I spent 3 hours on Saturday, crafting for nothing except the fun of it. Of course, 3 of the 4 things I played with are unfinished....that's the trouble with crafting for the fun of it in Julia world. It makes me start things that have indefinite drying times; generally, in workshop mode I have to avoid over gluing, glittering, painting because a two hour midweek workshop doesn't allow for too much drying! Or is it because I'm just plain horribly impatient. Hmm. That's more likely I must say. Because the drying time means I have to find something else to do and then I get absorbed by the something else and lose interest in the newly dried. I think. I can't completely own up to that because I haven't had a chance to sit down at last nights painted stuff yet. I watched TV once I'd painted last night. In between coming back to see how it was doing. Which meant that my last waking moments were spent touching up because it had finger prints on it from being jabbed to see if it was dry, and then cleaning my hands (and teeth, of course!). Honestly, how childishly impatient. Ah well. I'll show you at some stage. Don't hold your breath or be impatient with me, I can't bear it.
My heart is heavy over the horrifying natural destruction wrought on Japan. If you are affected in any way at all, please know that I hold you in my thoughts and hope that my small actions of contribution and fraternity will help you to understand that whatever else, you are not alone.
good thinking. I would go to prison for that. Hopefully no one hit capture screen....
Guess what Julia? I am going to make stuff for the fun of it today too. Because I don't really do that much. You reminded me to.
You are right Julia there are so many affected by whats happening over there, my cousin in law lives there and we only just heard from her yesterday that she and her japanese family are all okay.
As to the drying time well we've all done that! I try to only have two projects on the go, try being the operative word so as one is drying I am doing something on the other one.
Hope to see you on Wednesday!
Great minds think alike I've been doing some cards yesterday and today just for the fun of it!! Hugs Pamx
Everything I have made that involves leaving it alone to dry has my fingerprint on it somewhere, so I don't think you are alone on the impatient bit!!
Goodness me where does that leave me. I have twelve projects on the go at the moment.
gorgeous card Julia :) I think my breakthrough with my Pro-markers was admitting I didn't have a clue how to use them & watching a tutorial or two on youtube lol.
I so need to tidy up the craft room - its a toss up between creating and not being called a craft room slut on Wednesday LOL. Lovely card - those little tag stamps look like BeachHuts to me, and you have given me an idea for a card - looks like I shall just have to wear the crafting slob tag with pride this week ....
thank you for saving Amy from Prison,
thank you for having fun,
thank you for having something to say and saying it on your blog,
thank you that one of those things was for Japan as a nation who is suffering,
and thank you for forgiving me (who read a bit more than Darcy or Amy did but still didn't read it properly because she was impatient to get to the Mr Linky) and posted a preview of her PIF thing...
if you ask me to remove the post I shall do so because as one impatient person to another we understand we must follow some tortuous rules or there will be chaos as well as dragons in the kingdom... however, if the sneak peaks emerge on a few blogs won't the 'ratings' be interesting on the day???? I have set my heart on Sandra De's hand knitted teapot cosy...
let the elbow barging begin.. maw hah hah
You are not alone in your impatience. TRUST ME! Your card is super cute, though!!!
Free. Time. Can you really put those words together. In the same sentence? WOW. Who would have thunk such a thing was possible. Your card is darling. I have CADD. Otherwise known as Craft Attention Deficit Disorder. I can't wait for one project to dry/set-up/whathaveyou without starting another one. I think the only cure is Chocolate. But I'll have to do more testing to be sure....
Like you, Jules, I have actually had some spare time for crafting, but found I couldn't really settle to anything. Although not "personally" affected by the destruction in Japan, we watched with horror, then disbelief, then tears at the devastation shown - now daily in increasing detail on the television. My heart and prayers are with those who are suffering too.
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