Since the dawn of WOYWW, we've shared some great storage ideas. And I've been using one of them for ages. I am utterly indebted to Sue Kment for this idea... the link takes you directly to her post about them...all of her storage ideas are great. It's not as pretty or as well organised as some - indeed, Sue's own - but this works so well for me. Visit my die cutting station.
By which of course, I mean the worktop at left of my desk. You can see my cutter of choice and something of the way I store the dies. A4 sheets of chipboard with magnetic sheets stuck to them. Then, when I buy a flat die, I dispose of all the packaging and simply add it to a sheet. Saving packaging for filing and identity purposes means fiddling about just when I hit on an idea to cut something and doesn't work for me. They aren't in any particular order - although the Nestabilities are actually nested..and after use they don't go back onto the sheets in any particular order. I don't want to work that hard. And that works for me. It means too that I can pick up the magazine holder and take my collection to Crop without too much effort or car boot space.

Small dies and Cuttlebug square dies are kept in my Union jack tin. Again, mostly for easy transportation. I confess I rarely use them. I think not because they're in a tin, but probably because in the early days I bought dies that I just wouldn't buy now. There's a Quick Kutz alphabet in the blue holder...I went to a lot of expense to buy that and the QK die file, but never really warmed to it. The actual Squeeze went to a Flea Market years ago. I digress.
Then my embossing folders are all to hand in a cheap plastic basket. I can flip through them relatively easily and again, easy to move as and when required. I really like some of the larger folders that have hit the market this year - the 8 x 8 variety for example, as I like the large Nestability ranges. But I don't like them enough to change and buy a bigger bed die cutter. I'm of the opinion that the Grand Calibur has more drawbacks than credits for me, so despite everything being about making me happy, I do see that a line has to be drawn and I'm perfectly happy looking on and liking.
You see that it's not overly pretty. The magazine file hasn't been covered or made more attractive (unless you count the moustache packing tape that was used in an emergency to prevent a tragic breakage). The plastic basket probably should be a neatly covered cardboard box or something, and certainly I know that the lack of categorising will make some people stare in wonder at my indisciplined storage. But it works so well for me.
So a big up from me for the magnetic sheet system...definitely a GIIGU in this house!
It may not be pretty, but if it keeps everything readily at hand, so that it gets used, that has to be a big plus. I've only got a few of the small wafer thin dies and they're in an ice cream tub in my file drawers. I like the idea of having them all stuck on one big magnetic sheet.
PS I clicked the link and it said the page was unavailable.
If it works, it's beautiful! Looking for things drives me mad (hence the abundance of things out since they don't yet have a place). So I'll have to go check out the ideas : D. And oooooo lookit your Sizzix! And it's so pretty too!
BRILLIANT! I also use magnetic sheets for dies - the file I keep them in weighs a ton! Gonna be a nasty accident if it ever gets dropped on my tootsies :(
Hugs, Di xx
What a great idea... I keep my dies in their packages (I only have Tim ones, no nestabilities or anything) but the plastic box they're in with the embossing folders is overflowing and could be so much better organised... and I trip over it in the doorway regularly...I like this GIIGU- thank you!
I love this GIIGU too and I store my dies on magnetic sheets too but keep them in clear plastic A4 boxes from the £1 shop - like your idea better though, may just have to change mine... Hugs, Anne x
Just loooove your girly big shot!!! And this is such great storage ideas. I'm going to have to go and check out that site! Thanks for the heads up.
My friends cringe that I throw away packaging - but really slipping something in and out of plastic bags is such a waste of time... I like the die storage idea... I have magnets but not in a book/file... Mxx
That is why it's SO incredibly hard for professional organizers to organize a craft room. It's just too personal, and will only work if you take your work habits into account. What works for you makes it the perfect solution (FOR YOU). I'm sure you have given a few others a way to store their dies, too.
I'm new to die cutting and don't own any of the nesties. I gave my one set to my friend Kathy because the machine she gave me doesn't cut them. I like your storage solution and will be passing this tip onto Kathy, who keeps her stuff in containers and boxes.
BTW, not EVERYTHING needs to be decorated to be called storage. Most of my stuff is not kept in decorated containers, and I'm perfectly happy with that. I agree that whatever works for you is the right way.
I think it's beautiful the way it keeps everything organized. You did a great job. It's so hard to really get organized when you need pretty much everything there at one time or another. Your Die Cutting Station will work great!!!
It doesn't have to be pretty to be useful and it's a great idea if you need to transport them. I keep mine on magnetic sheets stuck on the doors of my cupboard so I can see them all. I found if they were in folders I used the same ones all the time. And don't throw the packaging away - use it like Clearly For Art modelling film - see here x
Very cool! I need to sort mine out xx
Oh I saw somewhere someone bought the 8 by 8 dies and cut them to fit so they ended up getting a 8 by 6 folder and a bonus embossing edger makes me wanna start looking at those lol 2 for the price of one
hugs Nikki
Hey what works for you is all that matters. And as far as being pretty...naw never was one to decorate my tools...doesn't work too well when you're a machinist anyway. :) Cool I can add GIIGU to my vocabulary along with NBUS and WOYWW ! Hugs
Fabulous storage ideas for dies and embossing folders, mines is just in a plastic box, don't have too many yet, will take at look at Sue's ideas, tomorrow, thanks for sharing xxx
Yep- perfectly good solution Julia.I'd rather be making things than making pretty boxes as containers.Just has to be functional doesn't it.Like these ideas.
That looks like a very functional storage system to me. I use A4 magnetic sheets in a purpose bought filing box, but they are too flexible so when I turn a 'page' all the dies start to lift. Sticking it onto chipboard sounds like an excellent solution. Kate x
Hi Julia,
If it works for you then that is all that matters this is what I have done with mine, if you want to look. A link from a former post.
Hugs Eliza
Mine are in a cd thing on magnetic sheets so similar in a way. I do confess though that my other than Spellbinders are in one of those "ArtBox things of Purpose" but to make up for being posh with those my Sizzix ones are in a cardboard box that coffee pods used to come in in America. Brought flattened from a holiday once. Sadly the boxes are no longer available!
And the latter is not decorated - yet.
Hugs Neet (who loves decorating boxes) xx
Most of mine are kept in little snappy bag thingys, I keep meaning to get some magnetic sheets to store them on.
C xx
I may have said before but I like to be organised .... in a disorganised way. I made a magnetic book a while ago for storage but soon out grew it now I use a slip in photo album with magnetic sheets in so I guess its similar I wish I spent less time organising and more time crafting! back to the save the date cards hehe
ps I couldn't get the link to work either
I always think it is interesting when people ask what *you* do in regards to storage. I know it is a great way to get ideas but ultimately it is up to the person using it and what works for them.
Your hodge podge way of storing embossing folders worked for me until more recently. I put them into a plastic box to lighten the dusting load since I have a kitty who is allergic to dust (so I am but my allergy isn't enough to motivate me). The plastic box hodge podge worked for awhile but now I upgraded to a plastic box with a few dividers in it. That way I can store the most frequently used in one easy to reach place.
I haven't figured out my secret to dies yet. I have several different things going on at once right now. It is on the edge of disaster but not close enough to do something yet. I'll know the perfect thing when I see it. Or not.
Is that the new teal Big Shot? That is exactly what I'm going to get!! So excited to see it here. Your organization is very well done--die cut heaven. *sigh*
Looks good to me Julia . . . and obviously works well for you.
Most of my embossing folders and Bug plates are in a little RUB box . . . the dies themselves are stuck to 3 IKEA magnetic knife racks on my craft room wall. I've run out of space on them now!
Sarn xxx
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