Wednesday 31 October 2012

WOYWW? 177 oops....I mean 178..

 What's On Your Workdesk?  Well thanks for asking...I have to tell you that I'm constantly surprised that you still do.  Here it is....taken in the good daylight of Tuesday afternoon and exactly as it still looks...I was called to greater service.  Had to go do a grand prix around the supermarket.  I know, it's all glamour.

Ooh look, I'm Mrs GotTech  - the iPad and the out-of-date-but-still-OK-for-me iPhone. One was in use entertaining me with a series on how Spain was born and the other was entertaining me with various messages.  The squirty bottle is filled with bubblegum scented stamp cleaner.  Really it is.  I found it during a clear out and I reckon it's over ten years old.  Hasn't improved the smell any, but it still works!  You can see a lovely wood mount stamp by Artemio - a Reindeer,as I live and breathe. As yet unused. A bag full of Kaiser tags in Kraft...strewn a bit so I could see how many of which shape per bag.  And there, plonked in the middle is a very valuable and much used notebook.  More to the point, I've finally used the WOYWW Crop kit contents.  And made a much overdue embellishment to the front cover of the notebook - now I can tell which way up it opens! 
Of all the homework I've seen with this little challenge kit, I've been surprised that no-one else has cut off the black keyline which I drew for the house shape...but I don't know why I'm surprised.  Nothing should surprise me about the way clever people interpret my stuff!

Now that's enough from me.  Time to play - please join us.  Show a photo on your blog of your desk/works surface.  Link here but please be sure to put WOYWW in your post title.  Visit as many as you can..because it's fun.  If visiting as many as you can turns into a chore, then stop trying to visit so many!  Everyone understands, it can be very time consuming!  Oh and to answer a lot of enquiries...there is no contest to be No 1 on the list per se....and I try to make this a scheduled post for about 1.30AM London our non Blighty dwellers a fair crack at posting in daylight.  However...sometime that will change so that the Blighty dwellers don't have to stay up all night....turn and turn about!


Bridget Larsen Australia said...

I think your counting has gone backwards lol its 178 this week. Yippeee my ipad has returned but it does look abit square, in the Southern Hemisphere they are oblong.
Bridget #3

Helen said...

No contest to be no 1 ? Are you! I like your notebook cover, tres chic. However I think we had WOYWW 177 last week so mine is called WOYWW 178 today... Helen, 4

Create With Joy said...

What a lovely card! Bubble gum scented cleaner? I think I have some of that too!

Have a happy WOYWW - and, surprise, surprise, you get to see my DESK this week!

Create With Joy - #5

Deb said...

that could almost be my desk, I recognize so many things that I own, did you pop over here this week? I have a similar reindeer stamp and same, not yet used, but probably 3 years old!

Spyder said...

well, I was just going to bed, but I'm glad I didn't coz that means I can have a little lay in now! My glue thingy always clogs up! and I do like your spotty house, or is that, dotty house?
Happy Halloween... (I don't do it, but I do buy the sweets in case kids come round... and then eat them all..) ((Lyn)) #6 I think!

Nikki said...

Cute little book cover and that reigndeer stamp is a cutie too what are those tag stamps ... can't make em out.

Hey who are you kidding trying to get number 1 here is a challenge in it's self for those who make it BUY A LOTTO TICKET LOL!!!

hugs Nikki
P.S I have a little surprize candy if anyone wants a go at it :)

Nikki said...

opps # 6 on the linky

peggy aplSEEDS said...

congratulations for winning this week, Brenda! what? there's no contest!?

your out of date iPhone is still hi tech to me. my phone is so out of date that when i was in Korea, it didn't even work! i guess it's time to get a better phone!

great stuff on the workdesk today, Julia! happy WOYWW!

Mari K. said...

Very cute! Happy Wednesday!

Ali said...

Eh? I'm getting deja vu... wasn't it #177 last week? :lol:


famfa said...

Sorry I am on twice. Brenda linked me and I didn't see it, then I linked myself. You may decide to delete one of them. Great desk. Love the reindeer stamp, would like to see what it looks like on card. Super book front
FAMFA 10 & 16

Maria said...

Hi Ya Julia,

Hope you have had a great week, just wanted to say that I love how your daughters game of throne costume came out, my kids are going to a big anime and cops,ay convention next month well hang on I'm going too...
One of the guys from Torchwood is going to be there and I want a photo....
Have a great week.

Maria 8

Shoshi said...

Hi Julia, and thank you yet again for all you do for us, and for giving us such a fun time each week.

Your desk looks very busy - and isn't it fun finding old stuff you'd forgotten you had? Not sure I'd like bubble gum scented anything, but if it does the job... lol!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #21

Anonymous said...

thankyou for hosting again, your desk is always so interesting, I'm so glad to be back!

Unknown said...

I'm kinda over the moon about the bubble gum scented stamp cleaner. Hugs! Sandy Leigh

Unknown said...

It's actually 10:17 p.m here in the southern state of FL on Tuesday. Your desk always makes me look around, so interesting! #25

Robin said...

Hi Julia!

It's like getting something new, when you "shop" in your own studio! What's in this very important notebook. I bet all your crafting secrets! Love your image! Happy Halloween!

Sandi McLean said...

Lovin` that little notebook Julia! I see Famfa is on twice - that means I will be 27! Earliest I have been on the list. I asked about a contest, don`t think you can change the competitive nature of a number of us LOL I-pad oh you are moderne! I had that same I-phone, just upgraded. The tec tells me that the old phone actually had more memory and data space than what I was getting! Go figure. Have a great week!! I

Katie said...

Thanks as usual for hosting! Happy Halloween! What's in the syringe on your desk? Oh and I love the little shoe pin cushion!

Katie (31)

trisha too said...

Ah, yes, the glamour of the supermarket is hard to beat . . . Julia, your cell phone is the latest and greatest compared to mine, very fancy!


BJ said...

Oh the cutest little note book ever. I love it. And if you think your iphone is out of date, I don't even have one let alone an ipad! BJ #35 with disco phone!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Great "chuckly" post as usual Julia..
..and yes agree iphone all hi tech to me .. not smart phone here.. but like your new cover for your book interesting see what folks have done as you say!! happy WOYWW! no matter the number, I dont write it anymore as get it wrong :D Shaz in perfectly sunny Oz.x

VonnyK said...

Your notebook is gorgeous and I love that reindeer stamp. Your phone is way ahead of me, I have a dag one. It's just a phone, thankfully as I could never work anything else. My little miss has to have an ipad for school next year and I'm dreading that. Those touchy feely things hate me, give me a big clunky keyboard any day.
Have a great week.
Von # 38

Eliza said...


The world is a strange and wonderful place sometimes and it would be a boring one if everyone did the same thing.

Eliza 40

Mary said...

Hi...having a fun snoop around your desk. I do like your notebook cover...Very pretty. And that is a cool reindeer. Have a great week and see you next week.

Sue from Oregon said...

I am so untechie, but have a wonderfully techie son that keeps on trying to teach me...guess he still thinks there is hope LOL! I have the oldest dang blackberry still...mostly because I can only find it about a quarter of the time! I hear phones all day long, so not much interest in them the rest of the day...but know that ipad piques my interest for sure!

Queenie Jeannie said...

You're rocking a rather tidy desk this week! Thank you for hosting such a fun time!!!

A Hovel to Home said...

Lovely card.

I too have an out of date, but just dandy by me iphone!!



KatzElbows said...

If you can find some steel pins, they are fabulous for sticking in the tips of glue bottles and syringes to keep the tip unclogged.

Oh, and if you say it's 177, then it's 177. You are the Queen!

cheers, rachel #50

Nicky said...

Love the notebook you have covered and the outfits you made for Miss D are brilliant hope we get to see them modelled - have a great week

Kyla said...

Great crop kit make....never considered cutting inside the black line and making it into another shape!
Kyla #53

scrappymo! said...

Well, it's 11: 19 Tuesday evening in Vancouver...but it has been Wednesday in England for quite some time. I never know if we in Canada and the other outlying countrys are supposed to wait till Wednesday in our own Countries or not...???

You win the award for the best use of the crop's goody bag contents.!

Congrats on the TV and radio are famous!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Unreal what you will find in a clear out! I am trying to do them more often. Your Ipad is way ahead of my little cell..DH don't like change so He pays the bill so I wait til his is on it's way out and update...shouldn't be too far away
Happy WOYWW, enjoy the week and have fun bopping around the circut. #54 about 1:30AM in the states with a pretty calm full moon.

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Lovely busy desk as usual. Full of tech - me and hubby are not fans of Apple (well, we admire their styling and I stroke any of their products when in a shop, but not a fan of the price!), so strictly Microsoft in the Wade household. Hoping to get a tablet soon - keep hinting and hoping! Back to crafting - love the notebook cover decoration. I have got a thing about notebooks - I think there are 5 on my desk at the moment. Ali x #55 ps Of course there is competition to get to #1, but no hope here even when I get up early.

Krisha said...

LOL oh Julia, we yanks stay up late anyway,and have gotten smarter about posting on Tuesday to make UK time. We do try to do our part too. I too am hoping Santa brings me a tablet, right after he pays for the new 5th wheel trailer......LOL Happy WOYWW
Krisha #50.....I think

Ann B said...

I have those tickets stamps as well - using them yesterday on a birthday card - too early for Christmas cards for me.
I know the clocks went back last weekend but a whole week - must have missed that one.

Ann B

Queen Lightwell said...

Even though I'm literally exhausted, so don't expect this comment to make the *most* sense, I wanted to make sure I thank you for hostessing us snoops! I so love peeking into others worlds and being inspired and encouraged and sometimes, just utterly fascinated and in awe of the messes grown women can make! lol Because I have seen the mess I can make and it's not pretty! ha! Anyways, thank you so much and I love the creative disarray your desk always seems to be in...I might think you were in a funk of some sort if it ever appeared to not have a million things happening on it! :)
Cheers from a yank(who is thankfully far far away from the east coast and hurricane Sandy), Deeyll #160

Darnell said...

I love your little notebook cover, Julia, and that's an adorable reindeer stamp you are getting up the courage to use!

Have a great week and thanks for hosting, as always!

(I think it's hysterical about which number this WOYWW is!)

My name is Cindy said...

Morning Julia!! Good to see you've done your homework lol! I have some of that bubblegum cleaner - it truly is the most awful pong, not offensive but really gets up the nose! I do wonder what is in manufacturer's minds sometimes, the natural product can't smell any worse. Happy WOYWW!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have NO idea how important it is to be #1 at WoYWW. To be in the top 5 is a challenge, since so many people with fast internet accesses are vying for the position.

I LOVE that reindeer. Very artsy. And I see you put your house to good use by placing it on a notebook.

I got a laugh at the fact YOUR clocks were set back to standard time last week, while we Yanks don't move ours until next Sunday (Nov 4). We have to be different. And I adore that you have no idea what WOYWW this is. Just goes to show we all lose track of time on occasion, especially when life gets in the way of blogging.

Have a great week dear friend. Even though I'm not playing this week, I'm still up late.

Unknown said...

Hi Julia Cute little ticket stamps! Love the little note book cover - I really like craft and red together. Off to make breakfast before the Halloween Mayhem begins! Haunted Halloween to you from Helen 71

Emily said...

Happy Halloween... I love the little house on the front of your book... Reminds me of Noddy and Big Ears for some reason.


donnalouiserodgers said...

I read an excellent book on the history of Andalucia, very very moving, was all about the tough times just pre WW2, nasty stuff....

and such a beautiful country and people - odd what a few bad uns can do eh?

I admire Spain so much for having Anarchy as a State of Being (albeit brief and relatively unfruitful) I guess I should be brushing up on my French political history too if I am going to have shmooze with the Notaire and Maire...

ha ha ha

more likely I will agonise over my 'C" cards...

dxxx 73

Gabrielle said...

Hey! Got to play this week! Means life hasn't been too hectic! Love the notebook - the little house is super cute! Thinking that you watch far worthier stuff when you're being creative. I seem to gravitate to "Murder she wrote" *hangs head in shame*!!!!!!!

kay said...

happy halloween julia,and seeing as we have the same iphone surely they cant be out of
your embellished notebook is rather cute and i like the idea of bubblegum cleaner
have a great day
kay #75

MrsC.x said...

cor how high tech are you?!? i dont possess and i anything all far too high tech for me, my phone just about texts and calls if it is in a good mood!?!

ha no competition?? maybe not but everyone likes to get as close to number one as poss.xx

Zue said...

I love the smell of bubble gum!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, my iphone isn't the latest and greatest either but performs perfectly well for my needs ... can't see the point to chopping and changing. I like decorated notebooks and yours, with it's new cover, is very swish looking now. I bet the history of Spain programme was interesting - when I was very much younger, I went through a phase of being fascinated by Spain, and more specifically, the shenanigans of the Spanish royals. Read reams on the subject and yet I have never been to Spain! Oh, and the chances of me ever being #1 are even more remote than me going to Spain :) Happy Halloween and happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #76

Lynn Holland said...

That notebook looks like the ones we used for the Sketchbook Project 2012 Julia.
Hey maybe you could use it to join my new blog SKETCHBOOK FRIENDS.
Have a lovely week
Lynn-One I Made Earlier Today- 79

Twiglet said...

It's not what you do - it's the way that you do it! You have placed all those little items so carefully and created a lovely little book cover with your "challenge" bits. x Jo

Andrea said...

oops sorry first time(78) I linked to stamping ground!!!!... sorry so the second is me number 81 great to be back for another week and off to have a snoop around thanks x

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Hi Julia. Back again after an enormous summer stop :-) But, as you can read in my post, not without traveling and crafting. Love the colour combination of your card on your desk. xFranka #49

Unknown said...

Oh, I love your little house collage - so cute!
Have a nice day!

Jenny Marples said...

Of everything wonderful going on around your desk why is is the bubblegum scented stamp cleaner that's got me smiling?! Little things... thanks for hosting again this week. Hope Miss Dunnit enjoyed her day out btw. Hugs, Buttons x

JoZart Designs said...

ooops! I've made my homework cards but forgot to post them and amazingly... I DID trim off the black lines of the house! We are only getting to see a little patch of your desk this week.... makes me curious what lurks beyond......????
Thanks for your lovely comment,
Love Jo x

sandra de said...

Ohhh very cute little notebook cover. Love the reindeer stamp and will look forward to seeing what you create.
Sandra @87

shazsilverwolf said...

Good Morning Julia-that is a very sweet little reindeer, and you have no idea how it pleased me to find someone else has stamps that have not seen ink yet, :). Off to make a coffee( just woke up) and will be back to visit. Shaz #90

Stamps and Paper said...

Its my first time joining in so will go and have a nose around your desks!


Annie said...

Hi Julia,
I've just popped in to link but you call in at my blog at your own risk today :-(
A x

Joanne said...

Love the notebook front. I want to get back home to my little space and also work out whether I need an i-phone or a mobile router and tablet, decisions as techy as that are giving me a headache. i don't even know what they are!!!!!
Joanne # 1,0007 x

Glenda said...

I didn't get to play today, but I will be visiting as many as I can. Love your desk space this morning. Looks like you have a lot going on. Happy Halloween!

lisa said...

No chance of me being No 1, I'm always chuffed if I scrap in below 100!!
Great looking desk, Julia, love the streak of sunlight and that strategically placed little heart.
Hugs Lisax #95

Sarn said...

Happy WOYWW Julia et al. There, that about covers everyone in one hit! LOL!

I want to come and play at your desk Julia. Loving the new-look notebook.

Sarn xxx

Karen said...

Love the desk this week, those kraft tags are so pretty, Looking forward to seeing the end results of them! Happy WOYWW! Karen T 96 x

Cardarian said...

You are obviosly into i things, iPhone, iPad... I didn't know you gave yourself a homework too! Well done...
Lots of hugs,

Louise B said...

Your notebook looks pretty. Love red and kraft together.

Roudi said...

Yep, I started making Christmas cards too. It's never too early!

Happy WOYWW! ♥

Roudi #99

Lindsay Weirich said...

I enjoy woyww so mauch each week! your desk look a little sparse this week Julia, been cleaning?
Lindsay #102

MiniOwner said...

A pretty notebook ... and thanks for the reminder about the bubblegum scented stuff ... now where did I put mine?
Happy Wednesday.
Sue (Miniowner @102)

Anna Karlsson Widmark said...

Back in the game! Yay!
Love the notebook, I need something similar... Might just keep it simple and copy your design... :)
Have a lovely Wednesday!

Anna Karlsson Widmark said...

However I do it, my link doesn't seem to stick today. Weird. Well, I'll just post it here too.
And it might turn up three times in the link list... ;)

The House of Bears said...

Well we quite like linking at the over 100 stage, as it matches our combined ages!! We need some bubblegum scented stamp cleaner, mm mmm.

Chloe grice said...

It's not a chore, it's just that one week is too short!! Thanks as ever for hosting, and I love your reindeer, he is quite beautiful :-)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hello there - not taking part this WOYWW, too much other stuff happening and I need (been told off!) to rest and not sit at my puter too much, but wanted to pop by some of my fav desks anyway! Love what you've done with the Crop kit, have enjoyed seeing what we've all done with it. Me desk is left empty at mo, again been told off for spending too much time doing stuff when I need to be resting. Am home alone at mo so am sneaking a peek before I get caught again! Ha ha. Right best get some food in me then I do need to sleep, I have an article to finish so need to be full functional to make sure I don't write total drivel! Take care lovely. ZO xx

Neet said...

I haven't got a fancy phone at all,just one that is used for emergencies which hopefully don't happen. Got the iPad though (as you will realise from my post last week). Got that reindeer stamp too and the syringe glue.
Don't know about you but these dark nights sure make me sleepy.
Hugs, neet xx 23

Tammy said...

Yeah - I have something to share today! :) I'm loving the kraft tags on your desk. I adore anything kraft these days. I have the same iPhone and while the lag time annoys me, it still works fine so I can't justify an upgrade. Behind the times I guess but that means more money for crafty stuff! Happy Wednesday!

Becky said...

I love the daylight shots and I don't have an iPhone, so an out of date one would be okay for me too :) I have quite the soft spot for notebooks, and yours is no exception!

Angie said...

Woopsy Robbie says when he forgets to do something ...I forgot to comment. The thought of the bubble gum smell actually made me want to heave.
I cant understand all this upgrading ...if it works why would you??? My DD is always trying to get me to buy a 'proper mobile' but I explain that its only 2 years old ...I can phone people ...recieve calls and text ...what more do I want ...and it was less than £10. xx #101

Anonymous said...

It's my first time to join. I only came across this blog last week (Yeah I think I live under a Rock!!!) I have left my linky and I shall be having a look at what others have on their Desks.
Thanks for hosting this and making this an open Party

Anonymous said...

Thought at first house had holes in it and you were using up snippets but then looked again and realised its spots. Love the look.
Tricia 86.

MiniOwner said...

Pleeease can someone explain why I've been at #102 all morning and now I'm #98?
Sue x

Tamika said...

Something but I don't think it was Hurricane Sandy in the East coast had my computer not connecting to the internet world so I went to bed Wed your time and debated if I wanted to be #112 on Wed UK time! Oh well, bubblegum scented stamp cleaner might lead me to try and add it to glue and chew it LOL! Your card is cute it the polka dot home vellum?

Kim said...

I Love that bubblegum cleaner! Mine is in the caddy, with only about an inch left. Mine too is between 10-15 years old...(I've been saving it... do you think they still even make it any more? I love that reindeer stamp...I can't wait to see what you do with it. Have a Happy Halloween.

Karen McAlpine said...

Yep, cool reindeer stamp. Very nice note book cover!
Karen 107

Katie said...

I love the cover of your book! It looks great!

Unknown said...

First timer here!!! Thanks for hosting this!

Unknown said...

oh how super sweet is the cover!!! wonderful work!!!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

Not linking up (again) but there's a few desks that I plan to visit.

Ick -- I just about puked when I read about bubble gum smelling stamp cleaner! There are actually some smells of gum that do make me queezy.....

Hope to join in next week.

Crafty hugs,

Erika said...

Happy Halloween Julia have a fine crafty day. Love your present project on your desk.
Erika 118.

Annie said...

hope this works, having trouble today leaving comments .. .. love your little note book cover. hugs, annie x

Unknown said...

Sweet notebook embellishment. I'm glad I'm not the only one with uninked stamps.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your notebook! I always have to have notebook - memory like sieve! Chris 126

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Isn't that clever of you to put something on the notebook so you know which way it goes! That sounds like something I would do when I was down to the last 5 pages. Hopefully, you didn't wait that long! Happy day, Ms. Techy!

Karin said...

Happy Hallowe'en, you're book looks great.
Karin 127

JB said...

Love your Xmas tree 'kraft' card Julia. Have a good week x
JB *128

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Cute reindeer, but it's the ticket stamps I'm coveting! Loving what you've done with the little notebook.
Fiona xx #129

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

Why can't they make a chocolate scented stamper cleaner? I mean honestly I might actually use one if it smelled good!
Happy WOYWW!!!!
Angie #130

C said...

Happy Halloween, Julia! I get later and later on the fun but maybe after the holidays will be back to whatever normal is...darling notebook!!

Anonymous said...

I just realised I forgot to comment last night! I was ready for bed, our clocks haven't changed so your post went live at 9:30 for me and not 8:30, so I just linked and ran!! I've enjoyed seeing what everyone came up with from the goody bag, they're all so different. Me, I like the black line, it gives the house definition!


belldoubleyou said...

Your desk is looking properly messy today, Julia! Mine doesn't look too bad this week, it's untidy but with plenty more open space to pile things up in...

I never got round last week to answering your question about my augur -- in fact, I'm still not certain what you were asking about! I suspect I lack the requisite British craft-ese to interpret you properly.

#135 this week, actually a rather higher number than I was expecting by this point...

Unknown said...

re: comment on my blog. Don't know about the sticky sheets you are referring to. I use felt on the back of all my cloth flowers. I use them for hair clips, head bands, decorating clothes or altering photo frames and such......I am just making up a bunch and then I will decide how and where to use them.

Caz said...

I was all set to join in at work at lunchtime but IE8 wouldn't pick up Mr Linky!!! So I'm back to a high number again this week :-(

Unknown said...

I had to smile as I have some of that Bubblegum stuff.
Notebook cover looks good.


Belinda Basson said...

Oh my word, I only realised it was Wednesday when I saw this post and it has been Wednesday all day! It is now 7:53pm so I guess I will give this weeks post a miss and go peruse desks instead...still trying to find where the week in shock...

Angela Toucan said...

pretty embellishing of your note book.
Are you about to use that neglected reindeer stamp?

JoZart Designs said...

I notice on some WOYWW blogs mention of us being on radio.... It was ME!! I was interviewed on BBC Radio Merseyside about different ways of socialising. (I worked there 8 years before I retired.) When I mentioned blogging we talked about how friendships can be made via web groups and WOYWW etc.
Thought I'd better let you know as I never thought it would be picked up by anyone other than locals!
Jo x

fairy thoughts said...

I'm not surprised nobody else cut the black line off. I dont really know why I didnt.... just didnt seem right.
I must start 'doing' christmas soooooon, or I may even miss it

Amy E said...

Your desk IS looking might techy this week! I think an iPad would be so much fun!!

So, what's in the syringe-looking thing right above your notebook? Is that like a type of glue?

Bubblegum scented stamp cleaner? Scary...but interesting! Haha!

Thanks for the visit and your sweet words this week. I'm super excited about the Silhouette...but haven't done a thing with it yet, except stare at it. It IS going to be hard to learn I fear!! Wish me luck!!

Amy E. #9

SandeeNC said...

We all want to be #1 in your eyes! lol...oh...ok, we just want mazium number of comments! skipping away...waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Hettie said...

Shame on you Julia. A stamp with a reindeer UNINKED!!!! Naughty girl!
Nice little front on your book now for you to work out the front!
No desk today as I had issues with Blogger/Google and now have to pay for my photo storage and if i don't I cannot put them on my blog :-(
See ya next week.

Bernice said...

Nice reindeer stamp - have only just discovered Artemio this week - found some lovely felt made by them. Great notebook. Thanks for my WOYWW badge and the lovely card,
Bernice #7

LisaDV said...

That reindeer stamp is so cute. But he did phone me long distance, and collect, to have me tell you he really wants to be an image on your next Christmas card.
Your house notepad is terrific. Have a terrific week.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your dedication in hosting this party every week. The reindeer stamp looks like an elegant one. Hope you're having a good week. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura

Jackie said...

i'm terribly late this week but as I had taken my piccy yesterday I thought I would add it :)

Monica said...

I made it Julie. Actually posted on Blogsy. Someone on this group told me about that program and how it works for iPad. Quite a challenge. Now to check out newly installed fridge and hope i can start creating again.

Love reading your blog

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit and comment, Julia! Yes, really enjoying getting on with the knitting now. What a good idea to make bags with the tapes - knitted up, they should be nice and strong. I could also perhaps incorporate some wooden beads and decorate them a bit. I just hate the idea of it all ending up in landfill!

As for the annotating, no, I'm not a natural annotator as I work, lol! My work space is pretty small, because my space isn't that well organised. When we move, I shall start organising a room from scratch, now I know what I need, and things should be a lot better.

Hope you are having a good week!

Shoshi #15 (my number keeps changing this week!)

Caro said...

I'm a bit late in visiting this week. I have a bottle of that bubblegum scented stamp cleaner from years ago somewhere as well...i never used it as the smell made me feel sick! Your desk looks great this week. Caro #80

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