great weekend. (((HUGS)))
Kimmie #109 (my original link #6 was the wrong one…SORRY:(

Kezzy said...

Ooops I'm really late this week, I was sure I had commented lol. I love all those samples on your ipad stand, the first one I can't quite see but it does look super gorgeous. The folded shape card on your desk looks really interesting I shall keep a look out for the post. I have also just seen a picture of your day out I bet it was lovely meeting up. Yuumy I so love your button jar especially when it's overflowing lol. Happy late woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

Funny photos said...

Awesome blog

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Look after my buddies today please and give them all a hug from me!

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